Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 261 I can’t sleep on a moonlit night, I wish Xiu Yan well

A general only costs 200,000 yuan, which is not a problem at all for the wealthy Dong Huang.

Dong Huang decided without hesitation to upgrade the skills of all the generals who came to this world.

Dong Huang has a very simple view of ability. As long as it is a skill that can be bought with money, he will never hesitate.

There was no way, Dong Huang had gained too much in the previous world. In that world, his army was invincible and almost unified the world. Hundreds of countries and nearly 100,000 war agents have contributed too much to him.

After Cheng Yu completed his exploration of the main city of Osun, a new prompt from the space came.

[Hidden mission "Special Personal Exclusive War Space·Death Kingdom·Imperial Mausoleum" completed]

[Special personal exclusive war space·Death Kingdom·Imperial Mausoleum: The moment the emperor ascends the throne, the construction of his imperial mausoleum has already begun. The Imperial Mausoleum is not only the emperor's mausoleum, but also the home of his loyal followers, the resting place for the souls of all warriors, and the last resort for His Majesty's resurrection.

The war agent can bring the main city into his personal war space as an imperial mausoleum. The imperial mausoleum can be recast and transformed at a cost of 200,000 war points, turning it into a brand new imperial mausoleum with the style that the war agent likes. However, the imperial mausoleum already has functions. constant.

At present, the imperial mausoleum has functional buildings:

1. At level 1 of the Magic Tower (Temple of Death), you can learn level 1 magic group acceleration and group deceleration;

2. The Skeleton Cemetery can recruit 100 skeleton soldiers/skeleton warriors/skeleton shooters every seven natural days (the strength is about four to five levels, but extremely fragile), and can store up to 10,000;

3. The zombie crypt can recruit 80 zombies/plague zombies/rot zombies (about level 6 to 7 in strength, but extremely slow) every seven natural days, and can store up to 10,000 zombies.

Note: Mixing undead creatures with human creatures will seriously reduce the morale of human creatures!

This imperial mausoleum can be integrated with the "Last Qiancheng - Terracotta Warriors and Horses". After the integration, after the death of the heroes/servants/soldiers of the war agents, if there is no other means of resurrection, they can be transformed into terracotta warriors and horses waiting for resurrection. The resurrection progress and spiritual veins The concentration is related to the number of sacrificed creatures and the strength of the deceased.

The number of war dead who can currently be accommodated and awaiting resurrection is as follows: one queen, a total of 12 concubines, three wives, and nine concubines, a total of 24 civil and military officials, and 10,000 soldiers.

This imperial mausoleum can be integrated with the "special military building - Bed Master City (miniature version)". After the integration, the number of zombies/plague zombies/rot zombies that can be recruited per natural month is increased to 1,000, and a maximum of 100,000 can be stored.

The imperial mausoleum can be upgraded like the main city.

The imperial mausoleum will automatically appear in the war agent's personal exclusive war space after the end of this mission world.

Once the emperor (war agent) dies, the imperial mausoleum will protect the war agent's body from being disturbed, but the war agent's personal and exclusive space will be recycled into a mission world.

The emperor's corpse protected by the Imperial Mausoleum has a certain chance of being resurrected. The resurrected form is related to the form of the Imperial Mausoleum's arms. The resurrected war agent successfully completes the resurrection mission, will be able to regain his memory, become a war agent again, and carry out great tasks. of revenge. 】

Well, you dug yourself a grave.

But Dong Huang decided to take over the tomb and spent money to recast it into a brand new imperial tomb. He also bought it a classical Chinese imperial tomb skin.

After buying the skin, the original magic tower became the Xiang Palace, and the barracks became part of the Xuan Palace. It looked cleaner, brighter, and more pleasant to the eyes.

After purchasing the Imperial Tomb skin, Dong Huang kept buying skins for both skeleton soldiers and zombie soldiers.

So, the skeleton became like this:

The zombies look like this:

Although the strength of these undead soldiers has basically not increased after purchasing the skin, they are undoubtedly much more pleasing to the eye than the previous dirty and disgusting image.

Especially the cute little zombies, I want to...

But, people can’t, at least they shouldn’t!

Dong Huang felt bored when he thought of the image of zombie soldiers he had seen before.

Dong Huang decided that when he returned to the exclusive war space, the first thing he would do was to take all the generals to visit the Imperial Tomb and learn magic.

At the same time, he also secretly vowed that he must not really die, otherwise, not only would he have to plant grasslands, but he might also become a zombie dressed as a woman.

