Infinite true path

Chapter 1417 The woman’s decision

Although Huan Yin and the mysterious masked woman in black are enemies, to the entire Tianlao, they have one thing in common - they are both foreign intruders.

Therefore, even if you give them a hundred courages here, no matter what changes they encounter, they will never dare to make too much noise. If they were discovered by the defenders here, not only would they not be able to obtain the Soul Altar at all, they might even be buried directly here.

In this way, although Huan Yin and the woman were facing each other tit for tat in the underground stone chamber, and could even be said to be fighting for their lives, the two of them maintained a low-key tacit understanding. No matter how they fought, no matter how intense the fight was, no matter how great a threat they thought they were, they never used magic weapons or performed any terrifying magic.

With each move, the palms are sharp and the fists and kicks are powerful, but they will never bring out any light or make a big noise. The two of them exchanged moves, just like mortals competing with fists and kicks. Although they were full of energy and could not be compared with mortals, the lights around them were rarely blown between the gestures.

For two Yuanli monks with advanced cultivation, I don't know if this kind of attack is unique in the past. While the two were fighting each other, they didn't notice the perfect tacit understanding between them.

Because of this style of fighting, the two men's combat prowess was surprisingly close, making it difficult to distinguish between them. In this way, since they first took action, they had made hundreds of correct moves in this stone room without even realizing it, and nearly half an hour had passed.

Of course, this kind of fighting is not just playing house for the two of them. They obviously care very much about the Soul-Inducing Altar, so their fists and kicks may seem ordinary, but they are full of energy. If one of them were to take a punch, he would probably vomit blood and be injured.

For example, once, Huan Yin couldn't hold himself back and wanted to know who this woman was who was so interested in his soul. So when he punched her, his fist suddenly turned into a claw, trying to grab the woman's mask. The woman was shocked and hurriedly ran away, but Huan Yin's hand grabbed her shoulder and immediately found three blood marks there.

However, the woman is not someone who is willing to suffer losses, and her methods are even more impressive. When Huan Yin wanted to catch her and mask her, she unexpectedly had the same idea in a tacit understanding, and her movements were even more clever than Huan Yin's. So, when she was scratched by Huan Yin, she suddenly grabbed Huan Yin back, catching Huan Yin off guard, and her mask almost fell off. Fortunately, Huan Yin protected him in time, but there was a very obvious blood mark on the left side of his face.

However, even if both of them tried their best, it seemed that even if they continued to fight like this for a hundred years, it would be difficult to determine the winner.

At a certain moment, the two may have been fighting for two or three hours. The woman and Huan Yin exchanged palms, and they both retreated and distanced themselves from each other. Huan Yin naturally had no intention of stopping. He would not give up on those who snatched his Heavenly Soul, and he had no reason to give up on the Heavenly Soul itself. Without a better solution, he could only fight to the death!

However, after the woman stepped away, she suddenly said: "Wait!"

Huan Yin's figure froze, but his eyes were cold, and he did not speak, waiting for the woman's next words. When the woman saw Huan Yin stop, she said, "We won't be able to finish fighting like this for a hundred years. By then, the guards here will be alerted, and none of us will be able to survive."

Huan Yin said coldly: "So what, I am determined to get that thing!"

Seeing Huan Yin's resolute attitude, the woman was slightly surprised even though she had expected it. She said, "Do you know what is in this jar? If you don't know clearly and just think it is a great treasure, then I I advise you not to waste your time, it’s useless if you get it!”

This sentence immediately moved De Huan Yin's heart. From what the woman meant, she seemed to know that the soul-inducing altar contained her own heavenly soul? So why did she risk her life to take it away when she clearly knew it? The woman said that Huan Yin was useless because she didn't know Huan Yin's identity, but what use would it be if she took Huan Yin's heavenly soul by herself?

Huan Yin said: "Listen to what you mean, you know exactly what is inside."

The woman said: "If I don't know clearly, what do you want it to do?"

When Huan Yin saw the woman's posture, a flame immediately shot up above his head. Since this woman knows that the soul in the soul-inducing altar is his soul, could it be that she wants to use his soul to refine treasures?

