Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 258 This person will definitely not be the commander (three in one, I wish you good luck to

The warriors are half dead in front of the army, but the beauties are still singing and dancing under the tent.

This sentence is suitable for the Agent Alliance.

The other agents of war fought hard and bloody battles, but Dong Huang's side was peaceful with singing and dancing.

Diaochan is really beautiful, a beauty that even Busujima Saeko and the ten Senki combined cannot compare to.

Especially when Diao Chan dances, the unique beauty and charm are upgraded to the extreme.

Diao Chan was wearing a gorgeous dress embroidered with complicated tassels, and her graceful and affectionate figure was like a nine-day fairy, dancing enthusiastically.

The graceful figure is full of the softness and grace of oriental women, and there is also a hint of inexplicable enchantment and charm. Against the background of the bonfire light, it is like the brightest star in the dark night, stirring the heartstrings of the viewer. , even the woman Wang Yi and others could not help but be captivated by her dancing.

Once you dance, you will captivate the city, and if you dance again, you will captivate the country.

Diao Chan is a well-deserved charmer of both the city and the country.

There is an unspoken rule in the officialdom of the Dayu Dynasty, that is, never watch the dance of the dancing concubine, because Diao Chan is so beautiful that it may shake her loyalty to the emperor.

Over time, only Dong Huang and his women could appreciate the beauty of Diao Chan's dance.

Diao Chan's dance successfully made Dong Huang forget about the appearance of the class beauty in the past, and he picked up the wine glass with a smile.

All gone, there are countless beautiful beauties, let’s look at the present!

Here Dong Huang was enjoying dancing and having fun under the moonlight, but the senior leaders of the Allied Forces over there suffered the bitter consequences of being raided.

Orson is a dead lord of the cemetery, not a game NPC that won't move unless you hit him.

He did not continue to take the initiative to attack during the day, which gave the Allies the feeling that Orson would not press forward step by step. However, at night, Orson's three million troops suddenly launched.

The mountain of corpses and sea of ​​bones rushed directly to the connecting area between the Allied forces and Dong Huang's army.

Obviously, Orson has detected the weakness of the Confederate Army and wants to cut off the Confederate Army's water source.

Attack the enemy and save him.

Even if he has never studied Sun Tzu's Art of War, Orson understands this truth.

At this time, the Allied forces had to fight a battle with the Ossen army in the dark and at a location without adequate fortifications.

The Allies were overwhelmed, but they could not give up the water source.

The two sides fought fiercely in a narrow strip of ten kilometers from the perimeter of the Eighth Formation of Stone Soldiers to where the main force of the Allied Forces was located. The shattered skeletons of the skeleton soldiers were piled up to a height of three meters.

In order to prevent the canals that delivered water to the Allied forces from being polluted, which would reduce the Allied forces' combat effectiveness the next day and thus reduce the Allied forces' enthusiasm for being taken advantage of, even Jia Xu had to symbolically send troops to support the Allied forces.

Fortunately, the Allied Forces still had 100,000 troops originally prepared to attack Dong Huang stationed here to protect this lifeline, and the Allied Forces also mobilized reinforcements in time.

However, what disgusted the Allied forces was that the skeleton archers behind Orson's sea of ​​skeletons did not care whether they would hit anyone or not, and kept throwing arrows there the whole time. However, the Allied archers did not dare to waste arrows at will, and even more Fear of hurting companions.

This battle was a bit frustrating.

"After this battle is over, we will counterattack to Orson's base camp tomorrow. There is no way that there are no good things in the cemetery city!"

Many disgusted war agents thought so.

However, what the Allies never thought was that Orson's Skeleton Sea attack was actually a cover. Orson's real purpose was to find out who the Allied commanders were.

When Orson tested it out, his real trump card came out.

Orson has a thousand ninth-level ghosts under his command.

As far as mythical arms are concerned, the level of these ghosts is not high, and can even be said to be the lowest level existence among the ghost arms.

