Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 199 You don’t even want to call me father-in-law!

The arrival of Zhao Heng made Fazheng realize that he had really gone too far.

He actually forced someone to send the prince deep into the tiger's den to sue for peace. How far did he push an emperor and an old father?

Sending protons in ancient times couldn't reach this level, right?

Unheard of throughout the ages, never heard of before!

Fazheng realized that he could not go on like this.

Dong Huang said before that Zhao Ji was the staunchest ally, and Fazheng still didn't believe it, but judging from Zhao Ji's performance now, he is indeed worthy of the name of the best ally.

Such an ally cannot be killed at once.

Fazheng must try his best to leave him enough face and prestige to prevent him from causing a crisis in the throne due to too much loss of prestige. He must also be careful not to force him into Gou Jian, who is willing to work hard and endure hardships.

The Dayu Empire needed Zhao Ji as an emperor.

More needed than the Song Empire.

But the problem is that the war has already reached this level, and harsh conditions have been put forward. If Fa Zheng lowers the requirements significantly, it will make the other party suspicious. Either they think Dong Huangjun has some conspiracy, or they think Dong Huangjun has some conspiracy. Something went wrong that forced us to lower the conditions.

After all, who would believe that even after the war was won, territory had to be ceded to pay compensation?

When the time comes, it will be easy for another setback to occur.

So what to do?

For the first time, Fazheng regretted that he should not have overestimated the enemy so much.

His original intention was actually to use unacceptable humiliating conditions to force the Song army to take the initiative to go out for a decisive battle. After defeating the Song army again, it would completely establish the pattern between Song and Yu, making the Song Dynasty dare not look north for at least ten years.

But who would have thought that the Emperor of Song was really so cowardly!

I haven't even taken off my pants yet, so you're disarming me?

This makes Fazheng's previous arrangements seem like he shot himself in the foot.

What should we do to not only ensure that Zhao Ji's authority will not be fatally affected, but also to protect Dayu's interests as much as possible!

In the end, Fazheng, who was at his wits' end, could only come up with a solution that was not a solution.

Finally, the following alliances and secret agreements were reached with the Song Dynasty:

The covenant contents are:

“First, the State of Yu and the State of Song became brotherly states;

Second, the territories of the two countries are bounded by the existing control areas. Based on the principle of friendly exchanges, the seven states that originally belonged to Qi, including Mizhou, Yanzhou, Yizhou, and Damingfu in the south of Jingdong East Road (most of Shandong), will return to China. In the Song Dynasty, Hedong Road (most of Shanxi Province) returned to the Yu Kingdom.

Third, Hebei East Road and Hebei West Road were originally occupied by the Liao Kingdom and recaptured by the Yu Kingdom. They should have been owned by the Yu Kingdom, but are now handed over to the Zhou Kingdom to support the descendants of Chai Shizong. In name, they are still owned by the Song Kingdom, but The Song State was not allowed to garrison troops, but officials could be dispatched appropriately, but the officials' native place must be from Hebei.

Fourth, the Song State gave the Yu State a total of 500,000 pieces of silk and silver, and 2 million dans of grain and grass every year.

Fifth, allocate 10 million pieces of silk silver to raise funds for the Dayu army, soldier ransoms, etc., and pay them back in ten years;

Sixth, the list of princes, clans, concubines, princesses, maids, etc. of the Song royal family needs to be handed over to the Dayu Kingdom. After the Song Dynasty is ten years old, the princess must be sent to the Dayu Palace to serve, and 3,000 women must be paid tribute to Dayu every year. ;

Sixth, Dayu and Song Dynasty carried out mutual trade and other exchanges, each getting what they needed;

Seventh, give away 30,000 craftsmen of various types from Dayu Kingdom;

Eighth, Dayu and Song Dynasty jointly controlled the Yellow River. "

The content of the secret agreement was added: first, the Dayu Empire promised that it would never make Chai Jin the emperor, and that Chai Jin's family would be killed or handed over to the Song Dynasty after five years of the agreement; second, Fazheng requested to find Li Shishi, Liang Hongyu, etc. The beauties and concubines of the harem submitted as sacrifices; third, both parties promised that Xixia would be the sphere of influence of the Song Dynasty, and the Liao Kingdom would be the sphere of influence of the Great Yu. After the covenant between the two parties was fulfilled, Xixia and Liao would be attacked at the same time next year at the latest.

