Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 103 Pingnan Barbarians (Additional Updates from Junding)

In the south, there is no barbarian and no Tongjuan!

Dong Huang's mythical aura and real benevolent actions made the Southern Barbarians rejoice and offered their loyalty.

This also led to the fact that when the three Nizi brothers entered the southern border with the reinforcements of the Ugo Kingdom, they were completely under Dong Huang's supervision.

Seeing that the three treacherous brothers dared to come, Queen Zhu Rong, who couldn't wait to clean up the family, became the garland of Dong Huang's adopted daughter with tears. The three adopted brothers who were always unhappy with each other, King Mulu and others who had not made any merits all asked for battle. .

Because the battle was so easy along the way, other former generals of Dong Huang's army who envied Zhang Ren's achievements could not wait to fight and make meritorious deeds.

They all know that after this battle, the war in South China will probably end.

The reason why everyone has worked so hard to come to this miserable place is not for the purpose of armed march.

Faced with everyone's enthusiasm, Dong Huang smiled and said nothing.

It was Fazheng who came forward to explain: "The Lord of Ugo has a vine-armed army, which is afraid of fire and can be defeated in a single battle!"

In fact, facing the legendary rattan armor which is said to be difficult to defeat with magic swords, Dong Huang had several tactics besides fire attacks, such as using blunt weapons, cutting off food channels, and releasing iron cans such as the banner guard, Tiger Ben Army, etc. They competed with defense and acrobatics, but the easiest one was fire attack.

So, when Wutu Gu, the leader of the Ugo Kingdom, led 30,000 vine armor soldiers to a valley, rockets shot out from all directions.

Before engaging the enemy, the Tengjia soldiers lost more than 3,000 people.

Wutu Gu was furious and wanted to attack with his vine-armored soldiers, but he saw soldiers setting up rockets all over the mountains and plains.

My heart felt numb all of a sudden.

He knew the weakness of Teng Jia. If he really wanted to fire these tens of thousands of rockets at once, within a few rounds, all his soldiers would become Chuan Chuan Xiang.

Just when Wu Tu Gu was in a dilemma, a barbarian riding a giant elephant and surrounded by tigers and wolves suddenly walked out of the valley.

"I am Dong Zhen, the general under the command of the King of the Southern Barbarians! Wu Tu Gu, you have fallen into the trap of my king. The life and death of our family depends on a single thought! My king is the reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven. He is the destined lord of the Southern Barbarians. He has the virtue of a good life. I love the barbarians as my own sons and cannot bear your tragic death, so I have been asked to persuade you to surrender!"

"If you still have some love for the people and can't bear to have your people burned to death here, please surrender quickly!"

King Mulu, who changed his name to Dong Zhen, loudly persuaded him to surrender.


Wu Tu Gu's face was extremely ugly.

In his concept, there was never a word of surrender.

But now the situation is out of his control. The other party already knows his weakness. They could have wiped out their entire army and died in a sea of ​​fire, but they are willing to give him a chance and are unwilling to cause more killings. How can he not be grateful and ignorant of good and evil!

However, he came in excitement, but ended up surrendering without a fight. He always felt that there was a fire in his heart that could not be vented.

Wu Tu Gu still chose to surrender.

However, when asking Dong Huang to surrender, Wu Tu Gu made a request: "Wu Tu Gu naturally knows the kindness of the king, but we Ugo people are savages who like to fight bravely, admire violence and are willing to die. If If we cannot fight openly and openly, the people will never be convinced!"

"Be bold!"

As soon as Wu Tu Gu finished speaking, all the generals under Dong Huang's tent became angry.

Dong Huang smiled.

"What do you think?"

Dong Huang asked.

"I want to challenge the king's warriors in front of the people. I am the number one warrior in the Ugo Kingdom. If the king's warriors can defeat me face to face, the Ugo people will naturally be convinced. Only the king is willing to fight even to the death!"

Wu Tu Gu gave his solution.