[Infinite War Space really squeezes out the potential of War Agents. If he hadn't completed the hidden mission, who would have thought that Orson was also a War Agent who lost his memory after death and resurrected in another form? 】

【horrible! 】

But at this point, Dong Huang and Orson are obviously fighting to the death and cannot let go.

Dong Huang was planning the future with lingering fear, but Orson on the other side went crazy.

"You bastard, how dare you steal my city!"

Orson vented all his evil fire on the War Agent.

Before, Orson didn't mind very much when he learned that someone was going to steal the city. Because the city of Orson is full of powerful plague viruses that have been infested for many years, even if it is occupied, the occupiers will be dead! The corpses left behind by death can also be reused to make zombies.

But who would have thought that Dong Huangjun would not be afraid at all!

Not only was he not afraid, Dong Huangjun also successfully completed the occupation of the main city of the cemetery and spent huge sums of money to recast it.

Today, the imperial mausoleum has a new skin, like a glorious palace, the kind that even Orson wouldn't recognize after visiting it.

How could Orson not be anxious?

This is going to cut off his roots.

Under the madness, Orson's potential was fully squeezed, and he actually used Resurrection of the Undead again, resurrecting a large number of ninth-level ghouls, bringing the number of ghouls back to more than 700.

Now, the war agents are really desperate.

The continuous war has exhausted the strength of the war agent army. The remaining army of less than 100,000 war agents is no match for the 790-level soldiers and the 100,000 skeleton and zombie legions.

Even Higashino Shimin, who had been calmly commanding the army, looked desperate.

"Everyone, for this plan, our only chance is to rush forward and kill Orson. Let's fight!"

Dongye Shimin said in despair.

Not long ago, his first general and most blessed general, Cheng Yaojin, had died in battle.

Cheng Yaojin even broke through to the eighth level before he died in the battle. However, too many ants killed the elephant. Cheng Yaojin, an eighth-level hero who broke through in battle, was eventually cut into pieces after killing hundreds of ninth-level ghouls. .

At this time, Dongye Shimin was really at the end of his rope.

"Straight bitch, let's fight!"



The war agents mobilized their last strength, went into battle in person, and launched the final attack.

The battle within the chaos barrier lasted from night to the next morning, and finally ended with Orson's tragic victory.

Even several agents of war who were pretending to be dead were found by Orson and chopped into pieces.

When Orson killed the last agent of war who was pretending to be dead, the chaos barrier finally dispersed.

"I won't let you go!"

Looking at the skeleton army in the distance, Orson breathed a sigh of relief and his anger grew in his heart.

Now that all the war agents here have been killed, the person who robbed his main city is obvious: it must be the bastard hiding in the fog!

He wants revenge!

However, before the angry Orson could regroup his troops, a gunshot was heard, and Orson's head was blown to pieces.

"mission completed."

Huang Zhong, who had sniped Orson, sighed as he looked at the tragic battlefield.

This was the first time he faced the horror of Jia Xu's abilities.

What he is more worried about is that maybe one day, the enemies he encounters will also have similar perverted skills.

"there is always a solution to a problem."

Jia Xu, who saw Huang Zhong's worry, controlled the ghost to rush to Osen's body, dug out the stomach and threw down the talisman, and said calmly.

In fact, Jia Xu is more worried about these weird abilities than anyone else, but there are some things that are useless to worry about.

This is also the reason why Jia Xu dislikes letting Dong Huang fight more and more.

Who knows what weird enemies we will encounter.

If he encounters such a mandatory barrier, his great emperor will lose his good sister.

Jia Xu actually preferred to let Dong Huang enjoy himself at home, using military generals to test the enemy's strength and weakness, and then make plans.

It wasn't until they saw Osen's body burned to death under the influence of the talisman that Jia Xu, Huang Zhong and others left the battlefield to join Dong Huang.

As the War Agents and Orson died one after another, the troops under their command also fell into madness and started fighting each other.

But no matter how crazy both sides are, the second level has ended early.

In the next two and a half days, Dong Huangjun calmly hunted many dead bodies and zombies, increasing the number of Shark troops to 30,000.

As the seven days came to an end, the prompt for the end of the second level finally sounded.

Cheng Yu became the biggest beneficiary of this level.

It was explained at the beginning of the mission that at the end of this level, the domain skills of some heroes will be improved if they meet special conditions. This special condition is to kill Orson and seize Orson's imperial tomb. Cheng Yu, who has the best compatibility with Orson, It merged with Orson's domain, allowing his own domain abilities to leapfrog.

