Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 202 This is the first time I have heard of such a request

"Your Majesty, it is said that the Dong bandits have hundreds of thousands of troops and have built additional passes such as Juyong Pass and Yu Pass. Moreover, Nanjing City is a fortified city that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. I think we should find a way to contact the Song Dynasty first, and at the same time You can also order Xixia to send troops. It would be better to wait until Song, Xixia and the Dong thieves are all defeated before sending troops to attack. The most urgent task is to first kill Wanyan Aguda, who only has 20,000 or 30,000 people!"

Yelu Yanxi's consort Xiao Temo suggested.

Xiao Temo was one of Yelu Yanxi's most trusted people. Historically, after Yelu Yanxi put down the rebellions in Raozhou and Bohai, he personally conquered Wanyan Aguda, and his leading general was Xiao Temo.

Yelu Yanxi once gave him a small military power of 500,000 yuan, and then he was beaten into a dog by Wanyan Agu.

Xiao Temo's suggestion made Yelu Yanxi nod repeatedly.

His thoughts were not that complex, he just simply felt that traitors were more hateful than enemies.

To him, Dong Huang was always an enemy, and whoever won or lost depended on his own ability. But Wanyan Aguda was originally a domestic slave, and now he dared to betray him? Isn't this damnable?

I would rather fight with an enemy than a domestic slave!

Yelu Yanxi deeply hated Wanyan Aguda.

"But, how to ensure that Yu State will not send troops when we go to war?"

Yelu Yanxi still had some concerns.

Fighting on two fronts has always been a taboo for military strategists. Although Yelu Yanxi was not very knowledgeable about military affairs, he was also afraid that Dong Huang would blow his asshole when the army sent out to conquer Wanyan Aguda.

"Your Majesty, by the time our army is dispatched, it will be almost November, and winter will soon begin. We, the Liao men, are not afraid. I am afraid that the whole army will be wiped out in a white disaster."

Xiao Temo laughed.

Yelu Yanxi was also happy when she heard this.

Weather has always been Yelu Yanxi's ally. The severe cold weather in the north is not something that the barbarians in the south can endure.

However, Yelu Yanxi's happiness only lasted for a short while, because he suddenly thought that the barbarians of Wanyan's family were better adapted to the harsh weather than his sons.

Today's Khitan people are somewhat corrupted and accustomed to enjoying themselves, but those barbarians who have just emerged from the mountains are desperate for their lives.

It was precisely because they didn't want their lives that Yelu Yanxi wanted to kill them first.

In his heart, Yelu Yanxi actually had an idea that he never said to others: "With the rate of corruption of the Khitan people, you can imagine the rate of corruption of the Yu people. Moreover, the Yu people did not take the beautiful world of the Central Plains, so they came to fight against it. A remote prairie? Are you sick?"

If it were not for the fear of causing political risks, Yelu Yanxi even wanted to form an alliance with Dong Huang and let Dong Huang go to the south first, while he would first eliminate the Jin people, a serious problem.

Yelu Yanxi knew very well that even if the Southern Barbarians occupied Yanjing, they would not necessarily be willing to continue the Northern Expedition to occupy the other four capitals. The reason was simple. They were poor and cold, looked down upon, and could not defend them; but for Wanyan who came out of the ravine, As far as the tribe is concerned, the other four capitals are the world of flowers they dream of!

"To deal with the Jin people, maybe we can make Gao Li move?"

Xiao Temo made some more suggestions.

"Gaoli? Okay."

Yelu Yanxi was disdainful at first, and then nodded helplessly.

Even though Bangzi Kingdom likes to regard Goguryeo as its ancestor, Goguryeo and Goguryeo are completely different things.

Goguryeo was a conqueror that originated from Northeast China, and conquered the stick who had been thinking of his father all day long.

Historically, the two dynasties of the Sui and Tang dynasties mainly fought against Goguryeo and its servant state Baekje. This is probably equivalent to today's rabbits killing Eagle Sauce and destroying Bangzi and Foot Pot Chicken. But Bangzi can't say that it was because Yingjiang's father was in his home. Garrison, just say that Eagle Sauce is a stick.

What do you say about Korea now?

It has been trained very well. Whoever has a bigger cock is the father, and the main focus is to be obedient and obedient.

