Infinite true path

Chapter 1442 Why is the door curtain missing?

All the way back, Huan Yin could be said to be flying at full speed, maxing out his speed.

According to Huan Yin's original plan, he should travel between the Southern Eight Heavens Camp and Tianyu Mountain within a month. After successfully obtaining the realm power, he would also help Donghuang Yu'er build a channel to transport large troops. come out.

But it took Huan Yin only five days to get to Tianyu Mountain from the south in eight days. Although the time for enlightenment in Tianyu Mountain strangely went to zero, after Huan Yin broke through Tianyu Mountain, he called out to heaven and earth. However, it took too much time to see the colorful world spirits and absorb the world power until the battle with Luo Hu. In this way, and Huan Yin still had to spend time rushing back, the month he had expected was almost spent.

In this way, once the channel for transporting large forces is built, it may take longer than planned. In this way, how could Huan Yin not be impatient and dare not speed up?

It's a pity that no matter how fast Huan Yin speeds up, he can't get much faster than when he came. After all, his cultivation level has not increased in Tianyu Mountain. Unless he can use the boundary power in his body.

It's a pity that this little boundary power is really very little. Huan Yin is afraid that these meager powers won't even be enough to build a passage. So, how can he dare to use it indiscriminately?

"I don't know if this little bit of world power is enough. If we can't build a passage, we'll be in big trouble. And this bit of world power is really weak, so I'm afraid the speed of building the passage will slow down. According to me and According to Yu'er's original plan, it would take about half a month to build the passage. Now it seems that it will take more than that..." Huan Yin thought this even more during the flight. The clearer he became about the current situation, the more anxious he became.

Judging from the current situation, it is unknown whether the entire process will be delayed for more than a month. By then, Luo Hu must be more fully prepared. Huan Yin wants to take the Northern Eight Days in one fell swoop, but I'm afraid it won't be that easy.

In this way, Huan Yin hurriedly and slowly took nearly five days to finally reach his own camp in the south for eight days.

Now that the war is imminent, the soldiers participating in the war have no longer stayed in the city, but have opened up their posture and practiced day and night in the vast wilderness. In this way, Huan Yin's Chinese military tent had long been moved to the wilderness and was surrounded by large troops.

When Huan Yin arrived after a long journey, he found that all the soldiers were still training hard, and he couldn't help but feel a little more confident. And when he took a quick look, he found that the size of the army seemed to have expanded. It's just that the size of the Southern Eight-Day Army was terrifying. He glanced at it casually but didn't look carefully enough to know if there were really new recruits joining them.

Then, he quickly landed from the air to the ground, and arrived at the gate of the military camp in a few seconds.

At this moment, there were two rows of soldiers standing upright at the gate, on alert. They all looked energetic and energetic.

Huan Yin nodded, extremely satisfied. When he stepped forward to accept the soldiers' salutes, he found that each of the soldiers was still looking forward, not looking at him at all, as if he was nothing.

Each of these soldiers had bright eyes, but Huan Yin was already standing in front of them, but they still didn't look away. In this way, Huan Yin always felt that their eyes seemed a little dull.

"What happened?" Huan Yin was a little confused. He didn't believe that these guards dared to ignore him. But he was pressed for time, so he didn't think too much and hurriedly crossed the gate and walked straight towards his central military tent.

He wanted to find Donghuang Yu'er as soon as possible and build the passage. For him now, nothing is more important than this, and nothing can distract him.

Along the way through the military camp, I met many soldiers. However, they may all be training too seriously, and no one even noticed Huan Yin. Huan Yin walked through the school grounds without even a single person saying hello to him.

Huan Yin smiled bitterly and shook his head. He finally arrived in front of his big tent, opened the door curtain and walked in.

In the big tent, Huan Yin's closest people were all present at the moment. There is Dong Huang Yu'er, there is Xuan Wu, there is Hu Hu, and there is Zhang Tao.

Now, the four of them are gathering together, around the table, with sad faces, as if they have encountered something difficult. They were all preoccupied, and even though Huan Yin had already entered the account, no one noticed.