However, as a unit, their strength is far superior to the ghosts produced by Jia Xu's Death Shadow - currently, the ghosts in Jia Xu's Death Shadow have the highest strength of only level seven, and they do not have the ability to effectively attack living beings. Being able to detect, even with the bonus from Guo Jia's sacrifice, it would not be improved to the eighth level.

As a special unit produced by the cemetery force, the ninth-level ghosts can already launch effective attacks against living creatures.

However, due to the increased aggressiveness, the stealth performance of these ghosts has been affected. They cannot be completely invisible like Jia Xu's ghosts. They can only approach the target by hiding in the darkness, and then launch a surprise attack from the soil or behind a wall. .

Orson's idea is very simple. I will kill and wound your commander first, and then I will destroy your army that lacks effective command in one go!

The ghost's surprise attack once again caused chaos among the Allied forces.

Although these ghosts themselves are not completely immune to physical attacks due to their enhanced attack capabilities against living beings, the ninth-level crushing and sneak attacks still caused the death of thirty-eight war agents and sixty-six Allied war agents. The deaths of several space generals, and the injuries of hundreds of war agents and space generals.

For the first time, the Allies felt the powerlessness of dimensionality reduction strikes.

That feeling of powerlessness is comparable to Zheng Zhajin's curse;

It's like a eunuch visiting a brothel.

The Allied forces were attacked by surprise, and Dong Huangjun's side was naturally not immune.

Orson had already figured out that Dong Huang's strong troops and horses were the key to providing water, so he sent a hundred ghosts to assassinate the commander of Dong Huang's army.

These ghosts walking underground, ignoring the eight formations of stone soldiers, first moved near Dong Huang who was watching a song and dance. During the battle, he was still watching a song and dance, and there were no soldiers around him. He must not be the commander, right?


After that, they moved to the vicinity of Dianwei. They felt that this man had an astonishing evil aura and was a bit scary. Moreover, he had not issued any orders. He just stood stupidly like a statue. He was so ugly. How could he be the commander?


After that, they came to the vicinity of Huang Zhong again. Good guy, the bloody smell on this man was heavier than the bloody smell on the ugly man before. There were even many frightened dead souls entangled in the bloody smell. At first glance, it looked like a million-level massacre. Even ghosts are afraid of evil people!


Finally, they came near a narrow eye. They felt that the scent of the narrow eye was very comfortable. They also saw with their own eyes that the narrow eye arranged the battle plan and arranged the troops. They also saw the narrow eye leave the guard and go. Meet a harmless woman.

This must be the commander!

Ghost, attack!

One hundred ghosts swarmed up and launched a death collision against Jia Xu - the ghosts at this stage could only attack by impacting the living body and damaging their soul and spirit.

Considering the number of ghosts, even Jia Xu would be furious if he was really hit by a hundred ghosts.

Jia Xu's narrowed eyes lit up, and the curtain of death opened.

Opposite Jia Xu, Zhang Qiying, who was invited out by him, flipped her jade hand, and talismans all over the sky suddenly floated out.

"Fairy, please show mercy."

Jia Xu quickly advised Zhang Qiying.

When the ghost attacked, Jia Xu was about to talk to Zhang Qiying about borrowing her magic talisman to deal with the ghost. As it happened, the ghost of the other party came to attack. It really took no effort at all.

However, just as the ghost felt that the aura on Jia Xu's body was very comfortable, Jia Xu also felt that the aura on the ghost's body was very comfortable, especially after the curtain of death was opened, it became even more comfortable.

Jia Xu felt that these ghosts seemed to be able to influence themselves, so he persuaded Zhang Qiying to show mercy, for fear that Zhang Qiying would destroy these ghosts.

Even though Zhang Qiying's spatial evaluation is only eighth level, the Zhang family are all professionals in catching ghosts, exorcising demons and exorcisms, and they are also dressed in magical attire.

It goes without saying how terrible attribute restraint is.