If the stick is too big, it will actively ask to be annexed.

Even Yelu Yanxi didn't like this kind of Goryeo.

But the problem is that now Yelu Yanxi is facing enemies on both sides. With the attitude that no matter how small a fly is, it is still flesh, he endures his nausea and sends an envoy to inform Goryeo. If Goryeo could really send troops, wouldn't it restrain the Jin Kingdom's energy to some extent?

Compared with Yelu Yanxi who looked forward and backward before sending troops, Zhao Ji was much more decisive.

The Song army fearfully followed the old example of the Chanyuan Alliance and sent Dong Huang's army out of the country as a gift, thereby saving the last bit of face for the Song Dynasty. Song Huizong then ordered a crusade against Xixia as Tong Guan had guessed.

There was a lot of discussion in the court, and the opposition was like a big wave, one wave higher than the other.

After successive defeats, they are almost reaching the capital. Do you still have the intention to open another front?

Aren't you afraid that while your army is fighting Xixia, Dong Huang will tear up the agreement and launch a surprise attack?

Do you trust your comrade and cheap son-in-law that much?

Many ministers did not understand.

In fact, of course Zhao Ji is afraid!

He even made a plan to pass the throne to Zhao Huan if things were not going well, and let Zhao Heng stay in Bianjing. He could not escape to Jiangning for refuge, and if necessary, he would cross the river with Dong Huang to rule.

But even if he was crossing a river to rule, there were some things he had to do.

Just like the attack on Xixia this time, behind the seemingly brainless and stupid decision, there was Zhao Ji's own logic.

Why did Zhao Gao call a deer a horse?

Is he really so stupid that he can't tell the difference between a deer and a horse?

Of course not, he just needs to test the obedience of civil and military officials.

This is true for powerful ministers, let alone a monarch.

For a monarch, obedient subordinates are always more important than capable subordinates.

This is especially true for the Zhao family, who stabbed their old master in the back and bullied the orphans and widowed mothers into ascending to power.

Loyal ministers in the eyes of ordinary people, loyal ministers in the eyes of ministers, and loyal ministers in the eyes of the emperor are different.

Therefore, all those who opposed Zhao Ji's sending troops to Xixia were regarded as disloyal by Zhao Ji.

Zhao Ji even ignored Cai Jing, who refused to fully support him, and let Cai Jing's son Cai You, who turned against Cai Jing for power, take the position. At the same time, he reused Yang Jian, Tan Zhen and other eunuchs. Even Tong Guan, who had been behaved recently, was benched. Pulled out.

However, Tong Guan's resurrection is just another political trick of Zhao Ji.

He needed Tong Guan, the future of the defeated army, to attract firepower, and those smart civil and military officials who were unable to come to Taiwan because they opposed the war in Xixia could focus their firepower on Tong Guan and withdraw from opposing the use of troops against Xixia.

As for the ministers who still don't understand Zhao Ji's operations and are unwilling to withdraw, then Cai You, Yang Jian, Tan Zhen and others will definitely find their crimes.

Can't find it?

Have you heard of "Informer Luo Zhi Jing"?

No matter how hard you try, there is always one that suits you!

Under Zhao Ji's high pressure, the war between the Song Dynasty and Xixia actually started less than two months after the war between Dayu and Song.

This is a disaster for the many war agents lurking in the Western Army.

"Why is it this dirty thing again!"

Pan Feng was about to cry.

Pan Feng and Dong Huang come from the same trainee world.

In that world, Pan Feng escaped the fate of being killed by the Huaxiong Formation through the art of being injured before the war. After that, he returned to Bingzhou to recuperate, thus escaping the Battle of Luoyang, the Battle of Jujube and other major battles, and was launched by Dong Huang. During the Battle of Jizhou, he decisively pulled up a group of people and ran to the Taihang Mountains. Finally, he combined with the Black Mountain Army and became a small leader.

Pan Feng, who felt that there was no hope of victory in the initial mission world, spent all day robbing money, food, and women. When he had no worries about food and grass, he retreated into a mountain den to create a human being. However, when the previous woman got tired of playing and came out to steal a new woman, he It was discovered that all the big bosses of the Montenegrin Army were gone.

Pan Feng robbed thousands of the remnants of the Montenegrin army and returned to the mountain nest to play with women. When he came out again, he found that Dong Huang had proclaimed himself emperor.