Regardless of the facts, the Song Dynasty did not suffer from this alliance.

Although it was said that they took most of Shandong, which nominally belonged to the Song Dynasty, and ended up losing Hebei and Shanxi, which was a huge loss, but thinking about it from another angle, our Song Dynasty did not occupy a large area of ​​​​the territory through virtue. After convincing people, did they get back a large area of ​​​​Shandong territory?

This is simply a major diplomatic victory!

Besides, wasn't Hebei lost by a partnership between the Liao people and the Chai family? What does it have to do with Da Yu?

As for the annual coins, the Song Dynasty gave the little Xixia about 250,000 annual coins every year, and the amount given to the Liao Kingdom once reached 500,000, which is just a drop in coins.

What's more, with Dayu Ding in the north, there is no need to give the Liao State any more coins.

So we didn't give the coins to Dayu, we just transferred the coins to Daliao.

As for grain and grass, many people raised objections, but they just regarded it as spending money to reduce the pressure on border defense and let the dogs of Dayu and Liao eat dogs. They are dog-eat-dog in the north, but only our masters can live happily in Bianjing!

As for the huge compensation, just treat it as dowry for your daughters!

Thinking about it from another angle, I married so many daughters to Dong Huang, I should be Dong Huang’s real father-in-law!

Therefore, the Song Dynasty and Dayu are not the countries of brothers. They are clearly the countries of father and son. I, the Song Dynasty, am the well-deserved father!

Thinking of this, Zhao Ji and even many Gonggun princes gradually became more balanced.

Zhao Ji and others felt balanced in their hearts, but Fa Zheng was not satisfied with it.

He doesn't want to be a sycophant who relies on women to get to the top!

But the weak Zhao Ji forced him to disguise his good majesty Dong Huang as a womanizer who could give up the national interests. Only in this way could he slightly lower the terms of the negotiation and settle the alliance.

But one thing is conceivable, during the whole process, apart from Dong Huang not minding his stigmatization, Jia Xu and others will definitely laugh at him again. Dong Huang's existing concubines will definitely hate him even more, maybe He will try his best to prevent him from leading troops again, but these women who were sent to Dong Huang's harem will not be grateful to him.

Even the soldiers under his command may have objections to his anticlimactic alliance.

Fazheng was doing some calculations, and suddenly realized that the whole world seemed to have Dong Huang not looking at him with colored eyes and trusting him as always!

"Your Majesty is truly a wise master!"

Fazheng wanted to cry for a moment.

At this time, what is the enlightened master in Fa Zheng’s heart doing?

Of course she is a beauty.

Zhang Liao has news that Emperor Yelu Yanxi of the Liao Kingdom invaded Kou Yu Pass with his army.

Yelu Yanxi was the famous first running boy of the Song, Jin and Liao dynasties, Emperor Liao Tianzuo, and the second running boy was Wan Yangou.

Thinking of Emperor Tianzuo of the Liao Dynasty, Dong Huang thought of his imaginary daughter, Yelu Dalibo, who presided over the Taiyin Formation.

Dong Huang had previously given her to the already sick Xiao Puxian for training, but because his schedule was too full, he later forgot about it.

So, Dong Huang came to the palace of Xiao Pu Xiannu. It is worth mentioning that this woman, who was also destined to be a queen, had already returned to her heart after being blackmailed by Dong Huang.

The moment Dong Huang walked into the door of Xiao Puxian Nu, he saw a dog-eared dog-tailed dog-leash dog bell, wearing only a white fur tube top on the upper body, and a white fur short skirt on the lower body, stretching out The tongue is drinking water.

