Infinite true path

Chapter 1431 A difficult journey

An extremely depressing feeling gradually arose in Huan Yin's heart, making him feel a little breathless.

Huan Yin didn't think he could climb to the top of such a tall mountain in his current condition, not to mention it was so cold here. When you reach high altitudes, it will inevitably get colder, and you may even experience wind and snow.

Huan Yin shouldn't underestimate this mountain. After all, even ordinary mountains can be very high, and it can be very cold at high places. It's just that he overestimated himself without spiritual power, or he had long forgotten what it was like to have no spiritual power.

What made Huan Yin feel even more chilled was that he found that his judgment also dropped sharply as he became a mortal. Tianyu Mountain may be the highest peak in the entire heaven. Just think about it and you will know that the height is terrifying. Even a monk flying can hardly reach the top. But just now Huan Yin thought that he had only climbed for a few hours and could reach the top after passing the clouds.

This is simply naive. However, behind the innocence, it is because Huan Yin has lost his spiritual consciousness and lost too many judgment abilities and means, not because there is something wrong with his ideas. Therefore, this defect cannot be remedied. If he continues to move up, his poor judgment will continue to affect him.

"You have to hurry up!" Huan Yin forced down the depressed feeling in his heart. He knew that this would not help him. Tianyu Mountain still needs to be climbed, and the world power must be obtained. Even if he dies in this mountain, he will never look back!

Huan Yin began to try to speed up the pace, because he knew that he did not have much time, and he had to rush back as soon as possible with his realm power. And more importantly, he found that the severe cold was attacking him all the time. As time went by, he was afraid that he would not be able to withstand it.

For the first part of the way, there was some ice and snow on the ground, but not much. Even though the mountain trail is a bit slippery, at least you can see the ground below through the ice and snow. Therefore, Huan Yin would not step into the air, and he had climbed a long mountain road before, so he had adapted a lot. Therefore, even though he had no spiritual power, he actually sped up a lot.

However, this acceleration was gradually forced to slow down after less than two hours.

What forced Huan Yin was not just one thing, but too many factors.

Huan Yin was tired. He had been climbing the mountain for so long, and he had been racing against time. As a mortal, he was not like a monk who could just take out a bunch of spiritual stones and elixirs and recover quickly. Although the good news is that Huan Yin found that he can still do inedia, physical strength is still an issue.

And the higher you go, the more ice and snow you get. In this way, Huan Yin felt colder and colder. Even if he climbed quickly and exercised a lot, he could not make up for the calories he continued to consume. So as he walked, he began to tremble, and it was naturally difficult to increase his speed.

What's more, as the snow accumulates more and more, the mountain road below, which is not a road in the first place, has gradually become completely covered with ice and snow, and cannot be seen at all. In this way, not only did the place of footing become more slippery, but more importantly, Huan Yin had no idea whether his next foot would miss the mark or whether he would be able to touch the ground. In this way, he must try every kick before he can make it. How can he get up fast?

The speed was getting slower and slower. Huan Yin was clearly walking upwards, but he felt that the top of the mountain, which he could not see at all, seemed to be getting further and further away from him. Fortunately, he was determined and persevered. But in the process, he would inevitably slip and get injured, and even occasionally roll down. If he hadn't desperately grabbed the rocks under the ice and snow every time, he might have been in vain a few times. Climb.

Later, Huan Yin found a thick wooden stick for himself under the ice and snow. Climbing with wooden sticks, he finally felt better. It's just that the speed is still very slow, and it's getting slower and slower.

The slower and slower speed not only corresponds to the increasingly slim hope, but more importantly, the erosion of the cold and the aggravation of the injury are hitting Huan Yin's mortal body in an amplified time, even if his physical fitness is better. Okay, I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it for a long time.

In this way, Huan Yin climbed on the mountainside covered with ice and snow for about ten hours. There was no longer any color on his face, the sticks in his hands had been replaced many times, and his body was covered with ice and snow, making him look like a snowman.

