Infinite Torture Evolution

Chapter 167 Two-finger hook stroke [11]

"Try it? Good."

Lin Yi said simply.

Now that they have already challenged it face to face, wouldn't it be persuasive if they should not fight anymore?

Wang Molin turned his head and whispered: "Lin Yi, what did I tell you last night?"

Zuo Yiran also shook his head and said, "Lin Yi, don't be impulsive. He has been studying for a year, and as far as I know, he has five or six years of calligraphy skills before he studied with Mr. Shuyan. You are in touch. It's only twenty days after the calligraphy is full."

Lin Yi shook his head to Wang Molin and said, "Teacher, don't worry, I won't let you down."

Then he comforted Zuo Yiran with his gaze, then raised his head and walked towards the stage.

The scene suddenly boiled.

"It's great, the masters and disciples of the two great calligraphy masters exchanged views and exchanges, it's rare to see it!"

"Yeah, it's really rare to see. Today is a blessing."

"Hey, who do you think will be better?"

"Then need to say, definitely is Mr. Bai Qiuheng."

"This is Lin Yi, who seems to be only 16 or 7 years old, how can he compare with Mr. Bai Qiuheng?"

"No matter how you look at it, Mr. Bai Qiuheng is one of the best."

"Calligraphy is not something that you can practice in a day or two. It takes years and months to practice. This Lin Yi is only sixteen or seventeen. Even if he started practicing at the age of five or six, it will only be ten years now. Moreover, children practice calligraphy at a level. How high can it be?"

Amidst the unanimously disapproving voices, Lin Yi came to the stage.

Bai Qiuheng glanced at Zuo Yiran in the audience, then glanced at Lin Yi, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect Mr. Mo Lin's master to be so young. It's really young and promising."

But he whispered to Lin Yi in a low voice: "Wang Molin's calligraphy style is a bit soft, I didn't expect him to be soft enough to be a human being. His apprentice, hey, he is not very hard. If it weren't for being forced to do nothing, you wouldn't Dare to come up?"

Lin Yi sneered and did not answer.

He likes to talk less and do more.

The most powerful response is to use facts instead of whistling.

The host was very wink, and he had long been carried to two desks, two sets of pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

At the moment, those reporters naturally came to the stage one after another to record the contest between the two masters of calligraphy and painting.

After all, this is a very rare situation.

But almost everyone surrounded Bai Qiuheng.

Just now they all heard the comments from the people below, and they had seen Bai Qiuheng's calligraphy, and they knew that his calligraphy skills were quite good. As for Lin Yi, it is estimated to be very general, there is nothing to see.

I saw Bai Qiuheng picking up a wolf hao Chinese writing brush on the pen holder with his right hand.

When he took the pen, he didn't use five fingers to press, press, hook, click, and press, but he held the pen with three fingers.

"Holding a pen with three fingers makes the pen more flexible, and the calligraphy written is more varied. However, this technique is more difficult. Most people use three fingers to hold the pen. If you don't know how to write, you may be self-defeating. Only practice calligraphy for a long time. People who are right now, or those calligraphy masters, this kind of brush holding is popular."

The host introduced.

When everyone listened, they were all amazed.

I saw Bai Qiuheng dipped in thick ink and finished in one go:

It is ridiculous that the mayfly shakes the tree.

When everyone saw it, they all praised: "Good word!"

"Ten characters, each of which uses no less than ten calligraphy skills, really admirable!"

"Every word is written so perfectly, the hidden front is thick, the sharp, the style is fluent, the pen is round and round, it is really amazing!"

"It is worthy of being a young calligrapher. Perhaps in terms of skills, he is not as good as those old calligraphers who have practiced calligraphy for decades, but in terms of skills, they are far better than some old calligraphers!"


Everyone admired again and again.

And everyone saw the meaning of these ten words, and it was obvious that they looked down on Lin Yi.

The little ant wants to shake the tree too? Overestimate!

Wang Molin in the judges seat saw these ten characters from the screen on the scene, and he had to admit that the ten characters were really well written.

At the same time, I was even more worried about Lin Yi.

Lin Yi is young, and after suffering such a big setback this time, I don't know how long it will take to cheer up again.

Zuo Yiran's eyes also fixed on Lin Yi, worrying about Lin Yi.

Bai Qiuheng glanced at Zuo Yiran, then turned to look at Lin Yi. Seeing that Lin Yi hadn't started writing, he smiled and said, "It's your turn."

Everyone's eyes were now focused on Lin Yi, and the reporters' shots fell on Lin Yi.

Lin Yi smiled indifferently, and grabbed the pen beside him.

When he grabbed the pen like this, someone in the audience laughed.

"What is this pen holding technique?"

"The kid grabs a pen, right?"

"Wrong, this is not to grab a pen, this is obviously chopsticks, right?"

A reporter made a close-up of Lin Yi's hand holding a pen.

I saw Lin Yi holding the middle finger, little finger and ring finger, only the paper was opened, and the pen holder was hooked, and the thumb was used as an aid to press it on the pen holder. Hold the pen with only two fingers.

The host was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly surprised: "Two-finger single hook method!"

Everyone wondered: "What is the two-finger single hook method?"

The host explained: "In ancient times, three fingers, two fingers were used to hook the pen, and the thumb to press the pen. This is called the double hook method. Mr. Bai Qiuheng just used this fingering method. According to legend, when the holy Wang Xizhi wrote, Use only one index finger to hook the pen and thumb to press the pen. This is called the two-finger single hook method. This writing method is more flexible and the written characters are more vivid. However, this method is too difficult to practice, so it is almost modern This kind of writing method is rarely seen."

Everyone was a little surprised when they heard it.

Bai Qiuheng next to him was also secretly surprised. This kid looked ordinary, but he did not expect to be able to use the two-finger single hook method.

However, he was just a little surprised, and he still had some disdain for Lin Yi in his heart.

Calligraphy and calligraphy are ultimately written for people to see. What can you tell by simply holding a pen?

Other people have almost the same idea.

Some people even whispered: "Anyone knows how to write good characters. It's really good to write good words."

Han Shuyan was also taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect this kid to write with this kind of fingering at a young age.

You know, even Han Shuyan himself is not very familiar with this method, and he is always unsatisfied with the words he writes.

But Han Shuyan soon settled down. He had inquired that Lin Yi had no calligraphy skills before, and he only learned calligraphy from Wang Molin for more than 20 days.

In more than twenty days, he can learn how to hold a pen, but if he says how much he can learn, he really doesn't believe it.

Thinking of this, he smiled indifferently, and said to Wang Molin next to him: "Mr. Mo Lin is really well-deserved disciple, just this way of holding a pen, my ineffective disciple won't. Just, I hope the words he wrote can be worthy of this. The best way to hold the pen."

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