Zhang Qiying nodded lightly, and pasted the talismans one by one on the ghosts. The ghosts were immediately fixed in the air one by one, with the talismans attached to their bodies, motionless, like strangely shaped balloons.

With the blessing of Zhengyi Alliance's mighty talisman, Zhang Qiying's talisman perfectly restrained these ghosts.

Just like the martial arts class is a disgrace to the fifth level, these ninth level ghosts, when restrained by their attributes, are completely a disgrace to the same level. This is because their attack methods are too simple and too easy. Contradicted by attributes.

Zhang Qiying didn't even use thunder spells. She just put on a few talismans to exorcise ghosts and suppress demons, and she was able to crush them.

Of course, if it is a tenth level or even stronger ghost hero, Zhang Qiying may not be able to deal with it so easily.

Attribute restraint also pays attention to quality and quantity.

A drop of ink can contaminate a small glass of water, but it will also be diluted by the ocean without leaving a trace.

It is meaningless to talk about the incompatibility of attributes regardless of quality and quantity.

And if the opponent is a ghost hero of level ten or above, it is not impossible for Zhang Qiying to be killed by the opponent.

But at this stage, Zhang Qiying is very comfortable in dealing with these ghosts who are beginning to have simple attack power.

"I have to go see His Majesty first."

When she said this, Zhang Qiying had already turned around and left.

"I was careless."

Jia Xu blamed himself, sent his own ghost to drag the sealed kind, and followed Zhang Qiying's pace.

"Everything is under the control of the Prime Minister. Your Majesty will be fine."

Zhang Qiying did not look back, but based on her understanding of Jia Xu, it was impossible for Jia Xu to let anything happen to Dong Huang.

Jia Xu also smiled slightly and did not explain.

However, although everyone knew that Dong Huang was definitely fine, they finally felt at ease after taking a look. Zhang Qiying also secretly decided not to leave Dong Huang. After all, what would happen if a more powerful ghost attacked.

On the way to see Dong Huang, Jia Xu also expressed her needs to Zhang Qiying.

Zhang Qiying changed hands and asked her generals and guards to give Jia Xu three hundred ghost exorcism talismans.

These talismans can withstand ghosts of this level when partially activated, and can kill ghosts of this level when fully activated.

As for more talismans, it is impossible for Zhang Qiying to provide them, because she has to be responsible for Dong Huang, and there will obviously be powerful ghosts in the third level, so she must keep enough reserves.

Of course, Jia Xu also understood this truth and did not force it, and he felt that three hundred sheets was almost enough. This felt even more so after his death canopy swallowed up the hundred ghost prisoners.

Ghosts are other people's arms, and it is not easy to swallow them under normal circumstances.

But just like the 100,000 troops that the Allies attacked Dong Huang before, many of them became Dong Huang's prisoners and are currently working as earthworkers; this world is not a game, and even the space troops are not a bunch of data, but flesh and blood. , will fight to the death, will go crazy, will collapse, will surrender.

Once the troops collapse and surrender, what they will do depends entirely on instinct.

These ghosts with low IQs feel that entering Jia Xu's domain is like going home, even more comfortable than their original home.

It felt like Pan Jinlian, who had been unsatisfied for a long time, finally met Ximen Qing, who was capable and wealthy, and the original owner turned into Wu Dalang, who wanted to kill him quickly.

After all, three inches of Dinggu bark is nothing compared to Pan Lu and Deng Xiaoxian!

In fact, if it is on a frontal battlefield and in Orson's domain, the ghosts will naturally not feel this way, but will offer their loyalty to Orson, but this is no longer within the scope of Orson's domain. Now, they can't even see Orson's shadow, so naturally they can't show their loyalty to Orson.

"There are only a thousand ghosts, and many died when assassinating the Allied Commander..."

"All the troops in Orson Cemetery City have been recruited, but there are two special military buildings: the skeleton conversion field and the zombie crypt. The former can convert corpses into skeleton soldiers, and the latter can upgrade ordinary zombie-like undead to Level 6 to 7 zombies can probably transform millions of skeleton soldiers and 100,000 zombies every day!"

