Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 259 Cunning Humans (Three-in-one, I wish you a bright future, brothers)

The result of Jia Xu's test is that these skeleton soldiers are really weak. The skeleton shooters can't even break the defense of the Tiger Army in front of the palace. If this is a human army, facing such a fully blossoming play style, facing an absolute advantage The cavalry attack will definitely be divided and collapse.

However, this is an undead army that does not need morale. They only need to complete Orson's instructions, keep killing and killing, and don't care about anything else.

Even if they are surrounded, even if only one head is left, they will bite the allies.

This is disgusting.

Even if these undead cannot spread the plague, as long as their dirty teeth bite a little bit of skin, the soldiers will soon be infected with fever.

There is no way, these undead are too dirty.

Sometimes they don't even need to bite, but accidentally stepping on the bones and debris of the undead and scratching the skin can cause a serious illness.

This really made the Allies miserable.

You must know that these allied forces are not Dong Huang's army. Everyone can have three levels of infantry armor, and their horses are also heavily armored. Many of these allied soldiers are only third level soldiers.

Compared with the disgusting characteristics of the undead troops, Orson's command ability is not worth mentioning.

Whether it was Jia Xu or other outstanding war agents, they all discovered that Orson simply did not have the ability to command an army of millions.

Orson's remaining two million skeleton soldiers acted according to instructions and instincts almost after Orson gave the order, without any tactical arrangements at all.

The only troops that Orson can really control and command are the zombies under his command.

But the problem is, even if there are two million skeletons, they won't be able to cut them all in a while.

What's even more disgusting is that when the Allied Shark Guard troops penetrated Orson's sea of ​​skeletons like a drill, Orson actually used magic - resurrection of the dead.

Approximately 20,000 skeleton soldiers who were originally killed were resurrected at the feet of Samebae. Some even just resurrected a skeleton and wanted to bite Samebae's toes.

Then, Orson used a mass slowdown method. Suddenly the movement speed of the twenty thousand Shark Guards and Sharks slowed down, and their legs seemed to be filled with lead. The zombie army that had been guarding Orson also moved out. , aiming directly at the surrounded Shark Guard and Shark.

Apparently, Orson was up to another trick.

This time, he wanted to use magic to his advantage and annihilate the Allies' most powerful force in one fell swoop.

"It's different in this game!"

The agents of war are dying of discomfort.

The skeleton soldiers and zombies in the game do not need to be killed in order to be killed; they will not be able to use so many tactical tricks on the battlefield; the infection will not last until the next battle.

Very angry.

"Rather than this, I'm more curious about why he didn't use the two magics of resurrection of the dead and group slowing last night. And judging from the speed of the opponent's zombies, I'm afraid he also used group acceleration, right?"

Dongye Shimin said softly.

"What's the meaning?"

There are agents of war who have not yet reacted.

But the smart man suddenly realized a problem, and his eyes suddenly became hot.


"What Wen He means is that the main city opposite may have just built a magic tower today? Is the magic that Orson used today newly learned? Why does it feel like Orson's main city is more like the main city of the agent than the main city of the agent? ?”

From the observation deck, looking at the devastated city, Dong Huang Qidao, who rarely asked about military matters.

Although Dong Huang felt that the magic tower was built in one day and could immediately provide magic, which was somewhat like the setting in the Heroes game, the essential function of the magic tower was not much different from the temple of the War Agent. Provide skill learning.

Even if you follow the game settings, building a magic tower that can basically learn magic immediately is more practical than a temple with many restrictions.

Of course, reality is different from games.

Dong Huang has tested that even those generals' skills whose bonus percentages are clearly recognized by the space cannot be so accurate in actual combat. The description of skills can only be a rough numerical value, not a simple fixed number.

Moreover, there is a huge gap between this bonus for natural people and space arms.

