Infinite Torture Evolution

Chapter 188 Fire Crow Complete Body [Thirty-two more]

Lin Yi was in the hall, carefully inspecting every corpse, hoping to find traces of cobweb horses in other laboratories on these corpses.

There is darkness and silence here.

These mummies put on a variety of weird poses, and their shriveled faces were all grim and terrifying expressions.

If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that just looking at these mummy corpses will be scared to pee.

But after all, Lin Yi was a Level 5 evolutionary, and he took longer to hold back urine than ordinary people, so he didn't really pee.

At the moment, he made an amazing discovery on one of the corpses.

I saw that the hand of the corpse was gone, and the front half of the forearm was gone, only the bones that were more than two inches long were exposed.

Lin Yi carefully checked the forearm of the mummy and found that the mummy's forearm seemed to be bitten off by something.

"It's not a mouse?"

Lin Yi thought to himself: "Or... is it a zombie?"

The fire last time was so fierce, even if it was a zombie, it might have been burned to death, right?

Going forward for a while, I saw the mummy here, almost every body had signs of being bitten.

Going further, I found that the corpses here are more than just bites, many of them have even been gnawed clean, only the skeleton is left.

He was stunned, and it seemed that this was definitely not an ordinary mouse.

Otherwise it is impossible to eat so many mummy corpses.

Either it is a mouse that has been infected by the virus, or the zombies here are still alive.

After walking a few meters further, Lin Yi's biological tracking Ability finally caught a figure in front of him, slowly swaying in a room.

In this room that should have been deadly silent, a figure suddenly appeared, swaying like sleepwalking, it was frightening to think about it.

From the biological pulse reflected by the figure, Lin also determined that it was a zombie.

It seems that the previous fire did not burn all the zombies here

He immediately sneaked quietly and walked slowly towards the zombie.

After half a minute, he came to the door of the room.

I saw five corpses in this room.

The zombie was tearing the leg of one of the female corpses.

The zombie was also burned badly by the fire, and his entire right face had disappeared, and it looked like only his teeth. He was also burned in many places on his body, and bones were exposed in many places on his right foot.

On his left arm, there were more than one barb, but more than ten hard horny barbs.

In these barbs, there is still a sharp blade that is more than a foot long.

Lin Yi's heart shuddered.

The zombies he had seen before had just a barb on his left arm. Their strength was stronger than ordinary zombies and weaker than true mutant zombies.

This zombie not only gave birth to more than ten barbs, but also gave birth to a sharp blade.

This shows that this zombie is already a complete mutant zombie.

Lin Yi asked the system in his mind: "How many evolution points can you gain by swallowing this complete mutant zombie?"


The system is silent.

Lin Yi asked again, but the system still didn't answer.

"System? What's the matter? Why don't you answer?"

The system responded lazily: "You told me to shut up."

Lin also deliberately pulled the system out and forcibly crossed it a hundred times, but the system was not a real person, nor could it be pulled out.

Can only say: "Now you can talk."

"If you let me say it, just say it, if you don't let me say it, don't say it, then I'm very shameless."

"Nima, don't talk, don't talk, never talk again!"

Lin Yi is also annoyed, the system is simply cheap!

As a result, he was so angry that the system started to persuade: "Hey, it's just a joke, why bother to be so serious."

Then answered the previous question: "Swallow mutant zombies, you can get 10 evolution points."

Before devouring little zombies, only 1 evolution point can be obtained. Now swallowing this mutant zombie, the evolution point has increased to 10 times.

Lin Yi was in a better mood. He said that the system was really cheap, so I didn't have to say it until I got annoyed.

At this time, the zombie hadn't found Lin Yi yet.

He was trying his best to tear the mummy's leg.

The power of mutant zombies is much greater than ordinary little zombies.

He used force twice in a row, tearing off the leg of the corpse like a chicken leg.

Then he hugged this thigh and gnawed it, like a human being gnawing on a chicken leg.

Lin Yi sighed inwardly, don't humans behave like this when they eat chickens?

Now being eaten by zombies like this, is this the so-called retribution?

He jumped behind the mutant zombie in one step.

This mutant zombie looked sluggish, but its reaction was not slow. Hearing the sound behind him, he turned around and saw a human being, who suddenly rushed towards Lin Yi like a bloodthirsty Beast.

Lin Yi waved his claws and slashed towards the mutant zombie.

The mutant zombie swung his sharp blade to block it.


With a piercing sound, Lin Yi's claws struck the zombie's sharp blade, and it was actually blocked.

This surprised Lin Yi greatly.

It seems that the strength of this mutant zombie is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

If ordinary people don't have guns and only use kitchen knives as weapons, they can't do this mutant zombie at all.

When are zombies so powerful?

However, although this mutant zombie is powerful, it is still a bit worse than Lin Yi, who is a 5th-level evolutionary.

He took advantage of the blade of the mutant zombie to rest on his right paw, his left paw swung out, and he went straight under the zombie's crotch.

That zombie only has a sharp blade, how can it resist Lin Yi's two sharp claws.

In a hurry, he could only use his right hand to block Lin Yi's claws.


After sharp claws reached under the zombie's crotch, he cut the zombie in half from the bottom up.

How could his right hand block Lin Yi's claws?

At the same time, the fiery red energy gushing out of Lin Yi's body, he swallowed the zombie.

The casual prompt of the system came in my mind: "Wow, kill the mutant zombies, you are great. You are rewarded with 10 evolution points, and the total evolution point is 510 points."

One step closer to 1,000 evolution points.

Once there is a goal, there will be motivation, and Lin Yi will continue to work hard and continue to explore.

Ten minutes later, two more mutant zombies were found.

Lin Yi absorbed them, and his evolution point has reached 530 evolution points.

After investigating for a while, in a room like a dormitory, there is a metal cabinet.

Lin Yi opened the cabinet and found that there were a lot of unburnt clothes piled up in the cabinet.

Beside the clothes, there is a drawer.

He opened the drawer and found a package.

Tear open the package, there should be a part of a precision instrument inside.

I think it should be after a staff member receives this part and put it here. Before he could put it on, he was burned by himself.

He moved slightly in his heart and looked at the ground above.

The receiving address read: No. 108, North Second Ring Road, Beijing.

It seems that the package was sent to North Second Ring Road and then brought in by the staff.

And at the mailing place, it says No. 22 Fangshan Road, South Fourth Ring, Beijing.

Lin Yi's heart moved, and secretly wrote down the address.

At the moment, a stern and hoarse voice came: "Qua——Qua——"

Lin Yi's heart shuddered. He had heard such a voice before.

When I sent Zuo Yiran to the capital, I saw the half-finished fire crow in that mountain village.

The last time I came to this laboratory to set a fire, I heard the call of the fire crow, which was the same call.

So this kind of sound is naturally the fire crow.

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