Infinite true path

Chapter 1416 The mysterious woman reappears

After a few steps, he came to the front of the south wall. After standing still and looking for a while, Huan Yin found that the wall was still the same wall. Even if he reached out and touched it again, the feeling was still the same.

Here, it seemed that there was really only one wall.

After hesitating for a while, Huan Yin gradually poured his spiritual power into the jade ruyi. Then, he picked up the jade ruyi and approached the wall.

At this time, a magical scene appeared. The wall that originally seemed to have no flaws actually melted down by itself at this moment, and behind the melted wall, a door-shaped light curtain existed, emitting a faint light.

Huan Yin showed a look of surprise. The jade ruyi worked, which proved that he was not in the wrong place. Perhaps, behind the door-shaped light curtain in front of him, is where the "heavenly secret" is, and where the "future" is!

But Huan Yin observed for a long time, and could not see any clues through the door-shaped light curtain. The power of this light curtain to isolate the spiritual consciousness is still terribly strong. It is impossible to perceive anything through it.

Although he did not see what was hidden behind the light curtain, Huan Yin found that there was a hole with a strange shape in the middle of the light curtain, like a keyhole.

Huan Yin was so smart that he knew what was going on without even thinking about it. And for him now, the best strategy was to get the secret as soon as possible and then escape. If it was delayed for too long, who knew if there would be any changes in this heavily guarded prison?

So, he quickly inserted the jade Ruyi in his hand into the keyhole. Coincidentally, the shape of the Ruyi turned sideways was exactly the same as the shape of the keyhole, so the Ruyi was now more like a key inserted into the keyhole.

After inserting it all the way to the bottom, Huan Yin slowly turned the Ruyi, as if he was unlocking a lock. He turned the Ruyi around, and then the light curtain suddenly disappeared...

What came into view was the situation behind the light curtain. There was no big treasure house here, no spacious secret room, but only a narrow stone space that was just one person tall, less than three feet wide, and less than half a foot deep. In the middle of the entire space, a small stone platform rose from the ground like a candlestick, just to the level of Huanyin's thigh. Then, Huanyin saw a small jar on the stone platform...

With a "dang" sound, Yu Ruyi fell to the ground. It was not because of the pull of the disappearing light curtain, but because Huanyin's hands were already weak.

Huanyin has been lurking all the way until now, for several days. Along the way, what he feared most was that he would make a noise and alarm the guards here. He was cautious and even more nervous all the way. Any slight movement was enough to speed up his heartbeat.

However, now, Ruyi made such a crisp sound in this absolutely quiet space, and was still going back and forth in the secret room, but he seemed to be deaf to it and had no reaction.

Huanyin was completely stunned. At this moment, he no longer had any guards in the prison, no crisis, and even no Luohou in his heart. The strange jar in front of him clearly blocked the divine sense, so he couldn't see anything. However, this was the only thing in his eyes at the moment. His heart was beating faster than ever before, and his blood was boiling!

"Soul-calling altar..." After a long time, a faint voice came out of Huan Yin's throat. And that instinctive desire and endless impulse told him that he was not wrong!

The thing placed on the stone platform in front of him was the soul-calling altar!

There were three soul-calling altars. When Huan Yin was poisoned by Luo Hou, Luo Hou divided Huan Yin's soul into three parts, namely the heavenly soul, the earthly soul, the life soul and the seven souls. And these three soul-calling altars were what Luo Hou used to place Huan Yin's three souls separately.

The first soul-calling altar was stolen from Luo Hou by Mangino. This soul-calling altar contained Huan Yin's life soul and seven souls, which was enough to revive Huan Yin. Lu Ya Zhenren from the human world also helped Mangino, so Huan Yin in this life came into being.

The second soul-calling altar was sent to the hands of the King of the Wheel of Hell by Luohou. This soul-calling altar contained Huanyin's earth soul. Huanyin finally won this soul-calling altar and achieved his current achievements.

And the third soul-calling altar is right in front of Huanyin!

Behind Yu Ruyi is the secret of heaven and Huanyin's future, because this soul-calling altar must contain Huanyin's heavenly soul!

