Besides, after Lin Yi drove away the agents from the National Security Bureau, the next two days were temporarily calm for two days.

Louise’s interview report has not been written yet.

In their business, efficiency is the most important thing. After the interview, they often have to rush to publish the manuscript.

But this time is different.

The subject of Louise's interview is different from everyone before.

He wanted to win the Pulitzer Prize in one fell swoop with this article.

You know, the Pulitzer Prize, which is the highest award in the press, is known as the "Nobel Prize in the press."

So she has to sculpt this article over and over again.

But the only thing that made her feel a little regretful was that she could not get any substantive content from Lin Yi's interview.

In her opinion, Lin Yi is more mysterious and more curious than Clark.

If it was Lin Yi who was interviewing, then she was almost certain that she would definitely win the Pulitzer Prize.

On the other hand, the National Security Bureau has also worked out measures to deal with Lin Yi.

First, use an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft to monitor Lin Yi and Clark's every move.

Then, special forces were dispatched and advanced weapons were used to threaten them and let them arrest them.

If they resist, they do it directly.

If it doesn't work, then we can only use weapons of mass destruction.

definitely, this last one can only be used as a last resort.

Early that morning, the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft had flown to a height of two kilometers above the farm.

People from the military and the National Security Bureau watched every move of Lin Yi and Clark through the images uploaded by the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft.

Clark is lifting a truck and doing strength exercises.

His eyes, but through the truck, saw the unmanned surveillance aircraft two kilometers in the sky.

"There is a drone, maybe it's staring at us."

Clark said while holding the truck.

Lin Yi naturally knew it a long time ago. He didn't even look at it, and said, "Get it down."


Clark was a little puzzled: "This belongs to the military."

"Do it."

Lin Yidao.

Clark has always believed in Lin, At the moment, he jumped up and flew to an altitude of two kilometers.

With only one punch afterwards, the drone suddenly shattered into several pieces and fell from a high altitude.

When the high-level military and the people of the National Security Bureau saw that the picture turned into snowflakes, everyone was stunned.

After a while, a leader of the National Security Bureau said: "It seems that they have noticed it."

"Since they have found out, they simply dispatched the army directly to force them to submit."




Although there are still some people who oppose it, the majority of people agree.

Ever since, in just 10 minutes, five tanks, dozens of military vehicles, and hundreds of soldiers appeared around the farm.

Long guns and short cannons were all aimed at Lin Yi and Clark.

Jonathan saw the flying dust raised by those tanks and military vehicles, and he hurriedly came to Lin Yi's side.

But when he saw Lin Yi's calm and composed look, he was relieved a lot.

"I hope you can handle it."

Jonathan said.

Lin Yi smiled faintly, then turned his head and said to Clark behind: "This is an actual anti-threat combat lesson, you have to watch it carefully."

Clark was excited, but also eager to try, and nodded: "Yeah."

The army surrounded Jonathan's house, and then the voice of the commander at the scene came.

"Lin Yi, Clark, you just destroyed a drone, which is a state-owned property worth 300,000 US dollars."

Lin Yi sneered and said, "I said, I don't want to be disturbed by anyone. Does the agent of the National Security Bureau understand Ability so badly? Or their language expression Ability is so bad?"

The opposing commander was stunned for a moment, and then said: "We are here today just to invite both of you to go back and talk with us, to make everything clear and understand. As long as everything is explained clearly, there will be nothing between us. NS."

Lin Yidao: "Talk clearly? If you just talk clearly, do you need to use so many big guys?"

"We brought these big guys here just in case. If you refuse to follow..."

The commander had just said this, but his words stopped abruptly.

Because Lin Yi, who was still far away, suddenly appeared in front of one of their tanks.

Then, before everyone else reacted, he grabbed the main muzzle of a tank and used force.


There was a sound.

The tank's main muzzle was bent back for a while, and it went straight in from the top hatch.

Until At the moment, everyone reacted.

Hurriedly raised their guns at Lin Yi.

However, at the moment, Lin Yi suddenly disappeared and came to the side of another tank in an instant.

At the same time, beside the third tank, Lin Yi also appeared.

The two Lin Yi worked hard together, and the main muzzles of the two tanks were also rolled up like the noses of big elephants, and rolled into the top hatch.

Afterwards, the two Lin Yi disappeared together and appeared beside the fourth and fifth tanks together, rolling up the noses of those two tanks.

Seeing this, the on-site commander immediately ordered: "Fire!"

Bang bang bang bang bang-

Da Da Da Da -

All the bullets and shells flew towards the two Lin Yi.

At the moment, the two Lin Yi moved in sync, condensing the shield with biological energy.

Those bullets and shells fired at Lin Yi for a full thirty seconds.

In the smoke and dust, I can't see what happened in the middle.

The commander shouted: "Casefire!"

Everyone stopped now.

A light breeze blew in, and the smoke and dust gradually dispersed.

Everyone saw the situation of the central government clearly.

"How... how is it possible!"


"This... impossible at all!"

Amidst their roars of shock, the two Lin Yi gradually merged into one.

He stared at the commander at the scene, and after a while, he said in a cold voice: "I didn't hurt any of you, but you attacked me first. I hope this is the last time. Otherwise, this tank will be your end... "

Before the words were over, Lin Yi teleported and came to a tank.

Then he grabbed the top hatch of the tank and yelled: "Ah—"

With a violent force, both hands moved apart.

Click, click, click——

With a sound and a burst of sparks, the tank was torn in half.

Everyone present was stunned when they saw this scene.

In film and television dramas, I have seen people tearing a living person and monsters tearing a hand.

But who has seen a shredded tank?

The three armored soldiers that fell out of the tank were even more shocked.

Their cars are always rampant, and they get on when they see people.

Today, they were directly torn apart with bare hands. How big should their psychological shadow area be?

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