Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 329 Wind! wind! wind!

When Gan Ning carefully sent troops to occupy Nan'an City, which was deserted and most of the city defense facilities had been destroyed by the Qin people, Yue Fei's troops were already feasting in Wuyang City.

Until now, the Qin people had not recovered from the shock. They had not figured out how the Yu army could go around to the rear of the Qin army and take down the Qin army with its not outstanding military advantage. An elite force, most of which were warriors, was annihilated!

After being annihilated, this army did not rest. It was so bold that it came to deceive the city and succeeded.

This wave of operations really shocked the people of Qin.

Of course, the most shocked ones were those Qin Rui soldiers. They discovered that the individual combat effectiveness of a large part of these Yu people was no less than theirs, and some of their fighting skills were even stronger than theirs.

The Qin Rui soldiers couldn't understand, when did the Yu people's army become so strong?

How many years has it been since I didn't dare to fight the Qin army head-on before, but now I took the initiative and launched a powerful attack?

The keen people of Qin have realized that the people of Yu are no longer the people of Yu before. But they were unable to pass on the information.

After occupying Wuyang City, although Dayu's army was exhausted, their morale was high. Yang Zaixing, who was full of confidence, even proposed the idea of ​​crossing the river to surprise the Qin army on the opposite side, but Yue Fei rejected it.

By interrogating the prisoners, Yue Fei had learned that the Qin army on the opposite side had at least 10,000 Qin Rui soldiers and 30,000 troops, and he was not sure whether the other party had received the news. In this case, he went over with his exhausted army and launched a sneak attack. It's okay to succeed, but if you're not careful, your entire army will be wiped out.

Yue Fei never dared to underestimate Qin Ruishi. Even though he had defeated Qin Ruishi twice, he also knew very well that both times were tricks and did not allow Qin Ruishi to take advantage of the military formation and lead the troops. They are all unknown people! What if Wang Jian is leading the army?

Underestimating the enemy has always been a taboo for military strategists.

Not only that, don’t forget that the Qin army’s navy was not completely wiped out! If they encounter the Qin army's navy when crossing the river, the whole army will be wiped out.

So there is no need to fight this kind of battle.

The military can take risks, but it cannot always take risks.

A true general must be able to judge when to take risks, when to be safe, and when to be upright.

Yue Fei ordered the army to repair in Wuyang City. At the same time, he supervised the prisoners to repair the roads, and collected a large number of various poultry and livestock to prepare the labor force.

When Dong Huang's main force arrived at Wuyang City ten days later, the entire army was able to feast on wine and meat. The exhausted prisoners of the Qin army did not cause trouble. However, for the Qin army, which was constantly massacring and entrapping the enemy, it was good to be able to save their lives, and it was nothing if it was a bit more difficult and tiring.

Dong Huang was very satisfied with Yue Fei's performance, and Jia Xu and others also looked at Yue Fei with approval.

Yue Fei used his series of victories to prove his talent as a general.

After taking a short rest in Wuyang, Dong Huang personally led the army to fight again.

This time, the main force of Yu's army finally disembarked, and Dong Huang personally led the army towards Guangdu.

Guangdu, also known as Duguang, was once the capital of the ancient Shu Kingdom.

"The Chronicles of the King of Shu" says: "The King of Shu originally ruled Fanxiang, Guangdu, and moved to Chengdu."

Duguang is located in the center of Duguang Wilderness. It is one of the origins of ancient Shu agricultural civilization and the agricultural center of the "Land of Abundance".

At the same time, it is also the battlefield chosen by Lord Changping.

According to Chang Pingjun's idea, he should have continued to lure the enemy deeper and harass them step by step, making the Yu army tired and arrogant, and then fight the Yu army decisively in Duguangzhiye, the place most suitable for taking advantage of the Qin army's military formation. .

However, when things were actually implemented, there was a huge gap with Changping-kun's vision.

In Changping Jun's imagination, after the Qin army's step-by-step blockade, the long supply line and long march, and the constant harassment of the barbarians, it should have been December when the Yu army arrived in Nan'an, and it would have been dry in the dry water. The water is out, and the river is narrow, making it difficult for large ships to sail or turn around. This just gives the Qin army an opportunity to attack with water and fire - maybe a fire attack can burn out the main force of the Yu army.

Even if it is not burned, the Yu army will suffer heavy losses. The most important thing is that there will be a big problem in the supply of food and grass. At that time, the Yu army will have only two options. One is to withdraw along the long river valleys, plains, mountains, and hills, but hundreds of thousands of How could it be so easy for the army to retreat?

Lord Changping was confident that he would kill Yu Jun.