Cheng Yu's domain skill has changed from unlimited rations to Death Lord. The effect is to make the dead corpses remain lifelike and non-decomposing corpse soldiers. The corpse soldiers will not only retain their previous fighting instincts, but also be able to grow as Cheng Yu's abilities improve. Evolution, Cheng Yu can currently control up to a thousand zombie soldiers; at the same time, when Cheng Yu commands zombie-like units, their attack power and defense power are each increased by 10%.

This time, Cheng Yu felt even more miserable.

In addition to Cheng Yu's gains, Dong Huangjun's generals and guards were finally able to upgrade!

Most of the general guards of the generals under Dong Huang were at the fourth level. They were already a bit out of date in the last mission world. After this upgrade, they were finally able to keep up with the increase in mission difficulty. The difference between an army that can grow and an army that cannot grow is obvious.

As the second level ended, the mission map also changed again. The passage to the imperial mausoleum was closed. The imperial mausoleum belonging to Dong Huang actually came directly to the Eighth Stone Soldier Formation and merged with the Eighth Stone Soldier Formation; Bed In the center of the main city, a mountain rises from the ground. In an instant, a dark wind blows, dark clouds gather, and the entire space seems to have suddenly turned into a ghost.

Facing the gloomy scene, Dong Huang and others were not afraid at all, because Jia Xu and others had already formulated a complete set of response plans.

Through Haidongqing's observation, Dong Huangjun quickly found the location of Lanruo Temple, the tree demon's body, and the poplar tree with the black nest from the mountains.

There are many versions of the plot of A Chinese Ghost Story, but the basic story is that the tree demon controls the beautiful Nie Xiaoqian and other female ghosts to hook up with men and devour the essence and blood. As a result, Nie Xiaoqian comes out of the mud and has a private life with the scholar Ning Caichen, and is married by the hero. Stories of good things.

The scholar Ning Caichen and the hero Yan Chixia in the movie do not appear in this plot level, so the only key points are the Wuchao Baiyang where Nie Xiaoqian's ashes are buried and the tree spirit grandma.

Among them, Nie Xiaoqian is most likely a special attendant unit, while Dryad Granny is a powerful elite unit.

The absence of Yan Chixia as a helper was also expected by Jia Xu and others. Jia Xu and others were not afraid at all.

Jia Xu knew very well that space would not design a mission that would lead to death. No matter how difficult it was, there would still be a glimmer of hope, and this third-stage mission was obviously not going to be that difficult.

If we regard the five levels as a mathematics test, the first level should be the scoring questions, the second level should be regarded as the basic questions, the third level should be the slightly more difficult application questions, the fourth level should be the finale question, and the fifth level should be the final question. Guan is an additional question.

Under normal circumstances, judging from the rewards provided by the space, it would be normal for many War Agents to be able to pass the fourth stage.

If the key to completing the first level is not to encounter scammers, and the key to the second level is to work together, then what is the key to the third level?

"Although the mountain is a bit big, it is still within the acceptable range. My subordinates suggest that we proceed as planned and ask Princess Huawan to lead the soldiers to set fire to the mountain! Some modern fire-making materials will also be used!"

Jia Xu spoke.

Whether it is dealing with tree spirits, monsters or ghosts, using fire will generally not be a problem.

Burn it with fire first. If you can burn him to death, it's best. If you can't burn him to death, you can still burn half of his life!


Dong Huang naturally had no objection.

Although he was very curious whether there would be Nie Xiaoqian among the female ghosts, and if so, how beautiful she was; but compared to beauty, it was obviously the safe clearance of the mission that was most important.

So even if the fire might damage Nie Xiaoqian, he didn't care.

So, Hua Wan and other generals who had been holding back for too long finally got the chance to lead their troops into battle.

Among Dong Huang's generals, Zhu Rong, Hua Wan, Ma Yunlu and others all have fire attribute talents. And because Dong Huang's Amaterasu Temple and Zhu Rong Temple both provide fire attribute spells, not only the above three people can use the fire element. As for magic, all the civil and military personnel under Dong Huang's command have the ability to set fire. The difference is only in the strength of their abilities.

But no matter how weak the ability is, it is still a fire spell.

Even Dian Wei, who had average talent in the legal system, was able to immediately rub a small flame and light it for Dong Huang when Dong Huang took out his cigarette.

The most talented Hanawan can already attach flames to weapons or make flames attack away from the body. The power is probably stronger than the fireball technique of the second pillar who just graduated from the ninja school.

