Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 294 Jing Salamander, the organization has a difficult task for you!

Jia Xu was confused.

He didn't expect that so much money would suddenly appear in Dayu's account.

That’s over 20 billion to 30 billion!

Dayu's army penetrated the Song, Liao, Jin and Xia, and only earned 50 billion in revenue. This money was not only needed to maintain building upgrades, military maintenance, and personal space construction, but also to pay wages. It seemed like a lot, but in fact it was because of Dayu's physical strength. The amount is here, there are so many generals, harems, second generations and tens of millions of people to support, it is actually very tight.

With this windfall, Dayu's small treasury suddenly had another 50 billion.

What does 50 billion mean?

According to the general price of space military buildings, barracks of the first to third levels are basically 5,000 war points multiplied by the level, fluctuating up and down; levels 4 to 6 are basically 50,000 war points multiplied by the level, fluctuating up and down; The level is 500,000 war points multiplied by the level, which fluctuates up and down. The eighth level is 5 million war points multiplied by the level, and the ninth level is 50 million war points multiplied by the level.

In other words, an eighth-level soldier building only has about 40 million war points.

Once the money problem is solved, the only thing that limits Dong Huang's army is the military building.

Military buildings and some special buildings cannot be upgraded without architectural drawings. At this stage, if you want architectural drawings, you can only seize the indigenous military buildings through war.

Fortunately, the resources in this world are too abundant. The county-level cities already have eighth-level military buildings, and there are complete types of infantry and naval troops, but there is a lack of cavalry and chariot troops.

"What did your Majesty do in Yingzhou?"

Looking at Dayu's treasury account that was once again overflowing, Jia Xu happily recruited another 2 million eighth-level soldiers and two million seventh-level soldiers, including 500,000 eighth-level navy troops and 500,000 seventh-level soldiers. Navy.

Previously, due to lack of troops, in order to seize the south of the Yangtze River as soon as possible, Jia Xu even sent out even the sixth-level Nanman natural troops to let them grow in the war, resulting in a bit of heavy losses. But this time, Jia Xu suddenly had more soldiers in his hands. To the point of bursting.

A battalion of 2,000 people and an eighth-level infantry can only amount to about four million, and two million can only amount to four billion.

Small money.

Qian Jiaxu, a seventh-level soldier, didn't even bother to calculate.

Even though it is almost impossible for these arms to form a military formation, the field bonus of the generals is still considerable, and they can compete with the regular army and county soldiers of Chu State, or even be stronger.

Moreover, in terms of naval forces, Qin and Chu did not have strong naval forces, and Dayu not only had warships and naval forces that could be exchanged for space, but Meng Kang and others also led Dayu's skilled shipwrights and craftsmen absorbed by this world. Working overtime to manufacture and upgrade warships gave Dayu's navy an absolute advantage over Qin and Chu in terms of arms, equipment, ships and navy generals.

It is worth mentioning that Lord Chun Shen's navy and ships, including Chaohu City, have all been given to Dayu by Lord Chun Shen.

The reason is simple: Lord Chun Shen was defeated.

After experiencing a stalemate with the King of Chu for several months, Lord Chun Shen was defeated by the King of Chu's plan to recruit him.

The angry King of Chu originally wanted to kill all the traitors, but Li Yuan, reminded by the agent of war, promptly reminded the King of Chu, asking the King of Chu not to expand his power first, but to win the hearts of the people first, and then destroy Lord Chun Shen. We will settle accounts later.

The King of Chu, who was reluctantly persuaded to come down, announced that the soldiers who followed Chun Shenjun in rebellion were all deceived by traitors. As long as they surrendered anyway, they would forget about it. Those who could kill Chun Shen Jun could directly become Ling Yins.

Ling Yinke is the prime minister of Chu State. In Chu State, he is really inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

Although Lord Chun Shen repeatedly stated that this was a treacherous plot by the King of Chu, many soldiers still chose to surrender to the King of Chu.

For a large part of the generals, they were originally soldiers of the Chu State and had no loyalty to Lord Chun Shen. Many of them even had family members in areas controlled by the King of Chu. It was understandable that they wanted to rebel. .

When Chun Shenjun saw that the situation was not good, he asked three thousand retainers to kill all the generals of the main army. The three thousand retainers replaced the generals and took control of the army, completely annexing the main army.

But as a result, the army inevitably experienced turmoil, its morale became more unstable, and its combat effectiveness dropped sharply.

The King of Chu seized the opportunity to attack Chun Shenjun fiercely, and directly drove Chun Shenjun across the Huai River.

