Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 201 Who is short of the spring supper tonight?

Zhao Fujin’s eighteenth birthday was a fulfilling one.

The ceremony of Emperor Dong's capture was also very fulfilling.

Zhao Fujin, who was hugged by Dong Huang, had a blushing face, fear and shyness, and his heart was beating like a deer.

The Maode Emperor Ji, known as the most beautiful woman in the Song Dynasty, was unable to resist Dong Huang's iron-like arms. She could only be at a loss and let Dong Huang hold her and play with her wantonly.

The only thing she could do was to lower her head obediently and close her eyes tightly, hoping that this would bring her a little sense of security.

Her pair of white and soft little hands seemed to be trying to push away Dong Huang's getting closer and closer, but she raised them slightly and put them down again. She could only hold the collar on her chest tightly at a loss, as if Only in this way can it bring her a little sense of security.

However, what the deeply panicked Emperor Maode did not expect was that Dong Huang, who seemed extremely domineering, was actually gentler and more compassionate than she imagined!

Her brows only furrowed for half a stick of incense before they relaxed, and her whole body was no longer tense. Instead, she relaxed and nestled in Dong Huang's arms. Her jade arms followed the curves of Dong Huang's strong muscles and climbed up. He grabbed Dong Huang's neck and took the initiative to hug Dong Huang.

The shy and fearful expression on his face was replaced by coquettishness and happiness.

Effective communication is an important way to break down the barriers between each other.

Once the barrier is broken down, hearts and minds will gradually become closer together.

As a product offered by a loser, as a daughter betrayed by her most trusted father, Zhao Fujin cried all the way.

She thought about going on a hunger strike and committing suicide!

However, she is still just a child who has just turned twenty.

The world is so beautiful and she wants to see it.

Maode Diji didn't want to die, and she didn't have the courage to die, so she could only go with the flow, and finally came here, taking one step at a time.

But what she didn't expect was that Dong Huang was much better than she imagined, and the so-called going with the crowd became the best choice.

The other emperor concubines, seeing that Zhao Fujin was not hurt, were as happy as children, and gradually became bolder.

Li Shishi, Zhao Yuannu, Xu Poxi, Wang Jingnu and other four servants of the Qing Dynasty were jumping up and down, almost jumping on top of Dong Huang.

No matter how nice it is to say it, it seems that it is pure and unstained, but in fact it is just a gimmick prepared for high-priced combing, but ordinary people cannot enjoy it.

When they meet a high-quality husband, they will naturally try their best.

You never know how active your goddess is when she's under someone else's body.jpg

If historical development is followed, the four Li Shishi should be regarded as the four famous prostitutes in Bianjing in the late Northern Song Dynasty. They are all first-class in figure and appearance.

Especially Li Shishi, not only is she gorgeous and graceful in dance, but her singing voice is so melodious and touching that people can't help but want to pry open her mouth to see if her tongue and voice are different.

But this time, there were more wolves than meat, and the four of them never found a chance to eat meat.

A layman looks at the excitement, an expert looks at the door.

Concubine Wei, who had long since resigned herself to her fate, never left her eyes on Dong Huang while dancing. She had long been stunned by Dong Huang's skills.

At this moment, she was hesitating whether to take the initiative to offer herself a pillow mat or to be a little more reserved.

However, despite her reserve, a girl with watery eyes and graceful appearance could no longer bear it.

Not all girls are afraid of Dong Huang, at least Tong Jiaoxiu is not afraid.

Tong Jiaoxiu fell in love the moment she saw the heroic Dong Huang!

Tong Jiaoxiu is an extremely empty girl with a love mind. Although Tong Guan was very strict and did not have time to do anything that was disgraceful to her family, in the original work, she ended up marrying Cai Jing's grandson after marriage because she disliked Cai Jing's lack of style. Wang Qing, one of the four great bandits, became an adulterer.

How can Wang Qing, who is just a rogue, compare to Dong Huang!

