Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 215 The daughter’s dowry must be paid on time

Overnight, the land of China seemed to have updated its game version, and the struggle for hegemony among the great powers turned into rebellions.

Although Xixia won a great victory over Song Dynasty, there was no gain in population or land, and instead it wasted a lot of manpower and material resources. In the battle to help the Liao Kingdom, they even lost 10,000 elite soldiers and gave them to Dong Huang for his crusade. Excuses are definitely not worth the gain.

What made Li Qianshun even more uneasy was the spread of Zoroastrianism in Xixia.

These guys originally behaved very respectfully. Most of them hid among the mountain tribes to build cities, and paid tribute in a timely manner.

As a result, as soon as the Song-Xia war started, these guys took advantage of the opportunity that the Xia Dynasty had no time to pay attention to and showed their sharp claws. In a few months, they had robbed more than 300,000 people, occupied more than a dozen cities, surrendered and massacred them. Lots of tribes.

If Brother Wei Mingcha defeated the Song army later, Xixia would be crushed by these rebels. After all, Xixia has a total population of only more than 3 million, and at most less than 5 million. It will be destroyed all of a sudden. A tenth of the disaster was caused, and the foundation of Xixia's grassroots rule was seriously shaken.

The Song Dynasty, which was originally relatively peaceful, was forced by Liang Shijie's ingenious plan to take risks, and even forced out the hungry wolf Fang La in advance. Now he is obsessed with quelling the chaos.

However, the army of the Song State, especially the army recruited by Liang Shijie, was more or less truly elite because most of them were elite soldiers who were agents of war.

There are relatively few war agents in Dayu, and the war agents in Yingzhou and Goryeo have been basically eliminated. However, the original Liao army surrender may have some war agents mixed in.

But it's not a big problem, and Dong Huang doesn't need to make people panic because of this few people. Anyway, if they have not released the main city, it is impossible for them to be supplemented by soldiers, and they may die in the war soon.

There are two largest groups of rebels in Dayu. One is the Eight-Character Army in Taihang Mountain. This Eight-Character Army is not the Eight-Character Army in history, and I don’t know if it is the agent of the war or the support of the Song Dynasty. It hides in the Taihang Mountains and occasionally comes down to fight the autumn wind, which is very annoying.

The other is Liangshanbo. Liang Shanbo has been in the limelight recently. He planned to destroy Erlong Mountain and Qingfeng Mountain, surrender Taohua Mountain and Baihu Mountain, captured Qingfeng Village, captured Qingfeng Village Zhizhai Liu Yuan and his wife alive, and defeated the officers and soldiers who were ordered to encircle and suppress them. The limelight lasted forever.

In order to commend Liang Shanbo, and to retaliate against Dayu for secretly occupying Linzhou and other places, the Song Dynasty generously gave King Cheng Tian a large amount of gold, silver, jewels, food and grass, 20,000 sets of armor, and 3,000 war horses, and asked Liang Shanbo to continue to harass Da Yu. Yu Jun.

Of course, Liang Shanbo lived up to his expectations. He actually captured Hua Rong, the general who was under the command of General Dayu Shenwei, and invaded Qingzhou Mansion. He killed Murong Zhizhou and waited until Zhao Yun's army arrived before retreating.

Then King Cheng Tian killed another carbine and captured Dongping Mansion, and surrendered Dong Ping, the two-gun general.

This news made the monarchs and ministers of the Song Dynasty feel as if they had taken a pill to strengthen their muscles. Both Liang Shijie, who came up with the idea, and Tong Guan and Chen Zongshan, who were specifically responsible for the recruitment and security matters, all felt bright in their faces.

"There are talents among the wilderness!"

Zhao Ji couldn't help but sigh.

Liang Shanbo seems to be more capable than the Forbidden Army. After all, the Forbidden Army failed to defeat Dayu and occupy the state capital.

"It all depends on the officials' knowledge of people!"

Tong Guan sighed, but he didn't believe it in his heart.