The Chu army took the opportunity to cross the river, hoping to quell Chun Shenjun's rebellion in one go. Fortunately, Dong Huang's navy appeared in the Huaihe River in time, blocking the Chu army from crossing the river, and cooperated with Chun Shenjun's army to defeat the Chu army crossing the river. This helped Chun. Shen Jun maintained the situation.

However, due to Chun Shenjun's drag, Dong Huang's army and navy were dispersed, which somewhat affected Dayu's strategy for the Jiangnan area. To this day, Dayu can only barely control Pengli Lake into a Neihu.

The area of ​​this world is too large, with too many large and small cities, which is really difficult to handle.

Gao Shun had no choice but to build Chaisang City here and repair it temporarily.

Closer to home, until he occupied the position of Chaisang, Dayu could be considered to have obtained the Jiangnan area of ​​the original Wu State. Chaisang was known as "Wu's head and Chu's tail" and was the junction of Wu and Chu in history.

Back to business. In exchange for the Dayu Army's help in defense, Chun Shenjun had to give all his navy ships and other ships to the Dayu Army.

Even if the water of Chaohu Lake can connect to the Yangtze River, it cannot connect to the Huaihe River. This means that the navy Chun Shenjun just built cannot enter the Huaihe River to assist in the battle, so it can only take advantage of Dong Huangjun.

However, at least Chun Shenjun got a chance to breathe. While proclaiming himself king, he quickly trained his army. At the same time, he reached an agreement with Dong Huang's army to divide Huainan equally. He gave Dong Huang the Hangou River Basin and the area east of it, and at the same time, he made extensive enfeoffments of the country. , to win over the war agent and his soldiers.

Although it is said that whether it is Dayu or the princes, if they want to get the territory Chun Shen Jun talks about, they have to take it themselves, but the morale of the war agent and Chun Shen Jun's soldiers has been aroused. Chun Shen Jun The situation can be considered maintained, and they went east to capture Zhongli's key points along the Huaihe River, and to the west they attacked the area north of the Huaihe River and south of the Dabie Mountains, completely occupying the fertile land of the Shaipi River Basin.

With the sacred land of Shaopi, Lord Chun Shen had the confidence to confront the King of Chu.

Originally, the Dayu army was unable to capture the territory from Hangou to the Huaihe River promised by Lord Chun Shen. But now that there were so many elite troops, Jia Xu decided to give Huang Zhong an additional 300,000 elite troops and 300,000 auxiliary troops. Army, let him attack northward and push the occupied area to the Huaihe River. The minimum goal is to occupy Huaiyin at the junction of the Huaihe River and Hangou, and build Huaiyin City to ensure the safety of the Huaihe River waterway.

Of course, it would be better if we could find Han Xin, but it's a pity that we don't even know if Han Xin was born yet. At the worst, we can move all the people with the Han surname in Huaiyin to Haojing City, and maybe we can meet him!

In addition, it would be better if we could reach Peixian County. Peixian County has many talents. Even if these talents are not available to Da Yu, they cannot be obtained by other forces. Comrade Liu Bang can be killed if he can.

I hate the Son of Luck to begin with, and a shameless Son of Luck like Liu Bang will kill him if I can!

Dayu began to sharpen his sword, and the King of Chu was not idle either. While he ordered the construction of ships, he divided his troops to attack Huaibei and attack Chun Shenjun's lair.

Even though Chu State seems to have lost most of its territory now, in fact, two-thirds of Chu State's elites are still in the hands of the King of Chu!

The situation of the Chu State seemed to be bad, but it was only because after the weak navy was annihilated by Dayu, Dayu used the navy to divide the battlefield with the rivers and Huaihe Rivers, making the Chu army unable to effectively maneuver and support. After all, this The average width of the Huaihe River in the world is ten miles. Without ships and bridges, it is impossible to cross the army.

But regardless of these topographical factors, in terms of national strength alone, the Chu State at this time was still terrifyingly strong.

Whether it was the most elite royal soldiers of the Chu State or the elite troops defending the Qin State on the western front, they suffered little or no losses. The greater losses were caused by the Huaibei Army, which suffered heavy losses due to Li Yuan's defeat.

Therefore, Huaibei is in greatest need of reinforcements, not to mention that Huaibei is the home base of Lord Chun Shen and must be captured.

The King of Chu gave this task to Li Yuan again.

Before leaving, Li Yuan offered another clever plan to the King of Chu.

Li Yuan asked: "The current situation in Da Chu is very bad, and the land south of the Yangtze River is beyond the reach of the enemy. It may be difficult to recapture it in a short time. What's even more frightening is that if Da Yu uses the power of the navy to attack the cities in the south of the Yangtze River, the feudal lord of the south of the Yangtze River may not be able to resist it."