Regardless of his appearance, Dong Huang's tall and mighty figure and aura that commanded the world already made her tremble all over.

This is the man of my dreams!

Not being able to finish the soup already made Tong Jiaoxiu beat her chest. Now that she had the opportunity, she naturally took the initiative.

"Your Majesty, my humble concubine, Tong Guan, is a pretty girl who is willing to serve the king as a slave!"

Tongjiao Xiulian steps and bends at Dong Huang's feet, her eyes as charming as silk.

"Hey, Tong Guan's daughter?"

Dong Huang raised his eyebrows.

Dong Huang was very curious: That eunuch Tong Guan actually had a daughter? What kind of plot is this stitched together?

Tong Jiaoxiu believed that Dong Huang's expression was because Dong Huang had understood what Tong Guan meant.

[Your Majesty is indeed smart! 】

Tong Jiaoxiu was even more satisfied and excited.

The more I look at it, the more I get greedy.

Dong Huang did not reject Tong Jiaoxiu, mainly because his little brother who had his own ideas liked her very much.

As a result, Emperor Maode and Tong Jiaoxiu spread word of mouth, praised each other, eloquent, and slandered others...

However, they would never have imagined that Dong Huang was most interested in another woman - Concubine Wei.

In history, Concubine Wei would become the queen and queen mother by virtue of her son and her mother.

Her son is Wanyan Gou, a famous figure in history.

In this world, as long as you do it right, you might become a director.

If Dong Huang were asked to choose a successor for Song Huizong Zhao Ji, Wan Yangou, who had been certified by history, would definitely be the first choice.

As the king of an enemy country, Wan Yangou was much more qualified than Song Qinzong in all aspects.

Dong Huang directed all his resentment towards Wanyan Gou towards Concubine Wei.

"come here."

Dong Huang held Emperor Maode on his left and Tong Jiaoxiu on his right, and raised his fingers at Concubine Wei.

"As you command!"

Concubine Wei was overjoyed.

After being betrayed by Song Huizong, she had already begun to think about how to please her new master.

In history, Concubine Wei, who gave birth to a child to the Jin man and took care of him comfortably, suddenly faced Dong Huang, who was more handsome, heroic, and clean than a quasi-savage man emerging from a ravine. He tried his best.

Word of mouth has turned into word of mouth.

However, what Concubine Wei did not expect was that Dong Huang was not as gentle as he was when he treated Emperor Maode, nor as wild as he was when he treated Tong Jiaoxiu, but was as crazy as killing a chicken to scare the monkeys.

The violent wind and rain that she had never seen before made Concubine Wei almost lose her breath.

However, the effect of killing chickens to scare monkeys is also very obvious.

The concubines of Emperor Ji, who had an intuitive understanding of Dong Huang's terror, became much more obedient and sensible. They all showed the cultivation and talents of royal ladies. Even a woman whom Dong Huang had not expected, also cooperated obediently. Dong Huang arose.

This woman’s name is Li Qingzhao.

It's that talented girl Li Qingzhao.

In order to satisfy Dong Huang, Song Huizong collected all kinds of women, even his own women, and naturally he would not let the talented Li Qingzhao go.

Li Qingzhao used to live in her hometown in Shandong. Because of the war in Shandong caused by Dong Huang, she left her hometown and wanted to live in Bianjing. However, just a few days after she came to Bianjing to take refuge, she was raided by Song Huizong.

[This is the most talented woman. I believe the virtuous son-in-law will be satisfied. She is like a wolf at thirty and a tiger at forty. I hope these tigers and wolves can eat up the Dong thief as soon as possible! 】

Zhao Ji felt a kind of morbid madness in his heart.

He didn't dare to fight Dong Huang with real swords and guns, and he didn't dare to let the woman assassinate him, so he could only hope that Dong Huang would die on the woman's belly.

And when he thought of Dong Huang dying on the belly of his concubine, the Queen, he actually felt an unspeakable joy!