Tong Guan was someone who had personally experienced the battle with Dong Huang's army, and had also seen how Huazhou was lost. To be honest, he didn't think Liang Shijie could stop Dong Huang's army. He felt that there was something fishy in the battle of Daming Mansion, and he was afraid of the Great Yu. It's not just as simple as using Daming Mansion as a tactic to lure enemies.

Similarly, he also felt that Liang Shanbo's progress seemed to be too smooth. No matter how powerful a group of grass bandits were, could they be Zhao Yun's opponent?

There is no false warrior under his reputation. Zhao Yun is a fierce and wise general who has fought all the way. Will even his lieutenant be caught and surrendered?

What's more, if a group of bandits are really so powerful, doesn't it mean that he, the Western Army and the entire Forbidden Army group are too incompetent?

Tong Guan felt that there was something fishy in this, but considering that he himself had given his adopted daughter to Dong Huang, and that he was not favored in front of Zhao Ji now, he decided not to say anything and only flatter him.

After all, he is an eunuch, so the responsibility for the rise and fall of the country cannot fall on him, right?

"Thousand-mile horses are always found, but bole is not always found. Without officials, they are just grass bandits after all."

Of course, Liang Shijie couldn't let go of the opportunity to flatter him.

After Liang Shijie gathered hundreds of thousands of elites for Zhao Ji, he pretended to give up his military power. Those gangsters, who numbered several thousand or more than ten thousand, were all handed over to Da Dao Wenda, who had become the generals of the Forbidden Army, King Li Cheng, and the people he promoted. Guan Sheng with a broad sword and Hu Yanzhuo with two whips came to deal with it.

With Zhao Ji's endorsement, Liang Shijie is now considered a big boss.

However, Liang Shijie also has Liang Shijie's troubles, that is, Fang La's rebellion seems to be impossible to hide. It is difficult to say whether he is the initiator of this rebellion or Zhu Meng, one of the "Six Thieves", is the initiator, but Zhu Meng can no longer control it. situation.

However, what are you afraid of?

Jiangnan Urgent News: Fangla rebels with the name "Zhu Meng" gathered 200,000 people and have captured the important southeastern town of Hangzhou. So far, they have captured 18 prefectures and counties including Liangzhe Road, Jiangnan East Road, and Huainan West Road, and more than 60 county seat.

For a time, both the government and the public were shocked.

"You won't waste your money, right?"

This was the first reaction of my good father-in-law Zhao Ji.

The second reaction is that the thieves must be punished as soon as possible, because if the southeast, which is important for taxation, grain and grass, is lost, the Song Dynasty will take jujube pills.

Without Hebei, the Song Dynasty could still draw rivers to rule, and Zhao Ji could still enjoy it as much as he wanted; but without the southeast, the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty and millions of troops would all eat ashes.

Zhao Ji looked at Tong Guan immediately.

Leading hundreds of thousands of troops to fight, he only trusted Tong Guan.

Because Tong Guan was an eunuch, and his younger brother had no sons, which meant he had no descendants. It was impossible for a person with no descendants to engage in mutiny.

Although he now trusts Liang Shijie very much, Liang Shijie is Cai Jing's son, and he is not a eunuch. Once he leads the army on an expedition and passes through Chenqiaoyi, what will he think of?

"We must block the news, and at the same time let the Liangshan and Taihang Mountain rebels step up their harassment of the Yu people. Also, the coins given to Dayu this year must be given on time at all costs, and we must ensure that the Yu army will not go south this year! The year of each year in Xixia Don’t delay the coin, don’t let Xixia cause trouble.”

Zhao Ji's mind is very calm.

After saying this, he looked at Tong Guan again: "Daofu, the south will still have to trouble you when the time comes. I will give you one hundred thousand, no, one hundred and fifty thousand troops. You must defeat Fang La as soon as possible!"

"By the way, the news about the accident in the south must be kept secret from the north!"

Zhao Ji finally said.

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