"you mean?"

King Chu glanced sideways at Li Yuan, meaning stop talking nonsense and speak quickly.

"What I mean is that if the situation in Jiangnan is really that bad, you might as well tell the princes and counties in Jiangnan, especially those close to Qin, that they can surrender to Qin. If they are because of Yu If they surrender to the Qin State under the pressure of the state, we will not consider their treason."

Li Yuan offered advice.

"Han Xian offered the party's plan..."

King Chu immediately understood what Li Yuan was thinking.

"Let me think about it."

King Chu hesitated for a moment.

The King of Chu felt that it would be a relief to let Qin and Da Yu fight each other. After all, both parties were his enemies; but he also felt that the situation in Da Chu had not collapsed to the level of Korea in the past. As long as he was given water, As long as the army can cross the river, he can let the Western Front Army defeat Dayu!

The Western Front Army is an elite division that has been fighting against the Qin Dynasty all year round.


Li Yuan wanted to plot against Qin. In fact, Qin was also hesitant whether to attack Chu or the Three Jins.

At the beginning of this year, information about the war between Dayu and Chu and the news of Chun Shenjun's rebellion had reached Qin. At that time, the monarchs and ministers of Qin wanted to attack Chu. Several parties argued over this, and in the end the Prime Minister Lu Buwei fought against all opinions.

Lu Buwei pointed out that the grain and grass supplies of the Qin Dynasty are mainly in the direction of the Three Jin Dynasties, and it has long been planning to attack Shangdang and conquer the Wei State, which will not be easily changed; and the attack on the Chu State will inevitably involve attacks from Bashu and other places, and directly face the Chu State's western front Army, and now the Chu State's Western Front Army has not taken action, which obviously means that Chu State still has some remaining strength. Even if it wants to attack Chu, it is best to wait until the Chu State's Western Front Army Corps moves.

Lu Buwei's opinions received strong support from King Zhuangxiang of Qin.

Therefore, the King of Qin ordered Wang He to attack the Shangdang cities according to the plan, and Wang He took them out. In early March, the Qin Dynasty established Taiyuan County in the Shangdang lands for the first time.

At the same time, King Qin ordered Meng Ao to lead an army to attack Wei. Meng Ao attacked the bandits along the way and captured Gaodu and Ji. The Wei army was defeated several times, and the king of Wei was worried about it, so he sent someone to invite Lord Xinling to Zhao.

Lord Xinling felt sorry for Wei because he stole the talisman to save Zhao, and he was worried that King Wei would anger him, so he did not want to return. However, he was persuaded by his retainers Mao Gong and Xue Gong, and finally decided to return to his mother country Wei.

After Lord Xinling returned to Wei, he was worshiped as a general by his half-brother, King Wei Anli.

Then Xinlingjun's performance began.

Lord Xinling sent people to seek help from the princes. When the princes heard that Lord Ling was restored to Wei general, they all sent troops to rescue Wei. Lord Xinling led the divisions of the five countries to attack the Meng Ao army in two groups: north and south.

The five kingdoms divisions here are very interesting. They are the troops of the five kingdoms of Wei, Zhao, Han, Chu and Wei.

The alliance between Wei and Zhao began when Lord Xinling stole the talisman to save Zhao. The relationship was close because of Lord Xinling. The soldiers of the two countries also trusted Lord Xinling. There were 400,000 elites in the two countries.

The Korean troops were personally led by General "Ji Wuye", and there were actually 200,000 people, including 100,000 elites. Obviously, South Korea participated in this battle after being ordered by Dayu to do everything possible to create obstacles for Qin.

Chu State simply maintained face and showed the world that Chu State's strength had not been damaged by civil strife, so it sent 100,000 elites from the borders of Chu-Han and Chu-Wei.

Weiguo is trying to gain a sense of presence. Of course, in this period of history, the Wei State was still very active in opposing Qin. Historically, in the sixth year of Yingzheng's reign, "Chu, Zhao, Wei, Han, and Wei all joined forces to attack Qin, and the king of Chu was the commander-in-chief. "Shen Jun used things to take Shouling." Of course, that battle in history ended with the defeat of the five kingdoms.

As for why Qi and Yan among the Six Kingdoms of Guandong did not participate in this battle, Yan was on good terms with Qin and even wanted to fight Zhao.

The Qi State was not keen on joining forces. In fact, ever since Le Yi conquered Qi thirty years ago, the Qi State's ancestral temple was destroyed, and all the treasures were plundered, the severely damaged Qi State hated the other six states. Itchy, wishing that the Six Nations would fight to the death, the dog-eat-dog of the Six Nations didn't want to participate at all.