That was a feeling he had never felt before!

After learning about his fate, Li Qingzhao felt very haggard. He cried and wrote many heart-rending poems along the way.

But there was no suicide.

Just like the concubines and concubines of the Song Dynasty, just like the virtuous daughter Xiao Pu, just like Princess Tianshou, just like the palace servants of the Japanese country...

In history, Li Qingzhao remarried when she was old and young. In reality, she is in her thirties, and she is more afraid of her future destiny.

This can also be seen from the words she wrote along the way.

When she left Bianjing, her words were full of sarcasm and anger at Dong Huang's barbaric and debauched behavior of asking for women;

After setting foot on the border of Hebei, her words were full of uneasiness and fear about the future;

When she arrived at Haojing City, her words turned into exclamations about Haojing;

Meeting Dong Huang turned into a compliment to a generation of wise kings.

Dong Huang did not despise her, nor did he dislike her age.

After all, the status bonus is there.

Even if it is a collection of cards, only such a woman can arouse Dong Huang's real interest.

However, what Dong Huang didn't expect was that Li Qingzhao was still a virgin.

According to historical records, Zhao Mingcheng loved gold and stone and had many wives and concubines but no offspring.

This is telling.

As we all know, middle-aged men who have strange hobbies are probably because they have not grasped the power of the family; Zhao Mingcheng's love of gold and stone may also be to cover up his lack of ability. As for taking concubines, it is more likely just to cover up.

In short, Dong Huang got the opportunity to break the barrier with the talented woman.

Then, Dong Huang saw the madness of literary girls in the years of tiger and wolf.

The first taste of grace comes from wind and rain, washing away all the flames.

After taking care of Baohuang, he put on some makeup on Shenlong.

The crimson silk threads are thin and the ice is shiny, and the snow is greasy and fragrant.

Laughing Tanlang: Who is short and long for the spring supper tonight?

Yi An's lyrics are as stable as ever.

Others just thought that this woman was crazy to compete for favors, but Cai Zhaoji heard about her reputation as a talented woman, but she was very interested in her and invited Li Qingzhao to live in her palace.

There are several cliques of women under Dong Huang's command. Cai Zhaoji and her sister Cai Zhenji's clique of literary girls has the smallest number of people. Now a rare talent has come.

Dong Huang was perfectly fine with this, but unexpectedly Cai Zhaoji made another request: invite Dong Huang to come together to appreciate whose poems are more beautiful.

Cai Zhaoji, Cai Zhenji, and Li Qingzhao, the three women opened their mouths and could only say that the word "pin" was used brilliantly.

As a result, there are many more boudoir poems in the world that make women sing softly.

Cai Zhaoji and Li Qingzhao, a pair of talented women who have been separated by nearly a thousand years in history, can be said to be a good match, which opened Dong Huang's eyes and made his poetry level soar.

Except that Li Qingzhao has a place to go, other women have also made appropriate arrangements.

For example, Queen Zheng was picked up by Zhang Yu to discuss how to raise her daughter;

Queen Wei was attracted by Queen Mother He, who felt that she had the same attributes as her, and exchanged ideas on how to save her son's life;

The five weak and pitiful emperor concubines were handed over to Liu Yu and Wu Ran for training by Dong Huang;

The peerless Li Shishi and the beautiful beauty Liang Hongyu were attracted by Diao Chan and Wang Yi respectively...

I have to say that the compatibility between people is really amazing.

In the following days, Dong Huang lived more and more comfortably.

Although the quality of the beauties in the Three Kingdoms era was high, the level of enjoyment was far inferior to that of the Song Dynasty. The enjoyment brought by the Song Dynasty from the royal family to the top Qinlou and Chu palaces not only opened Dong Huang's eyes, but other girls from the Three Kingdoms were also intoxicated. Incessantly.

I am happy here and don’t miss Shu.

That's all.

Dong Huang even wanted to occupy Bianjing.