The bonuses of heroes' field skills on natural soldiers are often greatly improved. Just like the 150,000 tiger soldiers under Dong Huang, even if there is no morale bonus skill, as long as Dong Huang stands there, his morale will immediately explode. If there are more generals who use the morale bonus, their combat effectiveness will be increased. promote.

However, space troops do not have this characteristic. The morale of space troops often requires bonuses from many fields and effects to reach the maximum, and many of them often need to re-apply some buffs after a battle to continue to maintain it. In addition, the bonus of domain skills to space troops and the morale bonus can only increase morale and will not have other special effects.

In addition, even space troops are not digital beings.

Dong Huang prefers to regard them as artificial humans created by magic or technological means, and the so-called military buildings are their petri dishes.

The most fundamental reason why space soldiers are difficult to upgrade is that once they are created, the upper limit is basically locked. This is just like being unable to build a fifth-generation fighter jet with materials from World War I. The upper limit of materials has been locked.

In fact, not only the space troops, but also the heroes/servants and natural persons brought from different parallel worlds are stuck in the upper limit, and they need to be supplemented through star power and other means before they can truly break through. shackles.

The three mission worlds arranged in space are obviously a step-by-step process, from obtaining heroes/servants/units and natural persons, to allowing them to gradually break through their shackles and obtain greater improvements.

Dong Huang even speculated that the space arms were just a transition. In the later stages, the role of natural arms would become more important.

In the final analysis, space arms can only be arms, while natural arms can become civil servants and generals after some training.

The mission world that Dong Huang is currently experiencing is aimed at completing special units such as generals' guards and generals' training units.

"Nine times out of ten, facilities such as magic towers have been built. Otherwise, it cannot explain why Orson did not use these magics yesterday, but used them today. If Orson used these magics last night, I am afraid that last night We will be able to successfully cut off the connection between us and the Allies. At that time, Orson can calmly force the Allies to attack desperately in order to open up the water source line. By then, the offensive and defensive forces will surely change.

After eliminating various unreasonable answers, the most reasonable explanation is that some of these three magics were probably learned or used by Orson only today. Although there is no guarantee that it will definitely be a magic tower, the possibility of a similar building existing is extremely high! "

Jia Xu reasoned.

"Resurrection of the dead should be the magic inherent in undead heroes."

Dong Huang added.

But that's the setting in the game, and Dong Huang can't guarantee its accuracy.

Bringing the game into reality is ridiculous.

Just show the ghosts in the game. All ghosts are units with one icon and one ability strength.

But the ghosts in reality include the useless trash of the third and fourth levels in Jia Xu’s Death Sky, the sixth and seventh level ghosts who can only act as scouts and have almost no impact on humans, and the just-in-time ghosts who can do harm. There are even higher-level beings, including human ninth-level ghosts, and even heroic units.

This is just like the ordinary people of the first level of human beings, the generals of the seventh and eighth levels, and the more powerful cultivators and even immortals.

All in all, the reality is a very complex and complete ecological chain.

"If we can also learn the magic inside..."

Dong Huang's eyes shone a little.

Most of the first-level magic in Invincible Heroes can basically be learned by a hero. The only difference is the limitation of mana and the difference in power.

"What I'm worried about is that Osun's main city may be able to build new buildings and upgrade by collecting resources or other methods! If this is the case, all our plans will have to be restarted."

Jia Xu expressed his worries.

If Orson's trump card is only those thousand ninth-level ghouls, this battle will still be fought. At worst, he can just use a pile of sharks. Can't a pile of twenty-seventh-level sharks kill a thousand ninth-level ghouls? ?

If that doesn't work, just send out the Tiger and Ben troops. With 17,000 Tier 1 Tigers and 3,000 Tier 7 Emperor's Guards, can't they kill a thousand ghouls?

But if Orson's city can be upgraded and summon more creatures, this battle will not be easy.

What if the opponent has troops above level nine?

"Wen He wants to... strike first and take advantage?"

Dong Huang vaguely guessed what Jia Xu was thinking.

