Infinite true path

Chapter 1426 Dead End After Dead End

Huan Yin died.

However, the saddest thing is not his death itself, but that he died in the hands of his best brother.

Ye Wuyou is also a Samari.

In the main hall, Luo Hu laughed wildly. Outside the main hall, Shemo Li looked at Huan Yin's motionless body lying on the ground with an expressionless expression. Obviously, Rahu succeeded. He raised Samari to heaven, erased any memories of his possible past lives, and adopted him as his adopted son. And the effect of this move was finally reflected today.

Shemoli became the one who helped him kill Huan Yin. The brothers killed each other, but Shemoli didn't know it at all. He thought he had done a good deed for his adoptive father and got great credit.

The cries echoed in the corridor outside the main hall, heartbreaking. That's the only sad person here, Mangino. She suddenly regretted that she had saved her father, regretted that she regarded Shemoli as her younger brother, and regretted that she had become an obstacle to Huan Yin.

But she knew very well that everything was useless. Huan Yin's soul will not be scattered. With his father's ability, Huan Yin's soul will be dispersed by him well this time, and then restored by him himself. But this time, no one can steal Huan Yin's soul.

However, just when Luo Hu felt extremely happy and Mangino felt heartbroken, suddenly, Huan Yin's body on the ground disappeared with a "bang", and also disappeared with blood stains all over the ground!

Where he disappeared, a doll wearing simple cloth and stuck out of straw suddenly appeared, lying on the ground instead of Huan Yin's body.

It can be seen that the doll's chest has been broken open, which means that the doll has been disabled. However, there is a smile on its face, as if it is a great ridicule to everyone in Shengshu Palace, and it is also like a provocation to Rahu!

Stand-in doll!

The life-saving treasure that Huan Yin got from Ku back then was finally put to use this time. It was also because of this doll that Huan Yin insisted on coming in person to kill Luo Hu.

Huan Yin has already thought about it. Even if he fails, this doll will take his place. He will have another chance!

Luo Hu is well-informed, how could he not recognize the stand-in doll that suddenly appeared? He originally thought that he would finally get rid of a serious problem in his heart today, but he didn't expect that Huan Yin would try to change the situation in front of him!

As the expression of surprise appeared on Mangino's face, Luo Hu roared uncontrollably in the hall. Of course, Huan Yin couldn't hear it.

At this moment, Huan Yin had appeared next to a teleportation formation on the edge of Shanxian City. This was the teleportation array where he set foot in Shanxian City, and it was also where he secretly stored the stand-in doll. So, now that the stand-in doll has replaced him, he appears here.

Now, although the plan has failed, as long as Huan Yin rushes out of Shanxian City through the teleportation array as soon as possible, he can survive. Then, maybe that battle was extremely difficult for him, but between him and Luo Hu, it was bound to be an open fight!

"Luo Hu is very strong, but I will definitely destroy him!" Huan Yin thought secretly in his heart. He had already seen that Rahu in the Shengshu Palace was not his real body, but just a clone. But even if it is a clone, its strength is so powerful. So if it were to be replaced by its real body, what kind of strength would Luo Hu have?

Also, Luo Hu didn't even seem to be planning to leave the meeting of the Great Heavenly King, and only used his avatar to participate. What kind of retreat is he in and what kind of exercises is he practicing?

Huan Yin didn't think about it anymore because two guards from the teleportation array had already walked over in front of him. Of course there are guards near the teleportation array, not to mention that this is Shanxian City, and there are quite a few guards near the teleportation array.

Huan Yin still looked like a flaming sun. When he saw the guards coming, he didn't panic. He just quickly got up from the ground under the suspicious eyes of the guards and patted the dust on his body.

"Who are you and why do you suddenly appear here?" After the guards approached, one of them spoke warily and looked at Huan Yin with suspicion.

Huan Yin quickly took out Yanyang's identity jade token from his storage bag, handed it to the guard and said, "The Emperor has sent me out of the city in an emergency, why don't you guys make way quickly?"