Perhaps, we have to find a way to let the Song Dynasty develop Hangzhou?

Dong Huang was not doing his job properly, but the great cause of the Dayu Empire was prospering.

Fazheng's triumphant victory meant that the first Yu-Song War ended with Yu's complete victory.

The war point rewards this time are much higher than the last Youyan battle, reaching 973,000 points. The rewards for freedom points and general guards are only 10 and 20, and there are several other low-level rewards.

Among all the rewards, the most valuable is the Da Song Bu Human Armor Workshop blueprint. After completion, it can be used to create except for special parts such as helmets that are relatively weak in defense. Other parts can offset fifth-level non-armor-breaking and non-bludgeoning damage, and can also deal with sixth-level damage. The general attack also has a very strong defensive effect.

The infantry armor can also increase its defense by increasing the number of layers of armor. The actual combat effect is amazing. At the same time, due to the advancement of smelting technology, the infantry armor has almost reached the peak of heavy infantry armor in the orthodox history of China, and its defense power is better than that of heavy infantry armor. The armor of Dong Huangjun's existing Tiger and Ben army is at the same level.

In this era, unless using a hammer, mace, heavy axe, or a heavy crossbow such as a divine arm crossbow, it would be difficult to cause fatal damage to the Song army in armor.

However, the Song army only had a total of less than 100,000 pieces of such armor, and nearly 50,000 pieces were given to Dong Huang by Liu Yanqing and Tong Guan, and more than 10,000 divine arm crossbows were also given to Dong Huang.

Historically, the same was true for the Song Dynasty's wars against the Liao and Jin Kingdoms.

Except for war horses, the Song Dynasty was in the leading position in terms of overall equipment. However, first Liu Yanqing gave away the military reserves of Xi and Ning for many years; and then there were a series of magical operations such as Song Huizong and Tong Guan, which greatly lowered the The equipment level of Song and Jin.

Although Dong Huang was unwilling to call Song Huizong his father-in-law, it was rare to see a father-in-law who generously prepared a dowry like Song Huizong.

Dong Huang decided that if he ran out of money in the future, he would go to Zhao Ji to fight against the autumn wind... Bah, he was using the army to protect Zhao Ji's daughter back to her parents' home!

In Dong Huang's view, the biggest regret of the infantry armor was that it was not well adapted to the use of the Tiger and Ben army, and the main problem here was the load capacity of the war horse.

If the heavy cavalry is put on armor of the same level as infantry armor, then the war horses must at least be put on armor of a similar level to achieve the best effect and become a heavy tank that is invincible in charging on the battlefield in the cold weapon era.

However, Dong Huang's existing war horses are not capable of carrying a warrior weighing less than 200 kilograms, a battle armor of 70 to 80 kilograms, a vest of 70 to 80 kilograms, or even a hundred kilograms of vest to charge into battle. Can only charge once at close range.

With such restrictions, it would be of little use unless used to hedge against the Iron Buddha of the Jin Army in the future.

For a long time, Dong Huang's cavalry had an absolute advantage over the Song Dynasty. However, for the Liao Dynasty or future long-distance raids on the grasslands, the mobility and endurance of the cavalry were more important.


I still want it so much!

The key is, the heavy cavalry is really handsome!

The problem that restricts heavy cavalry still goes back to war horses.

The racecourse and cavalry battalion exchanged for Dong Huang's personal exclusive war space have only been upgraded to the fourth and fifth levels respectively. They can only produce fourth-level war horses in batches, and there are very few fifth-level war horses.

The same is true for the war horses brought by the 120,000 tiger soldiers.

Higher-level barracks are either restricted by war points, restricted by racecourse horse breeds, or restricted by city level, and cannot be built;

The same is true for soldiers' equipment. It is limited by the level and materials of the technology tree, blacksmithing workshop, leather workshop, handicraft workshop, and craftsman issues. It is also difficult to break through. This infantry armor workshop is already the biggest breakthrough in recent times, and this is thanks to The workshop drawings were typed out.

