Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 293 Kamikaze (please vote for me)

The female official has a plump and graceful figure with a cold and charming appearance. She wears a golden phoenix robe, but does not wear a belt. The flamboyant pure white dress in the style of a cheongsam outlines her lively figure. Her chest is firm, bulging and slender. Her waist, long legs as white as snakes, and a pair of exquisite and lovely jade feet make people's eyes linger.

The most alluring thing is the aloof and noble temperament that comes with her, the disdainful eyes that seem to despise everything, and the mature charm of a mature woman in every frown, which makes people feel like they want to blaspheme.

The higher someone is, the more they want to be suppressed. This is a common problem among men.

Among Dong Huang's harem, there was only one person who could so perfectly combine nobility, glamor and coquettishness - Queen Mother He.

"Hey, the Queen Mother has already reached the ninth level?"

Dong Huang could see the reality of Queen Mother He at a glance, and couldn't help but sigh at the fighting power that an empty mature woman would unleash in order to be satisfied.

Dong Huang once promised to reward Queen Mother He for her hard work in cultivation, but he only remembered to give her the gallbladder of the White Anaconda King Snake, and then forgot about it because there were too many goblins pestering her.

Today, it seems that this beautiful snake can't wait any longer.

When Dong Huang called her Queen Mother He, Queen Mother He immediately understood. Her legs went weak and she almost lost control.

When Dong Huang called her the Queen Mother, it was the time when she was suffering, but she just liked this kind of suffering and couldn't stop.

"How dare you not kneel down when you see this Queen Mother!"

Empress Dowager He took out the same attitude as when she first met Dong Huang and looked down at Dong Huang who was lying on the dragon bed. Her voice was half sullen and half charming.

"The Queen Mother? It is the Queen Mother that this general is blaspheming against!"

Dong Huang imitated Dong Zhuo's look and smiled, raised his foot provocatively, and slowly moved up from Queen Mother He's feet.

"How bold to be rude to this Queen Mother!"

Empress Dowager He's legs went weak and she collapsed on the dragon bed, but she still shouted loudly, but her voice already contained seven points of the tingling charm of Gu people, and only three points could not be distinguished. Expectation or fear.

But soon, Queen Mother He's voice changed again and became louder.

"Be bold!"



"Someone is coming!"


"You bitch, you don't dare."

Queen Mother He shouted at the top of her lungs.

The sound was so loud that people outside could hear it clearly.

But how could we miss the opportunity to blaspheme the Queen Mother?

No matter how she screamed, Dong Huang had no intention of letting her go. On the contrary, it made Wang Yi and others who were guarding outside suffer.


Wang Yi couldn't help but secretly cursed: You are also a queen mother after all, how could you do this! Where is your nobility? Where is your reserve?

But when I think about Dong Huang collecting more than one queen mother, and each one is more irritating than the last...

Wang Yi couldn't help but sigh: There is not even an emperor in this world. Your Majesty, please stop collecting queen mothers.

Wang Yi felt that Dong Huang, as a noble emperor, should not continue to do such things.

As everyone knows, Dong Huang became more interested in the queen mothers of this world when he was teased by Queen Mother He.

"Empress Dowager Li of Chu State, Empress Zhao of Zhao State, Empress Dowager Zhao of Qin State...all are young..."

During the battle, Dong Huang's thoughts wandered far away.

"Your Majesty, this humble servant has a favor to ask of you."

After a long time, the Queen Mother He, who was full of food, shook Dong Huang and finally saw her.


Dong Huang was not surprised by Queen Mother He's request, because he had already sensed the turbulent undercurrent in the harem.

Eternal life may not be a blessing.

If you can only stay in a palace, and the meaning of your existence is to serve one man, and the opportunity to serve does not even come once a month, then are you still willing to live forever?

Cute caged birds like Liu Yu and Wu Ran may enjoy it endlessly, but some girls who are ambitious or lively and have dissatisfied desires can't stand it.

Queen Mother He is that kind of ambitious woman.

Her ambition is to prevent herself from falling out of favor, and preferably still have some small rights.