Huan Yin took a few heavy breaths, feeling that there was not much energy left in his body, and for the first time a trace of despair arose in his heart. Looking up subconsciously, his heart beat violently, and hope came back immediately!

Huan Yin saw the top of the mountain, vaguely, a sharp corner among the large ice and snow, which seemed to be the other side of victory.

About to arrive!

Once there, Huan Yin can call the world to wake up and be given the power of the world again. When the time comes, what about Tianyu Mountain? Isn’t it going to be controlled by him?

There were some expressions on Huan Yin's face, as if he wanted to laugh. Unfortunately, his face was completely frozen, and his smile was already frozen.

Huan Yin raised his feet again, wanting to continue going up. Unexpectedly, a strong wind blew, with a biting chill and a lot of ice and snow, which made Huan Yin unsteady. The strong wind was like many knives, cutting into Huan Yin's skin!

The snowstorm is coming!

Huan Yin looked in the direction of the wind and saw that a whirlwind had appeared over there. The ice and snow were swept up from the ground by the strong wind and were swooping towards him!

If Huan Yin had spiritual power, Feng Xue could completely ignore this. But now, these wind and snow are enough to kill him and make him stop there, forever separated from the top of the mountain!

Huan Yin knew that he could no longer bear it, so he looked around, trying to find a place to escape the snowstorm. Fortunately, he soon saw a cave covered in ice and snow. Although it was very inconspicuous, he still spotted it at a glance at the critical moment!

Huan Yin walked towards that direction, but was blown by the strong wind and fell several times. Fortunately, he never fell down and finally entered the cave.

After entering the cave, Huan Yin quickly retreated to the innermost part. It was also at this time that a whirlwind blew in, making the whole cave "whimper", as if a ghost was crying and a wolf was howling.

Huddled deep in the cave, Huan Yin felt very cold. Especially when he calmed down like this, the feeling of fatigue and cold seemed to be magnified countless times in an instant, and could destroy his will at any time.

Huan Yin's eyes gradually closed, and he fell into a drowsy state. Not long after, he even fell down!

"Crack!" Huan Yin felt himself pressing on something and made a crisp sound. He was even pricked by that thing, his whole body was in pain, and he suddenly woke up.


Huan Yin looked over subconsciously and suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

Upon entering the eyes, large pieces of white bones were clearly visible, densely packed beside Huan Yin. None of these bones are animal bones, they are all human bones without exception!

Huan Yin had hurriedly entered the cave to take shelter. In his panic and the darkness here, he didn't realize that he was squatting next to so many human bones.

With so many human bones, how many people died? These people, where did they come from?


Throughout the ages, the legend that climbing Tianyu Mountain can obtain world power has always influenced every monk in the heaven. And among them, there are also many who are not afraid of death. They are really like Huan Yin now, who climbed up Tianyu Mountain. However, I have never heard of anyone returning from Tianyu Mountain. Luo Hu returned seriously injured and was probably the only survivor.

"It turns out they all died here." Huan Yin murmured.

He can now understand the situation of those people, because what he is facing now is the same as those of his deceased predecessors. And if he hadn't fallen on the bones just now, he would have fallen into a deep sleep like this, and I'm afraid he would never wake up again. Among the pile of bones, there was another one named Huan Yin. However, no one can recognize him anymore.

The white bones pricked him, which Huan Yin regarded as a warning from his predecessors. How many monks with profound and unpredictable abilities finally died in the wind and snow and were buried in this mountain. If he doesn't become stronger, he will still follow in the footsteps of his predecessors.

Huan Yin didn't dare to sleep anymore, but the wind and snow outside didn't look like it would stop anytime soon. But the cold and fatigue hit him again, and he found that just sitting like this, he probably couldn't change the situation.

Huan Yin looked around and was lucky enough to find some wood. And the wood is piled in a pile, as if the previous people had considered living here for heating. It's just that obviously the predecessors didn't succeed, the fire didn't start, but the wood was left here, which just gave him an advantage.

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