Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 200 When thanking

Chapter 200 When thanking you, you should...

Wherever there are people, there is exploitation and oppression.

Of course, Dong Huang would not exploit and oppress his lovely subordinates.

The best he can do is strip and squeeze.

Jia Xu's suggestion is aimed at making Dong Huang, a war agent who has not really changed his mind, completely understand his identity and status - even if Dong Huang is still restricted by the infinite war space, he is still his subordinate. The emperor is the only loyal object of his subordinates; his personal exclusive war space is also the country for which everyone is shattered.

And a country must look like a country.

A good monarch can ensure a good system, and a good system can ensure the prosperity of the country.

In short, Dong Huang is the core of everything.

After that, Jia Xu put forward some suggestions and suggestions, such as how to strengthen the sense of honor, enhance loyalty and belonging, and enhance overall strength, which Dong Huang adopted in full.

Jia Xu also put forward the suggestion of conducting an encore in this task world to stabilize people's hearts and attract more local scholars to join local governance, which Dong Huang also adopted.

Even though Dong Huang was uneducated and incompetent, he knew very well that his subordinates were strong in military and weak in literature. In addition to the first-rate and second-rate generals, the general system under his command also had a complete middle- and low-level command system, especially the 120,000 men. , made up for the last shortcoming of Dong Huang's command system, but the civil service system...

Even the center can't hold it up.

The literati had too many ideas, especially the children of aristocratic families. It was even harder for them to be absolutely loyal than it was for Sima Yi not to violate Luo Shui's oath.

However, if you can operate in this world for twenty years, you might be able to discover many literati!

Twenty years is enough time to cultivate a group of fully brainwashed and usable people.

Dong Huang even planned to train batches of orphans to be educated only loyal to himself since childhood. After twenty years of unremitting training, he would be able to cultivate a batch of civil servants who could be taken away, right?

Of course, generals and soldiers can also be trained in this way. The return of the 120,000 tiger and benign troops made Dong Huang full of confidence.

This time, he has twenty years!

After some exchanges, Jia Xu left with satisfaction.

Jia Xu said: You are worthy of being your Majesty. He truly embodies the aspirations of the universe and contains the secrets of all things. He is truly a wise master!

After Jia Xu left, Dong Huang realized belatedly that the real purpose of Jia Xu asking Zhang Yu to help was not to need such a talent, but to let Zhang Yu play the role of monitoring and supervision. In other words, Zhang Yu was asked to be Dong Huang's eyes and ears.

Of course, Zhang Yu's ability is indeed good.

[In addition, is Wen He also hinting to me that I can cultivate the management skills of my servants? 】

Dong Huang couldn't guess.

Because the attendants' return conditions were low and most of them were cute girls, Dong Huang really didn't have the idea of ​​letting them show up for a while.

Some beauties can be locked up in the deep palace and appreciated by oneself. Of course, there is no harm in letting out the truly capable ones, such as Zhang Yu and Diao Chan. Anyway, Dong Huang has Wang Yi and Mrs. Liu, as well as his own benevolence. With the bonus of virtue, I don’t have to worry about being cuckolded.

[Anyway, I have to take some time to talk to my mother-in-law first. 】

[Zhen Jiang has been neglected recently, so she needs to be given some warmth. What is the name of Zhen Jiang’s fourth sister? She seems to be almost an adult? It’s just that Zhen Ji is a bit too young! 】

[By the way, Zhuge Zhi and Zhuge Lan also need to clear up their relationship. Can they ask their brothers to come to the palace to have a meal together and connect with each other? I just don’t know how Zhuge Liang and Jia Xu have learned, have they made any progress? I don’t know whether it is right or wrong to leave him, Pang Tong and little Lu Xun to Jia Xu for training? 】

[Speaking of which, my shy little wife Liu Yu has not been teased for a long time. She has no relatives, but she is a good candidate for the queen, but...]

[Little cute Wu Ran has to accompany her, after all, her brothers are still working hard on the front line! The Cai sisters and the three Cai brothers are also very intolerant. They were originally generals in Jingzhou, but now they are nesting in a small puddle...]

[By the way, my little witches haven’t eaten yet! The white color of the shrine maiden praying devoutly in front of the statue...]

[The same goes for Zhu Rong. After all, she represents the barbarians. In order to prevent the barbarian soldiers from having any thoughts in their minds, they have to treat her palace cold more. 】

Dong Huang suddenly felt that he was very busy, with a full schedule and a tired heart.

He has sacrificed too much for this family and for the balance, stability and harmonious development of power.

But no one understands him, only some people say he is debauched and immoral.


