Infinite true path

Chapter 1427 The decisive battle is coming

Huan Yin resisted for a while.

Naturally, he wanted to resist. He did not hesitate to use a rare treasure like a stand-in doll to finally escape from Luo Hu's hands. He was about to regain his life. How could he be willing to be killed in vain by a group of people who in Luo Hu's eyes were just little ones? The existence of fish and shrimps surrounds this place?

But whether Huan Yin is willing or not, he is not the one making the decision now. He was seriously injured and confused, and the opponent had many people, and strong men came one after another. No matter how stubborn he was, he could not resist it.

With a "bang" sound, Huan Yin faced off against a strong man again. This strong man had seven levels of cultivation, and it was difficult for Huan Yin to resist. In addition, there was actually a Qiyuan strongman sneak attack from the side, Huan Yin finally spurted out blood, was blasted out, and landed heavily on the ground.

The place where Huan Yin fell was right at the edge of the teleportation array that had lost its effectiveness before. Now the teleportation array seemed to be taunting him. He could see it and touch it, but he couldn't use it at all.

The crowd surrounded Huan Yin again, blocking all of Huan Yin's exits. Of course, Huan Yin still has another way out, which is the teleportation array beside him, which has been abolished.


Huan Yin was unwilling. He did not expect that his trip to Shanxian City would be such a failure. Not only did he fail to overthrow Luo Hu, but he also got himself involved.

But now, what can he do? Not to mention that Luo Hu must be on his way here now. Even if Luo Hu doesn't come, the dense army in front of him is enough to engulf him. He has now become a piece of fish on the chopping board and will soon be used to claim credit for Luo Hu. Please reward the spoils of war.

Seeing the crowd approaching step by step, Huan Yin felt endless sadness in his heart. From the joking look on everyone's face, he seemed to see his own miserable end. Judging from the pace of those people who could obviously speed up and capture him immediately, but deliberately slowed down, he seemed to see the end of his immortality.

"That's it!" Huan Yin figured it out and decided to end it on his own. He is a majestic emperor, even if he fails, he cannot be insulted by this group of soldiers and generals. What's more, as long as he ends it on his own, there is at least the possibility of his soul escaping and going to hell. That way, at least he would have another chance. Even if he had to start all over again, it would be better than having his soul trapped by Rahu and being trapped forever.

Raising his hand, Huan Yin was about to slap his Tianling with his palm. But at this moment, a light suddenly brightened behind him. That brightness actually enveloped his body!

Huan Yin was startled and looked behind him, and saw that the teleportation array that had been stopped by Luo Hu himself had regained its effectiveness. At this moment, in the teleportation array, a stunningly beautiful woman, who was not even inferior to Mangino, was standing there, with a pair of beautiful eyes looking at him!

Donghuang Yuer!

Huan Yin was completely stunned. He thought he was blinded before he died, so he saw the child's mother. But the woman frowned and shouted: "Why are you so stunned? Why don't you come with me?"

This drink completely woke Huan Yin up. He discovered that the woman who suddenly appeared was not an illusion, but a real existence. Donghuang Yuer came to save him at this critical moment!

Although he still couldn't figure out the reason for the moment, Huan Yin immediately used up his last strength and rushed into the teleportation array. At this time, the besieging people reacted and wanted to keep Huan Yin and Donghuang Yu'er.

However, Donghuang Yuer waved his hand, and a strange power suddenly appeared. This power is not spiritual power, but it is extremely mysterious. It immediately makes the teleportation array move. The two people disappeared from the teleportation array just before the besieging people rushed in!

Then, the teleportation array returned to its original state, as if it had never worked. Those who besieged him were like hungry wolves at first, but in the end they gathered together and were all beaten to death.

Donghuang Yuer and Huan Yin flew in the teleportation channel for three full days.

Within three days, Huan Yin found that the transmission channel he was in seemed a little different from before, as if it had been modified. At the same time, he had a lot of doubts about Donghuang Yu'er's appearance.

Donghuang Yuer told Huan Yin that she recovered from the cave eight days ago. After regaining consciousness, she returned to the tribe and found many people. She learned that Huan Yin went to Central Shanxian City to poison Luo Hui and met Xuanwu.

