Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 262 The correct posture to deal with female ghosts

Dryad Lao Lao's thousands of female ghosts showed extraordinary fighting power.

They are also ninth level, but they are not the ghosts who can be called the shame of the ninth level, but female ghosts with complete wisdom and a little bit of magic.

The difference in abilities is comparable to the Bone Dragon and the Fairy Dragon in Heroes, or the supporting character who has just entered the foundation building stage and the protagonist who has completed the Foundation Building in a fantasy novel.

These female ghosts not only know spells and can attack from a distance, they also possess weapons and simple magic tools. Even if they just appear suddenly and cast white silk, they can always catch the Shark by surprise, drag it into the bushes, and suck the Shark dry. Shark blood.

After killing the shark, they will immediately continue to be invisible and hide, preparing for the next wave of assassinations.

What's even worse is that the female ghosts are also good at cooperation. They can use the terrain to divide labor and cooperate. They know how to escape and lure the enemy, and they can also betray their teammates.

It is completely unlike the ninth-level ghost as a space unit. It can only bring harm by getting close to the body that penetrates the life. Without command, there is no cooperation, and it cannot be emptied as desired.

The female ghosts' changeable tactics and elusive actions made Dong Huangjun's strategy of passively attaching talismans to his body largely ineffective - of course, Dong Huangjun did not have so many talismans to use.

The only people Dong Huangjun can make talismans are Lu Meng, Zhang Yulan, Zhang Qiying, Zhang Lu, Qiao Daoqing and their general guards, etc. The level of talismans is too low to be fatal to female ghosts. Injuries can only result in burns at most.

Nie Xiaoqian in the movie was frightened when she saw some talismans, but one or two low-level talismans were not enough to make these female ghosts lose their fighting ability, and would instead anger them.

In the first wave of sneak attacks, the female ghosts achieved a more brutal level-crushing advantage than when Orson's ghouls faced off against the allied sharks.

The sharks suffered more than two thousand casualties, but only one female ghost was left alive.

Moreover, the only female ghost who died in battle was because she wanted to catch Hua Wan, but Hua Wan took the opportunity to hug her and burn her alive.

The shark, which was as capable of chopping melons and vegetables as it was dealing with skeletons, had a direct casualty ratio of 1000+ to 0 when facing the female ghost.

The loss was a bit big, but Jia Xu didn't care much about it. He just looked like an elderly person, squinting his eyes, and after a long time ordered the shark to retreat slowly, as if there was nothing he could do against these female ghosts.

The hot-tempered Hua Wan, Ma Yunlu and others couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help but wanted to offer their advice, but Wang Yi stopped them.

Wang Yi didn't say anything, but just looked at Cheng Yu, Guo Jia and others who were also silent, so Hua Wan, Ma Yunlu and others immediately suppressed their words and cast a grateful look at Wang Yi.

They are not fools and do not think that they are smarter than Jia Xu, Cheng Yu, Guo Jia, and Wang Yi put together.

Since they don't speak and look helpless, we might as well imitate their behavior.

Seeing this scene, Jia Xu's narrowed eyes seemed to soften a lot.

The women that Jia Xu likes from Dong Huang are both smart and stupid enough. In short, they know how to behave appropriately.

Fortunately, Dong Huang's favorite women are very sensible. Of course, the most sensible one is Wang Yi.

Although Wang Yi is not the most beautiful, he is strategic and skillful, knows how to advance and retreat, and is not jealous. Jia Xu was very optimistic about her and felt that she would be excellent as a queen, even better than Liu Yu, Dong Huang's nominal wife.

Although Liu Yu has a noble status and a good temper, the problem is that his temper is too good, so good that he is a bit cowardly and unable to suppress others. In this regard, he is completely inferior to Wang Yi.

Wang Yi was able to rely on her own abilities to firmly occupy the position of Dong Huang's first female officer, manage the other female lieutenants with different personalities properly, and be able to make suggestions when necessary.

If it were a peaceful time, Jia Xu would be most optimistic about Wang Yi becoming the queen.

It's a pity that this is not a peaceful era, and Wang Yi's strength is not that good after all.

If Wang Yizhen had Lu Lingqi's qualifications and strength, Jia Xu would not risk offending others but also give Dong Huang a few words, but it's a pity...