Most of the facilities in the personal war space can only be built by meeting the corresponding conditions in the mission world and obtaining the corresponding drawings, such as Dong Huang's full set of Han barracks, Nanman barracks and Black Mountain army barracks; occasionally they can be purchased with war points. The barracks and other buildings are not only expensive, but the items they produce are average and low-level at the same level.

"Dayan horse, Don hippopotamus...what other horses are there? Dayang horse?"

"In this time and space, even the defeated general Yelu Dashi, with 10,000 or 20,000 bereaved dogs, was able to penetrate the Western Regions to dominate Central Asia and establish the Western Liao. There is no reason why I can't do it! There must be some outstanding people to penetrate Western Asia. Let’s breed... the horse!”

Dong Huang pondered secretly.

In fact, the war horses within the traditional Chinese sphere of influence are also very good. They have strong endurance and are easy to maintain, but their explosive power is just a bit lacking. They are still excellent for running attacks and long-term battles.

Regarding Bu Renjia, although Dong Huang said he didn't want it and despised the disadvantages, he was always very honest and he happily spent 200,000 war points to turn the blueprint into a real building.

From then on, Dong Huangjun was finally able to produce sturdy and durable infantry armor. After the construction was completed, it was automatically equipped with the exclusive Sun Golden Inscription skin of the Dayu Empire, which is called majestic.

The output is a bit low, only 100 pieces can be produced per month, and because they are all made of materials from this world, if you want to bring them to your personal war space, you have to charge additional material fees.

In addition to Bu Renjia's gains, Fazheng's consistent and stable performance and Zhao Ji's unimaginable generosity also gave Dong Huang a title that he couldn't complain about - Princess Nemesis.

[Princess Nemesis: You can plunder the princess and then plunder the national destiny. The plundering of the national destiny can accelerate the growth of the personal exclusive war space, help to expand the area of ​​the personal exclusive war space, increase the concentration of aura, and help improve the qualifications of natural people's aborigines. and the improvement of property levels (killing luck-enhanced emperors and princes, and destroying more countries can get the same effect, and the effect bonus will be calculated on the princess). 】

[The number of princesses that have been captured so far is 9+5, including 3 princesses from the Three Kingdoms world (Princess Wannian Liu Yu, Princess Yang'an Liu Hua, Princess Qinghe Cao Qing), 1 princess from the Liao Kingdom in this world (Princess Tianshou Da Libo) and The five princesses of the Song Dynasty (Jade Emperor Zhao Yupan, Rongde Emperor Zhao Jinnu, Shunshu Emperor Zhao Jinyi, Ande Emperor Zhao Jinluo, and Maode Emperor Zhao Fujin), the five princesses of the Japanese country were at a low level because of their national luck. , the effect is only 30% of that of a normal princess]

[Evaluation: Let’s duel, the evil dragon who kidnapped the princess! 】

Since both have effects, why call it Princess Nemesis instead of Emperor Nemesis?

Could it be because the princess had a place to store it, but the emperor didn't?

Dong Huang was unable to complain and refused to think.

Rather than thinking, Dong Huang was more interested in the beauty in front of him.

However, Dong Huang did not have the time to touch the queen and most of the concubines sent by Zhao Ji, especially those involving the birth of the emperor. Dong Huang sent them to other places to raise them, while the other underage emperors stayed with Lu Lingqi and others. living together.

In short, Dong Huang will never do anything that is not conducive to harmony.

The only ones Dong Huang left with him were the five adult concubines such as Emperor Ji and Wei Guifei, as well as Li Qingzhao, Li Shishi, Liang Hongnu and other daughters.

Dong Huang is still the same Dong Huang who values ​​quality.

It would be difficult for an ordinary woman to interest Dong Huang, who is keen on collecting cards.

Speaking of collecting cards, this time Dong Huang actually got a big baby equivalent to SSR, a small baby at least SR, and an ordinary SR.