What's even better is that Dong Huang's army still has a lot of combustibles such as gasoline, as well as trebuchets left behind by the Allies, so it can be said that everything is ready.

Dong Huangjun immediately started taking action according to the established plan.

Thirty thousand sharks, led by Jia Xu, Cheng Yu, Guo Jia, Huang Zhong, Hua Wan and others, cleared the roadblocks, transported oil barrels, trebuchet parts, etc., and set off to the foot of the mountain.

With the bonus of Guo Jia's entire army sacrifice, it only took the army three hours to arrive at the foot of the mountain. Then without any fatigue, they immediately followed the route drawn according to Hai Dongqing's vision, pouring gasoline and placing combustibles along the way. And at around 5 p.m., they set fire to the mountain.

Because they did not approach Lanruo Temple directly and only stole a few barrels of gasoline from a distance, the army did not encounter a direct attack.

Fueled by gasoline and other ignition, the mountain fire quickly broke out, and the flames soared into the sky and quickly spread to the vicinity of Lanruo Temple.

This made Grandma Dryad and all the ghosts dumbfounded.

These monsters are very photophobic and do not dare to move out during the day. This is the fundamental reason why Dong Huang's army can calmly mobilize its troops in broad daylight without encountering strong resistance.

Of course, Grandma Dryad didn't know the pros and cons of gasoline, which was also an important factor in why he stood still.

But as soon as the fire started, Grandma Dryad knew that she was being plotted.

"It's too much!"

Grandma Dryad is going crazy.

She didn't expect that she would face such a dangerous situation when she woke up.

Once the flames burn out the surrounding trees, at least half of his mana will be destroyed, and he may even be burned to death.

"Damn humans and monsters!"

Grandma Dryad's voice sometimes sounded male and sometimes female, and her tone was full of endless anger: "These things deserve to die! Everyone, get out of here."

"Yes, grandma!"

Under his order, thousands of female ghosts were dispatched, preparing to suck the blood of men and sharks.

"Xiaoqian, Xiaoqing, please wait a moment."

Grandma Dryad suddenly stopped her two best female ghosts.

"Grandma, what are your orders?"

Nie Xiaoqian asked with a low eyebrow.

"Xiaoqian, take people in that direction."

Grandma Dryad pointed to the direction where Jia Xu's army was dispatched, which was where the Eighth Formation of Stone Soldiers was located, and said: "Over there, I sensed a strong aura of essence and blood. The aura is thicker than the people who came here. You go Find the man with the strongest blood essence and suck him dry! This time is a matter of our life and death, and we won’t allow you to be presumptuous!"

"Xiaoqian doesn't dare!"

Nie Xiaoqian quickly agreed.

As if she was afraid that Nie Xiaoqian had other ideas, the tree demon grandma threatened again: "If you fail, I will destroy your ashes and you will never be reincarnated!"

"Xiaoqian must suck him dry!"

Nie Xiaoqian clenched her fists and swore.

The biggest weakness of female ghosts is their ashes, which is also one of the most important means for the Dryad to control the female ghosts.

After arranging Nie Xiaoqian, the tree demon grandma looked at Xiaoqing again, and said coldly: "Go and suck up the narrow eyes of that soldier!"

To shoot a man, shoot a horse first; to capture a thief, capture the king first.

Based on Dryad Grandma's many years of experience, the man over there with the richest essence and blood and the most abundant yang energy is definitely the most noble person in the army, and the narrow-eyed man here is obviously the commander-in-chief of the army. Kill them and half the battle is won.

Among the Eight Formations of Stone Soldiers, Dong Huang was enjoying a leisurely bath in the hot spring when he suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing by.

Dong Huang opened his eyes and saw a stunning woman in white sitting barefoot by the hot spring, gently playing with the strings on her thighs.

The woman looks like she is seventeen or eighteen years old, her skin reflects the flowing clouds, her feet are as thin as bamboo shoots, she is charming and charming. It is a first-class charming beauty.

"Lonely at night, Ganjun lives alone, sleepless at moonlit night, I wish Xiuyan well!"

The woman's jade fingers were firm, plucking the strings of the piano, and said quietly.

Grandma Dryad's order was to kill Dong Huang directly, but Nie Xiaoqian still wanted to go through the process to see if Dong Huang was worth entrusting her with and could rescue herself.

Nie Xiaoqian is essentially a kind-hearted female ghost, and she is the kind of traditional woman who adheres to the three obediences and four virtues. She hates the persecution of the tree demon grandma. She was afraid that one day she would have to sell her pure body, and she was even more afraid that she would live like this forever.