Apart from this, he could not think of another role for this woman to obtain his heavenly soul.

This woman is simply vicious!

Huan Yin rushed forward again, and instantly he was fighting with the woman again. After fighting for a long time, the woman felt baffled. She didn't understand why Huan was suddenly angry, let alone why Huan was so concerned about the soul-inducing altar in his hand, as if he had gone crazy.

After fighting for a long time, the woman seized the opportunity to distance herself from Huan Yin again. Now, she couldn't figure out the point of continuing such an evenly matched battle, and she was even more puzzled by Huan Yin's madness. She felt that it was obviously more necessary to figure out the situation now.

"Wait!" the woman shouted, asking Huan Yin to stop again.

"It's useless to talk more. Unless you hand over the soul-inducing altar, I won't stop!" Huan Yin's voice was filled with determination and the madness that he had maintained before.

The woman looked surprised and said, "Do you know it's called the Soul-Yearing Altar?"

Huan Yin knew that he had accidentally let something slip, so he fell silent, but his eyes never left the soul-inducing altar. The woman hesitated for a while and said, "This thing is really important to me, why did you want to snatch it?"

Huan Yin was so angry that he laughed and said, "Snatch it? It belongs to me!"

The woman's brows instantly furrowed, her eyes staring closely at Huan Yin, as if she wanted to see through Huan Yin's mask. After a while, her voice became a little uneasy for some unknown reason: "Are you saying that you got Yu Ruyi and you opened the sealed door, so this soul-inducing altar belongs to you?"

Huan Yin sneered: "Isn't it?"

The woman's voice suddenly became a little cold, and she said: "That's it?"

Huan Yin said: "What a joke, who would risk their lives to come to Tianlao to hunt for treasure? Do you really think there is good fortune here?"

Upon hearing this, the woman's eyes suddenly softened and she said, "You came specifically for this thing, and you also know what's inside."

Huan Yin didn't know what the woman wanted to say, and he didn't want to tangle with her anymore. For the present plan, we still need to score a victory or defeat, so he said: "It's done, it's done, let's continue!"

The woman took a step back and said, "If you swear that this thing belongs to you, I can give it to you!"

Huan Yin's eyes narrowed and he said, "Seriously?"

The woman said: "If this thing belongs to you, you will not lose anything if you swear!"

Huan Yin knew that if he continued to entangle with this woman here, it would be difficult to achieve a result. In the end, they are afraid that they will both be discovered by the guards here, and end up stealing the chicken but losing the rice. He had always chosen to fight hard before, just because there was no better way. But now the woman suddenly spoke. Although he didn't understand the reason, but as the woman said, he would not suffer any loss if he swore this kind of oath, because the heavenly soul was his, and he could say this openly and honestly at any time. talk. In this case, he might as well trust the woman for a while, and it would be best if the problem can be solved. If you can't, it won't take much time, and you'll have to fight again at worst!

Huan Yin said: "I swear by the Tao, the things in the soul-inducing altar belong to me. If this statement is false, I shall..."

"Okay!" For some reason, the woman's eyes became softer than ever before. She looked at Huan Yin. Although her face was invisible, there was an indescribable light flowing in her eyes.

The woman picked up the soul-inducing altar, looked at it, and threw it towards Huan Yin. Huan Yin hurriedly caught it, and as soon as he took it, he felt an extremely friendly feeling running through his body, and there was also a desire and impulse to become complete.

The soul-inducing altar had not been tampered with in any way by the woman, and Tianhun was obviously still inside. Huan Yin couldn't believe that the woman just gave him the soul-inducing altar, and he was speechless for a moment.

The woman took a deep look at Huan Yin, and in a flash, she had arrived at the end of the corridor. Just listen to her say: "You have to be careful."

Huan Yin looked at the woman, but still didn't speak. Then, the woman dodged and disappeared into the corridor.

Huan Yin took a deep breath, not daring to hesitate any longer, and escaped from the stone chamber.

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