Infinite true path

Chapter 107 A Palm

The poison cultivator's attack was blocked by the rocks. Huan Yin did not hesitate any longer and quickly pulled Lan Yu into the darkness behind him.

"Brother Yin, what kind of stone is that?" Lan Yu did not expect that he could still be alive and talking to Huan Yin at this moment. He really thought that the rock was incredible.

"It is just an ordinary rock here. I found something strange about this place when I was regulating my breath before, especially the rocks and the mountain walls, which are simply indestructible. I was in a desperate situation just now, and I also fought desperately. I didn't expect that the rock was so solid that it could even block the attack of a cultivator in the late seventh level of Condensation." Huan Yin replied.

"I didn't expect that this place is really our chance of survival." Lan Yu's tone was full of excitement after surviving a disaster.

Now, Huan Yin and Lan Yu both saw hope. If the poison cultivator caught up again, they only needed to use rocks to resist again, and I think the poison cultivator would probably have no way to deal with it.

Soon, the poison cultivator did catch up. He had forced Huan Yin and Lan Yu into desperate situations many times, but each time they managed to escape. Now he felt that he was being led by the nose by two weaklings, and this feeling almost drove him crazy.

This time, the poison cultivator did not say anything. He appeared, the spell suddenly rose, and then a purple light was shot out. However, Huan Yin and Lan Yu were well prepared and directly raised a rock to hit the purple light.

As soon as the rock arrived, the purple light instantly knocked the rock away. However, the rock also directly dispersed the purple light.

"Damn rock, what is this place!" The poison cultivator's powerful attack was once again blocked by a stone thrown by the two people casually, and he became even more angry. He even wanted to pick up a stone and throw it at the two people to see if he could smash them to death directly. Perhaps this method is more effective than the magic he has learned in his more than ten years of cultivation.

In this way, the poison cultivator continued to chase Huan Yin and Lan Yu, bombarding them with magic. Although Huan Yin and Lan Yu could not distance themselves from the poison cultivator, every time they were attacked by the poison cultivator's magic, they only needed to casually pick up a piece of rock from the local area and smash it towards the poison cultivator's magic to escape danger. This way of fighting the enemy is not only safe, but also requires almost no spiritual power. I really don't know what words to use to describe it.

The poison cultivator's face became more and more gloomy. As a casual cultivator, he had experienced dangers and hardships far beyond the sect cultivators like Huan Yin and Lan Yu. He had killed dozens of people, including five people at the seventh level of Qi Condensation. Today, he was helpless against two young cultivators with such weak cultivation in this strange place. This was simply a great shame. If he continued to waste time like this, maybe the two young cultivators would really find some chance to survive.

"Try using poison!" The poison cultivator thought. At this moment, he had no better way. Although the poisonous fog moved slowly, it was overwhelming and pervasive. At least it would not be blocked by the hateful stones around. It could force the two young cultivators to retreat and prevent them from fleeing. If they took the wrong road once and were blocked by the mountain wall behind them, he could kill them in one fell swoop.

With this thought, the poison cultivator continued to chase Huan Yin and Lan Yu, while secretly guiding the magic formula to let the toad on the top of the long stick in his hand spray a purple mist to spread around.

Huan Yin and Lan Yu kept escaping, but they could not get rid of the poison cultivator behind them. Gradually, they discovered something strange behind them. The magic that had been attacking them never appeared again, and instead, a vast purple mist wrapped around the figure of the poison cultivator and kept advancing towards them.

"It's poison, Yu'er, don't get contaminated by it!" Huan Yin saw what the purple mist was at a glance. Although the speed of the mist was not fast, it chased them tightly and forced them back.

Lan Yu understood, and his heart tightened slightly: "Brother Yin, he is blocking our direction. Now we can only retreat. If we retreat into a dead end, it will be bad." Lan Yu was smart and saw the intention of the poison cultivator at a glance.

This time, Huan Yin was silent. In fact, he could see the sinister intention of the poison cultivator. It was just that in this chase, the two of them looked like they were taking the poison cultivator in circles, but he had never really escaped from danger. As long as he was not careful or his feet were a little slow, he might be waiting for death.

"What should I do... What should I do..." Huan Yin's mind was full of thoughts. The opponent was so powerful that there was no hope of counterattacking. In this strange cave, where could there be hope of survival?

Suddenly, Huan Yin found a pungent fishy smell coming towards him, which made him dizzy. Huan Yin had smelled this fishy smell before, or it could be said that the fishy smell had been lingering in his nose since he entered the cave.

Huan Yin quickly calmed down and turned to look at Lan Yu next to him. He found that she was also like him, covering her nose and frowning.

"The stench is getting stronger and stronger. Is there something strange ahead?" Huan Yin thought to himself.