Wutu Gu is different from Meng Huo. He is a true straight man. If you don't accept it, you won't accept it. If you beat me into submission, I will really accept it.

"Lord, I am willing to fight!"

"Father, I am willing to fight!"

Hearing Manzi's challenge, Dong Huang's generals suddenly became happy and asked for a fight one after another, hoping to teach this tough guy a lesson.

Even Queen Zhu Rong was eager to give it a try with her chest raised.

After discovering that Dong Huang not only did not discriminate against her deformed figure, but also couldn't put it down, Queen Zhu Rong became more confident and looked more like a queen.


Dong Huang nodded, but did not let the generals go into battle casually.

Dong Huang vaguely remembered, whether it was in the game or the novel, that the martial arts seemed to be extremely high. Moreover, looking at Wu Tu Gu's height of two feet (about 2.77 meters today) and his appearance of scales, he is definitely not a normal person.

Dong Huang was once in a trance, feeling that they were completely incompatible with the style of painting in this world.

"Where does the evil come from!"

To be on the safe side, Dong Huang sent the equally vicious-looking Dian Wei.

Dian Wei has never been afraid of anyone despite his fierce appearance.

Of course, Dian Wei has never been afraid of anyone in terms of force! Even if he met Lu Bu, Dian Wei would dare to fight him for three hundred rounds!

"Got the order!"

Dian Wei's eyes suddenly lit up.

Although he liked the job of protecting Dong Huang, he was also very warlike. He never had the chance to fight, and he felt that he was getting rusty.

The two came to the center of the school field.

Soldiers from both sides beat drums to cheer.

The barbarians are warlike, and Dong Huang's army is also warlike. The generals of Dong Huang's army are even more curious about how strong Dong Huang's first bodyguard is.

Dian Wei walked to the center of the school field first, raised the 30-meter-long flag with one hand, and held it steady at the edge of the school field.

This move alone made the whole army cheer, and Wu Tu Gu's eyes were filled with brilliant lights.

He knew that he had really met his opponent, which made him very excited.

"bring it on!"

Wu Tu Gu holds two axes and loudly invites a fight.

"Where is your war elephant? Hurry up and ride it!"

Dian Wei had long been attracted to war elephants with protruding bones. He felt that the huge tusks of the Wutu Bone War Elephant could be used to carve toys for the mistresses to alleviate the pain of the lord's day and night labor.

But Wu Tu Gu has surrendered, and it is difficult for him to make a move. Now is the opportunity!

"Don't insult me!"

Wu Tu Gu was furious.

He is not someone who likes to take advantage!


Dian Wei didn't mind that the ivory plan failed, and now he was fighting with Wu Tu Gu with his double halberd in hand.

Both sides are powerful players, and their axes and halberds combined to create bursts of sparks.



The confrontation between strength and strength allowed the two muscular warriors to collide with each other to create a masculine beauty.

It's nothing flashy but its deadly moves keep all the viewers' eyes glued to it.

The two sides will meet with good talents and fight for more than thirty rounds in a row, with no winner or loser.

However, Dian Wei felt more and more comfortable the more he was beaten, and his smile almost stretched to his ears. However, the more the beating of Wu Tu Gu became, the more frightened he became, and he even broke out in cold sweat.

Wu Tu Gu discovered that although Dian Wei was shorter than him, he was no less strong than him, his steps were more flexible, and his movements were more subtle. In other words, he couldn't beat him!

Sure enough, in the thirty-eighth round, Dian Wei used the halberd handle to knock Wu Tu Gu's ax away with one move, and then placed the halberd on Wu Tu Gu's neck.

"Are you convinced?"

Dian Wei asked.

"I'm convinced, I'm convinced!"

It's not like Wu Tu Gu can't afford to lose, not to mention that the people of Ugo country already admire warriors like Dian Wei.

If it were in the Ugo Kingdom, just because Dian Wei could defeat Wu Tu Gu, Wu Tu Gu would have to abdicate and give way to others.

As a result, Dong Huang once again received the sincere surrender of a powerful southern barbarian general.

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