In any case, this time Lord Xinling gathered 600,000 elites capable of using military formations, and nearly a million various auxiliary troops.

However, Meng Ao became arrogant. He led his army to fight with his back to the Yellow River. He was attacked by the coalition forces of the princes and retreated westward. Lord Xinling led the troops of the princes to pursue him to Hangu Pass, sealed the fortress and returned.

In this battle, the war agents on both sides failed to play a decisive role.

The Qin State implemented a strict military merit system. The war agents who joined the Qin State could not enter the decision-making level at all, and they could not even see Lu Buwei and Meng Ao.

And from a military perspective, there was basically no problem with Meng Ao's operation. Even when the enemy was facing the enemy, the entire army was not wiped out.

The problem for the Qin State was that they did not expect Lord Xinling to have such prestige, nor did they expect that the Zhaowei army under his leadership could fight head-on with the Qin elite led by Meng Ao, and even vaguely gain the upper hand.

What neither the senior officials of the Qin State nor the war agents of the Qin State expected was that the unknown Ji Wuye in South Korea would be so brave. Taking advantage of the decisive battle between Lord Xinling and Meng Ao's main force, he actually led a hundred chariots to charge forward. Meng Ao, who suffered dozens of wounds in his body but was fearless, not only wounded Meng Ao, but also captured Meng Ao's flag.

Afterwards, the arrowheads taken from Ji Wuye's armor and body weighed two kilograms!

During this battle, Ji Wuye was called the best general in the world by Lord Xinling, and received the admiration of the Kwantung Allied Forces.

However, fierce generals are just ordinary men after all. Even with the blessing of the military formation, Meng Ao can fight with Dian Wei, and can even suppress Dian Wei, who has an imperfect military formation. However, Dian Wei was stabbed ten times by Meng Ao. , nothing happened, Meng Ao was stabbed by Dian Wei and lost half his life, which led to Meng Ao running away.

Therefore, in the eyes of Qin State, ordinary men like Dian Wei are not terrible, but Lord Xinling is the most terrible person.

According to what Meng Ao and the defeated soldiers said, even if "Ji Wuye" didn't disrupt the situation, Meng Ao's army would be defeated in this battle.

This made Qin very worried.

You must know that this is already the second time that Lord Xinling has defeated Qin in a military operation to unify the Central Plains. The first time was ten years ago when Lord Xinling stole the talisman to save Zhao and defeated the Qin general Wang Ling.

After this great victory, Lord Xinling's reputation grew, and he almost led the princes of the Central Plains to resist Qin.

King Zhuangxiang of Qin discussed with Lu Buwei and decided to use counterintuitive tactics.

If there was a season settlement when Qin Tong unified, the MVP would be none other than Countermeasures.

Lian Po, Xinling Lord Wei Wuji, and Li Mu were all defeated by this strategy, which allowed Qin to successfully win the Battle of Changping, break the Guandong Alliance, and destroy Zhao.

The second place must be bribery. The Qin State bribed the God of War Guo Kai, so that Lian Po could not return to Zhao, and Li Mu died unjustly in prison; after bribery, he won, and the Qi State ran the whole game without a leader, no assists, and no conquests. In the end, it was Surrender directly.

The third talent is Bai Qi and Wang Jian.

King Qin's counterintuitive plan was quickly arranged.

It was also because of this disastrous defeat that the Qin State had no time to send troops against the Chu State and the distant Yu State.

Of course, the war between Chu and Yu did not have no impact on Da Qin.

Lu Buwei offered advice: "You can persuade the King of Wei about Chun Shen Jun's rebellion. The King of Chu loved Chun Shen Jun with all his heart and loved him in every possible way. He also gave him twelve large counties as fiefs, but Chun Shen Jun Didn’t Lord Shen declare himself king and rebel at every opportunity? Today, people only know Lord Xinling but not King Wei. If Lord Xinling rebels, who can rule Wei?"

A boomerang from Chun Shen Jun crossed time and space and landed on the heart of Xin Ling Jun, who was also one of the four princes of the Warring States Period.

"The Prime Minister's brilliant plan!"

King Zhuangxiang of Qin was overjoyed.

"Ahem... Prime Minister, speaking of Lord Chun Shen... Ahem... I feel that we have to be on guard against this big Yu of unknown origin. Lord Chunshen will rebel and say that there is no big Yu in it... Ahem... I don’t believe in your merits.”

King Qin Zhuangxiang suddenly said worriedly.