"Do I have any other plans today?"

Dong Huang asked about Wang Yi, the female deputy general who was on duty today.

"Your Majesty needs to practice martial arts with your concubines this morning. In the afternoon, you need to have Hua Tuo and Zhang Zhongjing check up. In the evening, you should visit Concubine Yan and Concubine Wei."

Wang Yi replied.

Concubine Yan is Mrs. Yan, Lu Bu's wife and Lu Lingqi's mother. Concubine Wei was Lu Bu's concubine. The names of the concubines in Dong Huang's harem were confusing. Dong Huang liked to call them by familiar names.

"Ah, so full..."

"Wait, I still have such a schedule in the morning?"

Dong Huang looked at Wang Yi: He hasn't practiced martial arts for a long time recently.

However, when he saw Wang Yi biting the ink pen in a charming manner, he suddenly understood...

It’s indeed been a long time since I practiced Kung Fu with Wang Yi!

While Dong Huang's trembling bowl of water was being leveled, in Bianjing City, Zhao Ji was inviting his queen Zheng, concubine Wei and other concubines, as well as a group of adult daughters, to drink.

However, the atmosphere was not harmonious.

Part of the content of the peace talks between Song and Yu has come out. Regarding the tribute paid to the Emperor Ji, Zhao Ji's harem is panicking.

No concubine with a daughter is willing to send her daughter to a foreign country; the emperors themselves are not willing to go.

I heard that Dong Huang was a cruel, lustful and licentious man with a huge back and strong waist and the strength to drag an ox. Who would be willing to accompany such a man?

Even if Zhao Ji declared to the outside world that this was not a marriage, but a marriage between father and son, with Dong Huang as his son, her daughters were not willing!

On the contrary, many people who did not know the truth became excited and felt that this was an unprecedented diplomatic victory of the Song Dynasty.

After three rounds of drinking, Zhao Ji's most favored Emperor Maode, Zhao Fujin, held the wine glass and asked pitifully: "Father, I'm still young, can you not go? Besides, even if you imitate Wang Zhaojun's old story, Just recognize a few daughters and give them to Dong Huang!"

As she said this, Emperor Maode's big watery eyes seemed to be filled with tears, which made me feel pity for her.

Emperor Maode was the most beautiful daughter of Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty and the most favored one.

Emperor Maode is delicate and beautiful, with slender eyebrows, charming peach blossom eyes, fair and delicate skin, rosy and plump lips, white teeth like jade, a graceful and graceful figure, and a flawless white jade face that is full of pleasure.

"That's right, Father, why don't we just find a few palace maids to say that we are the Emperor's Concubine!"

With Emperor Maode taking the lead, Zhao Ji's eldest daughter Zhao Yupan, second daughter Zhao Jinnu and other emperors also knelt down and begged with tears in their eyes.

In the Song Dynasty, they were high-ranking imperial concubines, but what would happen if they went to a foreign country to marry such a dissolute, cruel and unkind monarch as Dong Huang? They dare not think about it.

"Be good, don't worry, how could Father harm you?"

Zhao Ji touched Zhao Fujin's head lovingly and said with a smile, "You are my father's favorite daughters!"

"Really? Father, please don't lie to me!"

Zhao Fujin's eyes lit up instantly, like bright stars, which made Zhao Ji's heart tremble.

"Of course, my father never cheats..."

The smile on Zhao Ji's face was still kind, but Zhao Fujin couldn't hear clearly.

"Father, what did you say? Why am I...I'm so sleepy..."

Zhao Fujin collapsed on the carpet with a sweet smile of relief.

Beside Zhao Fujin, several elderly emperors also fainted one after another.

Historically, when the Jin soldiers invaded, Song Huizong and Song Qinzong, in order to save their lives, first gave the female relatives and domestic prostitutes of Cai Jing, Wang Fu, Tong Guan and others to the Jin people. When the Jin people asked for Zhao Jinfu, the maode emperor, in order to prevent Zhao Jinfu Zhao Jinfu resisted and got him drunk and gave him to the Jinren. At that time, Zhao Jinfu had already married and gave birth to two sons.

After that, other emperors and princesses were also sent to the Jin camp. The Jin ordered them to wear dancers' clothes and dance before sleeping. They were humiliated in every way. Most of them died miserably after experiencing multiple men.

So it's not surprising that Zhao Ji did such a thing today.

"Your Majesty, Yupan and the others..."

Queen Zheng panicked when she saw this scene.

Concubine Wei was so frightened that she fell to her knees.