Just as Huan Yin was guessing, he and Lan Yu turned into a cave, passed through a short corridor, and when they walked out again, they found that the space in front of them suddenly became clear.

Above, there was endless darkness that was so high that they could not see the top. Even if Huan Yin raised the Yang Sword with white light, he still could not see where the top was. In front, there was a huge lake. The lake was so big that even though the left and right sides of this place were very spacious, it was still completely cut off by the lake in the middle.

After Huan Yin and Lan Yu came here, the churning in their stomachs became extremely strong. Even with their determination as monks, they almost vomited out. The stench here is so strong that it almost reaches your nose, making it unbearable.

"What kind of lake is this?" Huan Yin looked intently and found that the water in the lake in front of him was actually blood red, and he seemed to be standing in front of a blood pool at this moment. Obviously, the pungent stench came from this lake.

"Because of my brother, he is coming soon. What should we do?" Lan Yu asked urgently.

Huan Yin's heart trembled. The pursuers were right behind him. How could he have the time to care about this strange lake at this moment? However, Huan Yin looked around and found that there was no road in front of him. Now, there is no other choice except to cross the lake and go to the other side.

However, the lake is so wide that even if you look at it from such a distance, you can only vaguely see the other shore. If you want to cross it directly, even if you use gravity, it is absolutely impossible.

"Are we going to swim across this disgusting strange lake?" Huan Yin frowned and threw a fairy sword into the lake.

"Bah..." A voice sounded. It was the sound of the fairy sword thrown into the lake by Huan Yin being corroded by the lake water. After a burst of white air, the fairy sword completely disappeared into the lake.

Huan Yin and Lan Yu were shocked. The blood-colored lake water was so strong that it could melt immortal swords. How could they dare to step into the blood lake with their flesh and blood bodies?

"Ha, this strange lake, God is really helping me!" A voice came from behind Huan Yin and Lan Yu that made their breathing stop. At this moment, the poisonous cultivator had arrived not far from Huan Yin and Lan Yu, and saw Huan Yin throwing the fairy sword into the lake. Unexpectedly, the strange rocks at the beginning caused him repeated setbacks, but now the strange lake blocked the road for the two of them, which helped him a lot.

"If you still have flying cranes or flying magic weapons, take them out as soon as possible. I'll be waiting." Du Xiu said with a sinister smile on his face. At this moment, he was no longer in a hurry. In front of the two men was an insurmountable lake of blood, and he had completely blocked their retreat. Unless they could fly, they would not have any hope of survival. But if they really had flying cranes or flying magic weapons, they might have used them to escape long ago, and they wouldn't have waited until now. So Du Xiu can be sure that their good luck has come to an end.

"Why, aren't you struggling anymore?" Du Xiu laughed wildly, guiding the purple poisonous gas around him to keep approaching Huan Yin and Lan Yu.

"Yu'er, do you believe me?" Huan Yin suddenly grabbed Lan Yu with both hands and looked at her seriously.

Lan Yu knows that Huan Yin can always save the day at the most critical moment. She knows that brother Yin always has a way. This is a kind of trust and reliance that has no reason.

"Yes." Lan Yu nodded.

"Let's jump over, use all our strength to induce the spiritual power in your body to jump up, and then use the gravity technique to bombard the shore to increase the force of the counter-shock." Huan Yin transmitted the message.

Lan Yu looked at the blurry lake shore and the huge blood lake on the opposite side again. She wanted to ask Huan Yin aloud what method he used to jump to the other side. She didn't think that she could jump to the other side with her current cultivation level and just using gravity.

However, the poison cultivator was so aggressive that there was no time for Lan Yu to ask any more unnecessary questions. At this moment, she could only choose to believe in Huan Yin, and she really believed that Huan Yin could do what he said, because Huan Yin had never failed. As for how to do it, Huan Yin will definitely interpret the miracle for himself after he jumps up.

The next moment, in front of Du Xiu, Huan Yin pulled Lan Yu and jumped up from the lake shore. Then both of them used gravity skills and blasted towards the lake shore. This idea must be said to be very clever, but the lake is so wide that even if these two people act like this, it is obvious that they are seeking death in the eyes of Du Xiu.

The next moment, Huan Yin pulled Lan Yu across more than half of the lake. However, they were exhausted by this point. Without external help, they could only fall into the lake and die.

Lan Yu's hand suddenly became empty, and the hand that had always been holding hers fell away. Lan Yu's eyes widened and he turned around with a look of shock on his face. What he saw was Huan Yin's smiling face with relief and the palm he struck.

"Because of brother!" Lan Yu exclaimed.

Welcome to the third update! The excitement is coming! Continue tomorrow! thank you all!

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