Infinite true path

Chapter 1432 On top of the mountain

The fire was lit.

Although it is very windy and snowy here, it is precisely because it is too cold that there is only ice and snow and no water. In this way, those piles of wood were very dry. In addition, Huan Yin also experienced some difficulties before cultivating immortals and knew how to drill wood to make fire. Therefore, even though he had no spiritual power and spent a lot of effort, he succeeded in the end.

Huan Yin no longer thinks about spiritual power. Although spiritual power will completely change his current predicament, he knows that there is no point in thinking about it. This is a world without spiritual power, and he can only rely on himself.

In a place like this, what's the difference between immortals and mortals? Perhaps a young and powerful rural man could easily kill a high-level monk here.

It's just that Huan Yin still thinks about it. After all, he has nothing to do here. Apart from warming himself by the fire, everything seems so boring. Instead, it was fire that freed Huan Yin from his embarrassment and made his thinking more active.

Huan Yin thought a lot about this mountain. There are legends among them, as well as his recent personal experience.

For example, when he thought about it now, when he was walking on the mountain road just now, he seemed to have stepped on something crunchy under the ice and snow many times. Now that I think about it, there are very few plants under the ice and snow. Those things are probably human bones, countless climbers who have died in this mountain over the years.

Huan Yin didn't want to die, but he also knew that so many people had died on this mountain. Even if he had seen the top of the mountain, the road ahead would be extremely difficult and would never be as easy as he imagined. .

Huan Yin also thought about the power of the world, about heaven and earth, and about what difficulties he might encounter in the future and how to deal with them. But these thoughts would not stay in his mind for long. Only one made him think deeply.

That is about Tianyu Mountain itself.

Tianyu Mountain looks like just a tall mountain peak. It is not that conspicuous among the mountains. But why is it so special? It makes people lose their spiritual power after stepping into it, and it also stirs up so many legends about world power and so on.

How was this mountain formed? What is the meaning of its existence? Can you really gain world power by climbing to the top? Or will something more unexpected happen?

The climb up Tianyu Mountain is a kind of test, right? Those who cannot climb up will die, but those who climb up will be blessed with good fortune? Why is the test method of this mountain so unique? It requires monks to turn into mortals, and monks with amazing magical powers to be tested in ordinary nature until they are destroyed and obliterated?

After thinking about it, Huan Yin finally fell asleep again. He was tired after all, and this time, he was not awakened again and slept well.

I don't know how much time passed, but the fire in front of me was still beating, but the wind and snow outside had stopped.

Huan Yin stretched and climbed up from the ground, feeling very comfortable. The fatigue has disappeared, and the clothes on his body have been dried by the fire long ago. Now he is warm and does not make people feel cold at all.

Huan Yin looked at the flames in front of him and suddenly felt a little ironic. The first technique that a monk has to learn is related to fire. It can be said that fire is something that a monk has at his fingertips. But now, this small fire saved his life.

Huan Yin didn't know how long he had slept, but he knew he should set off now. Otherwise, if the wind and snow start again, he won't be able to leave again. Time is running out and Huan Yin will not forget it.

Huan Yin quickly walked out of the cave. Looking back, he found that the footprints he walked had been covered by wind and snow, as if no one had ever been here. But when he thought about it carefully, he felt as if he had been reborn when he walked out of the cave, so he smiled and started on the road again.

Without the warmth of the fire, the cold came to Huan Yin again. Huan Yin gritted his teeth and stepped forward. Just like before, he took every step carefully but walked steadily.

It was inevitable to get injured again. Even later, he experienced several heavy snowstorms. In the most serious one, if he hadn't grabbed onto the rocks on the edge of the cliff, he would have been blown off the cliff, leaving no trace of his body.

Fortunately, he survived and even gradually got used to this kind of climbing. So, as time went by, Huan Yin gradually got closer and closer to the top of the mountain...