As soon as he saw Dong Huang arriving, Dalibo's tail magically turned up. Xiao Puxiannu, who was holding Da Libo, had an expression of flattery and surprise on her face.

"Your Majesty, you are indeed right!"

Like a primary school student who has scored 100 points in the exam and is eager to show off to her parents, Xiao Puxian Nu showed the fruits of her labor to Dong Huang.

Because of Dong Huang's negligence, Xiao Pu's virtuous woman, who had a month or two to calmly use her subjective initiative, finally succeeded in making Dalibo understand who is the most shameless woman and who is the real dog!

"Not bad, what reward do you want?"

Dong Huang pinched the chin of this yandere mature woman and was very satisfied with her performance.

[Level 6—Yandere Queen—Xiao Pu Xian Daughter]

[Personal Skills and Attendant Status: 1. Street Fighting: Even if the city gates of the city she presides over are breached, they will still fight in the streets to the last soldier; 2. Nobility: Born in the Xiao family, a family of empresses of the Liao Kingdom, she is naturally proud; 3. , Yandere·Domestication: She does not allow any Liao woman to be more loyal than her! 】

[Personal skills·General status (three-star third level):

Domain Skills·Death Battle: Before her death, the soldiers under her command will fight to the last soldier;

Passive skill: Nobility: When leading Khitan troops, the star level will increase by three stars, and the combat effectiveness of the troops will increase by 10%;

Training skills and domestication: She has unique methods for training Khitan noble girls】

[Evaluation: Only women will hate women more! Only women know how to defeat women! 】

Undoubtedly, this is also a rare treasure girl. In the form of a servant, this skill in street fighting is absolutely a magical skill at certain times. It is a skill that can really fight to the last soldier or even kill him. Although Dong Huang didn't think he would get to that point.

Yandere·Domestication, as the name suggests, doesn’t have much to say.

In the general state, the value seems to be reflected only in this world. Of course, if you can capture the Liao military building, you can look forward to the future.

In addition to the above personal attributes, Xiao Pu Xiannu also increased the progress bar of Dong Huang [Hundred Phoenixes Chaolong] to 11/100.

"I want more noble ladies from the Liao Kingdom, preferably those queens and princesses!"

Speaking of this, Xiao Puxian's eyes seemed to be filled with water: "When will the master catch Yelu Yanxi? I ​​really want to catch his queen and princess!...Ah..."

Xiao Puxiannu is a treasure girl who matches Yuan Shao's Mrs. Liu very well.

It's a bitter experience.

However, in view of the fact that Da Libo still had not returned home, Dong Huang guessed that her current obedience was largely pretentious, so after staying for one night, Dong Huang did not take away the flattering Da Libo. She was handed over to Xiao Puxiannu and Mrs. Liu.

Dong Huang believed that they would give him a satisfactory answer.

After all, they have twenty years, and they have the bonus of Tongquetai not aging!

Looking at Da Libo's pitiful eyes, Dong Huang smiled happily.

How dare a new-born white tiger girl dare to play tricks on me?

After taking a disguised breath from Da Libo, Dong Huang continued to cultivate immortality.

Because Dong Huang was obsessed with cultivating immortals and couldn't extricate himself, there were many white tigers in Dayu's palace.

The beauties in the harem were miserable and tried to persuade Dong Huang not to play with fire.

But persuasion cannot help. Some people like to be rebellious.

Dong Huang is so stubborn that he can't even pull him back.

In the end, the most naughty Xiao Qiao came with a white elephant and successfully persuaded Dong Huang. The price was that she was hung up and beaten by Dong Huang.

To be honest, Dong Huang likes a heartless, lively and cute girl like Xiao Qiao very much, because she does not pretend to be herself or suppress herself like many other girls, and lives a free and easy life, like a heartless girl. Children always bring unexpected fun to Dong Huang.