Jia Xu buried the fleeting regret deeply in his heart, continued to look like he was still awake, and slowly retreated with the large army.

Seeing that the generals of Dong Huang's army were helpless, the female ghosts attacked with more vigor.

Under the successive sneak attacks by the female ghosts, two thousand sharks were brutally killed and turned into strange-looking mummies. At this time, the sharks could not help but waver, and their morale dropped drastically.

(Frightened shark)

You know, Lan Ruoshan is right in the center of Bed Master City, because even if the Sharks leave the range of Lan Ruoshan, they are surrounded by high-rise buildings and rarely have open flat land, which is not conducive to Sharks who can only fight in close combat. Instead of the sharks defending themselves, the female ghosts can calmly appear in various buildings and launch surprise attacks on the sharks.

The fear of the shark is nothing less than the most wonderful pre-dinner performance for the female ghosts.

The shark's abundant vitality makes the female ghosts become more and more charming, and they become more and more lustful!

On weekdays, they were trapped in Lanruo Temple in the wilderness. They could not seduce a man in a year. Occasionally, a man with strong yang would come, but most of them were favored and highly cultivated female ghosts like Nie Xiaoqian and Xiaoqing. If they take the lead, they will have no share in it!

Tonight, they are going crazy!

They even felt that their realm had improved.

It feels like a blocked channel has been opened by something, very comfortable!

They seemed to see the door to a new world.

They don't want to stop!

However, what these crazy female ghosts don't know is that they are attracted to the shark's blood, and Jia Xu is attracted to them.

What you want is other people’s interest, and what others want is your principal!

As the first person under Dong Huang, Jia Xu would not have no means of dealing with the powerful female ghosts. His incompetent performance was just for a larger goal.

While the female ghosts were hunting the sharks wildly, the tens of thousands of ghosts under Jia Xu had already begun to take action.

Although the ghosts in Jia Xu's shadow of death basically have no attack power, they are very useful as scouts.

While the female ghosts were killing each other, these ghosts had already searched Lan Ruoshan, which was only defended by the dryad grandmother, and searched all the places where urns and coffins existed.

Jia Xu's goal is to find the place where the ashes of these female ghosts are buried.

Jia Xu planned to dig the grave during the day the next day.

You can get special attendant units in this level, and Jia Xu feels that these attendants should be more than just Nie Xiaoqian.

According to the normal routine of space, it is impossible for dozens or hundreds of war agents to fight to the death just to fight for one attendant.

Therefore, these female ghosts may be potential attendant ghost candidates.

Considering that the first and second levels of this mission world are all about consuming low-level soldiers in exchange for seventh-level soldiers such as Shark Guard/Shark, Jia Xu even speculates whether the purpose of this level is also to exchange low-level soldiers for them. What about the senior soldiers?

The high-ranking soldiers in Jia Xu's heart were not ghosts with weak abilities, but these female ghosts.

As long as these female ghosts can be subdued, Jia Xu doesn't mind sacrificing the sharks to these female ghosts for their cultivation.

Of course, he can do things openly, but he won't say what he really thinks.

Don't ask, it's just the lack of ability to restrain the female ghost that led to the defeat.

Cheng Yu and Guo Jia obviously guessed what Jia Xu was thinking.

Cheng Yu just wanted to praise Jia Xu's idea.

The blackened version of Guo Jia was a bit regretful - he felt that it would be the best choice if he could first sacrifice half of Shark's life and then give it to the female ghost to kill.

That night, the female ghosts went crazy and took away the lives of nearly ten thousand sharks in one night.

As the commander-in-chief, Jia Xu also encountered an attack in the middle of the night.

The female ghost Xiaoqing, who was ordered by the tree demon grandma, after eating and drinking, watched Jia Xu retreat and rest in the tent. Suddenly she appeared in the tent and directly used the charm technique on Jia Xu.

"The night is long and I have no intention of falling asleep. I am willing to go to Wushan Yunyu with the general."

Xiao Qingxiang's shoulders were half exposed, and she said shyly.