The second way is for the Yu army to make a desperate move into the fields of Duguang and fight the Qin army to the death. At that time, Lord Changping can also use Bai Qi's tactics in the Changping battle to defeat the Yu army in one fell swoop.

There is no problem with Changpingjun's strategic conception and deployment.

But who would have thought that the Yu army would arrive in Nan'an in October and launch a surprise attack on the Qin army's naval camp without anyone noticing, causing the loss of more than two-thirds of Changping Jun's navy, and the fire attack plan could not be implemented. , Lord Changping could only order the army to retreat.

However, the bold Yu army rushed forward quickly and set up an ambush on the Qin army's territory before the Qin army. He directly destroyed Changping Jun's army deployed on the east bank of the river and took the opportunity to capture Wuyang.

During the whole process, the Yu army was like a god of help, but the barbarians who had high hopes from the Qin army did not seem to cause any harassment to the Yu army.

Lord Changping wanted to know what kind of ecstasy soup the barbarians in Bodao and other places were fed. He also wanted to know the origin of the Yu army that unexpectedly attacked the water stronghold, ambushed the Qin army and captured Wuyang City.

No matter how many doubts Changping Jun had in his mind, Yu Jun finally came, arriving at the South Bank two months earlier than he expected and arriving at Wuyang three months earlier than he expected. All Changping Jun could do was to concentrate his troops to deal with the Yu army.

As a result, Changping Jun calculated the troops in his hands and discovered another big problem, that is, he only had 30,000 elite soldiers and 120,000 elite legions in his hands.

Ten thousand warriors and thirty thousand elites were eaten by Yue Fei. There were still thirty thousand elites in the hands of Bai Jie and Qiang Xian. The remaining twenty thousand and the barbarian soldiers he recruited were handed over to Tian Guang to lead an ambush in Bodao and other places were prepared to harass the Yu army and even cut off the Yu army's retreat.

What Changping Jun didn't know was that Tian Guang's subordinate, who had high hopes for him, was brought down by the barbarians by poisoning the wine and sneak attacks at night without using the Yu army. He escaped and fled into the mountains. Taking advantage of the peasant disciples' ability to identify medicines, he managed to hide in the mountains and was recovering from his injuries.

With only these few soldiers in hand, Lord Changping was inevitably panicked.

Although according to the Qin people's calculations of the Yu State's combat power, these troops of his can defeat at least 500,000 Yu troops on the frontal battlefield, which is a huge advantage. However, judging from the full strength of Yue Fei's troops to attack Lien Zhan and Lien Jie, their elite Even if the level is not as good as that of the elite soldiers of the Qin army, it is not far behind.

If there are more such troops, the Qin army may really be in danger.

At this time, the side effects of Changping-kun having never been on the battlefield became apparent.

He was actually a little scared.

Dong Huang's army was about to approach, and he actually began to hesitate whether to fight decisively in Duguang or retreat to Chengdu.

Chengdu is a fortified city. In Chengdu during this era, Zhang Yi and Sima Cuo built two cities twice.

In the fourth year of King Shen of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the State of Qin annexed the State of Shu and established a Shu county in Chengdu. Qin Zhangyi and Sima mistakenly built Taicheng (Funan City). The following year, Zhang Yi built Shaocheng (Fuxi City) to the west of Taicheng.

The two cities are horns to each other and protected by rivers. They are very strong and safe.

But Changping Jun was afraid that if he just retreated to Chengdu, his original strategy of luring the enemy deep would really turn into fearing the enemy like a tiger and not daring to attack. This would have a huge impact on the morale of the army.

Mr. Changping was very confused.

The coach's dilemma can also be understood as a dilemma.

Due to the bravery of the general, Lord Changping's advance and retreat quickly affected the entire Qin army.

The Qin army had been defeated in consecutive battles and almost gave up half of the Shu territory. Although those places were mostly inhabited by Shu people and barbarians, they were also the land of the Qin Dynasty. They could lure the enemy deep into the territory to show that they were weak and afraid of the enemy like a tiger without fighting. Escape is not so easy to distinguish.

At the critical moment, several veterans who had participated in many battles and even the Battle of Changping woke him up.

"Changping Jun, a general is most afraid of hesitation. If a general wants to fight, he should directly lead his troops to array in the fields of Duguang and fight openly and openly. If he wants to retreat to Chengdu, he should also clear the country as soon as possible, concentrate his troops in Chengdu, and defend it. The two cities of Chengdu and Mianzhu Pass must confront them and wait for the opportunity. Don’t hesitate!”

"If Lord Changping hesitates, sooner or later the morale of the army will be lost."

Veteran Xia Houfa couldn't help but persuade.

The surname Xiahou is derived from the surname Si, who is a descendant of Dayu. The Xiahou family has been in the Qin Dynasty for more than a hundred years and has been a general for generations. Xiahou Fa once fought with Bai Qi and was the commander of the elite soldiers under Changping Lord.