When the mission was over, Pan Feng found that he was already ranked fourth in the world!

There is no doubt that most of those stronger than him have been killed by Dong Huang.

Pan Feng, who picked up fourth place for nothing, was determined to break into a new world.

After becoming a member of the Western Army, he was already fantasizing about how to use the wars of Song, Liao, Jin and Xia to develop himself. He had fantasized about joining the Eight-Character Army and joining Zhao Gou's line early on, joining the five ZTE generals, and even launching a mutiny at the last minute. Kill Zhao Gou and become emperor yourself!

Even if you are only an emperor for a day, you are still an emperor!

But when he heard that Dong Huang established the Hebei land of Dayu's separatist regime, Pan Feng just wanted to find another mountain den to hide.

Of course, not all war agents are as hopeless as Pan Feng. Many war agents saw another opportunity, a huge opportunity: if Dong Huang could be defeated this time, wouldn't it be a wave of fat people? !

Several war agents who had learned each other's identities even planned to pool money together to form an offensive and defensive alliance against Dong Huang. However, due to the lack of war point payment and the content of the covenant, there was no formal alliance.

However, now they have no time to form an alliance. Now they have to assemble according to Zhao Ji's order and launch an attack on Xixia.

"I know that in history, starting from this year and lasting for four or five years, the Song army attacked Xixia many times. This extended and protracted war finally led Liu Fajun to penetrate into the heart of the Xia capital Xingzhou and Lingzhou through the Song Xihe River Strategy. , but ended up being defeated by Li Qianshun, the leader of the Xixia Kingdom, who ordered Jin Wang Chage to lead more than 10,000 infantry and cavalry troops. In the end, 100,000 Song troops died in the battle. The Xia army took advantage of the victory to attack Song Tong'an City and besieged Zhenwucheng."

Gujing, the war agent who has studied this period of history, said slightly.

"But history has changed. Why is Zhao Ji so crazy? The north is in such a terrible state, and he is still in the mood to attack Xixia? Isn't he afraid of being blown away by Dong Huang?"

Another war agent named Gou Yuehua was very unhappy.

They are all agents of war. Why should I be a hard worker while someone else has become the emperor?

I'm not convinced!

"Why are you thinking so much? Let's survive this war first. How can the difficulty of this mission be so high? This is twenty years. If there is a war agent disguised as a famous prostitute, or there is a group of famous prostitutes under him As for my subordinates, wouldn’t it be possible to assassinate a large number of war agents by using famous prostitutes?”

This war agent named Ding Jingyu is quite imaginative.

"You have inspired me. I have studied the exchange mechanism of personal exclusive war space, and I can actually build the Qin Tower and Chu Pavilion. I also built the lowest level hook bar, but I ended up asking for more money! I am inferior!"

"It's better to change gender directly in the next world! I found that as long as you survive the first mission world, the possibility of a female war agent surviving is much greater than that of a male! A pretty woman can't be defeated If you sign a contract with a man, the man will agree to it 11 times out of 10, but between men, 9 out of 10 times they will kill you."

"Have you ever felt that the ratio of 10 to 20 and 89 to 10 that you mentioned are actually the same?"

For the war agents on the side of the Song Dynasty, unless they reached the level of Dong Huang, their resistance to state power was close to nothing. On the contrary, some war agents became small forces such as Jin, Xia, Mongolia, and even tribal alliances. If there are three to five thousand soldiers, they will be put to good use.

When it comes to Goryeo, as long as there are three to five thousand soldiers, they dare to rise up and attack the city.

If they get to the Japanese country...most of the war agents who have revealed their identities have been annihilated by Dong Huang's servant army.

The Song Dynasty's blitzkrieg against Xixia directly stunned Xixia.

In just half a month, hundreds of cities, forts, and strongholds were attacked, and more than a dozen forts and strongholds were captured.

I was just eating melons, so why did I turn into a melon while eating?

Li Qianshun was stunned.

Li Qianshun's first reaction was to find his father.

Li Qianshun's queen is a princess of Liao Kingdom, so he has no problem finding Daliao's father!

However, it will be some time before his father's whip comes, and before that, he can only rely on himself.

He found Brother Cha, the king of Jin, and handed over Tie Yaozi and Poxi's army to Brother Cha.