Today, Huan Yin did not know how many times he had to escape the wind and snow in this mountain. He didn't know how many days had passed since he went to Tianyu Mountain. But when he thought about it, the time he planned must have exceeded the deadline. If he didn't hurry up, the big thing would be delayed.

Fortunately, after he walked out of the cave, he could see the top of the mountain at a glance. Although he is now covered in injuries, even though as a mortal he can't even talk about recovery now, he has been relying on his own willpower to carry on, even though his condition has long been very bad, but The goal is in front of us, and the most difficult time seems to have been passed.

Huan Yin smiled stiffly, then raised his feet and walked towards the target.

Getting closer, getting closer. In the end, Huan Yin could no longer see the way up. He stood on the top of the mountain. There was still ice and snow under his feet. There seemed to be nothing different here.

However, when he lowered his head and looked down, a feeling of seeing all the mountains at a glance arose in his heart, making him suddenly feel as if his thoughts had become clear.

Hard work paid off, and Huan Yin finally got here.

Just standing here, he began to understand those dead predecessors more and more. This mountain is too high and the conditions are too difficult. As mortals, everyone wants to come here. Even Huanyin himself must admit that in addition to persistence and hard work, luck is also very important.

No wonder those who came to Tianyu Mountain have never returned, and no wonder even Luohou returned with serious injuries. After such twists and turns, I am afraid it is really difficult for anyone to survive.

Huanyin smiled again, because he survived. And now, as long as he looks up at the sky and calls on the world, perhaps the legend will become a reality, and the boundary force will return to him again. Then, with the boundary force, he can fight Luohou!

Huanyin feels that he will be the first person to escape from Tianyu Mountain and get good fortune!

Finally, Huanyin raised his head and really looked at the sky, looking at the place where he wanted to call the world.

At this glance, he was stunned. His already stiff body seemed to be frozen at this moment, without any movement.

The top of Tianyu Mountain is the place closest to the sky in the legend. But at this moment, when Huan Yin really looked up for the first time and wanted to call the heaven and earth, he did not see the sky. What he saw was still a mountain!

An upside-down Tianyu Mountain!

Huan Yin thought he was dazzled. After so many twists and turns, when he finally stood here, how could he not see the sky?

But no matter how he rubbed his eyes, when he looked again, a huge mountain was really pressing on his head. This is another Tianyu Mountain, but this Tianyu Mountain is upside down, facing the mountain top under Huan Yin's feet, which looks extremely weird!

"Is it an illusion?" Huan Yin's body trembled a little, he really couldn't explain this phenomenon. He looked up many times before, and he didn't find that the mountain was like this, but why did he come here and become like this?

Huan Yin looked for a long time and hesitated for a long time. But no matter how he observed, he couldn't see any flaws in the mountain above his head. This mountain seemed to really exist, but it was strangely hanging upside down, but it really pressed Huanyin to the point of being a little breathless.

Finally, Huanyin decided not to wait any longer. He reached up and touched it, as if he had touched a mirror. He reached his hand in, and then he found that his hand had reached the top of the mountain above his head and touched the ice and snow on the top of the mountain.

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Huanyin moved. He tried to continue climbing up, and he actually climbed up the mountain above his head strangely, and stood on the opposite mountain top!

Huanyin's whole person was like the mountain, upside down. At this time, when he looked down again, it was actually a long way down the mountain. He had finally climbed up this huge Tianyu Mountain, and now if he continued, he would have to walk back backwards again!

Huanyin's mood was already difficult to describe in words. He never thought that above the mountain, it was not the sky, but another new mountain.

Is this the true form of Tianyu Mountain? So now Huan Yin has not really reached the peak. He should continue to move forward, right?

Huan Yin is not sure, but he has already done so. But he does not know that this time, he has truly embarked on a road of no return. Most of the predecessors who died in the mountains did not die in the wind and snow, but fell on this road that has no end at all...

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