The big treasure is naturally Yue Fei.

Yue Fei's hometown is in Xiangzhou, which has long been Dong Huang's ruling area.

With Dong Huang's personality, even if he forgets Emperor Maode, he will never forget Yue Pengju.

When Zhuge Liang and Yue Fei come of age, Dong Huang will be able to enjoy life with peace of mind thanks to this pair of foolish and loyal people.

You can work for me without any worries at Zero Zero Seven, and I can leave the government to you without any worries and enjoy my life with peace of mind. We both have a bright future!

Young people should enjoy themselves!

And because a man is a boy until he dies, he should enjoy himself from childhood until he dies!

And a loyal general like Yue Fei is definitely an important guarantee for him to enjoy it well.

In the previous war against the Song Dynasty, Dong Huang's only intervention in Fa Zheng's military operations was to let Fa Zheng capture Xiangzhou and find Yue Fei no matter what.

Among the four ZTE generals in the Southern Song Dynasty, the most worthy of the name is Yue Fei.

Some of the abilities of the next four Zhongxing generals are not even comparable to those of Yue Fei's generals.

Although the Yue Fei family in history was full of hatred for the Jin people, in this time and space, they did not object to Dong Huang, a Han who recovered the Sixteen States of Yanyun. Young people all worshiped heroes. The hero who has held the territory for hundreds of years is definitely a hero in the eyes of ambitious young men.

Dong Huang's army fought all the way, not only in Qiu, but its military discipline was much better than that of Song's army. This also allowed Dong Huang's army to quickly gain a foothold in occupied areas such as Xiangzhou; Dayu's management of people's livelihood was even more impressive. My mother-in-law was full of praise.

For his strong mother-in-law, Dong Huang maintained enough respect and did not have any special thoughts; for Yue Fei, who was only thirteen years old, Dong Huang insisted on adopting him as his adopted son, and let his Yue family brothers learn military strategy from Jia Xu, and Dian Wei and Dian Wei. Xu Chu learned martial arts.

SR’s little baby is Han Shizhong.

Zhao Gou's ZTE four generals are actually divided into four gears.

Yue Fei is the only one.

Han Shizhong second gear.

Zhang Jun and Liu Qi were in third place.

Liu Guangshi, son of Liu Yanqing, is in the fourth position.

ZTE 4 will have five, which is normal.

What’s even more interesting is that among the above five people, except Yue Fei, everyone else was from the Western Army or had inextricable connections with the Western Army.

The other SR is a Taoist priest named Qiao Daoqing who took the initiative to defect.

He is said to be an SR, mainly because he knows a little magic. Although the range is not large and the power is not strong, the range of the spell is less than half a mile, and the effect of the army's battle is not much better than Gao Lian, but Dong Huang's most important thing now It is to solve the problem of whether or not.

Dong Huang has always been curious. Since magic exists among the people in this world, how could the higher-ups not know about magic? Will there really be magic in Longhu Mountain? Historical records record that some of the battles fought by Wanyan Agu, the founding emperor of the Jin Kingdom, happened to be aided by weather conditions such as flying sand and rocks. So in this world, could it be a manifestation of magic or a realm?

Dong Huang had to guard against it!

Dong Huang asked Qiao Daoqing to be a third-grade protector of the country. He paid a lot of money to buy the bones and put them into great use.

Qiao Daoqing, who had been drifting for most of his life and only wanted a clear master, was naturally grateful.

Dao Qing Piao Ling has not met the Ming Lord for half his life. If he never abandons him...

For Qiao Daoqing, in order to become an official, he was willing to work under Tian Hu. Faced with Dong Huang's important position, although he did not immediately reach his goal, it was almost there.

Qiao Daoqing naturally agreed to Dong Huang's request to teach Lu Meng and Zhang Yulan Taoism.

