Infinite true path

Chapter 108 Blood Exchange

Huan Yin's palm touched Lan Yu's waist. This was the gravity technique he used with all his strength. Lan Yu was pushed by Huan Yin, and his body that was about to fall in the air once again gained the power to fly towards the other side of the lake.

However, Huan Yin saved Lan Yu with this palm strike, but sacrificed himself. His body, which had already lost its strength, was suddenly unable to move forward due to the shock of his push, and accelerated straight down to the blood lake below.

"Brother Yin!" Lan Yu, who was in the air, shouted in shock as he watched Huan Yin's continuous whereabouts. She couldn't stop her body from moving away from Huan Yin, let alone Huan Yin's fall.

It turns out that this is his method. It turns out that this is the miracle he wants to wait for!

When did such a person break into your world?

When did the person who broke into your world make you want to protect him even if your world collapsed?

Finally, Lan Yu's body reached the sky above the other shore. She was free and safe. Huan Yin saw this scene less than a foot away from the lake. Then, his smile became brighter, and there was satisfaction and reluctance in his eyes. In the end, he fell heavily without saying a word...

"Plop!" The ordinary sound of falling water became everything in this empty world at this moment.

"No!" Lan Yu knelt on the shore of the lake, crying with tears streaming down his face.

When had he made such a decision? From the time he saw this lake to now, which is only ten breaths ago, he has always been calm and confident, as if he was asking the most ordinary question: "Yu'er, do you believe me?"

Do you believe me or not?

This question was as heavy as a mountain, pressing firmly on Lan Yu's heart. Could it be that this decision was so easy for him to make? I didn't even feel a hint of parting when he jumped up.

The poisonous cultivator on the other side of Lan Yu fell silent. He had gone through ups and downs in the immortal world for more than ten years, and plotting and killing were commonplace, and he was by his side every day. However, he asked himself that he could not make that incredible decision as decisively as the young man just now. In the world of cultivation, the weak prey on the strong, but he sacrifices himself for others. Is beauty really more important to him than life and the Dao?

Du Xiu has seen too many internal conflicts and too many conflicts. Even his parents, who have been practicing together for decades, ended up scheming against each other because of their own interests, and ended up dying together. Therefore, he does not believe in feelings, he only believes in strength. But what was that young man who disappeared not long ago for?

"Okay, okay! Today, I have learned a lot. Girl, you are destined to leave now!" Du Xiu once again took a deep look at Lan Yu, who was crying across from him, and decided to leave. Chasing to this point is his limit, and there is nothing more he can do next.

Lan Yu heard Du Xiu's voice and suddenly shouted at the top of his lungs: "I will remember you, remember it to the death! One day, when I am stronger than you, I will find you, and I will kill you!" Lan Yu's voice contained endless killing intent. Such killing intent should not appear in a girl like her.

Du Xiu didn't say anything, he turned and left.

In the entire space, only Lan Yu was left, and her crying that never stopped...

The heartbreaking pain hit every part of Huan Yin's body the moment he fell into the lake. He could feel that his body was melting, and this extreme pain made it impossible for him to maintain his consciousness.

Suddenly, a picture entered Huan Yin's mind - it was an unknown world, with pavilions and pavilions everywhere on the ground. These buildings are majestic and gorgeous, well-proportioned, and made of unknown materials. They actually exude a fairy atmosphere that makes Huan Yin feel suffocated. Huan Yin even felt that if he could take a breath there, his cultivation would immediately make endless breakthroughs.

Looking at the sky again, there was a golden glow, as if that was the color of the sky itself. From time to time, unknown huge birds flew across the sky, and people in strange costumes flew through the air, constantly shuttling back and forth.

Huan Yin recognized such clothing. The corpse he saw in the unknown pit at the junction of Jingyang and Yangzhou was also wearing this kind of clothing. Although the clothing on the corpse was in pieces, the style of clothing was strange. , Huan Yin will never forget.

The next moment, in a world that was originally peaceful and like a fairyland, a group of dark figures holding spears solidified in the air. Those figures exuded waves of coercion that made Huan Yin feel terrifying. He even felt that each of them was more powerful than Xuanyuanzi.

As soon as the black figure appeared, it scattered away and started a brutal killing of all life in the world. The shouts of killing, the cries, and the desperate screams before death instantly turned this place that was originally like a fairyland into a deep hell.

Pavilions continued to collapse, and creatures continued to die. Just when this place was shrouded in a fog of despair, an earth-shattering voice resounded in all directions.