Unlike Empress Zheng, Concubine Wei did not have any daughters, only a prince named Zhao Gou.

"It's okay, don't be afraid! My beloved, you understand me, right?"

Zhao Ji's smile was a little weird and a little sick.

Empress Zheng, who had never seen Zhao Ji like this before, felt a little frightened, but mostly... dizzy...

"Your Majesty, you..."

Queen Zheng fainted with disbelief on her face. The same is true for Concubine Wei.

What kind of king there is, there are also what kind of ministers there are.

Tong Mansion.

Tong Guan called his younger brother Tong Wei.

"I want to mix the beauty among the tribute women and present it to His Majesty Emperor Dayu."

Tong Guan got straight to the point and said in a tone that left no room for doubt.

Tong Jiaoxiu is the daughter of Tong Wei and the granddaughter of the great eunuch Yang Jian. She has a rich and handsome appearance. She has a small mouth with cherry blossoms, eyes full of autumn water. She is fragrant and graceful like a cymbidium couple. Her fragrant and elegant hibiscus sleeves make her famous far and wide. She raised her as her own daughter and loved her very much. Tong Guan's original plan was to betroth her to Cai You's son.

"I'm afraid that Xianggong Cai's place won't look good, and my brother has lost his favor because of the affairs in the north. This..."

The Tong family was Tong Guan's confidant. Tong Wei did not dare to resist, but he still expressed his concerns.

Now that Cai Jing and Cai You are in power, Tong Guan has fallen out of favor because of the crisis in Bianjing caused by the defeat of the north. If he offends the Cai family again, the consequences may be disastrous.

"It is precisely because of the loss of the Holy Family that we need to pave another road in the north!"

Tong Guan let out a long sigh: "You are my biological brother, and the prosperity of the Tong family depends entirely on you. I also raise Jiaoxiu as my own daughter, will I harm you?"

"The officials are confused and just want to be safe. Don't they know that 'the land of the princes is limited, and the desire to tyrannize Qin is insatiable'? Although Dayu has strong soldiers and horses, it is attacked in many places and the people are not attached to it. If they are in a stalemate, wait for Liao to react. It is bound to be attacked from both sides, and its destruction will only happen in a matter of days. The officials are now negotiating peace with them, which just gives Dayu a chance to breathe. Once Dayu defeats Daliao again and regains its strength, it will be unstoppable!"

Tong Guan's words shocked Tong Wei.

"Brother, why don't you tell the officials what you said?"

Tong Wei couldn't help but ask.

It's not that he is very loyal, but that once Tong Guan says it is true, Tong Guan's contribution will be great.

"The officials are extremely smart people, but they are too smart!"

Tong Guan sneered: "Compared with the possible threat of Dayu, the officials are more afraid of the generals and Chai Jin! The elite of the Forbidden Army lost a small 200,000 yuan, but they cannot lose more, otherwise they will not be able to suppress the Western Army!" If it wasn't for the purpose of guarding against warriors, why would the officials use me as a eunuch to control the army? Just wait and see, when the Yu army retreats, the officials will start to attack Xixia."

"Ah, attacking Xixia? Will the officials keep their promise like this?"

Tong Wei was puzzled at first, but then suddenly realized: "Brother means to use the hands of Xixia to consume the Western Army!"

"Whether we win or lose, the Western Army will suffer losses. I guess the officials may let that good-for-nothing Tan Zhen lead the army."

Tong Guan sneered.

Tan Zhen was also a great eunuch and was one of Zhao Ji's chess pieces to restrict Tong Guan. His status was only lower than Tong Guan.

"As for Chai Jin, you should understand from the fact that the official family specifically mentioned that he was to be killed in the secret agreement."

Tong Guan saw Zhao Ji very clearly.

"Brother, what you mean is that the Zhao Guan family who destroyed the Great Wall may not be Dong Huang's opponent? Dong Huang may destroy the Song Dynasty, so we need to prepare early?"

Tong Wei was stunned by Tong Guan's judgment.

"Whether something will happen to the Song Dynasty depends on the north. The Liao Kingdom will not let the Yu Kingdom go. Maybe the Song Dynasty will form an alliance with the Liao Kingdom to destroy the Yu Kingdom in the future."

Tong Guan said quietly.

"Wouldn't it be better to let the Western Army fight against the Yu State when forming an alliance?"

Tong Wei was still a little confused.

"You have to prioritize."

Tong Guan glared at his brother with hatred, and explained: "To unite with Liao to destroy Yu, we have to wait until the Forbidden Army has been replenished and its combat strength has increased. It is best to wait until Chai Jin's family is dead! The reason why Zhao Guan's family obeyed Even the emperor and concubines don’t care, isn’t it just to make Dong Huang relax his vigilance and fulfill his promise to kill Chai Jin’s family as soon as possible?”