Xuanwu made a fortune-telling five days ago. Although he couldn't guess the details, he divined a very bad fortune for Huan Yin. In desperation, Donghuang Yu'er rushed to Central Shanxian City alone, and then the scene of rescuing Huan Yin happened.

It's just that Donghuang Yu'er is so virtuous and capable that he can break into the teleportation array that has been closed by Luo Hu, and even control the array to make it effective again?

It turned out that Donghuang Yu'er after waking up was completely different from before. In addition to possessing the personalities of both Donghuang Yu'er and Yingluo, her biggest achievement is that she has acquired the secret inheritance of the Bai clan, inherited Suzaku's magical power, and gained the power to control space!

In other words, after waking up, Donghuang Yu'er will be the new generation of Suzaku, one of the four protectors of Huan Yin, and one of the four protectors of Shanxian City!

Thinking back then, when Huan Yin built the teleportation array, how often did he not rely on Suzaku's power? Suzaku can control space and is born with extraordinary control over the teleportation array. In this way, Dong Huang Yu'er became Suzaku, and was able to show the scene of saving Huan Yin before!

Knowing the changes that had happened to Donghuang Yu'er, Huan Yin was surprised and happy. What makes Huan Yin even more gratified is that Donghuang Yu'er is back, Huan Yu's mother is back, and Yingluo is back too!

This is the best result.

Of course, Donghuang Yuer saved Huan Yin this time, but Huan Yin owed her more. But now, with the relationship between the two, the debt has become a part of the relationship.

Three days later, Huan Yin followed Donghuang Yu'er and returned to the south for eight days. He was seriously injured at this moment and should have taken a good rest for a while, but it was too late for him to recuperate. Even after people such as Hu Hu and Situ Miaoshou knew the results of Huan Yin's appearance in the city, even though they were extremely concerned about Huan Yin, they did not persuade Huan Yin to rest specifically.

Because Huan Yin's poisoning trip to Shanxian City has now failed, the relationship between him and Luo Hu has gone from secret to open. The last layer of window paper has been pierced, and a war will be inevitable next. Even if Huan Yin doesn't take the initiative to ask for war, Luo Hu will send troops!

Even though there were laments and surprises about Huan Yin's failure. Even if you are not completely prepared for this battle, when it comes, you must catch it and win it to complete the great cause of restoring the heaven!

This will be an unprecedented battle, and it will also be the ultimate battle. Its result will determine the direction of heaven in the future and determine the life and death of too many people!

As the supreme commander of his side and the former Emperor of Heaven, Huan Yin naturally became the most critical figure in this decisive battle. What he urgently needs to do now is to call on everyone to prepare for war!

Perhaps, Luo Hu had already ordered troops to be sent out at this moment, and everyone would wait, but Huan Yin knew that his enemies would not wait. If one's own side is not fully prepared, it will be wiped out in an instant.

So, on the third day of Huan Yin's return, Huan Yin's image appeared in the sky above a total of twenty-four big cities in the three heavens, southeast and west.

This time, Huan Yin revealed his true face to everyone, and also told everyone his real name: Shiti Huanyin!

Huan Yin let everyone know that the real emperor in heaven was back. And this time he comes back to lead everyone to fight against Luohu in an upright and upright manner, to overthrow Luohu, restore the heaven, correct reincarnation, and let the heaven enjoy peace forever!

The three major cities in the east, west, and south were originally loyal to Huan Yin, but now that they knew that Huan Yin was the former Emperor of Heaven and the destined emperor, the soldiers all looked excited, bursting with their own blood and strong will to fight.

Just like that, a decisive battle is about to break out. On the eve of the decisive battle, Huan Yin's side had already begun intensive preparations for the battle after calling. All soldiers and civilians work together for a better life that truly belongs to heaven in the future.

I just don’t know what Luo Hu is planning in Central Shanxian City at this moment. The only one in the north who has not been taken under Huan Yin's command is Ba Tian, ​​and now he must have received the news, and what kind of actions he will take. As for Luo Hu's true self, is he still not planning to leave seclusion?

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