Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 104 Goddaughter is also a daughter (please subscribe)

Dong Huang wants to formally accept Queen Zhu Rong as his concubine.

As soon as this news came out, the barbarians were immediately divided into two incompatible factions.

One group of people thinks that Dong Huang is willing to marry even Queen Zhu Rong, a deformed old woman whose daughter is seventeen or eighteen years old, because he is wronging himself in order to reassure us barbarians that Dong Huang Azu really loves us!

One group of people thought that Queen Zhu Rong, an old woman with a deformed figure whose daughter was seventeen or eighteen years old, could be worthy of our king. They all said that their tribes had many yellow-flowered girls, and they took the beauties from their tribes to the Dianchi Palace to send Dong Huang. The kind that will commit suicide if you don't accept them!

After all, didn’t Dong Huang accept all the vassals of Shu County and Yuexi County? Why don't you accept them when they come to us? Are you looking down on us?

Then, the first faction felt that if you, the second faction, don’t practice martial ethics, wouldn’t there be any beauties in our tribe? We not only give away beauties, we also give away all kinds of treasures!

A few "smart people" among the barbarians began to wonder whether the king they respected liked this kind of married woman with a daughter, so they began to overtake in various corners without any lower limit...

Many local Han people in Nanzhong saw that this was an opportunity to get closer to the King of Chengdu, so they all said that we are also barbarians, and our woman must marry the King of Chengdu. Some people felt that there were too many women around the King of Chengdu, and they even set their sights on Fazheng and other civil servants and generals.

When Fazheng saw the tens of thousands of carefully selected Nanman beauties filling the Dianchi Palace, he felt bad.

He was really scared.

He is not afraid that Dong Huang will get angry soon, because he knows that Dong Huang is very knowledgeable and will not harm his body through excessive indulgence, nor will he turn into a pile driver and hit anyone he sees.

Dong Huang still requires quality!

But the problem is, in detail, he is the initiator of Dong Huang's marriage with various tribes!

If Tafa hadn't made a bad start in Shujun's vassal state, the barbarians in other places wouldn't have an excuse!

Now that Dong Huang has not only officially accepted married barbarian women with children as concubines, but also brought back so many barbarian beauties, Dong Huang's other concubines will definitely kill him to get justice!

Jia Xu will definitely laugh to death too!

Especially Jia Xu!

Fazhengke has always considered himself to be as resourceful as Jia Xu, but he has been shrouded in Jia Xu's shadow since his debut. It's okay to be laughed at by others. If he is laughed at by Jia Xu, Fazheng will really die of shame!

[I have to find an excuse to stay and go back after a while! 】

Fazheng racked his brains.

Faced with so many pretty girls, Dong Huang refused to refuse them all, and this was even the effect he wanted.

Of course, this is not because Dong Huang is a pile driver in some third-rate novels. In fact, if there are too many homogeneous women, it will be boring.

This is like a row of young ladies in black stockings and professional attire standing at a KTV. If they all have the same Internet celebrity face, business attire, and black stockings, then you might just order two and forget it; but if these ladies have neon people, European and American golden retrievers, European and American red retrievers, petite nurse costumes, pure lust costumes, cool female bosses, leather-coated investigators, kimonos, black silk, white silk...etc. from different countries, different body types, different outfits, different types Little sister, the fighting power came up immediately.

Dong Huang now looks at these wild girls who are so homogeneous, and has reached the point where I don't know if they are beautiful or not.

The reason why Dong Huang wants them is because they have another use, which is related to his intention to accept Queen Zhu Rong as his concubine.