"Before this, who was the biggest enemy of Zhao Guan's family?"

Tong Wei understood now: "It's the Western Army!"

"What's more, the Zhao Guan family is really afraid of the fighting power of Dayu's army, so they want to wait for Dayu and Liao to fight to the death before taking advantage!"

Tong Guan sneered again: "For people like Zhao Guan, what do women mean? Only the power in his hands is what he really cares about!"

At this moment, Tong Wei was completely speechless.

My dear, the Zhao Guan family is not too stupid, but too smart!

"I'll arrange it right away!"

Tong Wei decided to act immediately.

"Tell Jiaoxiu to please His Majesty Emperor Dayu at all costs! Furthermore, I see that she is quite a licentious woman, so tell her that no matter how debauched and despicable she is in His Majesty Emperor Dayu's bed, she will have to give it to me when she gets out of bed. Be pure and pure! Otherwise...hum!"

Tong Guan warned with a stern face.

"Yes, I understand!"

Tong Wei quickly agreed.

"Please keep this matter secret, and tell the public that Jiaoxiu is dead! Let Jiaoxiu be smarter. I believe that with His Majesty the Emperor Dayu's wisdom, after knowing Jiaoxiu's identity, he will definitely understand what I mean! "

Tong Guan confidently said.


Fazheng had to admit that he really underestimated Zhao Ji's lower limit.

It's not that Fazheng has never seen someone sacrifice his daughter, nor has he never seen someone sacrifice his wife, but Zhao Ji is the first emperor who seems to want to sacrifice all his concubines and daughters together.

In addition to a large number of concubines, female officials, imperial concubines, and women from the clan, Zhao Ji also found many people from the private sector and even brothels such as Li Shishi and Liang Hongyu. In the end, Zhao Ji and his daughters, queens, concubines, female officials, etc., collected more than 1,500 orcs. Ying Yanyan sent it over.

This made Fazheng suspect that Zhao Ji was using a beauty trap to let Dong Huang die on the woman's belly.

One thing to say is that the quality of the women provided by Zhao Ji is really high. The top batch is definitely not inferior to the batch of beauties that Dong Huang loves most. If we look at beauty alone, some of them can even compete with Dong Huang's beloved concubine Diao Chan. Comparable beauties.

Overall, this is definitely the highest quality batch of women sent by Fazheng to Dong Huang. Compared with this batch of beauties, whether they are Chinese beauties, barbarian beauties, Jinling twelve panties or Liao princesses + female cavalry corps , are all down a notch.

It stands to reason that with such military exploits and such gains, Fazheng should be in high spirits and waiting for the emperor to send people out of the city to greet him, but Fazheng was not happy at all.

Especially when he heard the cries of the concubines and concubines on the carriage, Fazheng became even more unhappy.

Fazheng even felt that he might be assassinated if he entered the palace in the future.

Not only that, on the way to his triumphant return with a full harvest, Fazheng also found that both the accompanying generals and the soldiers under his command looked at him strangely!

Fa Zheng was so angry that he wanted to kill someone.

I obviously made this decision for the sake of the overall situation, why doesn't everyone understand me?

[Anyway, in terms of military exploits alone, I am no less than Old Man Jia! 】

Fazheng couldn't help but think of his real life-long enemy, the old guy who always had a smile on his face and hid his hands in his arms all the time!

[When Jia Wenhe took Chang'an back then, you weren't as majestic as I was! 】

[What’s more, I still have this daughter from Tong Guanjin! Zhao Ji never thought that Tong Guan would eat him inside and out, so he couldn't beat Tong Guan to death with a stick! It is said that one cannot be beaten to death with a stick, but Liang Zhongshu seems to have other uses for it! 】

The more Fazheng thought about it, the more confident he became.



In Haojing City, Jia Xu, who was reporting to Dong Huang on the official status of Dayu, sneezed.

Dong Huang was not interested in the complicated official system, but considering that these officials might have to be with him for countless years and there were basically few ways to rise, he still put forward a suggestion that positions and ranks should be paralleled, which is almost similar to the Twenty Military Merits of the Great Qin Dynasty. If there is a corresponding official position, the salary and support will be increased according to the title, etc. to show the difference.

"As for the rank of officials..."

Jia Xu still insisted on showing everyone's official positions to Dong Huang.