Iron Harrier is the most elite heavy armored cavalry in Xixia, with about 3,000 people. When fighting, they "ride good horses, heavily armored, connected with hooks and locks, and they will not fall off the horse even if they die." They are often used for charging into formations, but their role is related to the future. It’s similar to the Iron Buddha Tu in the Kingdom of Jin.

The Poxi Army is a camel force, about three hundred people. It is said that a small trebuchet is installed on the camel hump. However, considering the size and carrying capacity of the camels, I can only say haha. However, if they are fully armed to attack the heavy infantry, there may be Wonderful effect.

In fact, Dong Huang actually had a camel unit before, which was a dowry of hundreds of camels given by Ma Teng when he paid tribute to Ma Yunlu, but he could not bring it into his personal war space.

Maybe because he didn't kill all the Ma family father and son, he didn't get all the Ma family's troops in the end.

Li Qianshun handed over all the most elite troops to Wei Mingcha Ge, and his intention is self-evident: I absolutely trust you, so act boldly.

In fact, it was helpless for Li Qianshun to trust his younger brother so much.

There are few people and poor people in Xixia. Although it is said to have an army of 500,000, the actual total population is only three to five million. This has to include the tribal people in Hengshan and other places. The army of 500,000 can only be achieved when all the people are soldiers. The real standing elite of the mobilized troops is between 3000 and 500,000 people, among which the most elite, the Iron Kites, are only 3,000.

It is precisely because of the weak national strength that Xixia must go all out in every battle.

This is in sharp contrast to the Song Dynasty.

The commander of the army in the Song Dynasty was the great eunuch Tan Zhen.

Tan Zhen is not completely ignorant of military affairs, but his military literacy is obviously unable to support his political ambitions.

Tan Zhen learned the lesson from the failure of the five-pronged expedition to Xia in the last Song-Xia war and decided to do a six-pronged expedition to Xia. As a result, the generals on the front line were furious to death.

However, because it was a sudden attack and taking advantage of Xixia's unpreparedness, Tan Zhen still achieved good results in the early stage, which also made Tan Zhen more confident...

Time quickly advanced to August. In this month, Emperor Yelu Yanxi of the Liao Dynasty issued an edict to personally conquer the Kingdom of Jin.

This month, Zhao Ji increased his exploitation of the people in order to meet the needs of the front line and the needs of yearly coins, compensation, enjoyment, and expansion of the harem.

Although Zhao Ji only increased the tax by three cents, when it came to the people, it became one cent or even three cents.

This month, Dong Huang asked Katsura Yanye, Tsukushi, Fujiwara Shoko and others to wear sacred witch costumes and contradicted them in the main temple of Amaterasu.

I have to say that the contrast between Katsura Yanha's shyness, Tsukushi's shy and intoxicated appearance, and Fujiwara Shoko's passionate appearance are really beautiful.

Especially the astonishing scale of the three of them makes people want to stop.

This month, after some hesitation, the kings and ministers of Goryeo decided not to help Liao and Jin.

The kings and ministers of Goryeo would not call him daddy easily before he was sure who had the bigger cock.

What's more, Korea is not having a good time now.

There are also many war agents in Goryeo. These war agents include those of the Chinese type, those of the stick type, and those with blond hair and blue eyes.

When it was discovered that an army of three to five thousand could occupy the county seat, and that an army of tens of thousands could easily defeat the state army and claim the throne, which war agent would still scorn the Goryeo royal family.

The prince and general Xiang Ning have the guts!

I control my own life!

Revolts broke out one after another in Goryeo.

Although the King of Goryeo, Wang Ma, relied on Wu Yenchong, Jin Fushi, Li Ziqian and others to quell the rebellion, in the face of the rebellion that was blooming all over the country, with the national power of Goryeo, he could only push the gourd and lift the gourd.

"What can I do about it?"

Wang Ma was at a loss.

It was his favorite minister Jin Fuzhe who gave an idea: "Now in the war between Liao and Jin, I'm afraid we won't be able to tell the winner for a while, and I'm afraid they won't have time to help us, and both the Khitan and Jurchen are greedy and unfaithful. They are just barbarians, and asking for help from them is tantamount to inviting a wolf into the house."

"Then what should we do?"