When the two of them saw Huan Yin's identity jade token, their expressions suddenly changed. Although they were still puzzled as to why Huan Yin suddenly appeared here in embarrassment, they did not dare to stop him at all. They bowed respectfully to Huan Yin and handed it back. After the identity jade token, he said: "It turns out to be Mr. Yan, sir, please!"

Huan Yin was respectfully sent into the teleportation array by two guards, and then the formation's light lit up. At this time, Huan Yin finally breathed a sigh of relief. Once the formation was activated, he survived!

But just as a group of guards sent Huan Yin off, Huan Yin's body was also wrapped in the power of teleportation. At the moment when Huan Yin was about to be teleported away, suddenly, the light of the formation disappeared!

Huan Yin was stunned, and the guards around him were also stunned. Looking at it like this, it seems that the power of the formation has been forcibly stopped!

An extremely unpleasant feeling came to mind. Before the guards could hurriedly try to check what went wrong, as if they were afraid of being scolded by Huan Yin, the "senior patrol envoy", suddenly, a voice called out. The whole city of Shanxian reverberated: "Immediately close all the teleportation arrays in the city, block all access to the outside, and capture the senior patrol envoy Yan Yang! Whoever captures it, I will personally teach the law for a hundred years!"

Rahu’s voice!

"Buzz!" Something in Huanyin's brain exploded, and the whole person stood there in a daze. Luohou's actions were so fast that he actually cut off all the ways out. In this way, Huanyin couldn't escape at all. Luohou caught him in a jar, wouldn't he still be dead?

The most important thing is that Luohou didn't say his real name, Shiti Huanyin, but Yanyang. Luohou's mind is too high. Although he didn't see Huanyin, he had guessed the tricks that Huanyin might use, so he went straight to the key point, leaving Huanyin with nowhere to hide!

The faces of the guards around changed immediately. They had just checked the name "Yanyang". Wasn't it the patrol envoy standing in front of them? And now thinking about it again, Huanyin was weird everywhere just now, and he was even more flustered. How could he be going out on business?

Without saying a word, the guards had already killed Huanyin with magic weapons in their hands. Others hurriedly sent messages to inform that "Yan Yang" was here, and asked the strong to come and capture him!


Just out of trouble, Huan Yin is now in a dead end again. The guards in front of him are certainly not worth mentioning, even if Huan Yin is injured now, he can still deal with it. But what about later? He has no way out, and will be surrounded by more and more strong men, until the end, Luo Hou's black-clothed clone will come here in person. At that time, will he have a second substitute doll to help him die?

His mind was in chaos, but he couldn't help but fight. Huan Yin's cultivation was profound, and it was easy for him to face a group of formation guards. However, the speed of the arrival of the reinforcements made Huan Yin feel scared. In just a few breaths, other guards on duty nearby also rushed over, and there was even a troop of about a hundred people!

Obviously, Luo Hou's words "personally teach the Tao for a hundred years" were too tempting, and no one didn't want to get such a good fortune!

Two fists are no match for four hands, let alone now that Huan Yin has been surrounded by hundreds of people in just a few breaths. Even though his cultivation is strong, even though the newcomers can't control him, they can already hold him back. The guards of the Central Shanxian City, even if they are just guarding the formation, are extremely powerful under the blessing of the battle formation!

Huan Yin killed a lot of people, but in a short period of time, he was forced to retreat step by step because of panic and his own injuries, and he was injured again because of his gradual exhaustion!

This is a new dead end, but it seems that there will be no new miracles, because Huan Yin did not prepare more back-ups. He thought he was well prepared, but he still thought everything was too simple!

Finally, Huan Yin was forced back by a group of guards to the vicinity of the ineffective teleportation array. At this time, several powerful auras suddenly burst out from behind the guards, approaching Huan Yin even faster!

Huan Yin looked up in shock and saw clearly that several strong men from Shanxian City wearing high-ranking military officer uniforms were flying towards him aggressively. Two of them had reached the Seventh Source Realm. Even if Huan Yin faced one of them now, he would have no chance of winning!

What was even more terrifying was that after they appeared, they also brought a large number of troops. There were so many people that Huan Yin couldn't keep up with them...

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