If Orson is really accumulating strength and getting stronger as he fights, it would be better to strike first and steal the undead city directly in a surprise attack, or kill Orson directly.

This is not impossible, after all, Dong Huang and Huang Zhong are useless.

If Huang Zhong is dispatched, it is really possible to kill Orson with one blow.

"I want to wait for tonight's situation to see if Orson will continue to send ghosts to assassinate me. If possible, I want to capture a few more ghosts to find out the information. If Orson's ghosts don't come, it doesn't matter. The veteran has just developed a special use of ghosts, which is enough to kill other ghosts in Orson, and can even sneak attack a wave of Orson's main city."

With that said, Jia Xu summoned a ghost and asked the ghost to put it aside, only to see a talisman wrapped in a balloon inside.

"The veteran discovered that sixth-level ghosts can already transport physical objects of a certain quality. The weight of a balloon plus a talisman is completely within their acceptance range. Although the ghost can no longer shuttle objects after carrying physical objects, as long as it is placed on In their bellies, they can still achieve a certain level of invisibility.

I plan to make them invisible to kill all the ghosts in Orson, and then go to the main city of Orson to inquire about the situation. In fact, the old minister is thinking that maybe we can take advantage of the slow movement of the Orson army and take advantage of the opportunity of Orson to fight the allied forces. Send the Tiger Army to rob Osun's main city. "

Jia Xu said with a smile.

"That's a good idea."

Dong Huang gave a thumbs up. Stealing a house to change a house or something was just like cheating on someone, and it was exciting to think about it.

As a result, Dong Huangjun's second set of home-stealing tactics took shape.

Compared with the first set, this set of tactics fully takes into account the movement speed of the Ossen army.

Of course, this does not mean that the first set of tactics is abandoned.

Jia Xu plans to combine the two tactics.

Jia Xu even planned to use sewers, underground pipe networks, etc. to build an underground channel that could lead directly to the main city of Osun, and then drain the water in the reservoir to flush the sharks through.

For Jia Xu, the sharks are excellent front row cannon fodder. Most of the elites Dong Huangjun brought this time were not only seventh-level elite heavy cavalry riding excellent sweat-blooded horses, but they were also very good at archery and could serve as long-range soldiers; the front row was left to these newly spawned sharks.

Compared with the Tiger Guards composed of natural people, Jia Xu wouldn't feel bad even if all these sharks died.

Maybe they would even look at each other and smile with Cheng Yu, Guo Jia and Fazheng.


Night came late.

A chaotic battle finally came to an end.

The Orson army suffered heavy losses. Most of the skeleton soldiers were dead, and the zombies also suffered heavy losses.

There was nothing that could be done about it. Orson wanted to kill the Allies' most elite Shark Guards, so he couldn't blame the Allies for following their plan.

As soon as Orson's main zombies were dispatched, the Allies' hidden 100,000 heavily armored cavalry were also dispatched. They brought together most of the Allied generals, guards and elite troops, and their weapons were replaced with blunt weapons. Those who did not have blunt weapons even used They had fire axes, hammers, and homemade maces and other heavy weapons, just to attack the zombies' heads.

Zombies, which are inherently slow-moving units, naturally cannot have heavy armor on their bodies, and they don't even have any defense on their foreheads.

The heavy cavalry were condescending, and it felt like the Jin and Liao heavy cavalry were beating the Song army infantry Tianling Gai with maces.

That is to say, the rank advantage of zombies lies here. They are generally one to two ranks higher than the heavy cavalry of the Allied Forces. Unless Tianling Gai can be killed with an axe, a simple hammer cannot guarantee a kill with one hit.

Even so, the slow-moving zombies still suffered heavy losses under the wave-like charge of the heavy cavalry.

After one battle, the zombies' losses exceeded 150,000.

Orson was screaming in anger from behind, but he was unable to use magic such as resurrection of the dead. It was obvious that his magic value had already bottomed out.

In other words, the undead troops do not need morale and will not feel tired, otherwise the Orson Army would have collapsed long ago.

