Infinite Torture Evolution

Chapter 187 Hell Scene [Thirty One More]

This is a mountain col, adjacent to the highway.

The cols are lush and sheltered.

In the depression, there is a pool of water about two meters in diameter.

The water does not look deep.

When Lin Yi found this place, because of thirsty, he wanted to drink.

Definitely, he is now looking for the entrance to the underground laboratory, and even when drinking water, he is also turning on his bio-tracking skills.

That is, at the moment, he detected that it was empty under the water.

With a move in his heart, he immediately looked around the pool of water.

About ten minutes later, a button was found at the root of a tree.

After he pressed the button, the pool water seemed to be sucked by something and was quickly sucked up.

The bottom of the pool moved suddenly, separating to the two sides.

About two meters apart, Lin Yi saw that an underground passage appeared below.

He suddenly realized that these people had hidden this exit too deeply, no wonder he couldn't find it after looking for it for so long.

When he entered the exit, the upper door closed automatically, and the exit was covered by pond water again.

The passage is very dark, but for Lin Yi, this is not a problem at all.

He turned on the bio-tracking skills and probed forward.

At the beginning, the passage was stepped and extended for more than 20 meters.

Then the slope disappeared and became flat.

When I walked straight ahead, when I walked out about 200 meters, there was a fork in front of me.

Lin also didn't know which way to go, so he chose a path to go forward.

It was very quiet here, only the sound of Lin Yi's footsteps rang, which spread far away, and was reflected back.

Lin Yi could even hear his footsteps and Roar's absorption.

At this time, a small voice suddenly came: "Be careful."

Lin Yi was already very concentrated, but the voice suddenly came out, and he was startled.

It turned out to be the sound of the system.


Lin Yi said.

After walking more than ten meters forward, the voice of the system came again: "Beware of infected creatures."

His voice is very small, and he deliberately imitated the tone of some horror movies, a little hoarse.

Lin Yi was taken aback again and scolded, "Can you shut up!"

"I'm reminding you to be okay, and treat it like a donkey's liver and lungs!"

The system said dissatisfiedly.

"But you suddenly said such a sentence, it's very scary, okay!"

Lin also retorted.

"Okay, I won't speak. From now on, I won't say a word, let's do it!"

System Road.

"It's pretty much the same."

Lin also said something to the system.

Going forward, the steps begin to appear again.

Only this time the ladder is up.

During his exploration, the ladder stretched up to a hundred meters away.

After walking for more than 500 meters, I finally reached the end of the elevator.

But when he got here, Lin Yi smiled bitterly.

I saw a pile of debris at the top of the stairs, which he piled on the ground last time to prevent those people from escaping.

Now because of the big fire, a lot of things collapsed on this debris, and a few thick pillars fell on it and pressed heavily, completely blocking the place.

If you want to dig it rashly, you might be under pressure.

Lin also thought for a while. He just came up the stairs, thinking that there will be elevator access here.

Thinking of this, he quickly turned around, got down the long stairs, walked a few hundred meters along the passage, and came to the fork in the road.

Then enter another passage and walk forward quickly.

Unlike the previous passage, there are no steps in this passage.

After walking for more than 600 meters, two elevators appeared one left and one right in front.

One is a normal elevator, and the other is an emergency escape elevator.

Lin also blocked the two elevators before.

Now that the underground laboratory is burnt down, the two elevators are naturally impossible to operate.

But this is not difficult for Lin Yi. A surging of fiery red biological energy on his body, his right arm became three times thicker, and sharp claws appeared.

He slightly stabs his right arm forward, and easily pierced into the elevator door.

He cut out a huge amounts of triangular opening in the elevator door, kicked the triangular opening, and entered the elevator.

The elevator definitely couldn't operate normally. He opened the safety opening on the top of the elevator and came to the top of the elevator.

At the moment you can see the entire elevator shaft, he is at the bottom of the elevator shaft.

Looking up from here, it is more than 300 meters high.

And there are no ladders around, only a few pipes.

It takes a lot of trouble for ordinary people to climb up from here. Even if the evolvers are here, it is not easy to climb from here.

But for Lin Yi, this is not a problem at all.

He jumped and jumped more than five meters high, and then his hands and feet were attached to the wall.

On his hands and feet, fiery red bio-energy was produced.

This biological energy seems to be sticky, allowing his feet and hands to stick to the wall.

This is the clinging skill.

It's not too easy to climb up the wall with the clinging skills.

He crawled up the wall like a Spider-man.

After climbing about 300 meters, his biological tracking skills probed the laboratory.

He jumped and came to the elevator door.

He opened the elevator door with his sharp claws, and when he was about to go out, four or five black figures suddenly jumped in from the door.

Lin Yi quickly jumped to the opposite wall, only then did he avoid the four or five black shadows.

After the four or five black shadows threw out, they fell from the elevator shaft, and fell on the top of the elevator with a thump.

It turned out that these four or five shadows were all staff members who were burned to death last time.

When the fire hit fiercely, they desperately squeezed to the elevator door and pressed the elevator frantically.

But no matter how they pressed, the elevator door failed to open.

They were eventually burned to death at the elevator door.

Lin also showed no mercy to these people.

Since they dare to use living humans to do in vivo experiments, and it hurts the world, they should think that sooner or later they will receive retribution.

Jumped out from the elevator door.

The last time it burned here, the oxygen had almost been exhausted, and he could find Roar a little difficult to breathe.

But anyway, he is now a Level 5 evolutionary. Even if he doesn't smoke Roar for half an hour, he can still be safe.

At the moment I looked around, and saw a thick layer of ashes everywhere.

In the ashes, almost all corpses.

The bodies of these people were distorted in extremely strange postures, and their faces were burnt and shriveled, and their expressions were extremely horrible.

It showed the scene when they were struggling desperately before death.

Walked more than ten meters forward and came to a hall.

The hall was also full of corpses, which looked not much better than the one next to the elevator.

At this time, Lin Yi suddenly made an amazing discovery.

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