Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 214 Unlimited Army Food

After sending Chen Zongshan away, Cheng Yu happily returned to his residence and opened the secret room closely guarded by his generals and guards.

There are coffins one after another in the secret room.

Cheng Yu casually opened a coffin, revealing Chao Gai's lifelike face.

Suddenly, Chao Gai opened his lifeless eyes and stood up.

Bang bang bang...

More coffins shook, and pairs of pale hands stretched out from inside.

The owner of the hands opened the coffin and lined up Chao Gai's corpse in a row according to height.

There are Gongsun Sheng, Wu Yong, Lin Chong, Zhu Tong, Lei Heng, Ruan Shisanxiong, Du Qian, Song Wan, Bai Sheng, and even Wang Lun, Suo Chao, Zhou Jin, Wu Yanguang, Shi Yao, and Twenty Eight. Stars...

"The ability is still too rudimentary..."

Cheng Yu sighed lightly.

With this sigh, Chao Gai and the other corpses obediently lay back in the coffin and closed the coffin lid himself.

Cheng Yu's field skills are a bit underworld, called: Unlimited Army Food.

The effect is that it can keep the dead body alive and not decay, and it can even control the movement of the body and even fight.

Cheng Yu's skill can actually be broken down into "preservation + corpse removal". This skill is actually the same as Jia Xu's skill, and is incompatible with the painting styles of other generals.

Of course, the two are also the best match. One wants the soul, the other wants the body, and the other focuses on not wasting.

The biggest difference between Cheng Yu and Jia Xu is that Cheng Yu can assist any general and provide them with rations. He can even control corpses to carry rations. The problem is that it has a devastating blow to morale and reputation, and because Cheng Yu's current strength is limited and his ability level is low. He is still unable to control corpses for too long, let alone too many corpses.

Jia Xu's ghost does not need food and grass logistics at all. It is still not very useful now, but it will definitely be very useful in the future.

In the future, when the two of them grow up, they can even form a damage combination that does not require military rations. One "hurts Yin De, Yang De, but not Zhong De." complement each other.

After staying with the cute corpses for a while, Cheng Yu walked into the largest coffin in the secret room and the only one without a corpse and lay down.

That was the coffin Cheng Yu specially customized for himself.

Since awakening his skills, Cheng Yu found that he liked the feeling of being in the coffin more and more. Being in it made him feel like he had divine help when thinking about problems.

[Next, the first thing to get rid of is Erlongshan. There is no way, who makes Lu Zhishen and Yang Zhi know either Lin Chong or Chao Gai. 】

[Peach Blossom Mountain, Qingfeng Mountain, and Baihu Mountain are all trash. Maybe Qingfeng Village can be used? The idiot Liu Gao of Qingfeng Village did not take the initiative to respond to His Majesty's call. He only asked Hua Rong to serve as reinforcements to respond to His Majesty's call. He could just take this opportunity to kill him, and it was also an explanation to Zhao Ji in exchange for the trust and support of the Song Dynasty. 】

[The Song Dynasty did not have a strong army. Maybe I can become the strongest army in the Song Dynasty? 】

Cheng Yu recorded many thoughts on the coffin board and fell into a deep sleep accompanied by many corpses.


The defeat of the Song Army inevitably caused a series of chain reactions.

For Zhao Ji, he was more happy than sad, for the Western Army, it was a strain, for the Song Dynasty, it was self-destruction of the Great Wall, but for Dayu, it was joy that fell from the sky.

The Zhejia army surrendered to Dayu on its own initiative.

Since Dong Huang's army occupied Hedong Road, Fuzhou, Linzhou, Fengzhou and other places occupied by Zhejia's army have almost become an enclave, surrounded by Yu, Liao and Xixia. When the Yu army occupied Liao After the country passed the Western Capital Road, the Zhejia family was surrounded by the Yu Kingdom from the east and the north. They were shocked three times a day.

The defeat of the Song Army was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

This defeat not only caused heavy losses to the Western Army, but the Zhe Family Army also lost a large number of soldiers and horses. Even the head of the Zhe Family, Zhe Ke, was seriously injured and died. Before his death, he handed over the Zhe Family Army to his younger brother Zhe Keqiu.

Zhe Keqiu is a very complicated person. Historically, he was loyal to the Song Dynasty and played a great role in capturing Fangla. He also rescued Taiyuan with his family wealth when the Jin Dynasty invaded the south. He suffered repeated defeats and battles. In the end, because his family was fighting for the Jin Dynasty, he was loyal to the Song Dynasty. After being coerced by others and being surrounded on all sides with no ammunition or food, he surrendered. In the end, he was poisoned by the Jin people and his family tombs were destroyed by the Xixia people.

It can only be said that Zhe Keqiu is a microcosm of the tragedy of the great era.

The children of the Zhe family had been guarding the border for the Song Dynasty for two hundred years, and their blood was spilled all over the front line against Xia, making the Xia people hate them to the bone. The final tragedy and the biggest mistake should also be attributed to Song Huizong, a weirdo.

This time, Zhe Keqiu was still tricked by Song Huizong.