"Except for ghosts, there are no other types of soldiers. It is worth noting that Orson also has a ninth-level ghoul with more than a thousand heads. It is currently sleeping in the cemetery to absorb dark energy and has not awakened to join the battlefield."

"Tsk can definitely be beaten!"

Jia Xu, who has been monitoring the Allied war agents and generals, combined the intelligence from the Allies and the information provided by the ninth-level ghosts who abandoned the darkness and turned to the light, and finally learned the intelligence of the ghosts and the secrets of Orson Cemetery City.

It can be seen that the second level in the space setting is actually not difficult. One million skeleton soldiers and one hundred thousand zombies are added every day. Although it seems scary, it actually gives the War Agents the opportunity to upgrade advanced arms.

If there was no improper operation by Jia Xu and others in this mission, the war agents under normal circumstances should be able to spawn thousands or even tens of thousands of Shark Guards/Crocodile Sharks from the dead bodies that first appeared.

After that, everyone can effectively unite and make up for the losses on Orson every day. The final wave of ghouls enters the scene, just like the last wave of monsters in the game to attack the city. Although these ninth-level units with physical entities must be far more powerful than just now. Shadows with offensive power are much more dangerous, but under normal circumstances, there will be many agents of war who can survive.

But what is abnormal is that this mission space was ruined by Jia Xu and others from the beginning.

Under the improper operations of Jia Xu and others, the war agents suffered heavy losses. Although they finally united under the pressure of Orson, both quantity and quality were greatly reduced.

After a wave of sneak attacks by Orson's ghosts, the situation of the War Agent coalition became even more precarious.

In fact, Jia Xu guessed that the thousand ghosts arranged by the space for Orson were because he was afraid that if the war agents united sincerely, Orson would not be able to survive the first day, so he specially arranged them for Orson to assassinate. The agents of war thus get a chance to breathe.

As a result, the war agents were almost out of breath at this moment.

Fortunately, there are only a thousand ghosts.

Today, there are less than 800 of them.

"You still have to rely on me to save you, but before I save you..."

Jia Xu looked at Zhang Qiying: "Xianzi Zhang, do you have any other talismans that are not very useful, but have some restraint effect on ghosts? It would be better if they expire in six days."

"The effect is not good? It will expire in six days?"

Zhang Qiying looked at Jia Xu, who was squinting like a lucky cat, and immediately understood: "Are you going to sell it to other war agents?"

"It's not selling, it's friendship and support."

Jia Xu narrowed his eyes and emphasized.

"There are some low-level talismans that I drew at the sixth and seventh levels, as well as talismans drawn by my generals and guards. However, you squeeze them like this..."

As expected, Zhang Qiying glanced at Jia Xu like this, feeling a little sad for the other war agents.

It is worth mentioning that Zhang Qiying's general bodyguards are Kidō Sacrifice. They are a group of legal generals and bodyguards similar in nature to Himiko's witches, but they can only play a very limited role at this stage.

"Why is it being squeezed? I am protecting their lives! No one cares about their lives more than the agents of war!"

Jia Xu said with a smile.

The war agents care most about their own lives. Under the threat of life, they are willing to give up too much.

After all, for them, only by living can they have hope and revenge!

"For Your Majesty."

Zhang Qiying smiled, obviously very satisfied with the deception of other war agents: "I went back to the room to look for it. They are all in the luggage. If it is only valid for six days, I still need to do some tricks."

That night, the war agents who suffered heavy losses received enthusiastic support from Jia Xu - as long as they increased their daily contribution to the world from 20% to 30%, Dong Huangjun was willing to do it for everyone. The War Agents and their heroes provide two talismans that can effectively resist the attacks of the wraith.

"Taking advantage of the situation!"

The agents of war were immediately furious.

