Infinite Torture Evolution

Chapter 186 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Episode 186

When Lin Yi was asleep, left Yiran still had his eyes open, and his right hand was holding the phone tightly.

In the dialog between WeChat and Lin Yi, there is a line of text that has not been sent.

She stared at this line of words blankly, her right thumb stayed above the [Send] key for a while, and her heart beat fiercely.

After a moment, she removed her finger.

She didn't know what the consequences would be when this line was sent out, and how Lin would react.

Thinking of the possible serious consequences, she quickly deleted this line and took a few breaths. It feels a lot easier for the whole person.

But after a while, he shook his head again.

Lin Yi is about to leave soon. If Lin Yi does leave, I am afraid there is really no chance.

Thinking of this, she organized the language and typed a line again.

But in the end, her hand still stayed above the [Send] key, and her heart beat even harder.

After hesitation for a long time, he quietly deleted that line.

This was repeated several times, tossing about one o'clock in the night, Zuo Yiran finally sighed, and the left hand holding the phone dropped weakly.

She was a little tired and felt empty in her heart.

Two minutes later, she picked up her phone again and sent a WeChat message: "Good night."

Then, looking at the other person's head portrait: a person wearing a hood and eyes covered in shadow, with a cold smile on the corner of the person's mouth.

Zuo Yiran has seen this smile on Lin Yi's face many times.

Although this smile was cold, it made her dream.


At seven o'clock the next morning, Lin Yi was thinking about the underground laboratory. After hurriedly brushing his teeth and washing his face, he left a note on the table: I have to go out beforehand.

Then he left the room.

Zuo Yiran only woke up at half past eight.

When I found the note on the table, I felt a little stunned.

Seeing the cool calligraphy on the note, she was stunned for a long time.

When Lin Ye was protecting her, basically 24 hours a day, except for going to the toilet and sleeping, the two stayed together.

She has long been used to living with Lin Yi.

During the few days when Lin Yi and the two men in black left, she was not used to it.

Now Lin Yi returned with great difficulty, but went out again early in the morning.

If Lin Yi doesn't come back one day today, wouldn't it be that he won't be able to see him all day?

From this point, Zuo Yiran even hoped that Cheng Donghai would not die, so that Lin would stay with her every day.

Besides, Lin Yi left the room early in the morning, took a taxi, and headed for the suburbs.

He was free on the road, took out his phone and took a look, only then found the WeChat sent by Zuo Yiran.

I looked at the time again, and it turned out to be around 1 o'clock last night.

Lin Yi was stunned for a moment.

Xin said she still stayed up so late?

But I just thought about it, but didn't think much about it.

It stands to reason that a girl sent him this message in the middle of the night, and he should be able to think of what it means.

But he only thought of Gongsun Lue, who is so-called in love, has a negative IQ. Coupled with the busy days these days, he didn't think about that at all.

However, the system product At the moment popped up again: "Don't you think it's strange that a girl sends you a message at 1 o'clock in the night?"

After saying this systematically, Lin Yi reacted.

But that's all. He is thinking of Gongsun Lue now, and the system has also said that he will have the opportunity to see Gongsun Lue again in the future.

Besides, it didn't take long for him and Gongsun Lue to separate, so how could it be possible for him to empathize with each other?

The system began to ideological education for Lin Yi again: "This is what is wrong with you. Gongsun Lue is good, but after all, he is a character in the film and television plane, and it is impossible to come to reality. This Zuo is also beautiful and much more beautiful. Jin, a typical Bai Fumei. Why don’t you have one film and television plane, and one in the world now? Are they completely compatible with each other."

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "I'm so sorry for this, Zuo Yi also."

The system chuckled and said: "If Zuo Yiran knows the truth, she might not be happy yet. Believe me, I'm the one who came here."

"Nima, you have a system, and you can't even count as a'person'. Come here and get a woolen thread."

The system smiled again and said: "Let's just go and see."

Lin Yi took the bus to the suburbs last time.

Taking a taxi this time was much faster, and it only took more than an hour before he came to the foot of the mountain.

The driver said to Lin Yi: "A total of 67 yuan."

Lin Yi took out a hundred-yuan bill and said, "No need to look for it."

Anyway, if I have money now, it would be inconvenient if I had change with me.

The driver didn't expect that Lin Yi was dressed in ordinary clothes and he was so generous in his actions. He quickly thanked him: "Then thank you little brother. This is my phone number. If you need a car in the future, I will be there on call."

Lin Yi took the business card handed over by the driver.

Watching the taxi go away, Lin Yi thought to himself that he now has more than 3 million in deposits. By the end of October, "Wolf Warriors 2" can also get 1 million in the box office quiz. It is time to buy a car.

It's also more convenient to go out to do errands in the future.

But... take the time to learn the driver's license first.

He didn't keep the business card, but tore it into tiny pieces, and then threw it into the side.

Anything you carry on your body may become a clue for others to find yourself, so deal with it as soon as possible.

Then he used biological energy to disguise himself as a Level 5 evolutionary he had absorbed before.

Then he took a step forward and walked up the mountain.

Knowing the path, he walked fast this time.

At the beginning, I met a few people who also came out to play.

But these people are mostly playing in the middle of the mountain. From halfway up the mountainside, the weeds are getting denser, and the woods are denser and darker. So those people rarely come to this place.

Lin Yi followed the path in his memory to the ventilation hole where he climbed in and out the last time.

However, this vent has been blocked by him, and it would be very troublesome to dig it again.

So he has to find a real exit.

Fortunately, he has the Bio-Tracking Ability, and while looking around, he uses Bio-Tracking to detect it.

However, after searching for more than two hours, I couldn't find another exit.

After searching for more than half an hour, I still couldn't find it.

Lin Yi stopped and thought for a moment.

Finally, he thought of one thing: if the exit of this underground laboratory is placed on the top of the mountain, it would be very inconvenient for the staff to get in and out. If it is placed below the mountainside or even at the foot of the mountain, these people can leave the laboratory directly by car.

Thinking about this, Lin Yi came to the middle of the mountain and searched around from the middle of the mountain.

Fortunately, this mountain is not big. At his speed, it took two hours to search the mountainside, but still no exit was found.

It must be at the foot of the mountain.

Lin Yi immediately came to the foot of the mountain and started searching around.

This time I was lucky. I found the exit after more than 20 minutes.

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