Lin also assured the agent that Clark would not have any problems.

But the two agents asked a very sharp question: "What about you?"

Lin also listened, smiled faintly, and said, "It depends on whether you can believe me or not. If you can believe me, then I am just an ordinary citizen; if you can't believe me and are aggressive, then I'm sorry. I advocate freedom, and no one can restrict my freedom."

"But people like you will cause public panic. We must investigate clearly who you are, where you are from, and what you are doing."

Lin Yi nodded and said, "I understand your panic, and the public also needs a process of adaptation. But you want to lock us in now, and I will never allow you to do so. And, can you do it?"

The two men thought that Lin Yi had just kept quiet, and their guns were confiscated.

They all shuddered in their hearts.

Indeed, in front of this person's methods, I am afraid that nothing can stop him.

"Today is our first conversation," Lin Yi said, "I hope this is the last time. I don't want my life to be disturbed, and similarly, I don't want Clark's life to be disturbed. From today onwards, you are the most Stay away from us."


What else does an agent want to say.

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Please go back."

The two agents couldn't talk about it anymore, so they could only get up.

Definitely, they can't leave without a gun.

Especially the younger agent, they have performed tasks many times, and none of them is as useless as today.

Let's not say if he can't complete the task, he is still strongly suppressed by his opponent throughout the whole process, and there is a fire in his heart.

The older agent asked Lin Yi, "This gun..."

Lin Yi waved his hand: "This is the guy you ate, take it away."

The older agent then picked up the gun, nodded to Lin Yi, and finally took the young agent and walked away quickly.

When the two left, Louise looked at Lin Yi.

At the moment, her attention has shifted from the original Clark to Lin Yi.

She originally came for Clark, but now she is more interested in Lin Yi.

"Mr. Lin Yi, not only does the magic that you can move instantaneously are very surprising. But I didn't expect you to know the specific number of those people just now, which is even more surprising. Can you talk about how you did it? ?"

Clark also looked at Lin Yi.

Although he had known that Lin Yi had this kind of Ability for a long time, and his own perspective eyes could also do it, he didn't know how Lin Yi did it.

Lin Yi smiled indifferently and replied: "This is a secret. I think you should be here for Clark today. You guys talk."

Lin Yi smiled politely and walked out of the room.

"Mr. Lin Yi..."

Shouted Louise.

But Lin Ye has already left the house.

Clark heard that Lin also asked Louise to interview him, which obviously allowed him to show himself.

He turned to look at Jonathan, a little uncertain.

After all, Jonathan has been letting him hide his identity for 18 years.

Jonathan naturally shook his head secretly at him.

But Clark thought for a moment, but secretly made up his mind.

Over the years, although he was mainly raised by the Jonathans.

But it was Lin Yi who taught him the skills.

Jonathan is a father in his eyes;

In his eyes, Lin Yi is also a "master", as well as a master and a father.

The vast majority of children are not very obedient in front of their parents, but what they say to the teacher is regarded as an imperial decree, and they will not disobey a single word.

So now Clark is actually more willing to listen to Lin Yi.

Jonathan saw that he could not stop Clark, so he could only go out.

Seeing that Lin Yi had already walked into the corn field, he knew that he was going to practice Wanjian again.

He walked a few steps quickly, caught up with Lin Yi, and said, "Lin, you made him naked that day. It is already very bold. People may not accept it for a while. Today you asked the reporter to interview him directly. It's a bit past, right? Soon, everyone will know everything about him, I'm afraid..."

"I am here."

Lin Yi simply replied.

Jonathan was choked, but he couldn't refute it.

After all, Lin Yi's strength, Lin Yi's ability, and Lin Yi's mystery all proved that Lin Yi has a powerful Ability.

Aside from anything else, it was just a matter of dismissing the agent with ease just now, and I am afraid that he would not be as relaxed as he was for any other person.

This at least shows that Lin Yi has seen a lot of real big scenes.

However, Jonathan still did not want Clark to be exposed prematurely.

He said, "Well, you can deal with any problems, but what about Clark? What if he has a problem? What if he swells up? Is he proud of himself?"

"You should trust him."

Lin Yi replied: "And you should know him better than me."

Jonathan could no longer argue.

Looking at Lin Yi's slightly thin back, he had an illusion.

In his illusion, he actually saw Lin Yi is so tall and Lin Yi's shoulders are so thick.

This guy, his shoulders seem to be able to carry everything.

"Ok, I trust you."

Jonathan finally made a real compromise.

But he continued: "But those agents will not give up."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "I definitely know this."

Jonathan saw Lin Yi's smile, and he finally understood that this child, who seemed to be less than seventeen, eighty-eight, had a psychological maturity far beyond his imagination.

When Lin Yi first appeared 18 years ago, he still despised the child a little bit.

But now, 18 years have passed, and Lin Yi's appearance has not changed.

Only then did he understand that this guy might be older than himself.

Look at the things he did. They were often handled in the most appropriate way, as if he had encountered such things before.

This further proves that Lin Yi's age is far from what he can see on the surface.

Thinking of this, Jonathan breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally smiled and said: "It seems that I am really over-hearted."

At the same time, at the headquarters of the National Security Bureau, those leaders At the moment are conducting an important meeting.

"We must take measures against them. The existence of such people is a great threat to the safety of our country and citizens."

A leader said.

"I disagree. So far, they have never had any impact on our country and citizens. In this case, once we take measures against them and anger them, the consequences may be disastrous."

"Yes, they haven't made any impact yet, but if you wait for them to make an impact, it will be too late. So we have to prepare in advance."

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