It’s extremely cold at high places.

Since he became the emperor in the previous world, his ministers have really treated him as an emperor and are loyal to him. There are fewer and fewer people who dare to make fun of him, let alone the white elephant.

In the entire palace, only Xiao Qiao dared.

After playing around for a while, Dong Huang, who was in a good mood recently, decided to take Xiao Qiao and the others to play with real elephants.

The infinite war space is a very magical place. Although Haojing has four distinct seasons, the thirty-six holes and Erhai Lake from the south have a minimum temperature of 278 degrees all year round. It is as if there is a layer of formation that controls their temperatures. Locked down in general.

Dong Huang's Thirty-Six Cave Barbarian Soldiers, his favorite Elephant Soldiers, and other Southern Barbarian troops have been huddled there throughout the winter.

There is no way, they can't stand the winter in the north.

Not to mention the ordinary Southern Barbarians, even the Zhu Rong clan, who are closely related to the flames, can't stand it. The good daughter Hua Wan, who is dressed in furry clothes like a panda, hides in Dong Huang's arms for warmth whenever she has the chance. She is so cute. This appearance attracted the likes of Lu Lingqi, Sun Shangxiang, Huang Yueying and other goddaughters, as well as the cat duo of Dong Bai and Cao Qing, to imitate her.

Among Dong Huang's goddaughters, Hua Ren, who has the hottest figure, has the hottest figure. As early as in the Three Kingdoms World, Hua Ren taught Dong Huang how to ride an elephant, and Dong Huang taught her how to ride an elephant. Dong Huang had already seen it.

This may also be the talent of the Nanman Zhu Rong girl.

Not to mention Huawan's mother, Queen Zhurong, and her three aunts, even their generals and guards were in stature above the standard.

Sun Shangxiang is a little kid. Unlike her two biological sisters who have a quiet personality, Sun Shangxiang especially likes to dance with guns, sticks, bows and arrows. Her waist is the softest among the adopted daughters, no less than that of Huang Wudie. talent.

Huang Wudie's biggest advantage is her soft waist. Her sixth-level evaluation in the Three Kingdoms world relies more on her body flexibility.

Huang Yueying is a somewhat aloof academic girl who likes to play with tricks. She even made a toy that stretched and retracted when touched, but it was confiscated by her mother.

Huang Yueying's mother is Cai Mao's eldest sister. After the family dinner at Cai Mao's house that night, she lived in Dong Huang's mansion with her sister, daughter, niece, and sister-in-law.

Among everyone, the one who had the most fun was Dong Bai.

The other girls were somewhat dependent on others, but she relied on her status to fully unleash her own nature, often playing pranks that made Dong Huang helpless.

But she still lacks a sense of distance.

This is very fatal.

Cao Qing is the eldest daughter of Cao Cao, the Princess Qinghe in history. Because of the favor of Mrs. Bian and others, her life is okay, but it may be because of her age. Recently, she always looks at Dong Huang strangely. .

The whole family was traveling around the mountains, which really kept the Nanman people in the mountains very busy. Wutu Gu, who had not fought for a long time, finally took this opportunity to find Dong Huang and ask for permission to fight after the Nanman generals he fought ran away.

He was always a warlike person, and he was almost sick recently.

Yang Feng, the three Yizi brothers, E Huan, Meng Yan and other southern barbarian generals saw this and also requested orders.

Only Queen Zhurong, Huawan and King Mulu did not ask for a fight.

Queen Zhu Rong and Hua Wan both have powerful fire attribute talents, which they could not channel out before. After seeing the temple, although the Yin Yang Shinto Technique was similar to theirs, the Yin Yang Technique and Fire Element inside gave them a great reference.

Now they can attach flames to their weapons or shoot them out as small fireballs, or even attach them to their bodies.

However, for a while, they were unable to solve the problem of the flame not burning their clothes and hair, and without a qualitative improvement in the performance of the weapon, attaching flame to the weapon was not very effective in killing enemies.