[Name: Zhu Rong]

[Star level: Six-star and six-level leader hero·Southern Barbarian Queen]

[Field Skills - Queen: When commanding barbarians in battle, all attributes are increased by 30%, and all attributes of other arms are increased by 15%. In the state of female supremacy, qualified female barbarians in the mission world can be trained into the fourth-level military barbarian female barracks; in the state of female inferiority, qualified female barbarians in the mission world can be trained into the fourth-level military type Zhurong female cavalry! This training skill is only related to the quality of female barbarians, and there is no upper limit on the number of people who can be trained! 】

[Special Skills - Zhu Rong: Descendant of the Great Emperor, Official of Fire. Possessing powerful fire attribute talents, the power of fire attribute spells is doubled. 】

[Limited Skill - Female Superiority/Female Inferiority: Has absolute control over the tribe it controls. If a man surrenders and marries him as his wife or concubine, he will dedicate everything from his tribe to the man, including three million Population: 33,000 Tier 3 soldiers and 14,000 Tier 4 soldiers!

The above arms can evolve and level up naturally! You can also improve your abilities by upgrading equipment and strengthening training!

If summoned as a vassal building complex in the main city of Agent of War, you can enjoy the bonuses of the main city!

After the personnel are consumed, they cannot be replenished like the reorganized soldiers produced by Infinite War Space. They can only be replenished through natural reproduction. After replenishing through natural reproduction, the supply of troops will also be increased reasonably!

If he cannot be surrendered and adopted as his wife and concubine, the agent of war who is closely related to him will never be able to leave this world! 】

[General Guard: Zhu Rong Fire Cavalry (has fire attribute talent) X50]

[Evaluation: Either you stay with me forever, or I stay with you forever! 】

Queen Zhu Rong's skills forced Dong Huang to accept her as his concubine.

Of course, the price of accepting her as his concubine was also very high, that is, Dong Huang had to be equal to a bowl of water. After all, many women who had been with Dong Huang for almost a year still had no status.

To be honest, other playthings are just that, but very useful personal lieutenants like Wang Yi must be made concubines!

For personal guards, no matter how loyal they are, they cannot be treated harshly!

In addition to Zhu Rong, there are three returning generals who are very useful. They are Wu Tu Gu, King Mulu and Hua Wan.

Among them, Wu Tu Gu and Mulu King both have training skills and can train elephant soldiers, vine armor soldiers and beast taming soldiers. They are definitely special talents.

The real Mrs. Zhu Rong in the story and game of Hua Wan has almost the same attributes as Queen Zhu Rong. She is only slightly different in terms of strength and stature, but her growth ability is definitely not inferior to that of Queen Zhu Rong.

In addition, the cave owner who brought him back also returned home.

The reason why he was able to return home was because he was almost beaten to death by Queen Zhurong and Huawan.

Queen Zhu Rong really wanted to kill this rebellious son who might lower her evaluation in Dong Huang's mind.

For the female-dominated tribe, daughters are the heirs, and sons are just high-level slaves.

Huawan felt sorry for her brother. She knew that if he didn't sincerely surrender, he would really be beaten to death! So she could only give her brother a good beating, hoping to get him to change his mind.

It is a pity that Meng Huo still did not surrender.

After the failure of Wu Tu Gu, Meng Huo, who could not bear the humiliation, committed suicide.

It was not Dong Huang's original intention to force Meng Huo to death. To be fair, Meng Huo made a huge contribution to Dong Huang's pacification of the Southern Barbarians.

But looking at Cheng Huan's lovely daughter Hua Wan, Dong Huang didn't think so much anymore.

A goddaughter is also a daughter. My daughter must never marry a will-o'-the-wisp boy!

Therefore, Meng Huo's death can be regarded as a well-deserved death.

The deceased was dead, so Dong Huang buried Meng Huo generously, forgave Meng Huo's elder brother Meng Jie and younger brother Meng You, and set up an altar to summon the souls of the soldiers and barbarians who died in the battle.

Dong Huang's benevolence and righteousness once again moved the barbarians, and Meng Huo's tribesman Meng Yan burst into tears of gratitude and became full of loyalty.

As Dong Huang officially accepted Queen Zhu Rong as his concubine and formed an alliance with the chiefs of the main southern barbarian tribes in Dianchi Lake, Dong Huang officially became the king of the southern barbarians legally. The larger tribes respectfully called Dong Huang "father", and the smaller tribes respectfully called Dong Huang. For Azu.

The prompt to complete the task also came again.

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