(Seductive female ghost)

The reason why Xiao Qing used charm was simply because the death of the female ghost who was burned to death by the flower garland was so tragic. She was afraid that Jia Xu might have some dirty tricks, so she used the charm technique that had been tried and tested on men.

However, before she finished speaking, Xiaoqing suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Her charm technique did not hit Jia Xu.

Xiaoqing took a closer look and discovered that the squinting Jia Xu had actually kept her eyes closed, and there were countless ghosts standing densely in front of Jia Xu. Her charm technique had just been used on the ghosts.

"It's a scam!"

Xiao Qing subconsciously wanted to become invisible and escape, but the ghosts had already dug their hearts out before she came in. As soon as she finished speaking, twelve eighth-level demon-killing talismans and soul-soothing talismans were activated at the same time.

Xiao Qing screamed instantly, and her beautiful body began to melt instantly.

Even if Xiao Qing's strength has greatly increased due to tonight's killing, and he feels that he is close to the ninth level of perfection, and has touched the membrane that breaks through the ninth level, he still can't hold back the restraint talismans on Jia Xu's body.

The talismans worn by Jia Xu and other generals were all eighth-level talismans made by Zhang Qiying. One such talisman might just burn Xiaoqing, but if a dozen of them were activated around her at the same time, it would be equivalent to having a pot of boiling water poured on her.

Even worse than Xiao Qing were the ghosts who launched suicide attacks. They had completely melted before Xiao Qing.


Jia Xu let out a faint chuckle, and before Xiao Qing completely melted, he unfolded the shadow of death and pulled Xiao Qing inside.

Moistened by the shadow of death, Xiao Qing finally managed to regain her beautiful human form, but she didn't even have the power to transform into clothes again.

Xiaoqing was about to cry but had no tears. She was frightened and knelt down in front of Jia Xu. She begged for mercy: "General, have mercy! General, have mercy! I am a concubine who is forced to do so."

"What did I ask, what did you say."

Jia Xu didn't show any pity for her.

Jia Xu first asked about the location of Xiao Qing's burial place, tested the accuracy of Xiao Qing's words step by step, and completely defeated Xiao Qing's psychological defense through punishment.

It is a pity that even if Jia Xu tried his best, Xiao Qing did not become his attendant.

According to Xiao Qing, only by digging her grave and obtaining her urn can she truly become Jia Xu's ghost.

Jia Xu believes it for now.

The next day, before Jia Xu took people to dig graves on the bare mountain, Dong Huang took Zhang Qiying and Nie Xiaoqian, who was wrapped into rice dumplings by Zhang Qiying, and sent the information taken from Nie Xiaoqian's mouth.

Jia Xu verified the two aspects and confirmed his guess.

[It’s a pity that I didn’t bring Hu Cheer and Qin Yilu with me...]

Jia Xu sighed quietly in his heart. Those two are the real masters of digging graves.

"Then please invite your Majesty to watch the battle together!"

Of course Jia Xu knew why Dong Huang came here in person. Firstly, he wanted to watch the battle, and the main purpose was to send Zhang Qiying over.

If there is any disharmony, Zhang Qiying will be the absolute main force.

Jia Xu asked Zhang Qiying to accompany Dong Huang to watch the battle one mile away from Lanruoshan, while he personally led the demoralized Shark into Lanruoshan again.

At this time, the originally lush Lanruo Mountain was completely blackened, and the only green place was the top of the mountain with a radius of about ten miles around Lanruo Temple.

According to the information from Nie Xiaoqin and Xiaoqing and last night's investigation, this range should be within the control of the tree demon's grandmother's roots.

"You guys, go here, here,, to dig up the ashes."

Jia Xu personally directed.

Because Jia Xu's ghost, like the female ghost, could not move normally in broad daylight, Jia Xu entrusted Cheng Yu to help him put the ghost into a corpse soldier and let the corpse soldier guide the way.

After arranging five thousand sharks out in this way, Jia Xu directed other sharks to assemble trebuchets and continued to throw gasoline, dry firewood, quilts, cooking oil and other combustible materials around Lanruo Temple. He even carried out the task of seizing the imperial mausoleum from before. The Hu Ben army stripped off tens of thousands of ordinary talismans from their bodies and threw them into the throwing objects.

"It's too much!"