But anyway, this is a good start after all.

Moreover, their generals and guards, as well as the more than 10,000 girls who were trained as barbarian female knights who were deceived by Fa Zheng using the unlimited marriage technique, do not know whether they were affected by their bonus or whether they had this ability themselves. In terms of talents, all of them also have fire attribute talents.

If they grow up in a world of high martial arts one day, they might be able to become an elite fire army, but in this world...

Let's grow our hair back first.

Those who didn’t know thought they were entering a nunnery!

Dong Huang decided to hide this army in the snow, and wait until he truly enters the world of high martial arts before he can act on his own initiative.

After visiting the mountains, Dong Huang took his family to Erhai Lake in the next few days. He became more interested and even took his family down the river to swim in the real sea for a few days.

The magnificent scene that they had never seen before shocked all the girls who had seen the sea except Xiao Qiao, Er Wu, Bei Mihu and others. As long as they were not seasick, they all shouted and cheered excitedly, especially when the sun was rising. When the waves are sparkling on the sea, and when the clouds fall and solitary swans fly together at sunset, people are mesmerized.

The girls' faces were all red, and they were very happy and excited.

Even Queen Mother He, who has always been known for her maturity, nobility and aloofness, has a rare expression of coquettishness on a girl's face.

From riding an elephant to riding a big boat, from animal power to natural power, and occasionally human power, Dong Huang also had a very relaxing time today.

As for Zhang Liao's battle report, isn't there Jia Xu?

He didn't go to the front line.

Jia Xu, Xi Zhicai, Li Ru, Dong Zhao, Xu Shu, Zhuge Jin, Man Chong, Jia Kui, Li Hui, Yang Fu, Dong He, Du Ji, Zhang Ji, Sima Yi, Zhang Song, Huang Quan, Mi Fang, Zhen People like Yao are here, plus Zuo Qigong, Yu Zhongwen and other demoted officials are helping, and there is also a white-haired Guo Jia beside Zhang Liao. There can't be any problems.

If there are still problems, then someone else can’t solve them!

Dong Huang is so confident.

Sure enough, when Dong Huang came back from his trip, Yelu Yanxi had already withdrawn his troops.

Although Yelu Yanxi was cruel, he was not a fool, and he could still distinguish what was light and what was serious.

Since both Juyong Pass and Yu Pass have been seized, it doesn't matter whether it is Yelv Chun's rebellion, Wu Yanguang's rebellion, or whether the Song Army has eaten the courage of a bear's heart and a leopard's courage. What is important is that when he frees up his hands, Just go and deal with the rebellion.

For Yelu Yanxi, the most important thing now is to solve the crisis in Beijing and Tokyo.

Yelu Yanxi's retreat announced that the Youyan Campaign ended with Dong Huang's victory.

The war point reward for this miraculous victory reached 532,000 points, nearly five times that of the Battle of Luoyang that year. The rewards for free points and general guards were doubled, reaching 10 and 20.

There are several rewards for other equipment types.

The most eye-catching of all the rewards is a formation diagram - Taiyi Four Elephants Formation.

It's either Wu Yanguang's Taiyi Hun Tian Xiang Formation, or the simple Taiyi Four Symbols Formation.

Because the previous Fazheng battle report had a detailed introduction on how to destroy Wu Yanguang's formation, Dong Huang was actually not very interested in these nonsense things.

The great formation in the cold weapon era, in the final analysis, is just like that.

In the era of cold weapons, there were very few examples of winning a war by setting up a large formation and waiting for others to break it. Dong Huang had only heard of the Que Yue formation, but that formation did not focus on fancy moves.

To put it bluntly, if someone forms a thick square formation to press you over, or a large cavalry army attacks and pulls you, who will foolishly accompany you to move?

War in the cold weapon era depends more on comprehensive planning, each other's military morale, and luck.

As for the era of hot weapons, willpower and equipment are equally important. If you are poor, you will have tactics to intersperse, and if you are good, you will be covered by firepower!