Wang Ma was about to cry.

Wang Ma didn't understand, why did things deteriorate to such an extent all of a sudden? I am so big as Korea, why do I rebel everywhere?

Wang Ma was so uncomfortable that he just wanted to lie in the arms of his cousin, who was also his queen, and seek comfort.

"For the current plan, we can only turn to the Song Dynasty, a state of etiquette. The Central Plains Dynasty has always had a tradition of helping us. During the Tang Dynasty, it helped us defeat the invading Japanese countries. This time, it used the same reason to persuade the Song Dynasty to send troops to help us pacify the country. It shouldn’t be a problem if it’s chaotic.”

Jin Fuzhe said.

"But Da Song is far away overseas!"

Wang Ma didn't dare to have too high hopes.

Far water cannot dissolve near fire.

"Just because we are overseas, we are not afraid that they will not leave after defeating the rebels!"

Jin Fuzhe expressed his considerations.

"Can the Song army really come over?"

Wang Ma was delighted by Jin Fuzhe's remarks, but he still felt hesitant.

"Does Your Majesty know that Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty conquered Goguryeo in the past? There are several mature shipping routes in the Central Plains to transport troops from Shandong to Goguryeo!"

Jin Fuzhe twisted his beard and said.

"Okay, would you like to go on a mission for me?"

Wang Ma thought about it again and again, and finally made up his mind.

No matter what, it's better to seek help from the Song Dynasty than from the barbarians, right?

"It's my wish, but I don't dare to ask for help! I am willing to take the sea route that the Tang army took to the Central Plains, which can be regarded as exploring the route for the Song army in advance!"

Jin Fuzhe said with high morale.

"However, in order to ensure that the Song Dynasty can send troops, the king must show sincerity."

Jin Fuzhe put forward his request: You are going to ask for help now, so you can't just talk in vain, right? Why should people help you?

"What kind of sincerity? The Celestial Kingdom has nothing to offer, how can it appreciate something like Goryeo?"

Wang Ma was also helpless.

If it's a normal diplomatic tribute, it's natural to be willing to do so. Just giving something can be exchanged for ten times or a hundred times the income. But the question now is to ask for help. What does my country have?

Korean ginseng?

Even if you dig all the ginseng in Korea, you can't get back tens of thousands of troops, right?

However, Jin Fuzhe was already prepared: "I heard that during the Tang Dynasty, there were three favorites among Tang people: Bodhisattva Man, Silla Maid, and Kunlun Slave..."

"Send a beautiful woman, this is easy!"

Wang Mata's eyes were clear, and he didn't look embarrassed at all. If he could please the emperor of the Celestial Empire by giving away a woman, it would be fine if he offered his mother.

"Order to select unmarried girls of suitable age from the families of various royal families and officials and send them to the Song Dynasty Palace!"

Wang Ma immediately gave the order.

"You have to be a noble lady of sufficient status!"

Jin Fuzhe reminded.

"Yes, yes, my daughter Princess Chengde will also be sent over!"

Wang Ma said generously.

It’s just a gift for my daughter, what the hell!

To be honest, if the Emperor of the Song Dynasty married her daughter, wouldn't he become the emperor of the Song Dynasty's old father?

Our country, Dagoryeo, and Song Dynasty are also countries of father and son. I, Dagoryeo, are the kind of fathers!

Wang Ma was very happy.


Fazheng was very unhappy.

He felt he was being targeted.

Every time I go to court or enter the palace, I always feel that everyone around me is looking at me with pity. When I walk among the ministers, I always feel that the eyes of my colleagues are full of disdain and ridicule!

But what did he do wrong?

Is it his fault for sending women away?

Isn’t it for the Lord’s great cause?

I endured humiliation and heavy burdens for my lord's cause, but no one understood me, supported me, or praised me. Instead, everyone hated me, laughed at me, and ignored me!

For a moment, Fazheng felt that the married young women and innocent girls snatched from his home were no longer attractive.

Fa Zheng finally decided to leave the center.

He wants to go to the front line and make meritorious service.

You, Jia Xu, are the prime minister, so you don’t have time to lead troops in battle, right? From now on, all my military exploits will be those of the first person under my prime minister, Fa Xiaozhi!