Grandma Dryad was extremely angry. He had never seen such a ungrateful person.

What's the point of setting fire to a mountain? It’s kind of a one-on-one challenge!

Grandma Dryad once again used his special skill. Countless tree roots turned into thick and powerful tongues one after another, which either licked up the thrown objects one after another, swept them away, or entangled them and threw them directly in the opposite direction. .

In fact, Grandma Dryad really wanted to rush out and kill Jia Xu and others, but as a tree demon rooted in Lanruo Temple, with Grandma Dryad's cultivation, she simply cannot move away from Taiyuan, her main body. Her maximum range of activities is actually It’s Lan Ruoshan.

However, because Dong Huangjun set fire to the mountain yesterday, countless trees were burned to fly ash. This caused her ability to control Lanruo Mountain to rely on trees to be greatly reduced. Today, her range of activities only remains within the radius covered by her main roots. The area of ​​about twenty miles is not even as large as the movement range of his female ghosts.

And it was this twenty-mile radius that he barely managed to preserve last night after spending a lot of mana to control the wind and rain.

Grandma Dryad is feeling aggrieved.

However, Jia Xu had plenty of time to spare.

He vowed to make the dryad grandma live a prosperous life.

"General Huang, Concubine Huang, let's do it!"

Jia Xu said quietly.

"Got the order!"

Huang Zhong bent his bow, nocked an arrow, and shot out.

The bow and arrow with the eighth-level evil-breaking talisman was wrapped with a layer of Huang Zhong's unique Gang Qi, and shot out like electricity, hitting a big tongue that had just rolled up the thrown object, leaving a big hole in the big tongue.

At the same time, Huang Diewu shot out an arrow and pierced another tongue.

Although there are many tongues transformed from these tree roots, they are not very tough, at least they cannot withstand the attack of the eighth-level peak bow and arrow + Huang Zhong domain + Guo Jia's sacrifice + eighth-level talisman.

"I'm so angry!"

Grandma Dryad was so angry that she couldn't help but show her original shape and cursed loudly at the edge of the forest: "Come here if you dare."


Huang Zhong immediately gave him an arrow.

Grandma Dryad hurriedly avoided it, but the sharp arrow still scattered one side of his hair. A burning smell suddenly emitted from his hair, which frightened Grandma Dryad and immediately changed his position and hid deep in the forest.

Huang Zhong's blow could already hurt him. Although it was not fatal, it was threatening.

Seeing that the tree demon grandma no longer appeared, Jia Xu continued to direct his subordinates to throw flammable objects. However, this time the items thrown were all ignited combustibles, and even a small amount of Molotov cocktails.

Grandma Dryad had no choice but to cast the spell "Extreme Demon Realm" again, summoning a violent storm, covering the area controlled by his body to prevent the surrounding trees from being ignited on a large scale.

Jia Xu, on the other hand, was neither impatient nor impatient. When he saw the Dryad Grandma calling the storm, he asked his subordinates to stop the attack. Anyway, there were still almost two days before the mission, so he was not impatient at all.

Since Grandma Dryad is afraid of fire and can control the wind and rain, it would be nice to have more fires that are difficult to extinguish with water.

In the past two days, Jia Xu has found several gas stations, oil tankers and many gas tanks, and is organizing manpower to continuously transport gasoline. It is expected that tomorrow morning, at least hundreds of tons of gasoline will be transported, and the gasoline will be canned After arriving at various bottles and jars, many of them were added with some ingredients at Dong Huang's suggestion, just waiting to give Grandma Dryad a big surprise tomorrow.

The main purpose of Jia Xu's attack today is to test. It is best if the attack succeeds. It doesn't matter if it fails. As long as it can distract the dryad grandmother's energy and dig out more ashes and corpses, it is victory.

Grandma Dryad has discovered Jia Xu's conspiracy, but there is nothing he can do. He can only watch the urns outside the control area being dug up one by one, including the urns of Nie Xiaoqian and Xiao Qing.

Jia Xu directly summoned the female ghosts one by one in the tent. What happened was just as Jia Xu thought. Most of the female ghosts who were taken to the urn voluntarily became attendants, and a few did not voluntarily. After seeing the chests of several companions, After seeing the talisman and the pained expression, he obediently chose to surrender.