In addition to Yue Fei, Han Shizhong and Qiao Daoqing, Niu Gao, Wang Yuan, Qin Ming, Hua Rong, Sun Li, Zhang Qing, Wu Song, Luan Tingyu, Zeng Family Five Tigers, Li Ying, Shi Wengong, Li Cheng, Wei Dingguo, Shan Tinggui and others The addition of Dong Huang also expanded Dong Huang's military commander lineup again.

It is a pity that among these people, they are fictional characters from Water Margin. No matter how many gods they boast in Water Margin, their actual combat effectiveness is not as high as imagined.

When Dong Huang's subordinates gradually increased their strength under the nourishment of Lingmi and the relatively rich spiritual energy of this world, their advantages were completely invisible.

To put it bluntly, none of them could be Han Shizhong's opponent in a duel.

As for military strategy and command, let alone it. Even Sun Li, Hua Rong and other officers could only command three to five thousand people at most.

However, it is still okay to let them serve as deputy generals. If they can return home after the mission is over, then take them away. If not, it will not be too late to kill them when the time comes.

In terms of civil servants, Dong Huang's Enke received full support from the gentry in the occupied areas. Wang Hui, Li Baoxin, Li Qiu, Bian Guandao and others stood out.

This time, Dong Huang admitted more than 100 Jinshi students.

Although basically none of the above people have truly returned home, they were of great help to Dong Huang in extending his power tentacles into every corner of the ruling area and among the nobles.

The most important thing is that as long as they have official positions, these scholars will become honest.

Many scholars who claimed to be talented even began to write articles to praise Dong Huang. Cai Wenji and Li Qingzhao despised most of the articles. Only the congratulatory note written by the Confucius family, even with the talents of Cai Wenji and Li Qingzhao, was praised. Sighing, Chen Lin couldn't help but sigh after seeing it: She is worthy of being a saint!

In terms of the army, Dong Huang's army, who had rich experience in how to snowball the army, easily integrated the troops and surrendered troops of Hebei, Youzhou, Shandong, and Shanxi. Together with some men from Yanzhao who actively joined the army, Dong Huang's army The indigenous troops under Huang suddenly expanded to more than 500,000, and their morale was generally high.

Dong Huang's total military strength in this world reached nearly 900,000.

These are all regular troops, not counting Yingzhou's servant army.

This kind of military strength is not an exaggeration to call it militarism.

In view of the huge pressure to support the army, Dong Huang must expand new territories as soon as possible.

Dong Huang, who had given up drinking again, couldn't help but turn his attention to the north.

The Liao Kingdom is a piece of fat meat, and he must take a bite.

At about the same time, Emperor Liao Tianzuo, who finally put down the rebellions in Raozhou, Bohai and other places, was also sharpening his sword.

"Should we eliminate the Dong thieves who overrode themselves and proclaimed themselves emperor, or should we first eliminate Wanyan Dog, who overstepped his power and proclaimed himself emperor? Or, how about a two-pronged approach?"

Yelu Yanxi looked at the map and was lost in thought.

Historically, after quelling the rebellions in Raozhou, Bohai and other places, he once again conquered Wanyan Aguda, but this time, he encountered difficulties.

Buren armor is composed of 1825 armor leaves, and generally weighs more than 58 Songjin (1 Songjin is equal to 1.2 city pounds). At the same time, the protection can be improved by increasing the number of armor leaves, but the weight will further increase. For this reason, the emperor later personally issued an order stipulating that the infantry armor should be limited to 58 Song Jin. At the same time, the armor type of European infantry cavalry was mainly chain mail, which was not as protective and heavy as infantry armor.

The armor weight of gunners, archers, and crossbowmen. The basic weight of infantry armor is 58 jins (1 song jin = 1.2 city jins). On this basis, the weight of crossbowmen's armor is slightly lighter, 54 jins, and that of archers is 66 jins. , the gunner's armor is 70 kilograms, but depending on the battlefield conditions, the archer armor can be increased to 70 kilograms and the gunner's armor can be increased to 88 kilograms in a short period of time.

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