Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 164 Himihu (asking for monthly votes)

It was not only Xi Zhicai who stayed awake on New Year's Eve, but also Zhu Heng and others who had just captured Yamatai Kingdom.

Zhu Heng and others set out to conquer the Japanese Nu Kingdom in November as planned and arrived at the end of November. Although they lost a dozen ships during this period, it was a drop in the bucket compared to the huge fleet of more than 300 warships.

The army landed on Kyushu Island.

Because of its ability to communicate with the Korean Peninsula, Kyushu Island has become the most developed area of ​​the Wonu Kingdom in this era. The level of development is probably almost as high as that of the savages further south. Agricultural production is basically in the primitive society of slash-and-burn farming, and the social structure is still a matrilineal society. An era of transition to a patriarchal society.

To put it bluntly, they are just a bunch of primitive people, with few tribes even mastering the smelting of bronzes.

After Zhu Heng, Mi Zhu, Mi Fang, Lu Meng, Ding Feng, Ma Zhong and others led a 30,000-strong army to land, it was a complete dimensionality reduction attack. The ordinary leather-armored savages could not handle it, let alone the 3,000 iron-armored army.

The five men divided their forces and attacked, and in less than half a month, most of the Japanese slave tribes on Kyushu Island were wiped out. Except for slaves with useful value, all others were slaughtered.

However, for such a result, the five people's faces were not happy. Facing these tribes whose main weapons were wooden spears, stone axes, and bamboo bows, they felt ashamed even if they won.

After that, Zhu Heng and others stormed Yamatai, the largest country in the Wonu Kingdom.

Calling it a fierce attack was actually a way of giving some face to the largest tribe in the Japanese slave country.

However, it was the largest tribe in the Wonu Kingdom after all. Here, Zhu Heng and others finally encountered decent resistance - this country actually had bronze and iron wares.

This surprised Zhu Heng and others.

What surprised them even more was that on the third day of their fierce attack, they pushed through seven or eight cities (villages and towns) in Yamatai, and when they were about to capture the capital of Yamatai, Yamatai actually sent out soldiers. The Chinese envoy please surrender.

It is actually not accurate to say that they speak Chinese, because the pronunciation of these messengers has the tone of ancient Guanzhong, and there are some changes. Zhu Heng and others mostly speak the Wuyue language family, and the difficulty of communication between the two parties is second only to that of a chicken talking to a duck. But it was the opponent's standard Xiaozhuan script that surprised Zhu Heng again.

After careful questioning, it turned out that these people were descendants of Xu Fu and three thousand boys and girls from Qin. Seeing that Zhu Heng and others were from the Celestial Dynasty and not from Qin, they dared to come out to communicate and surrender on behalf of Queen Himihu.

The envoy stated that they were willing to accept any conditions as long as Zhu Heng was willing to stop attacking the capital of Yamatai and let them go.

"For the sake of you being of Chinese descent, when you go back, you can ask the Chinese descendants to write the word 'Dong' on their doors. This will save your life!"

Zhu Heng drove away the envoy, and after a day's rest, he ordered the armored troops to dispatch. The Iron Armored Army captured the capital of Yamatai in less than half an hour with almost zero casualties.

Queen Hemihu and her maidservants became Zhu Heng's captives.

Seeing this tattooed girl with a pretty good figure, Hemihu, Zhu Heng had an idea - isn't this a gift for the king?

Originally, Zhu Heng was still worried that the Japanese slave country was barren and had no special products to pay tribute, but wasn't the beautiful maid a special product?

In addition to the maids, aren’t the funny dwarfs less than one meter tall who can act like monkeys also a specialty?

However, in order to prevent anything dirty, Zhu Heng still investigated what Himihu's "Ghost God Way" was.

It turns out that Himihu does have certain abilities.

Most of Xu Fu's inheritance in this world was inherited by the Himihu tribe after his death. However, most people in the Himihu tribe only valued bronze smelting technology and the like, and abandoned the bamboo slips left by Xu Fu like worn-out shoes.