Even so, Orson's face turned green.

What made Orson even more irritated was that the reinforcements of one million skeleton soldiers and one hundred thousand zombies he had just converted today were kited.

Dong Huangjun's 3,000 cavalrymen, who were not satisfied with hammering skulls before, under the leadership of Dian Wei and Zhao Yun, flew the kites of the undead army from a distance. These elites with superb shooting skills were beyond the range of the skeleton shooters. Shooting skulls, zombie heads, eye sockets.

Basically, every three arrows fired by the extremely elite Tiger Army can take away the life of an undead, and Zhao Yun is always on target.

Most of the generals and cavalry in the Three Kingdoms era were good at riding and shooting. Zhao Yun was the best among them, but Dian Wei was a little worse. He preferred to throw small halberds.

After this harassment, although the speed of the undead army did not slow down, the skeleton archers, skeleton spear throwers and other long-range reinforcements were almost completely wiped out.

After a chaotic battle, the Allied forces, whose physical strength had reached their limit, had to withdraw their troops at the expense of money. The angry Orson could only reorganize his troops and planned to repeat the same tactics at night.

Living creatures need to rest and eat and drink, but the undead do not.

Although the undead are not perpetual motion machines and need to replenish dark energy, the undead are full of energy at a time and can fight for several days. The biggest cost of long-term action is just the wear and tear of internal parts of the body.

The reason why Orson gave the Allies a chance to breathe was just to gather the army again.

After the army was assembled, he continued to attack.

He still has five days to kill the Allies.

Tonight, of course, he would do it again.

However, the Allies tonight are no longer the Allies last night.

The Allied officers spent a lot of money to buy takeaway ghost-expelling and ghost-killing talismans from Dong Huang. The war agents and their generals each posted two of them.

When the ghosts launched their assassination, the moment they came into close contact with their target, they all looked like fish being thrown into boiling water. The color of their bodies changed, and they screamed and ran away quickly.

Many unlucky ghosts were chopped into pieces by the generals' guards because their incorporeal skills failed.

The ninth-level ghosts are rated as ninth-level based on their semi-invisible and incorporeal characteristics. However, their incorporeality is a passive skill that requires a certain amount of luck to be activated. Once it fails, the only way is to be hacked to death.

Compared with these unlucky ghosts who were hacked to death by random swords, the ghosts who went to Dong Huang's side had better luck.

In order to achieve the best effect, Ossen sent a total of 200 ghosts to attack the commander of Dong Huang's army this time.

Adhering to the principle of attacking whoever commands the army, the ghosts once again ignored Dong Huang, who was forcibly pulled away for disinfection by Zhang Qiying, and set their target on Jia Xu.

Facing the attack, Jia Xu directly opened the shadow of death and released the companions of the ghosts.

Without Zhang Qiying's assistance this time, the ghosts did not surrender so quickly, and many even chose to fight to the death. However, under the threat of the talisman left by Zhang Qiying and the persuasion of his former companions, Jia Xu finally got it again. One hundred and fifty-one ghosts who abandoned darkness and turned to light.

There is no way, who makes Jia Xu's shadow of death so comfortable!

If this were a game, Jia Xu's diplomatic affinity for ghosts would definitely be at full level.

From the mouths of these ghosts, Jia Xu also learned that some buildings could be built in the main city area of ​​Ossen.

At present, Orson has built a first-level magic tower and is preparing to strengthen the city defense and raise the level of city defense.

However, perhaps due to insufficient resources, Osun did not build other military facilities.

At present, Orson's main source of troops is to transform corpses and dead bodies collected from Bedlord City through the Skeleton Transformation Field and Zombie Crypt.

Most of them were transformed into skeleton soldiers, and a few became zombies.

As for the military strength, there are currently only about 50,000 zombies and 100,000 skeleton soldiers responsible for defending the main city of Osun. However, they are mainly stationed between the passage between the main city of the bed and the main city of the cemetery to protect the main city and transportation lines; in addition, a large number are responsible for directly transporting dead bodies.