Most of them have not been updated to the version that can deal with extraordinary power. Most of the abilities provided in the temple are not as good as Dong Huang's first-level temple, and even those who can afford to upgrade to the second-level temple are less than Double digits.

Under such circumstances, it would be very difficult for them to deal with the most basic ghosts with fighting capabilities, but the problem is, you can't just take advantage of it, right?

Even Dongye Shimin, who advocated an alliance with Dong Huang, was furious.

It's just that no one is willing to make fun of his own life.

"At worst, I won't play anymore after finishing this level!"

A certain war agent said with great ambition.

"Yes, I won't play anymore after this level!"

"The water and electricity are cut off, and the price is so harsh, let him have his own fun!"

"That's right!"

The war leaders were filled with indignation and finally decided to withdraw from the game at the next level as punishment for Dong Huang.

They believed that without their own assistance, Dong Huangjun would never be able to pass the third level on his own.

And apart from this punishment, which I don't know whether it counts as punishment, these war agents can't think of any other effective punishment measures.

After all, you can't really let out a bad breath at the cost of your own life.

It is almost impossible for the agents of war who can survive to this day to be stupid and impulsive people.

They have experienced a lot and enjoy more.

And the more people enjoy it, the less willing they are to die, and the more likely they are to live in humiliation.

Enjoyment is the meaning and instinct of biological struggle!

What's more, although Jia Xu's request was hateful, it didn't really touch their bottom line. It just made them feel a little disgusted.

So, when he woke up, Dong Huang found that he had three thousand more sharks under his command.

Thanks to the efforts of the veterans of the Allied Forces, my elite troops have increased.

Just a bit ugly.

It’s almost time to catch up with Dian Wei.

"Yingzhou... If it is the Yingzhou of Invincible Heroes, there seems to be a mermaid or some kind of military unit? What is it called?"

Dong Huang's thoughts couldn't help but spread out again.

Since developing Yui Sakai and Asami Nakaoka, Dong Huang seems to have had some strange switch turned on.

Of course, Dong Huang himself didn't think so. He just felt that his collecting habit was at work.

Humans, fish tails, etc. are just collected to look at, and they don’t have to be used for anything, right?

Dong Huang was still dissatisfied, but the Alliance of War Agents was on the verge of tears.

Last night, they lost a total of 140,000 to 50,000 people, most of them in close combat. Although they caused a lot of casualties and obtained a powerful unit of seven to eight thousand sharks, they were not willing to accept such a loss.

They had a subtle feeling that they had sacrificed twenty elite low-level soldiers in exchange for one high-level soldier.

It's hard to say whether this kind of exchange makes a profit or a loss, but wouldn't it be better if no soldiers were lost?

Moreover, there would be no problem with the Samewei army in a world with strange creatures. If it appeared in a world with only humans, it would be a heretic that everyone would punish.

The Allied forces, which suffered heavy losses, finally decided to take the initiative during the day when the visibility was good, and once again cleaned up the dead bodies around the city.

This counterattack by the Allied forces caught Orson by surprise.

With good visibility, the human army's advantages in crossbows and cavalry can be brought into play.

Although skeletons and zombies will not die unless they are shot in the head, fragile things like skeletons will have their bones broken when a crossbow hits them. Even light cavalry can easily crush them.

There are only 20,000 members of the Allied Forces, but the Sharks, whose weapons are heavy weapons such as maces, have also shown strong combat effectiveness. Their weapons can defeat skeletons one by one, and they can also defeat zombies.

The small body of the skeleton soldiers makes it almost impossible to break their skin.

After changing into heavy armor, the Shark Guards became even more invincible, somewhat like the style of the armored warriors of the Great Song Dynasty. Using them as the vanguard, they charged directly into Osun's central army formation, just like a roller mill crushing the road, directly beating Osun's central army back.

The allied cavalry troops and other troops cooperated with the Shark troops to launch attacks from the flanks and rear. Jia Xu, who had been watching the battle, also sent three thousand heavy cavalry to rush behind to support the allies. It was also to further test the strength of the undead troops.

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