"No, if you keep waiting like this, I'm afraid the Lord will be in trouble. I have to go to Tianyu Mountain to find him!" Finally, Zhang Tao broke the silence that lasted for who knows how long and patted the table.

Nowadays, Zhang Tao's cultivation has become more and more advanced. Huan Yin took a cursory look and found that he actually had the power of the four sources in his body, which was very impressive.

Xuanwu frowned, glanced at Zhang Tao, and said, "No, if you go, it will only kill one more person."

An angry look appeared on Zhang Tao's face, and he said: "The spies sent out to find out the news only said that they had not found any news about the young master, but they did not say that the young master was dead. They were all wandering around the outside of Tianyu Mountain, how could they possibly find out the news? What is the situation of the young master who is on Tianyu Mountain? According to what you said, is the young master already dead? "

Seeing that Zhang Tao was a little excited, Huzi advised him: "Fellow Daoist Zhang, don't be anxious. Yushan was really weird that day. It has been a special case since the birth of my heavenly realm. If you rush into it rashly, you may be in trouble."

Zhang Tao didn't listen at all and only said: "You don't know the young master at all. I have followed him since hell. I have seen how many dangers he has experienced along the way. Even the wheel-turning king of hell was eventually defeated by him. Killed by his own hands, even Ksitigarbha will give him face. He will not die, and what you call impossible will become a reality for him!"

Xuanwu was obviously in a bad mood today. Hearing Zhang Tao argue a few words, his tone became cunning: "You mean, I don't know you as well as you know him?"

Zhang Tao was already blushing and was about to say something else, but Donghuang Yu'er's face darkened and said: "What are you arguing about?"

Donghuang Yuer's face suddenly turned down, and she had a strong aura as a master, which immediately suppressed both Xuanwu and Zhang Tao.

This surprised Huan Yin. He didn't expect that Donghuang Yu'er had changed so much in less than a month.

Huzi said: "Let the imperial concubine make the decision regarding your Majesty's affairs."

Huan Yin finally couldn't bear it anymore. He wanted to rush over and punch those four people. So, he finally said aloud: "What decision have you made? Am I back?"

When Huan Yin's voice fell, Xuanwu and the four of them were stunned for a moment, and then looked in the direction of the door where Huan Yin was. However, Huan Yin did not see the surprised expressions on the faces of the four of them. Instead, he saw one of them. Everyone quickly became alert and surprised, among them Huzi stood up and said: "Who is talking!"

Xuanwu muttered: "It's your Majesty's voice, yes, but what about Keren?"

Huan Yin clearly saw the eyes of the four people sweeping over his body, but he seemed to not see anything and looked away instantly. Together with their spiritual consciousness, they also move in the same way.

Huan Yin was a little confused. He was a big living person standing in front of the four of them, and they pretended not to see it? But judging from their expressions, it seemed like they were not pretending.

Huan Yin quickly thought that he had walked all the way here and no one greeted him. Could it be that they didn't see him at all?

"Can't you see me?" Huan Yin asked.

"Who is pretending to be a ghost?" Huan Yin found that Huzi's consciousness was activated to the maximum in an instant, and he was scanning the nearby area, but he still didn't find Huan Yin. The other three people were the same. They didn't look like they had discovered Huan Yin at all.

Huan Yin was even more confused. He didn't hide his figure deliberately. What's more, with their cultivation levels, even if Huan Yin hides, it won't be of much use, right?

"What's wrong with you guys?" Huan Yin spoke again, which made the four people in the tent even more nervous as if they were facing a powerful enemy. From the looks of them, it seemed as if they thought they had encountered a ghost!

"Don't panic, it's your husband's voice," Donghuang Yu'er said.

Huan Yin looked at Donghuang Yu'er and said, "Where are you looking? I'm at the door."

The four of them all looked at the place where Huan Yin was, which was the door. However, their eyes were still unfocused, and it was obvious that they still couldn't see Huan Yin for some reason.

Suddenly, Beard pointed at the door of the tent and said, "Hey, why is the curtain missing?"

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