The thousand-nine-level ghouls are still in an unactivated state, and I don't know if they have not been cultivated yet.

"Based on the current situation, we can try to attack the main city of Cemetery. However, I didn't expect that the undead army, which least needs logistics, would be so dependent on logistics, and Orson obviously didn't notice this."

Jia Xu narrowed his eyes and said happily.

The logistics that Jia Xu was talking about were naturally Ossen's dead body transportation team.

After careful calculation, Osun's troops are actually not large, let alone elite.

Don't look at the fact that Orson originally had three million skeleton soldiers and more than 300,000 zombies, but these soldiers can be included in the mythical soldiers only because they are not normal life forms.

In fact, most skeleton soldiers are so weak that they can even smash into third-level light cavalry.

The fact that Orson's subordinates are so weak is naturally the result of Space's intention.

The purpose of space is to allow War Agents to better adapt to different types of battles and accept the existence of different types of enemies, but not to eliminate all War Agents in one fell swoop.

After all, this is just the third mission world.

The first four mission worlds in the space are actually just to allow the war agents to adapt to the rhythm of the infinite war space as quickly as possible.

According to the difficulty of the first level of the normal third mission world in space, the number of dead war agents is generally about 20%, and at most it will not exceed 30%.

As long as at least 70% of the remaining war agents can relatively unite and reach an alliance, they will be able to pass the second level relatively easily, thereby achieving the promotion of generals and guards and the replacement of lower-level units under their command, thereby enhancing their strength.

In this process, a leader-type war agent can often emerge who is more convincing to most war agents.

The ability of war agents to coordinate vertical and horizontal diplomacy is itself an ability needed in the infinite war space.

Under such circumstances, it is reasonable that Orson's men are relatively weak.

However, the agent of war in this mission world met Jia Xufa, Cheng Yu, Guo Jia and others.

Under their improper operations, the number of war agents dropped by half.

The lack of manpower caused by the large number of war agents' deaths was also an important reason why the war agents failed to open up the situation in these two days of fighting.

But after two days of testing, Osen's weaknesses were also tested by Jia Xu.

That is, his troop replenishment requires a fragile transportation line to maintain. If this transportation line is destroyed, it will be impossible for Orson to obtain troop replenishment, and his destruction will be a matter of time.

Jia Xu also informed the Allies of this weakness of Orson, and both sides jointly sent cavalry to stay outside the battlefield and consciously hunt down Orson's troops who captured the dead bodies and the troops who transported the dead bodies.

This time, Orson was forced into a passive position.

A city with a population of tens of millions is not small, enough for cavalry troops to move around.

Orson discovered that the small force he sent out to capture dead bodies, as long as it was less than 10,000, could easily be crushed and annihilated by the cavalry force with the advantage of speed in just two rounds; if more people were sent out, they would be killed again. Running away actually led to the weakness of the main force.

Even if it is sometimes possible to surround the opponent's cavalry, as long as the encirclement is weaker, it is possible for them to charge directly into the formation and break it.

After the third day of fierce fighting, Orson's troops were unable to maintain the number of three million. There were only two million skeletons and two hundred thousand zombies left. The Allied cavalry troops even broke through to the main city of the cemetery several times. The passage with bed master city there.

Under such circumstances, he no longer cared about the inexplicable annihilation of his ghost troops.

"Cunning humans!"

Orson was extremely angry and finally realized the horror of united mankind.

Of course, the most terrifying thing is not the human beings, but the restrained relationship between the arms.

This low-level and slow undead unit, without the cooperation of other units, is really at a disadvantage in mobile warfare.

And this is also a lesson that space teaches those who carry out war. The arms must be balanced and the advantages and specialties of different arms must be flexibly used.

"We can't go on like this. We must force them into a positional battle! Otherwise, I will be the one who dies."

Orson finally made up his mind.

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