Huanyin's life, the road of cultivation is not without ups and downs. Even today, he has tried his best, but he is limited to the achievement of the five sources. Because he only has the life soul and the earth soul, even if his soul capacity has been developed to the extreme, it can no longer accommodate the sixth source.

But if the heavenly soul returns, Huanyin will finally become a person with a truly complete soul, then his achievements...

Huanyin dreams of the day when his soul is complete. He has been looking forward to his heavenly soul for hundreds of years, and now, the opportunity to become a complete person is right in front of him!

His throat rolled, and Huanyin felt that his breathing was about to stagnate. He never thought that what he found by chance would be this!

No wonder Zhuang Yu said it was a secret, no wonder Zhuang Yu said it was the future!

For the things in front of him, Huan Yin can give up everything!

Taking a deep breath, Huan Yin forced himself to calm down. He was ready to go over to get his own soul and meet his future. That would be an infinitely beautiful scene...

However, as soon as he took a step, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of the stone platform. Huan Yin didn't notice anyone nearby from the beginning to the end, so he had no idea where the black shadow came from. And this dark shadow was not polite at all, and directly picked up the soul-inducing altar on the stone platform!

He is going to take away the soul-inducing altar!

Huan Yin's eyes suddenly turned red. He looked at the black figure in front of him and suddenly realized that this figure was extremely familiar. He had kidnapped Bisuojia in Phoenix Ridge and finally pried out the "key" from Bisuojia's mouth. "The missing woman!"

Huan Yin secretly overheard the conversation between the woman and Pisuojia, so he took advantage of it and obtained the jade Ruyi. However, he never expected that the woman's ghost would linger and appear here again!

"Who are you, sir? Why do you covet what is in your hand?" Huan Yin's voice became a little cold. He would not have a good impression of anyone who dared to touch his heavenly soul. As he asked, he was also filled with doubts. This is his heavenly soul, and it has no effect at all if others take it. Putting Luo Hu here is just suppressing it. Then why does this woman care so much about Huan Yin's heavenly soul? What use would she get if she got Huan Yin's Heavenly Soul?

The woman obviously didn't know Huan Yin. Huan Yin was now masked, and she didn't even know who Huan Yin was. She just looked at Huan Yin deeply, with some doubts in her eyes, as if she couldn't figure out why Huan Yin could obtain Yu Ruyi, and why he was so interested in the Soul-inducing Altar. Then, without saying a word, she flashed and was about to run away!

How could Huan Yin let her go now? For Tianhun, Huan Yin would risk his life!

So Huan Yin moved sideways and directly blocked the woman's way. Huan Yin saw that the woman had no intention of talking to him, so he didn't bother to talk anymore and directly took action to snatch the soul-inducing altar!

Huan Yin intercepted and grabbed the soul-inducing altar. With this move, the woman realized that Huan Yin's cultivation was terrifying and his methods were astonishing. He was not at all the mere Five Origins he seemed on the surface. Even though she now has a cultivation level that is almost two levels higher than Huan Yin, she still has to be treated with caution.

She paused, but her movements were not slow. When the spiritual power surged, he slapped away Huan Yin's grasped hand with one hand, while the other hand was propped on the wall, trying to continue escaping.

Apparently, like Huan Yin, the woman was also a thief who broke into the prison. She didn't dare to be too ostentatious, and now that she had the thing, she wanted to get away as soon as possible.

However, Huan Yin would never let her have her way. One hand was patted down, but the other hand immediately struck out with lightning, grabbing the woman's hand like a pair of pliers. As a result, the woman's figure had already floated out, but with Huan Yin's strong tug, she actually made a big loop in the air and came back again.

He came back with a kick, directly hitting Huan Yin's chest. The woman was obviously a little angry, so she took the initiative.

Huan Yin stepped aside and pulled hard, and the woman was pulled directly in front of him. A fragrant breeze blows towards your face, making you a little intoxicated. But Huan Yin only has Tianhun in his heart now, but he doesn't care about this. He thinks that since the woman doesn't take the initiative to hand over the soul-inducing altar, he should capture the woman first!

He slapped the woman with a fierce palm. The palm was so sharp that it blew up the woman's mask, revealing the snow-white skin under the mask. The woman was shocked and quickly faced off with Huan Yin, palm to palm!

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