To be fair, the number of women around Dong Huang is not that many among the kings of the past dynasties, but the problem is that the quality is high, and there will be more in each world. The number of queen mothers in the Song, Liao, Jin and Xia worlds suddenly increased by more than a dozen, and the Queen Mother He was afraid that she would not Tian was forgotten in the harem because of the repeated attributes.

So she wanted to be a useful person to Dong Huang.

"I want to be useful to His Majesty. I want to go to Korea!"

Queen Mother He stated her purpose.


Dong Huang raised his eyebrows and instantly understood what Queen Mother He meant: "You don't want to play the role of a trendy succubus, do you?"

Playing as a trendy banshee, you can legitimately establish power in South Korea and participate in national politics. The only problem is that the authentic trendy banshee is still there!

"She hasn't completely returned to her heart yet. Your Majesty can just train her with peace of mind. Moreover, your Majesty can also go to South Korea to punish me, the Korean Queen!"

Queen Mother He acted coquettishly, rocking like a horse, and summoned her good daughters-in-law Tang Ji and Dong Jie.

Dong Jie is the daughter of Dong Cheng. Historically, she was Liu Xie's concubine, and Queen Mother He was Liu Xie's aunt, so in a broad sense she can also be regarded as Queen Mother Hu's daughter-in-law.

Of course, because the characters of the Three Kingdoms under Dong Huang have been completed, they have nothing to do with the characters of the Three Kingdoms in any parallel world. They are all independent individuals who are not affected by the laws of cause and effect in the world, but some jokes are okay. Use it to play with.

For example, there are many daughters-in-law and so on.

After Tang Ji and Dong Jie came out, even the four Fu family sisters appeared.

It can be seen that Queen Mother He is well prepared this time, and the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have mobilized together, vowing to soften Dong Huang's attitude.

This made Dong Huang a little confused: when did these women get on the ship.

However, it was rare for Tang Ji and others to be so filial, so Dong Huang didn't mind giving them a chance.


Dong Huang rested on Queen Mother He's jade legs.

Queen Mother He took out a cigarette from somewhere, put it in Dong Huang's mouth, then snapped her fingers to create a wisp of flame and lit it for Dong Huang.

Ever since he discovered that Yan Lingji was favored because of lighting cigarettes, Dong Huang's beloved concubine used the cigarette lighting skill - because of the temple, Dong Huang's attendants all spent money to develop fire abilities. The difference is that some are strong and some are weak, but again Even if you are weak, you can light a cigarette.

"Okay, you can take the people there and cooperate with Cheng Yu and Lao Dian."

Dong Huang finally decided to agree to Queen Mother He's request.

Anyway, with Dian Wei and Cheng Yu here, there won't be any danger.

Dong Huang was relatively tolerant and doting towards the women around him. A woman like Queen Mother He who had slept with him for twenty-three or four years was still very affectionate.

After experiencing this incident, Dong Huang also decided to take care of not only Queen Mother He, but also other women and his goddaughter.

(Daughters of Dong Huang)

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Queen Mother He was overjoyed when she got the promise.

"You are happy too early!"

Dong Huang smiled slyly, and several chains had already tied up Queen Mother He.

The fourth-level artifact Xiangliu Medusa requested to fight.

Women get things wrong.

The next day, Dong Huang, who had been delayed from his official business, gave Queen Mother He a severe spanking, and then hung up Wang Yi, who had secretly let Queen Mother He into the house, and beat him.

Dong Huang was very angry that Wang Yi dared to play such a trick with him. Obviously, Wang Yi wanted to use Queen Mother He to remind Dong Huang to pay attention to the old people in the harem. But if you don't say something directly, if you dare to play tricks, you should fight.

However, in the face of Dong Huang's punishment, Wang Yi refused to change his tune.

As a result, Dong Huang became even more angry, so that the business was delayed for another day.

On the third day, Dong Huang got the latest information: Recently, under Lu Meng's operation, the alliance between Dayu and many war agents had changed again.

Because of the time limit for summoning the main city, many war agents have already summoned the main city and placed them on Yingzhou Island and Fangzhang Island, which gave Lu Meng new ideas.

In order to increase everyone's enthusiasm, Lu Meng agreed to reduce the exploitation of the Yingzhou War Agents, on the condition that if any of the war agents died in battle after the expedition, all their heritage including the main cities on the three islands of Yingzhou would be lost. Owned by Taiyi.