In fact, these female ghosts have been well trained by the dryad grandmother, and it has become their instinct to obey the strong.

Jia Xuzhi gave Nie Xiaoqian's ashes to Dong Huang, and he kept the remaining 70% and gave 30% to Fa Zheng.

After becoming an attendant, these ashes can already be taken away. Nie Xiaoqian's ashes were naturally buried in the imperial mausoleum, while the others' ashes were scattered in the canopy of death.

Dong Huang didn't mind the behavior of most of Jia Xu's female ghosts.

Dong Huang knew very well that except for Nie Xiaoqian, none of these female ghosts were virgins. They had sex with countless men, and they might even have seduced Shark last night. Dong Huang thanked her.

Being able to find Nie Xiaoqian's ashes and get Nie Xiaoqian, Dong Huang's collecting habit has been satisfied.

Don't have too many friends of life and death, as too much will hurt your yang energy.

Wang Yi, Zhang Qiying and others were also very satisfied with Jia Xu's behavior of accepting many female ghosts.

Especially Zhang Qiying, when she compared Jia Xu who left the female ghost behind, and then looked at Fazheng who gave Dong Huang the corpse, she suddenly felt that Fazheng was even more hateful.

[I really hope that the female ghost given to Fa Zheng by the Prime Minister can suck Fa Zheng to death! 】

This is the voice of all Dong Huang's women at this moment.

Night finally fell.

Looking at the only one hundred female ghosts left around her and the territory that had been reduced to a radius of fifteen miles, the dryad grandmother wanted to cry without tears.

"Just wait for me until tomorrow night, hum!"

Grandma Dryad was secretly furious, but did not dare to let the female ghost out again.

However, what Grandma Dryad didn't expect was that she would not survive tomorrow night.

At dawn the next day, Dong Huangjun, who had gathered his strength and strength, launched the final attack.

Thousands of trebuchets controlled by the Huben Army personally threw tens of thousands of Molotov cocktails and even strange stuffed things into the territory of the Dryad, causing a large number of explosions and sky-high flames.

Grandma Dryad was stunned by the unprecedented intensity of the attack, and quickly summoned the wind and rain again.

However, in the face of a large number of flames caused by gasoline, Molotov cocktails and violent explosives, it is difficult to extinguish the power of the Dryad.

What makes Grandma Dryad even more desperate is that more and more explosives are thrown around Lanruo Temple and next to his body.

Grandma Dryad had to use her tongue frantically, trying to repeat her old trick to crush these explosives. However, most of the explosives caused a strong explosion at the moment they shattered.

In the movie world, the Dryad Granny, who is the mini-boss, is quite powerful; not only him, but even the female ghosts under her can easily assassinate the top martial arts masters in the world who have been charmed.

However, Jia Xu did not follow the routine at all.

Let me send tens of thousands of troops to fight on someone else's home field?


Jia Xu, Dong Huang and others directly used the remaining resources of Bed Master City to fight an asymmetric war.

I'll bully you into not being able to live without Lan Ruoshan.

Of course, under normal circumstances, the Dryad Granny could make the war agent sleepy with only the female ghost, but Jia Xu used the death of more than 10,000 seventh-level sharks to lure the tiger away from the mountain, and then used the ghost to After finding out where the female ghosts' life gates were, they immediately removed most of them.

What else can Grandma Dryad do?

After about fifty tons of gasoline-made explosives were thrown, the Dryad Granny could not even maintain her spell to control the wind and rain, and the entire last pure land of Lanruo Mountain was engulfed in flames.

By the afternoon, the entire Lanruo Temple had been burned, and only an old tree with charred roots was still standing upright on the black Lanruo Mountain.

Jia Xu was not sure whether the dryad grandmother had been burned to death, so he sent the sharks to carry ten tons of gasoline and other explosives to the old tree.


After a loud noise, not to mention the old tree with entangled roots, even the location of the old tree was blasted out with a large pit three to four meters deep. In the large pit, the remains of the dryad grandmother's roots emerged with gurgling blood. .

Jia Xu was still worried and asked Shark to pour a large amount of gasoline into the pit and light it on fire. Then he felt relieved.

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