"Roar!" That was a dragon roar, a dragon roar that Huan Yin had never heard before. This sound was much stronger than the fire dragon, the air dragon, and all the dragon-shaped spells he had ever seen. It seemed to shake Huan Yin's soul away.

Then, a huge body came out of nowhere and suddenly jumped into the sky in an instant, covering most of the golden light in the sky.

That's a dragon! It was a dark green, huge, real dragon!

Huan Yin had never seen a real dragon. The aura coming from the dragon at this moment was even more powerful than the one coming from the man in black before. Such strong pressure made Huan Yin even forget that he was still alive. Enduring torture in the pool.

"Roar!" The dragon roared again, and the sound waves rolled around. Then, all the men in black in the sky and on the ground, as long as they were in this world, spurted out blood and exploded to death!

Huan Yin couldn't believe the scene he saw. The feeling of being arrogant to all living beings erupted from the giant dragon in the sky in an instant, making people dare not look directly at it.

The next moment, just when Huan Yin thought that was all, a sudden change occurred. The giant dragon flying in the air seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly stopped in the air, staring at the void in front of it.

Then, where the dragon was looking, a blur of light and shadow appeared. As soon as the light and shadow appeared, he directly raised his illusory hand and pointed at the giant dragon gently. Huan Yin couldn't even feel any fluctuations in his cultivation from that finger, but the giant dragon began to tremble uncontrollably.

"Rahu, traitor, the Emperor will not let you go!" This roar was the last voice from the dragon. Then, the dragon scales outside his body and the dragon bones inside his body were peeled off by some unknown force and fell down. But his flesh and blood body still remained in the air, constantly spraying blood, which looked extremely cruel.

"I am the emperor!" After the light and shadow finished doing this, a voice came out, and then disappeared.

The picture shattered, and Huan Yin felt like he was being pulled back from that world, and then he saw endless red again. At this moment, he was still soaked in the lake of blood, but the heartbreaking pain was no longer there, only endless weakness. The weakness was as if the body had been drained dry.

"Am I dead?" Huan Yin had such a question in his mind.

Then, he felt that the blood-red lake water around him began to become active. The activity was as if his cultivation was about to break through and the aura around him felt active. The blood-red lake water wanted to pour into his body.

Huan Yin had an inexplicable expectation and desire that came from nowhere, as if what his body needed at this moment was the smelly lake water around him.

The next moment, the surrounding lake water moved. A trace of lake water seemed to be drawn out and slowly flowed into Huan Yin's body. Huan Yin could feel that the lake water flowing into his body was like the essence of this vast lake, guided by unknown forces and flowing towards his body.

The feeling of being constantly filled ran through his body. Huan Yin clearly felt that the essence of the lake was becoming his own blood, and his original blood had been drained out at some point. This was also the reason why he began to feel weak.

"I'm doing a blood transfusion!" Huan Yin couldn't believe his own judgment. How could this be possible!

Next, a series of information crowded into Huan Yin's mind, as if he should have known this information - this place was not a cave at all, but the inside of the dragon's body. It is made from the peeled off dragon scales and keel bones falling into the sea.

The dragon's body has no foundation on the sea, so it will naturally drift with the waves. Even if the dragon's body is heavy, this floating is very slight, but Huan Yin in the dragon's body can naturally feel it, so he felt that the "cave" always had a slight drift before. shake.

As for why the mountain walls Huan Yin saw before were all green and the rocks were a little pale, it was because the mountain walls were dragon scales and the rocks were dragon bones!

Of course, Huan Yin finally understood why he was able to block the poisonous cultivator's magic attacks with rocks, because he simply picked up a dragon bone to resist. The dragon in the picture was so powerful that Huan Yin could not imagine what kind of cultivation state it was. How could his bones be shaken by a small monk at the late seventh level of Qi Condensation?

At this moment, the lake Huan Yin is in is not a lake at all, but the dragon's blood that remains in the dragon's body! Most of these dragon blood are rotten and the stench is unbearable. But a very small part of it is still intact, mixed with these corrupt dragon blood. What Huan Yin is receiving at the moment is the very small amount of intact dragon blood!

What were those images I just saw?

Who are the people in that huge pit, where do they come from, and what kind of people are they?

Why do the remains of this giant dragon appear here? Does the world in the picture really exist?

Luo Hu, this is what the dragon seems to call that unimaginably powerful light and shadow. Who is he?

Huan Yin felt as if he had accidentally come into contact with a world that he could not imagine, but he could not find a clue at all.

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