Dong Huang's trust was only a matter of time, but Jia Xu would never be arrogant because of his favor. Instead, he would be more cautious and never seize power. For example, he took the initiative to propose the separation of military command power and command power to Dong Huang.

After Dong Huang reluctantly took a look at the list drawn up by Jia Xu, he simply made a few suggestions:

One is to make Jia Xu the only prime minister;

Second, the military ministers such as Fazheng, Li Ru, Cheng Yu, Xi Zhicai, Dong Zhao, Guo Jia, Xu Shu, Zhen Yan, Lu Su, Man Chong, Li Hui, Hua Tuo, Zhang Song, Huang Quan, Zhang Ji, etc. For the affairs of the cabinet minister and the nine ministers, ranging from second to third rank, they have the power to command when leading troops in battle, but do not have the power to command troops in peacetime;

The third is Dian Wei, Xu Chu, Huang Zhong, Zhao Yun, Zhang Liao, Gao Shun, Zhou Tai and others as second-grade military generals. Among them, Dian Wei and Xu Chu are generals of the Dragon and Tiger Guards, responsible for guarding Dong Huang and commanding an army of 120,000 tiger guards. Huang Zhong, Zhao Yun, Zhang Liao, and Gao Shun are the four generals on the front and left, who can lead troops to guard one side. Zhou Tai is the commander-in-chief of the navy.

Dong Huang left all the remaining officials of the third and fourth grades and below to Jia Xu's arrangement.

With the civil and military officials having their own customs, it stands to reason that the concubines in the harem should also have their hierarchical status. Dong Huang also followed his advice and made the following decisions, but because Dong Huang always felt that no matter who became the queen, something was wrong, so he never made a selection of the queen, and the highest one was only a third-grade concubine.

Therefore, when Fazheng, who had made great achievements, was about to return to Haojing in triumph, he happened to receive an imperial edict appointing him to his latest official position.

Only then did Fazheng realize that while he was racking his brains and working hard on the front line, Jia Xu, who was sitting in the rear, had already settled all the official positions of civil and military officials.

The official positions were all determined by Jia Xu, so what else could he do to ride on Jia Xu's head?

Now, Fazheng felt even more uncomfortable.

Even though his status among civil servants was second only to Jia Xu, he was still unhappy.

Even more unhappy than him were the concubines in Dong Huang's harem.

"What, Fazheng sent more than 1,500 beauties to His Majesty this time?"

"What? The quality this time is extremely high. It can't be compared to the female knights of the Liao Kingdom or the female warriors of the Southern Barbarians?"

"What, there are not only queens in it, but also princesses, dancers, talented women and female swordsmen with both civil and military skills? The attributes range from sisters, good families, married women, mature women, poor husbands, female writers... they all have it?"

"What exactly does Fazheng want to do? Build a new palace for His Majesty and drive us all away?"

At this time, Dong Huang's harem was really in a state of uproar.

Even the princess Liu Yu who has always been indifferent, the self-righteous Cai Wenji, the female deputy general who doesn't like to talk much, the embarrassing Queen Mother He, the vested interest Queen Zhu Rong and even the Twelve Hairpins of Jinling all came to complain.

Although they have grasped the bottom line of not being allowed to interfere in politics in the harem, it is not wrong to question if there are too many women, there will be assassins, diseases, etc., right?

Because I love His Majesty so much, there is nothing wrong with being with Him to the death, right?

There's nothing wrong with worrying about His Majesty's health, right?

There's nothing wrong with preventing Song spies, right?

In short, we are the only ones who love His Majesty.

Wang Yi, who had an ingenious idea, even put forward a suggestion to put the fire under the fire: "Your Majesty, there are more and more sisters in the palace now, and it is inconvenient to have male guards in the palace. It just so happens that Fa Xiaozhi has sent so many women into the palace many times. , how about we sisters train them, those who can become palace guards, become guards, and those who can’t become servants and palace maids, what do you think?"

As soon as Wang Yi's suggestion came out, it was immediately praised by many Yingying Yanyan, and everyone made noises.

Although Dong Huang saw through Wang Yi's plan, he had no interest in those whose names were not left in history, so he left most of the tribute girls to Wang Yi and handed them over for unified arrangements.

Anyway, no matter what, even if they are ordinary palace maids here, their fate will be much better than in the original history.

Especially Maode Diji and others who I feel pity for, they should thank Dong Huang even more! Their fate in history is too painful to mention.

"You must be brave enough to thank me!"

Dong Huang picked up Emperor Maode, who I felt pity for, pinched her little face and said.

Maode Diji's body is soft, soft, fragrant, and soft, and it is very comfortable to wrap...

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