Give me a blast!

Unless there is really extraordinary power involved in mobilizing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth or something, otherwise, it is useless.

In view of this, Dong Huang could only put the formation map in the warehouse to collect dust.

Perhaps, we can let Zhu Rong and the others practice in the future?

God's nagging and extraordinary power are even better matched!

Of course, the current Zhurong female cavalry is basically useless except for giving birth to children, and its combat effectiveness is completely unmatched by Dong Huang's core Tiger and Ben heavy cavalry.

But because he was reluctant to over-consume these elites who could grow, Dong Huang preferred to use the servant army and exchanged units to solve the problem, and occasionally climbed the technology tree.

Dong Huang now has a special liking for Zhuge's crossbowmen and asked Pu Yuan and others to imitate them immediately.

Although most of the equipment made in this world cannot be brought back to the personal war space, it is good to be useful in this world!

Some of the technologies in this world can also be used to allow the craftsmen of this world to develop step by step. As long as you don't give blind guidance, then there won't be a big problem.

All in all, after three years in the Three Kingdoms world and this period of time, Dong Huang has confirmed that whether it is military warfare, domestic affairs and diplomacy, science and technology and people's livelihood, as long as he interferes less, everything will develop in a better direction.

All Dong Huang needs to do is to do one thing. If he is healthy and has a harmonious harem, he will become a famous king through the ages.

Dong Huang still left the reward to Jia Xu to arrange.

Jia Xu's views on the Taiyi Four Symbols Formation were similar to Dong Huang's, but he raised some minor objections in other aspects.

"Your Majesty, I would like to borrow a few people from your Majesty."

Jia Xu spoke.

"Wen He can make his own arrangements."

Dong Huang waved his hand, don't bother me with such trivial matters.

"I would like to ask Mrs. Wuji for a favor."

Jia Xu continued to speak.


Dong Huang was stunned.

Mrs. Wuji is Zhang Yu, the mother of Zhen Ji’s five sisters, and she always loves her.

"Her? What's the use?"

Dong Huang wondered.

"Mrs. Wuji is good at business and management, and Cai Bozhe is proficient in rules and regulations. With the help of them, the Zhen brothers, Mi Zhu and others, Dayu's system can be improved."

Jia Xu explained.

"Ah? What system?"

Dong Huang was confused again: Isn't everything fine? What other system is needed?

"For example, how to deal with the salaries of civil servants and generals? It can't be gold and silver, right? Although gold, silver, money, and silk are also very useful in this world, after all, they can't be taken away, and it's all in vain."

"Although I do not doubt the loyalty of the civil and military officials and soldiers to His Majesty, I still feel that reasonable rewards, punishments and salaries are indispensable!"

With that said, Jia Xu took out a memorial worth tens of thousands of words from his sleeve.

"Let's get to the point."

Dong Huang said there were too many words and he didn't want to read them.

"In short, the spiritual rice, spiritual wine, spiritual materials, etc. produced in the personal war space are regularly distributed as salaries to civil and military officials, harem concubines, and soldiers according to the standards of merit, official title, etc., and at the same time, War points can also be distributed appropriately as a supplement, and treasures captured in the mission world can also be distributed as rewards."

"At the same time, an independent business system can also be established for the official purchase of spiritual rice, treasures, and even beauties. War points can be used to pay, barter, or auction, so that war points can truly circulate. "

"In the later stage, when my subordinates have more money, they can also develop real estate, casinos, Jiaofang Division, etc..."

Jia Xu said simply.

"I understand, I just want to find a way to make my subordinates think they have made money and increase their enthusiasm. In fact, their money will eventually return to my hands, so that they can work for me happily and contentedly... "

Dong Huang concluded.

He has seen this routine many times.

"Your Majesty, Holy Might!"

Jia Xu repeatedly handed over his hand.

I’ll write a big chapter this week, and I’ll recommend it if the price rises or rises evenly.

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