Infinite true path

Chapter 1428 Key Issues

Active preparation for war should result in corresponding results.

As each matter was arranged intensively, more and more elite soldiers and generals were trained, a larger and larger army was formed, and a stronger will to fight filled the three areas of the southeast and west. A big city.

However, this is only part of the change. There are also a large number of magic weapons being continuously forged and sent to the hands of soldiers one by one. Formations are completed one after another and added to the battle sequence. There are also huge combat instruments one after another that have become Huan Yin's trump card.

For a moment, the entire heaven seemed to be turbulent. Not only was everyone's hearts covered with a layer of solemnity, but even the golden sky seemed to feel it. It became a bit darker, and the clouds were lowered, making people a little breathless. The storm is coming and it is unstoppable.

Huan Yin naturally knew very well in his heart that although all the preparations for the war were being arranged in an orderly manner, after all, their side was forced to open the window paper because of the failure to poison Luo Hu, and turned from darkness to light. Therefore, their battle will be extremely difficult, and it can even be said that their chances of winning are not very great.

But since he had to fight, Huan Yin still wanted to win. If you want to win, in addition to regular preparations, strategy is extremely important.

Strategy is exactly what Huan Yin, the leader, should consider.

As for the current biggest policy, Huan Yin has already made a decision without convening everyone for discussion.

The key now is the eight days in the north. Eight days in the north is also Huan Yin's current primary goal.

If you want to overthrow Rahu, Central Shanxian City is naturally the most critical. But Huan Yin knew in his heart that it was impossible to eat a fat baby in one bite. What's more, now he is basically at a disadvantage compared to Luo Hu. Rushing directly to the Central Shanxian City is basically the same as committing suicide.

The reason why the Eight Heavens in the North is critical is that it is the only one among the eight surrounding Heavens that Huan Yin has not yet captured. In other words, this big sky is the only one on the periphery that is still in the hands of Luo Hu.

This great heaven, as long as Rahu is not stupid, he will definitely make great use of it. Although it is impossible to become the main force in this decisive battle, it is a good springboard. With this springboard, Luo Hu could easily send troops from Central Shanxian City. In this way, Huan Yin's side would not only be strongly restrained, but if they were at a disadvantage and Luo Hu wanted to send troops to kill them, they would be destroyed quickly.

But if Huan Yin could capture this big sky as soon as possible, the situation would be completely different. In this way, not only did Huan Yin lose a huge threat, but as long as the Northern Eight Heavens was under his control, he could form a perfect encirclement of Luohu and completely isolate Luohu and Central Shanxian City. By then, Luo Hu's destruction will probably be a matter of time.

Therefore, the Northern Eight Heavens is Huan Yin's first target now. If he wins the Northern Eight Heavens, his disadvantage will not be so obvious, and he will be able to have some confidence in the decisive battle with Luo Hu.

But if Luo Hu moves quickly enough, maybe he has already begun to increase troops to the North Eight Heavens, and the defense force of the North Eight Heavens will definitely become stronger day by day.

Sending troops from Central Shanxian City will naturally consume a lot of manpower and material resources, and it is not that easy. Moreover, after all, it can only be transmitted through the teleportation array, so the number of troops sent at once cannot be large, they can only be sent bit by bit. But Luo Hu now has a lot of resources in his hands. If he knows the importance of the eight days in the north, his progress will not be slow. And once he is given enough time to complete the reinforcement of troops, in the next step, he can turn the North Eight Days from defense to offense, and Huan Yin will be in big trouble.

In this way, time has become the key among the keys. Huan Yin knew that he had to capture the northern eight days as soon as possible before Luo Hu completed the reinforcements. And the earlier he does it, the fewer troops Luo Hu will send, the greater his hope of winning the Northern Eight Days, and the lower the difficulty. If it is delayed for a long time, it will be difficult to say.

Since the goal is so clear and the direction is so clear, it seems that the problem Huan Yin faces is not a big problem. However, it was precisely this problem that seemed not to be a problem, but it stumped Huan Yin, and also stumped all the people under Huan Yin.