Taiyi is the Yingzhou name Dong Huang gave himself before, and it was certified by Amaterasu.

Lu Meng's proposal made the war agent overjoyed. Originally, they were unwilling to give Dayu such a high proportion of compensation after the war, but they were unable to agree to the expedition due to pressure from the gods, and the expedition was inseparable from Dong Huang's voyage technology and Himihu. Now that Dong Huangjun took the initiative to change the conditions, they suddenly felt that this must be the pressure from Amaterasu that had reached Dong Huang, and they happily re-signed the covenant.

Anyway, you, Taiyi, only want a legacy, but which agent of war would think that he would die in battle?

Everyone felt that they had gained an advantage, and Yingzhou's war agent felt that he had taken advantage of it, and was a little embarrassed. Therefore, Lu Meng's suggestion that everyone leave their wives and daughters behind and only take the elite with them was also rejected by Yingzhou. The European War Actors passed unanimously.

Not only that, the war agents also agreed that everyone should eliminate the war agents who did not join the alliance as quickly as possible, and then set off immediately after the elimination.

In the next six months, the three islands of Yingzhou began a vast sweep and large-scale shipbuilding campaign.

The war agents in Yingzhou are all working hard, waiting to pacify the rear and build a large fleet to attack Kyushu!

"I wonder what kind of reward I will get if I kill Zulong!"

"We are definitely the first batch of agents of the Yingzhou War to complete the great cause of unifying Kyushu, right?"

"I heard that Zulong's mother is still charming!"

"The queen of a king in the Kingdom of Zhao is also a prostitute. She must be very skilled!"


In the eyes of all the agents of the Yingzhou War, the chaotic Kyushu was already the fat on their chopping block.

Several of the most powerful war agents secretly approached Lu Meng and discussed with him the division of Kyushu after the war.

These war agents are named Oda Nobunaga, Hirasaka Ryuji, Akizuki Kozo, Orika Discrentia, Mizunase Taki and Denlang.

These six people are the six most powerful among the agents of the Yingzhou War, except Dong Huang and Gui Yanye. Oda Nobunaga, the most powerful among them, owns three space cities. He also summoned thirty-seventh and eighth-level soldiers with a gritted teeth. Since the third mission world completed self-salvation like Gui Yanye, his generals With the sudden increase, the number of brother generals reached eleven.

Others also have their own specialties.

For example, Hirasaka Ryuji is good at medicine and transformation, Akizuki Kozo is good at making poisonous mist, Orika Discrentia is good at black elf magic, Minase Taki is good at black magic, and Denlang is good at kicking people.

In order to fight against the extremely powerful Amaterasu alliance of Dong Huang and Gui Yanye, the six of them have secretly formed an alliance.

"Lu Sang, we come to you this time to plan the post-war world structure together."

Oda Nobunaga spoke on behalf of everyone.

"It seems that you have formed an alliance? I wonder what you mean?"

Everyone was a smart person, and Lu Meng could see through the intentions of several people at a glance. Although he was secretly laughing at these guys' crazy self-confidence and greed, his face was calm and conciliatory with everyone.

"After the war, Kyushu will be divided among the seven parties. If the other war agents do not surrender, they will be killed directly."

Hirasaka Ryuuji said sadly.

"Isn't it a little too early to say this now?"

Lu Meng played Tai Chi and tested their bottom line.

"Lu Sang, we are asking you sincerely, but we haven't even met your leader yet!"

Olica Discrentia walked to the back of Lu Meng's chair with cat steps, held the back of Lu Meng's chair and bent down. Her fat buttocks were raised high, and her face was almost touching Lu Meng's body.

"Humph, when it's time to see you, you will naturally see me."

Lu Meng stood up subconsciously and stayed away from the black-skinned female elf.

The Japanese were fighting in almost every world, allowing Lu Meng to see many strange agents of the Yingzhou war.

Most of the agents of war in Yingzhou are characters from the worlds of anime, games, movies and light novels. The worlds they experience are mostly of this kind, and there are naturally more strange creatures.

