Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 165 Charm (please vote for me)

Very reasonable.

At least Zhu Heng and others thought it was reasonable.

Facing these natives of the Wonu Kingdom who were easier to fight than Shanyue and more obedient than pigs and dogs after defeating them, Zhu Hengtian's psychological advantage was infinitely magnified.

Zhu Heng feels that with the military power he currently has, it will not be a problem to conquer the Korean Peninsula and the Liaodong Peninsula.

Zhu Heng left Mi Zhu to organize slaves to dig mineral deposits, collect food, and build ports, while he personally commanded the main fleet to attack the Korean Peninsula in a mighty manner.

According to the plan, the army first occupied Tsushima Island as a safe haven, and then moved directly towards Gouxie Korea.

There is no intention to discriminate against South Korea here, because at this point in time, the northern two-thirds of the Korean Peninsula is occupied by the Han four counties of the Han people, and the southern one-third is occupied by seventy or eighty countries. Its strength is comparable to that of Kyushu Island. The Japanese slave country is comparable to the country, focusing on one village and one country.

After the Han Dynasty destroyed Wei's North Korea, the reason why they did not advance their troops here was simply that this place was too dilapidated and poor.

The reason why Zhu Heng wanted to attack here was because he wanted to use it as a springboard to capture the four Han counties of Lelang County, Xuantu County, Zhenfan County, and Lintun County, and then invade Liaodong depending on the situation.

Although Zhu Heng was brave, he was not stupid. He did not dare to attack Liaodong easily before he understood the situation, so he wanted to rely on his naval superiority to try the water.

According to the intelligence Zhu Heng had received before, the first South Korean country he had to face was Gouxie South Korea - also a tribe that only left records in other countries' history books.

Gouxie is what it is, Zhu Heng doesn't care what his enemy's name is, he only cares about how many military exploits he can achieve.

However, what surprised Zhu Heng was that when their fleet left Tsushima in a mighty manner, an equally huge fleet came towards them.

"Prepare for battle!"

Without any hesitation, Zhu Heng immediately issued instructions through flag language and the army prepared for war.

It is impossible for there to be a second Dong Huang fleet in Northeast Asia in this era.

In other words, all fleets on the sea are Zhu Heng's enemies.

The fleet on the opposite side was also taken aback by Zhu Heng's fleet.

The fleet opposite is Guan Cheng's headquarters.

After Guan Cheng defected to Guan Qi, he continued to be given the important task of Guan Qi and became the first brother of the navy under Guan Qi who lacked generals. This time Guan Qi received the task of invading the Japanese slave country across the sea.

Regarding the feelings of the Japanese slave country, Guan Qi is actually no worse than Dong Huang. They all want to burn, kill and loot when they have the energy. It is best to destroy the country and exterminate the species.

However, Guan Qi's forces were small in size and had newly settled on Liaodong, so they didn't have much energy for a while. It wasn't until Guan Cheng came to join that they formed an expeditionary force.

On the other hand, Dong Huang's troops were much more abundant.

For Dong Huang, Zhu Heng's action this time was just a test of the waters. If it failed, he would have to challenge the navy under his command that could go to sea before the end of the mission. It didn't matter whether the navy could come back safely. In Japan, The slave country will be finished with a quick kill.

"Get ready to fight. We have the wind and we will win!"

Guan Cheng shouted to encourage his subordinates.

Guan Cheng's idea is actually similar to Zhu Heng's. Any fleet in this area of ​​​​water is his enemy.

Guan Cheng even suspected that the enemy's goal might even be to sneak attack Liaodong by water just like Guan Qi did.

Therefore, in order to ensure the safety of Liaodong, Guan Cheng decided to fight tooth and nail.

Anyway, the fleets of both sides are about the same size, so our side still has a tailwind and is afraid of a ball.

However, just after Guan Cheng finished saying this, he seemed to hear a charming chuckle coming from his ears.

[It must be that I haven’t had sex with a woman for a long time. I heard Brother Cheng say that women in the Wonu Kingdom are very resistant to play. This time, I must find ten or eight to play hard with! Play the kind of game where one kills another! 】

Guan Cheng did not take the auditory hallucinations seriously and stood on the arrow tower to give orders.

"Get closer and take advantage of the tailwind to shoot a wave of rockets! Then prepare to hit the boarding port!"

Guan Cheng issued combat orders in an orderly manner.

"Prepare felts and shields, armored soldiers in armor, and crossbowmen ready!"

Of course Zhu Heng knew that he was in the downwind direction, but he was not afraid. In this era of water wars, unless it was a fire ship like the burning of Red Cliff in history, the impact of the wind direction would not be very great.

Especially in naval battles, due to the heavy humidity at sea and poor maintenance of bows and arrows, their effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

In the final analysis, today's battles are still about collisions and boardings that determine the outcome.

Regarding this, Zhu Heng, who had three thousand armored soldiers, was not afraid.

However, an accident that surprised everyone still happened.

When the two sides were not even a hundred feet away, the wind direction suddenly changed and it actually started to snow.

The cold ice particles blown by the wind hit the faces of Guan Cheng's soldiers like knives, making it difficult for them to even open their eyes.

"Damn it!"

Guan Cheng was shocked.

What's going on with this sudden strange wind? Why does the wind direction change and there are snow particles?

If Guan Cheng knew Li Zicheng, he should be able to understand Li Zicheng's mood when he was defeated.

He couldn't even cry now, and the tears immediately turned into ice slag as soon as they came out.

"Turn around and retreat!"

Guan Cheng panicked, but it was too late.

"God help me! Make great achievements today!"

Zhu Heng's mouth almost burst with joy, and he hurriedly directed the army to speed up.

There is no suspense about the next battle.

Guan Chengjun, who was equivalent to taking the "Blinding + Freezing" effect, was unable to fight back and had nowhere to escape, so most of them surrendered in the end.

Guan Cheng and a few others showed a fearless side, but were stabbed to death by Lu Meng.

After capturing so many prisoners, Zhu Heng could only return home, but he did not dare to take them on the expedition.

However, these prisoners also had advantages. After all, they were of the same culture and race, and they were more worthy of Zhu Heng's trust than the Japanese slaves. Zhu Heng let a few of them do the work of prison guards, and most of them became first-class slaves.

Dong Huangjun managed the prison boss and let the prison boss manage the slaves. If he performed well, he could even get a wife to serve as a soldier.

If Zhu Heng is really given a few decades of opportunity, he might actually be able to achieve a species change in the Japanese slave country.

However, Dong Huang doesn't have that much time.

Through the interrogation of prisoners, Zhu Heng also gained a new understanding of the situation in the Liaodong Peninsula.

The problem before him now is that after this battle, the Liaodong Guanqi Division certainly does not have the ability to attack across the sea, but with his small army, it is obviously no match for the Guan Cheng Qingzhou Army and the Liaodong Army.

This made Zhu Heng somewhat unwilling.

Somehow, when he was thinking hard and had no solution, Zhu Heng actually thought of Himihu.

Zhu Heng felt that this woman who successfully predicted his victory must have something to do.

Zhu Heng even felt that maybe this woman could really "act with ghosts and gods, and have supernatural powers".

However, after seeing Himihu, the only thought left in Zhu Heng's mind was "We must give this stunning woman to the king as soon as possible, so that the king can enjoy it"!

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