As of today, preparations for the war have been going on for two full months. According to Huan Yin's estimation, as long as he takes the initiative to march to the North Eight Days within three months, and reaches the North Eight Days within four months, then Luo Hu may not have time to increase his troops too much. Once the Northern Eight Heavens was captured by him, he completely closed the teleportation array used by Luo Hu to increase his troops, and Luo Hu was isolated.

There is obviously no problem in launching an advance within three months. But it is almost impossible to send troops from the three great heavens of southeast, south and west to advance into the north for eight days within a month.

Not to mention the eight days in the farthest south, let's talk about the eight days in the east and west. Even if Donghuang Yu'er, the new Suzaku, personally sends someone to the north for eight days, it will probably take more than a month. As for sending an army, she simply couldn't do it. As for teleporting the army to the three heavens, even if Donghuang Yuer is asked to gather all the old patrol envoys under his command, it is absolutely impossible!

Even though Donghuang Yuer controls the power of space secrets, even though the traveling envoys travel through Mount Sumeru all year round, they have their own methods. But now Huan Yin has more than one million troops? To transport such a large force to the north for eight days at the same time in a short period of time is no longer something that their level of power can achieve.

If we can't teleport so many, can we send fewer troops? According to Dong Huang Yu'er's estimate, he could gather the power of the patrol envoys and with all his strength, he might be able to transport nearly 10,000 troops to the north for eight days within a month. But isn't sending so many people there the same as sending them to death?

Today Huan Yin summoned all the important ministers under his command to make more careful arrangements.

Now that Huan was in the Southern Eight Heavens, everyone gathered in the Southern Eight Heavens. Even the key figures from the Eastern and Western Eight Heavens came.

Among them, there are people such as Yue Fengyun, Bai Kui, Zhang Tao, Jiang, Tong Dong, Ying Jue, Xu Tian, ​​Defa Polo, etc. who came from the other two heavens, as well as people such as Xuan Wu, Dong Huang Yu'er, Situ Miaoshou, Jiumeng, Huzi and other people who were originally in the south for eight days.

Everyone was now gathered together, standing in rows. At a glance, there were nearly sixty people. The sixty years that Huan Yin came to heaven were truly not in vain.

It's just that this group of people, including Huan Yin himself, can quickly reach an agreement when discussing all issues, and then quickly make arrangements. But there was only one thing, and when everyone mentioned it, they immediately frowned, wondering what to do.

This matter is how to send troops to the north for eight days.

After seeing this topic being brought up, everyone fell silent, and the atmosphere of the entire meeting became a little stiff. Huan Yin also sighed secretly in his heart.

Obviously, everyone is not stupid and has already thought about this issue. It's just the result of thinking, but it has already been understood in everyone's hearts. No one can come up with a feasible solution to this problem.

In this case, it seems that this issue does not need to be discussed, because no one has a reasonable solution. But the problem is here. If it is not solved, the trouble will be big.

"Hey, let's discuss this later. Let's move on to the next topic." After a long while, seeing that no one responded, Huan Yin finally waved his hand.

However, just when he was about to continue, Donghuang Yu'er suddenly said: "Wait a minute, I remembered that there seems to be a method recorded in the ancestor's classics."

Now Donghuang Yu'er has confirmed her status as the Suzaku protector, and is also Huan Yin's imperial concubine. She has a high status. No one dares to ignore her every word, not to mention that what she says now is extremely important. . As a result, everyone turned to look at her, including Huan Yin of course.

Donghuang Yu'er quickly took out an extremely ancient classic from his arms. Huan Yin only took one glance and recognized that this classic was written by the old Suzaku himself. He greatly admired Old Suzaku's ability, so a glimmer of hope immediately rose in his heart.

After watching for a while, Donghuang Yu'er said: "According to what the ancestor wrote, if we can have the help of the boundary force, perhaps the long-distance teleportation of the troops is not completely impossible."

Upon hearing this, Xuanwu was the one who reacted the fastest. He stared and said: "I remembered it. The woman seemed to have said that the most powerful force for teleportation within a realm is the realm power. With the realm power, supplemented by her secret method, Can teleport thousands of troops!"

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