Speaking of which, Olica Discrentia's dark skin is quite normal. Although it does not suit Lu Meng's aesthetics, her figure is quite in line with his beloved Emperor's XP. So in order to prevent his beloved Emperor from saying anything harmful to him when he wanted to catch the witch for a taste, Lu Meng decided to stay away from the witch.

"But you are very insincere. Not only do we think so, but other war agents also think so."

Akizuki Kozo is also aggressive.

"Don't say any more irrelevant words. I basically understand what you mean. I just want to ask, after taking care of Kyushu, do you still want to go to America? There will be a place similar to America in this world, right? And it's difficult. In terms of quality, it is definitely much lower than Kyushu?”

Lu Meng looked at these insatiable and greedy guys. He was too lazy to make concessions with them and directly threw out a new bait. He knew that these greedy guys would definitely fall for it.

Sure enough, as soon as Lu Meng said this, everyone's expressions changed, and Olica Discrentia sat directly in Lu Meng's seat, licking her red lips, with a charming look on her face.

Only Oda Nobunaga, who is considered a semi-historical figure, is still obsessed with carving up Kyushu, and stubbornly wants to carve up Kyushu first: "If you want to go, you have to wait until Kyushu is divided, right?"

"If we want to divide it, Gui Yanye must also participate. We Dayu want two shares, Gui Yanye one share, each of you one share, and our three states must include Yongzhou."

Lu Meng directly said in an unquestionable tone: "This is our bottom line!"

"Aren't you too greedy, Your Excellency?"

Oda Nobunaga was very dissatisfied. As a towering man of 1.68 meters, he looked up at Lu Meng with wild boar-like eyes.

"Without us, you wouldn't be able to go to Kyushu. This is the glory bestowed upon us by Amaterasu!"

At this moment, Lu Meng seemed a bit like a devout Amaterasu believer.

Seeing Lu Meng's resolute attitude, after some back and forth, the six of them reluctantly agreed to sign a new secret agreement with Lu Meng and Gui Yanye based on today's conversation, deciding to divide the nine states among the eight parties, and how to distribute the other eight states except Yongzhou. , allocated by space according to contribution.

After a lot of coaxing and deception, Lu Meng finally coaxed the six giants of Yingzhou and successfully persuaded them to go all out to prepare for the expedition to Kyushu.

In March of the third year of King Qin Zhuangxiang, the impatient agents of the Yingzhou War finally completed preliminary preparations. More than 30,000 warships went to sea, carrying an army of more than 10 million and sailing toward Kyushu in a mighty manner.

At the moment when all the ships were moving, Himika used the skill Kamikaze as agreed.

The divine wind blew the warship smoothly and quickly towards the direction of Western Kyushu, and the war agents on the ship cheered loudly in unison.

"Conquer Kyushu and capture the ancestral dragon alive!"

"The Rise of the Japanese Empire!"

"Queen Mother, here I come!"

"Here comes the rabbit!"

The war agents in Yingzhou fell into madness, as if they could completely trample Kyushu under their feet with just one move.

On the flagship of the Dayu Army, Dong Huang looked down at the cheering Yingzhou War Agents from the top, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became bigger and bigger. Gui Yanye, who was serving beside her, had a pale face and quickly pulled Xi The world of Yuan Temple fell at Dong Huang's feet.

Gui Yanye followed Dong Huang for twenty years in the world of Song, Liao, Jin and Xia, but he witnessed with his own eyes how Dong Huang deceived all the agents of the Yingzhou War in that world. Gui Yanye, who knew Dong Huang's character very well, was afraid that he would be These stupid colleagues got into trouble.

Speaking of which, Gui Yanye is also very pitiful. Not only has he been sold to Dong Huang by Amaterasu long ago, and he has become Dong Huang's vassal war agent, his life is also firmly controlled by Dong Huang. Even if Dong Huang wants to, he can kill him at any time. She can use the Yata Mirror, one of the three artifacts, to monitor everything about her. In front of Dong Huang, she has no privacy at all.

Dong Huang, who had recently developed a new way of playing, also ordered her to go to the room of Katsura Manami and others at night. In short...