Grandma Dryad's panic today made Nie Xiaoqian see an opportunity for relief.

Therefore, Nie Xiaoqian's charm skills became even more powerful.

What her slender hands were playing with was not just the strings, but also Dong Huang's restless heart.

Dong Huang couldn't help but think: Such dexterous and slender jade hands must be very dexterous when used to fiddle with other things.

However, as soon as this thought came up, Dong Huang's spiritual platform suddenly became clear.

【Charm! 】

Dong Huang, who was protected by Da Qiao's skills, was heartbroken.

What he, Dong, is not afraid of the most is the art of charm, because even the famous beauties cannot crush the twins, Big Qiao, in terms of beauty.

Of course, even if she is not affected by the charm, the nature of Cao's thief is still affecting Dong Huang, making Dong Huang unable to help but comment on her.

I have to admit that this version of Nie Xiaoqian is indeed a glamorous ghost. She is a female ghost who is more beautiful than the Nie Xiaoqian in the 87 version of A Chinese Ghost Story. She is so beautiful that she does not look like a female ghost, but rather like a delicate and sickly Nine Heavens Fairy.

It has a fairy-like feeling and a kind of lovable softness.

Dong Huang looked at her from head to toe with great interest, and finally cast his eyes on her beautiful feet.

Nie Xiaoqiao has a pair of extraordinarily cute feet. The insteps are white and delicate, like a white lotus poking out from the snow. The soles of the feet are pink and soft, blooming with a soft brilliance, making people want to hold them in their hands and play with them. The most interesting thing is that there is a string of silver bells wrapped around her ankles, which is even more fascinating.

Dong Huang suddenly stretched out his hand, took hold of Nie Xiaoqian's jade foot with the bell, and lightly tickled her soles.


Nie Xiaoqian was frightened and embarrassed, her face turned red, her arches subconsciously formed a beautiful arc, and she reflexively tried to break away, but Dong Huang grabbed her tightly and scratched her again.

Nie Xiaoqian, who was playing the piano, suddenly performed abnormally.


Strings break.

It’s not the strings that break, it’s the story.

Of course, it could also be an accident.

"Sir, you..."

Nie Xiaoqian pretended to be shy and was about to speak, but unexpectedly, Dong Huang didn't give her a chance to speak. Instead, he gently used force to pull her into the water.

Nie Xiaoqian's white clothes were wet, reflecting her beautiful flesh color.

Nie Xiaoqian was extremely angry. She didn't like lecherous people, so she couldn't help but take action.

However, just as she was about to use her magic power, her body suddenly went limp and she lost all her strength.

Nie Xiaoqian raised her head in horror, but met Dong Huang's half-smiling eyes, as well as the reflections of countless talismans with red characters on yellow backgrounds reflected in Dong Huang's eyes. .

Nie Xiaoqian raised her head and looked around, and found countless talismans floating around the entire hot spring. These talismans formed a formation she didn't recognize, suppressing all her power.

Nie Xiaoqian was shocked, and her expression became more and more flustered, but she no longer dared to think anything wrong.

In the original work, she is a poor female ghost who is afraid of even a little rubbed talisman. Where has she seen such a battle?

She knew very well that if she followed Dong Huang's wishes, she might get a new life. Once she made the other party slightly dissatisfied, she would probably be wiped out immediately, or even worse than dead.

Nie Xiaoqian could only hug Dong Huang's neck with a charming face and forcefully smile, close to Dong Huang's chest, and let Dong Huang hold her waist with one hand and play with her feet with the other.

"Your feet are so cold!"

Dong Huang said with a look of pity.

"That's why I need the young master to give me some warmth."

Nie Xiaoqian's beautiful eyes were full of hope and she smiled sweetly. She leaned her head against Dong Huang's ear and blew air with a red face.

Her feet are very sensitive.

It was a wonderful feeling that spread from the arch of the foot to the tip of the heart.

"Your body is so cold too!"

Dong Huang still had a look of pity and pity on his face.

"That's why I hug Young Master tightly."

Nie Xiaoqian hugged her tighter.

"Isn't your body so cold?"

Dong Huang advanced slowly.

Nie Xiaoqian:......

Although I have hooked up with men, I am really pure and pure!

Over the years, Nie Xiaoqian has really never lost her body. She has never seen blood either before or after her death.

However, Dong Huang has pushed further and discovered the secret of not growing a blade of grass.

"Young Master, the slave family..."

Nie Xiaoqian was trembling with fear...

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