"Your Majesty, take care of yourself."

There was also a vague worry in Lu Buwei's eyes.

Since this year, the physical condition of King Qin Zhuangxiang, who has just reached his prime, has suddenly taken a turn for the worse. If King Qin Zhuangxiang has any shortcomings, it will be extremely detrimental to Lu Buwei, who has only been in power for only three years.

"My fine. Regarding that Yu State..."

King Qin Zhuangxiang waved his hand and continued to ask.

The six generations of Qin kings before Qin Shihuang could be arrogant or short-lived, but none of them were faint kings. Even King Qin Zhuangxiang, who had been a hostage for most of his life, had pioneering ambitions, heroic spirit and extraordinary strategic vision. .

He has already seen that this Yu who appeared out of nowhere is definitely a combination of a hero and a top adviser. He is not weak in military terms, especially the strength of the navy, which is beyond imagination. He feels that Chu State's The Jiangnan region is absolutely unsustainable.

"The navy of the Yu State is indeed very strong. It has recently reached Pengli Lake with its navy. In the future, it should be able to annex the entire Jiangnan area of ​​the Chu State, bordering Qinnan County, Wu County, and Qianzhong County. However, Yu's army is extremely weak. Weak, the only ones who can fight are the more than 10,000 people under Xiang Yan's command."

Lu Buwei stroked his beard and said while recalling the information about Dayu in his hand.

"It's a pity this defeat, otherwise we would have enough energy to run the south, ahem..."

King Qin Zhuangxiang sighed.

"Ke Mingnan County and Ba County built ships and trained naval forces in Ying (near Jiangling) and Ba (Chongqing) to prepare for emergencies. Qianzhong County and other places have many contacts with barbarians. Which places have mountains, water, and barbarians? There is so much miasma, and as long as the barbarians are on our side, the Yu Kingdom will not be able to make trouble."

Lu Buwei said slowly.

However, Lu Buwei's advice did not end here. He knew Qin Yiren very well and knew what Qin Yiren was worried about, so he continued: "In addition, although the emperor and ministers of Dayu are mysterious, there is something about Emperor Dayu who just captured Baidu." It’s no secret that Yue was collecting beautiful women in Baiyue with great fanfare. Through the investigation, Emperor Dayu was as lustful as life. Even when he was on an expedition, he was never short of beauties around him. He was a model of debauchery and immorality.”

"It's not a bad thing to be lustful."

King Qin Zhuangxiang chuckled.

"But it's an opportunity."

Lu Buwei also chuckled.


King Qin Zhuangxiang smiled knowingly.

"Luo Wang has a first-class killer, codenamed Jing Salamander. He has a stunning appearance, a natural beauty that will captivate a country. His skin is like jade, as beautiful as peach blossoms, his jade legs are crystal clear, and his shoulders are like the bright moon in the sky."

Lu Buwei clicked his tongue and introduced.

(Frightened Salamander)

"Ahem...your introduction reminds me of the words you used when you introduced Zhao Ji to me."

King Qin Zhuangxiang joked.

"I don't dare!"

Lu Buwei suddenly broke into a cold sweat and fell to his knees.

Accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger, Lu Buwei has realized this.

Lu Buwei didn't even dare to think about what King Qin Zhuangxiang meant by his words.

You know, rumors have spread in Qin that Ying Zheng is not Qin Yiren's son, but his son.

There are still rumors that Lu Buwei first fell in love with Zhao Ji and made Zhao Ji pregnant with the child before giving it to Qin Yiren, who was a rare commodity.

Oh my god, how could he, Lu Buwei, be so powerful that he could know in advance whether the child in Zhao Ji's belly was a boy or a girl? How could Ying Yiren be so stupid that he didn't even know if a woman was there?

Even if he didn't know, he should have known it by now after playing with so many women.

But the problem is that some rumors are not meant to be believed. It is enough to make key people feel uncomfortable.

"It's just a joke between us monarchs and ministers."

King Qin Zhuangxiang chuckled lightly, but his eyes were very deep, and he said slowly: "I will do as you say."


Lu Buwei did not dare to say anything more and respectfully followed the order.

After Lu Buwei left, King Qin Zhuangxiang suddenly sighed: "Zheng'er, I'm afraid I can't continue to protect you from the wind and rain. Although Lu Buwei is a businessman, he is a smart businessman who knows what business can and cannot. Do it, just... Zhao Ji is too stupid... That's all, let her live, after all... I owe you..."

Historically, on May 26th of this year, King Zhuangxiang of Qin passed away and the crown prince was established.

Now, it's the end of March.

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