After the disastrous defeat of the Western Army, Huang Zhong, who had been sharpening his sword for a long time, ignored the fatigue of returning from the battle and immediately brought the army to take over Lanzhou, Shizhou, Xizhou and other Hedong Road territories that were still in the hands of the Song Army. , surrounded the four prefectures of Jinning Army, Linzhou, Fuzhou and Fengzhou.

Afterwards, Jinning military lieutenants Li Wei and Shi Bin surrendered to Yu and sent troops to assist Huang Zhong in the siege of Fugu. Knowing that it was impossible for the Song Dynasty to send reinforcements, they chose to surrender in desperation.

Dong Huang did not treat Zhe Keqi harshly, allowing his Zhe family army to continue to maintain a semi-independent state to fight against Xixia, and also comforted the Jinning army's surrender.

Regarding Dayu's army not abiding by the treaty and sending troops again, the Song Dynasty chose to remain silent. After all, if the original treaty was followed, Hedong Road should have belonged to Dayu.

The monarchs and ministers of the Song Dynasty did not want to cause trouble again when they were defeated, otherwise the cooperation between Xia and Yu would be enough for them.

The top priority for the monarchs and ministers of the Song Dynasty was to expand the imperial army.

What must be explained here is that Liang Shijie's expansion strategy is really effective. Many war agents have suffered. Those who are timid can only give Liang Shijie the elites they finally accumulated in the previous world. Those who are brave enough will rebel directly. , occupy the mountain and become the king.

Suddenly, there were hundreds more bandits in the Song Dynasty, and Liang Shijie also had one hundred thousand elite soldiers in his hands.

Song Huizong, who was mixed with joy and sorrow, took advantage of the situation and handed over the task of encircling and suppressing the grass bandits to Liang Shijie, Zhang Shuye, Zhong Shidao and others, as well as local troops from various places.

It is worth mentioning that after Liang Shijie mobilized the elite, the War Agents became like eggplants beaten by frost. When faced with their former War Agents comrades, it was called a positive attitude. In order to get the rebels It was a relic of the war agent who had died, and it was done with great effort.

The entire Song Dynasty was in chaos.

In the midst of the chaos, several war agents who were frightened gathered together. The leader, Sun Mengyun, said: "We rebelled too early. The Song Dynasty is still under the rule of the Song Dynasty. It cannot continue like this."

"so what should I do now?"

Someone asked.

"Muddy the waters!"

Sun Mengyun said confidently.

"What do you mean?"

Other agents of war don't quite understand.

The water has been muddied enough by Dong Huang, how can it be muddied again?

"Let Fang La revolt in advance, and we will join him, seize his army, empty him, and finally separate himself from the southeast!"

Sun Mengyun said.

"I'm just afraid that Fang La won't dare to rebel."

It seems that it is still some time before the Fangla Uprising.

"Have you forgotten all the knowledge you learned from books? Books hidden in the belly of fish, stone figures in the Yellow River, folk songs... When everyone thought he was going to raise an army, he raised an army even if he didn't have to!"

When you're suspected of possessing weapons of mass destruction, you better actually have them!

Sun Mengyun is full of confidence.

In November of the second year of Jianyan (1128), after the Jin soldiers captured various places in Hedong, they crossed the Yellow River westward and besieged the Jinning Army of the Song Dynasty (today's Jiaxian County). Xu Huiyan, the military commander of Jinning Army, led his army to defeat Jin general Lou's family and beheaded his son. Lou Shi immediately sent out a large army to strengthen the siege. Huiyan and Taiyuan Road Soldiers and Horses Supervisor Sun Ang led their troops to fight against the enemy. After dozens of large and small battles, a large number of Jin soldiers were captured and killed, but in the end they were defeated by Jin's elite troops and retreated to the isolated city of Jinning. Jinning City is known as "the most dangerous place in the world" and was repeatedly attacked by Jin soldiers. In early February of the third year of Jianyan (1129), the city ran out of water and food, and the Jin army's offensive became more fierce. Seeing that the isolated city was in danger, Huiyan ordered the defenders to burn all the defensive equipment so that there would be "no enemy left". Late one night, school lieutenants Li Wei and Shi Bin conspired to dedicate the city to pay money. They wrote the code for the city dedication on cloth, tied it to an arrow pole, and shot it into the Jin camp. Lou Shi was overjoyed to get the book and secretly prepared to enter the city. Li and Shi opened the gate of the outer city as promised, and the golden soldiers who had been waiting outside the gate swarmed in. Suddenly the sound of killing shook the ground, and the city was in chaos. Hui Yan and Sun Ang were not surprised when they heard the change. They fought hard in the alley and "killed many people". They fought and retreated and entered the inner city. Then, he took off his sword and tried to kill himself. The guards on the left and right cried and rushed forward to rescue him. During the stalemate, the Jin soldiers broke into the city and took Huiyan hostage to see Lou Shi. The Lou family treated each other with courtesy and persuaded Huiyan to surrender. Huiyan angrily refused, wishing to die immediately at the hands of Lou Shi. Lou raised his halberd toward each other to test Hui's words, and Hui said, "Wearing robes to face the sword, the image is calm." There was wine waiting in Lou's room. Huiyan grabbed the wine glass and threw it at Lou's room, cursing endlessly. The Jin people knew that Huiyan would not surrender, so they shot him to death with arrows. Sun Ang was also killed because he refused to surrender.

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