Infinite Torture Evolution

Chapter 166 Okay (below) [ten more]

Han Shuyan's apprentice, that is, the level 5 evolutionary, is called Bai Qiuheng.

He is doing his best today.

Those who came to participate today are not bad at all. Some people even held their own calligraphy exhibition.

There are many elders in their 50s and 60s, all with very good skills.

But even so, Bai Qiuheng won the first place in the preliminary, semi-finals and finals, winning the championship with an absolute advantage.

His calligraphy level surprised everyone present.

The host’s evaluation was: "Mr. Bai Qiuheng’s calligraphy, flickering and appearing, suddenly magnificent, like the water of the Yellow River; suddenly lingering, like a spring in the mountains. The variety is rich and dizzying. It won today’s. The champion is well deserved."

The following people listened and talked:

"As expected of Mr. Shuyan's disciple, this level is high!"

"Look at his poem. Twenty-eight characters. Each character has at least one superb calligraphy skill. I guess I won't be able to learn it in my life."

"I don't know, I just saw that there are so many skills and changes in calligraphy. I learned it in vain before."

"In my opinion, with Bai Qiuheng's calligraphy level, one character can sell for at least two thousand, and this poem can be sold for fifty-six thousand."

"This is already very high, you know, even if it is Mr. Wang Molin, a poem like this will be more than two hundred thousand and nearly three hundred thousand. A young man's calligraphy can reach such a high price, it really makes People are amazing."

Someone said this, and immediately said on the spot: "Mr. Bai Qiuheng, can this character be sold to me, I will pay 60,000 yuan."

"I'm out of sixty-five thousand!"

"I give out 70,000!"

The host exclaimed: "Someone wanted to buy a calligraphy at the calligraphy competition, and it was the first time that such a high price was offered!"

Bai Qiuheng had a pretty face, and said: "Definitely you can sell it, and I will donate all the money I sell to Project Hope."


The applause from below suddenly rang enthusiastically.

"As expected of Mr. Han Shuyan's disciple, he has nothing to say about his book or character."

"On this character, it would be unreasonable if you don't win the championship."

"I have always been a provocative person, but to Mr. Bai Qiuheng, I really have nothing to say."


The calligraphers on the judges' bench also said to Han Shuyan: "Mr. Shuyan is really a master student."

"To learn calligraphy, you must first learn to be a man. Mr. Shuyan did the best at this point, and his apprentices also did very well."

"Bai Qiuheng really has completely inherited the book and character of Mr. Shuyan."

Han Shuyan always bowed his hands to the judges and said: "Everyone is so polite. Those of us who are studying books should never turn a blind eye to things outside the window. Instead, we must have a grateful heart and give back to the world. Heart. Otherwise, no matter how good the calligraphy is, what is the use of bad character? Mr. Mo Lin, don't you think?"

Wang Molin's expression stagnated, a little embarrassed.

Han Shuyan's apprentice was in the limelight, but his apprentice could only stand behind him. How could this not embarrass him?

If it's someone else, it's just Han Shuyan.

Especially when Han Shuyan stabbed him from time to time, it made him angry even more.

But he thinks that Lin Yi has only learned calligraphy for more than 20 days, and his calligraphy level is far from Bai Qiuheng's level.

So he can only suffer.

Coincidentally, the host of At the moment said: "Now we invite Mr. Wang Molin, the first famous painter and calligrapher in China, to present awards to the champion."

Wang Molin's eyebrows moved slightly, and his complexion was a little red.

Maybe others think it's nothing.

But Wang Molin and Han Shuyan have been fighting for so many years, and now he is asked to present awards to Han Shuyan's disciples. Isn't this letting him slap himself in the face?

Han Shuyan also stabbed Wang Molin in a timely manner: "Mr. Mo Lin, my incompetent apprentice, it is a great honor for you to present the awards."

The subtext of this sentence is: My apprentice won the championship, and in my eyes they are all inferior. Mr. Mo Lin, your disciple, is simply not as good as inferior.

Wang Molin's complexion changed from red to blue, and he wanted to get up, but if he really wanted to give an award, how could he bear it in his heart?

Zuo Yiran quickly helped Wang Molin and asked, "Teacher, what's wrong with you?"

Wang Molin said: "It's okay, it's okay..."

With the help of Zuo Yiran, he slowly stood up and walked slowly onto the stage.

After all, more than a thousand people were watching.

Wang Molin could only sigh secretly. Today, he lost to Han Shuyan, and he lost thoroughly.

Lin Yi looked at Wang Molin's back, feeling a little unbearable.

He walked a few steps forward and held Wang Molin, but he was actually holding Wang Molin secretly, and he didn't let him continue on the stage. Then he said to the host on stage: "Mr. Mo Lin is not feeling well, please let someone else present the award."

Said to help Wang Molin, and sat back in his seat.

On the stage, the host was a little regretful and said, "Then ask Mr. Han Shuyan to present awards to his beloved disciple. Master presents awards to his disciples. This is the first time in our calligraphy competition..."

Han Shuyan laughed and said to Wang Molin next to him: "Mr. Mo Lin, take care of your body."

With a smile on his face, he went up and presented Bai Qiuheng with an award.

The host naturally passed the microphone to Bai Qiuheng and asked him to say a few words about the award.

Bai Qiuheng did not say anything about the award, instead, his eyes fell directly on Lin Yi, pointing to Lin Yi and saying, "You may not know that this is the closed disciple of Mr. Mo Lin. I want to come to Mr. Mo Lin's closed disciple. , I must have the ability. Today is a calligraphy contest. I thought I could exchange and learn from him. It's a pity that he didn't participate in the competition. It's better to take this last opportunity and let's talk."

He had already won the championship, so there was no need to pay attention to Lin Yi.

But Lin Yi just stopped Wang Molin from going up to make a fool of himself, and Zuo Yiran, who seemed so beautiful to him, had been with Lin Yi all the time. This made him feel unhappy, and only then planned to challenge Lin Yi to make him embarrassed in public.

Everyone heard that Wang Molin had accepted the closed disciples a few days ago, and they were all curious.

Now that I have the opportunity to see the calligraphy of Wang Molin's closed disciples, they naturally applaud.

Han Shuyan knew that Wang Molin's closed disciple was a young man with no calligraphy skills. What can one learn in more than 20 days, even if it is a person with high ability? It is not easy to write stippling, and the structure of the frame may not be able to be written well.

But given such an opportunity, he would naturally stimulate Wang Molin.

"Mr. Mo Lin, let your high-level apprentice go up and communicate with my ineffective apprentice, and let my ineffective apprentice also learn."

Wang Molin's hand visibly shook.

He knew he was going to lose to Han Shuyan today, but he didn't expect to lose so badly.

Han Shuyan and his apprentice are simply deceiving people too much.

But he didn't have any room for resistance. Who made Lin Yicai only study for twenty days?

He was frustrated, but he couldn't say a word.

Zuo Yiran was also in a hurry.

At this time, Lin Yi finally spoke: "Try it? Good."

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