Beimihu was diligent and studious. After learning Qin Yan and Qin Seal from the descendants of the Qin people, he began to study the bamboo slips left by Xu Fu. He not only learned a lot of alchemy and medicine, but also learned some divination techniques of Zhouyi.

Through quite accurate Yi Shu divination and alchemy skills, Himihu pretended to be a god and tricked a group of believers and became the Queen of Yamatai.

"It's more useful than the Luotou clan!"

Zhu Heng couldn't help but glance at his maid.

This maid is a member of the Luotou clan.

Zhu Heng was no longer afraid of this strange monster clan that only had negative effects. Instead, he thought it would be good to use them to scare people, so he brought them to the Wonu Kingdom to see if they could be used to fool the people.

Facts have proved that Zhu Heng thought too much again.

Today's Wonu Kingdom is really too weak, so weak that not to mention its 30,000-strong army, a 3,000-strong army can fight from south to north.

After a round of fighting, there was no need to pretend to be a god, as the remaining slaves of the Wonu Kingdom regarded him as a god.

After the destruction of Yamatai, there were no decent city tribes left in the so-called Wonu Kingdom, which greatly disappointed Zhu Heng and others.

Just this little credit,

Just when they were hesitating whether to send someone back first, Himiko came to offer his courtesy.

"Generals, I am doing a divination today and I found that there is a war atmosphere in the northwest, and I am afraid that a powerful enemy will attack. If you go, general, you will definitely achieve unparalleled achievements!"

Himihu said tremblingly.

Zhu Heng turned his head away based on the principle of "don't look at anything inappropriate".

He didn't know that Dong Huang was not interested in this kind of tattooed queen, but what if Dong Huang fell in love with this trophy?

It would be bad if this little potato said anything bad in front of Dong Huang.

Mi Zhu, who had just surrendered not long ago, did not dare to do anything. His main task was to provide good logistics for the army and he would not say a word in other aspects.

Mi Fang, who had already experienced severe beatings from society and was hung up and beaten by Mi Zhu, who luckily escaped with her life, also remained silent.

Only the stunned Qinglumeng and Ding Feng expressed their dissatisfaction.

Ding Feng, who was grateful to Dong Huang for his important use, said disdainfully: "If your calculations were so accurate, how come you didn't calculate that our army would attack and become a prisoner of your rank?"

"I only counted good luck, and this is my good luck."

Bemihu smiled sweetly.

The early morning sun shines through the window lattice and shines on Himihu's forehead, reflecting a golden circular flower pattern with sun patterns.

Ding Feng was dazzled by Hua Tian, ​​and suddenly felt that Himihu in the sunshine had a unique charm.

Zhu Heng was also dazzled by Hua Tian, ​​but he did not have any unnecessary thoughts about Himihu's beauty.

In fact, Zhu Heng, who had been playing with the heads of women from the Luotou clan all night, almost had no idea about women at all.

The only thing Zhu Heng found strange was that when did Bimihu have a golden sun pattern on his forehead? She remembered that it was not there the last time she saw him.

However, Zhu Heng did not pay close attention to such trivial matters.

"To the northwest, are the barbarian tribes such as Han, Haoqian, and Fuyu, right? And Liaodong?"

Zhu Heng pondered.

Among the preparations done before the expedition, there was information on the Wonu Kingdom, the Liaodong Peninsula, and the Korean Peninsula. Zhu Heng was not completely unfaithful. Generally speaking, these places were barren barbarian lands that the Han Dynasty did not bother to occupy. kind of.

But no matter how barren it is, building and expanding the land will destroy the country, right?

"If the army is short of supplies, it is understandable to go to these areas to find food and grass."

Mi Zhu heard the strings and knew the elegant meaning.

Now that the general trend of the world has been decided, Mi Zhu, who has made a mistake once, of course wants to seize every opportunity to make progress.

In terms of military affairs, he would naturally not give random opinions, but the army's food and grass supplies were a little tight. Is it okay to go to the northwest to fight the autumn wind?

It is reasonable to accidentally hit Liaodong in the autumn wind.

The first illustration may not be accurate because the historical location of Yamatai is no longer known.

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