However, the several directions where Dayu had military pressure were already guarded by generals, and it was difficult for Fazheng to take credit, so he could only choose to go to the south, which he was familiar with.

[Just wait, the great contribution to destroying Song Dynasty must be mine! 】

Fazheng decided to run a good business and then destroy Song Dynasty in one fell swoop.

For Fazheng, who was born in the Han Dynasty, wouldn't barbarians be able to fight with their own hands? How can it be as great as the contribution to destroying the Song Dynasty?

Dong Huang agreed to Fazheng's request and made him the governor of Hebei and Shandong. He also sent Wei Yan to lead 20,000 tiger and benign troops to protect him. In addition, he also gave him 20,000 other elites and the command of more than 100,000 soldiers and horses on the original Jingdong East Road. He obtained the power and asked him to build a military port in Dengzhou and organize and train the navy.

In this era, due to the diversion of the Yellow River and other reasons, Tianjin was not suitable for being a port. When Dong Huang made a sneak attack on Youzhou across the sea, many ships ran aground here.

In the territory now ruled by Dong Huang, only Dengzhou, Shandong (most of Yantai, parts of Qingdao, and all of Weihai in present-day Shandong) has a long history of navigation and shipbuilding. Duoliang Port is the most suitable naval base.

The navy was not only Dong Huang's only way to contact the Japanese state, but in the future, whether Dong Huang attacked Liaodong and Daijin or went south to attack the Song Dynasty, the navy would be a strong support.

And because the ships Dong Huang redeemed were not advanced compared to this era, Dong Huang also had to build ships according to the technology tree of this world.

The construction of ships is different from black technologies such as gunpowder. Black technologies may cause unpredictable risks, but wooden ships do not have so many tricks. Not only is it useful here, but in the future, when you go to the exclusive war space, you can also use the corresponding technology to transform ships.

After receiving the order, Fazheng happily walked around the border between Yu and Song Dynasty and then came to Dengzhou.

Sun Li, Sun Xin, Jie Zhen, Jie Bao, Gu Dasao, Zou Yuan and Zou Run, the Dengzhou generals who had followed Dong Huang on the expedition, also returned home in fine clothes and were extremely happy.

After the incident of Zhao Ji sending his wife and daughter away, they were convinced that the Song Dynasty was hopeless and its national destiny would not last. Following Dong Huang would definitely have a bright future, and Fa Zheng, as one of Dong Huang's most valued ministers, followed him. Definitely have soup.

A few people are even more motivated.

On this day, Sun Li was personally supervising the construction of the military port and warships, when he saw thousands of sails suddenly approaching on the sea.

A small school came by speedboat to report that Zhou Tai, the naval commander, had returned from training and had captured dozens of small boats from Korea. He asked him to report to Fa Zheng immediately and prepare a building for 300 people.

[Why prepare so many houses? 】

Sun Li was a little surprised, but still asked people to prepare quickly.

Sun Li knew very well that Zhou Tai was Dong Huang's military general. He had served Long before Fazheng and was trusted by Dong Huang. Even Fazheng was polite to him.

Fazheng was also surprised when he received the message, but he still came to greet Zhou Tai.

In Fazheng's plan, the navy will be used more in future wars, so it is natural to have a good relationship with Zhou Tai, the navy commander.

Before Zhou Tai got off the boat, when he saw Fazheng coming, he was so happy that he jumped off the boat and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Xiaozhi, I've come to give you great merit!"

Fazheng:? ? ?

Seeing the innocent smile on Zhou Tai's face, Fazheng's anus suddenly tightened. He always felt that Zhou Tai had dug a big hole for him to jump into.

Sure enough, Zhou Tai came to him, put his arms around his shoulders, and whispered in Fazheng's ear: "I captured a princess, and brought hundreds of Silla maids with me, tsk tsk... I thought, let's dedicate them to His Majesty together, Your Majesty will definitely favor the military advisor and me, Old Zhou, even more!"

"How about it, I think it's interesting!"

After speaking, Zhou Tai held his head up proudly, with an expression that seemed to say: Military advisor, I am thinking of you, come and praise me, come and give me a chance to make meritorious deeds!

Fazheng always felt that this scene seemed a bit familiar.

Who was the last person to say that?

He seems to be a tough-minded guy, but he just doesn’t know if the idiot in front of him is tough enough...

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