Closer to home, Gui Yanye has been developed very well, she is very obedient and knows what she should do. However, the other war agents of Amaterasu can't help but point at Gui Yanye and regard her as the great god Amaterasu. The shame of the witch.

During this expedition, Dong Huang also invited the female war agents of Amaterasu in this world on his ship and let them live with him and Gui Yanye.

Amaterasu's female war agents are all beautiful virgins, most of whom are mikos from various worlds. Although Dong Huang has too many witches under his command, men will never refuse fresh flesh.

Of course, if these people cannot become his vassal war agents like Gui Yanye, then they will not be able to survive this mission world.

Gui Yanye ignored these stupid women. She knew very well that the more joyfully these people danced now, the heavier the punishment would be in the future. She even couldn't wait to punish these fools for her master.

The huge fleet sailed on the sea for three days.

Three days also caused the War Agents to completely lose their vigilance. At the same time, it was enough time for the fleet to sail to the open sea, cutting off the War Agents' last retreat.

On the morning of the fourth day, the bright sun rose slowly from the sea level. Dong Huang turned his back to the sun, and the bright sunlight outlined a golden outline on him, making him look like a god who could not be looked directly at.

Himiko and Tamamo Mae, wearing sacred white sun bird and gold patterned witch costumes, stood beside Dong Huang, one on the left and one on the right. Tamamo Mae's furry tail leaned against Dong Huang, rubbing gently.

Gui Yanye, who was quite favored, was not even qualified to stay by Dong Huang's side this time. Wearing translucent dresses, they just knelt down at Dong Huang's feet and kissed Dong Huang's insteps.

On Dong Huang's ship, the Amaterasu female war agents who ate and drank well did not understand what Dong Huang was trying to show off, but the huge gap in strength between them still made them praise him against their will.

Dong Huang was too lazy to pay attention to these idiots who had no eyesight and slapped Bimihu's butt hard.


Beimihu rolled his eyes at Dong Huang charmingly, but his hands were not careless and he used the magic formula.

On the other side of Dong Huang, Tamamo Mae, who was finally remembered by Dong Huang, also moved the magic formula to the rhythm of Himiko.

Thousands of other Shinto witches on board Dong Huang's huge flagship also activated their spells at the same time.

Under their influence, the color of the sea and sky suddenly changed, and a huge typhoon quickly formed, ignoring Dong Huang's fleet, but drawing in the fleets of countless war agents.

In the face of the unpredictable power of ghosts and gods, the ships built in a hurry were unable to resist and disintegrated one after another. Many war agents and their troops were either torn apart or buried in the belly of the fish.

Only then did these poor war agents discover that several of Dong Huang's ships had distanced themselves from them as early as last night; only then did they realize that all this was actually Dong Huang's conspiracy. It was the sea that buried them in one fell swoop.

"How dare he!"

Oda Nobunaga, who was blown to the sky, thought feebly.

You know, they have signed an alliance. Can he afford the price of betraying the alliance?

However, before dying, Lightning Wolf had an epiphany and realized that the other party must have a way to avoid the punishment of betraying the alliance.

[Wait a minute, betraying the alliance. The representative sent by the other party to negotiate is named Lu. Could it be Lu Meng...]

It's a pity that Lightning Wolf's awakening came too late, and Dong Huang not only had Lu Meng's ability to betray alliances, but he also had the limited title of "Betrayal of Alliances" obtained from Sun Wu's forces!

"Do you want to go down and accompany them?"

With a smile on his face, Dong Huang admired the casualties of more than 3,000 Yingzhou war agents and more than 13 million Yingzhou troops in an instant. There was a hint of joy in Dong Huang's tone.

This is not just about more than 3,000 war agents. After annihilating them and their armies, each war agent must provide an average reward of 5 million to 10 million war points, right? Not to mention that according to the covenant, after their death, their city and everything else will be returned to Dong Huang!

There are more than 3,000 cities. Even if they are at a lower level, they can all be brought into the infinite war space!



Dong Huang couldn't help laughing loudly.

But the more than thirty female war agents who belonged to Amaterasu all had pale faces. Suddenly, one of the war agents named Amaterasu Meei knelt down first.

Next, they fell to their knees with a crash.

(Qionghe Tiannu Muying)

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