After Xia Houfa finished speaking, other generals also gave advice.

I have to admit that the overall quality of the Qin army generals in this era is really high. Although Wang Jian, who will be powerful in the world in the future, has not yet become a complete body, Bai Qi's legacy has not been used up. There is a gap in the situation, and the generals under Changping Jun all have solid basic general skills and a certain strategic vision.

When they no longer despised Yu Jun, but regarded Yu Jun as an opponent like Zhao Chu, their abilities were fully stimulated.

"I know!"

Chang Pingjun nodded.

Chang Pingjun is a smart man. After getting into trouble, he immediately understood the urgency of the situation.

"Then let's fight!"

Lord Changping made up his mind.

Compared with defensive warfare, the Qin army is actually better at offensive warfare, and Qin's sharp chariot formation can only play its greatest role when attacking.

"I tell you, general, to reward the three armies today, and tomorrow we will leave the city and go to the fields of Duguang to set up camp and form a decisive battle with Yu's army!"

Lord Changping held the hilt of his sword and issued the military order seriously.


The generals, who had long been holding their breath, took the order.


While the Qin army was making its final mobilization for war, Dong Huang, who was very interested, was listening to the legend about Du Guangzhiye.

Jia Xu twirled his beard and said with a smile: "The Classic of Mountains and Seas, Hai Nei Jing" says: Between the black water in the southwest, there is the Duguang Wilderness, where Hou Ji is buried. There is also a legend: 'Hou Ji Long is in the west of Jianmu. After death, half of the fish is in it.'"


Dong Huang felt that the name sounded familiar.

"Hou Ji is the great-great-grandson of the Yellow Emperor, the eldest son of Emperor Ku (four sounds of ku), and his mother is Emperor Ku Yuanfei, Jiang Yuan, who was born in the lineage of Emperor Yan. Emperor Ku is suspected to be also called Emperor Jun (勋, one sound of qun) in mythology .

Hou Ji is revered as the King of Ji, God of Agriculture, God of Plowing, and God of Grain. He is the ancestor of farming and the god of grains. The prime minister of Yao and Shun, the god of farming. He is also one of the three men whom Dayu relied on most.

Hou Ji was also the ancestor of the Ji surname in the Zhou Dynasty; Hou Ji's concubine's brother Qi was the ancestor of the Zi surname in the Shang Dynasty. "

Xi Zhi, who had done enough homework, saw that Jia Xu was not in a hurry to speak, so he took the initiative to introduce.

Regarding Shu, especially the legendary Duguangzhiye, Xi Zhicai also did his homework.

In the world of the Three Kingdoms, no one cares about the legend of Hiroyuki, but this world is different.

Although Shun and Yu in this era were just the background, they actually left behind ruins and legacies. Under such circumstances, the legendary Du Guangzhiye could no longer be regarded as an ordinary plain.

"Dijun? The one who gave birth to ten suns and twelve months? Can Hou Ji's tomb be found? Jianmu? I haven't heard of Jianmu anywhere?"

Dong Huang was very interested in Emperor Jun's ability and the legendary Jianmu.

"Legend has it that Jianmu was chopped down by Zhuanxu."

Concubine Yan interjected: "According to the records circulated by the Yin and Yang family, Jianmu should be the new Tianzhu after the collapse of Buzhou Mountain. Emperor Zhuanxu cut down the Jianmu and destroyed all the ritual vessels used to worship the Emperor of Heaven. , the fire that burned Jianmu has not been extinguished for thousands of years, burning a big hole in the ground, it is for Yu Yuan, the essence of Jianmu condensed into a seed, it is Yu Yuan's mulberry tree..."


Before Concubine Yan finished speaking, Dong Huang held her hand, and a ridiculous but reasonable idea came to his mind: Could it be that these things were buried in Sanxingdui?

Speaking of Sanxingdui, it seems that there are not only the sun bird totem, the bronze sacred tree, but also a turtle and jade-shaped artifact. There is even a saying that it is called Hetu Luoshu.

Hetu Luoshu Putting aside the perfect world view of Honghuangliu novels derived from "Buddha is the Tao" for the moment, Hetu Luoshu is also a remarkable thing in traditional mythology.

However, the biggest difference between traditional myths and novels and ancient myths is that in traditional myths, humans are the most noble. The more ancient the myths, the more so. The common master of the human race is often the Emperor of Heaven or the Supreme God, including Nuwa, Fuxi, the Three Emperors and the Five Emperors. Almost so.

In other words, the human race is the most noble ethnic group.

The human race in Honghuangliu novels are like domesticated pets, or the pets that are most loved by their owners in a certain era, nothing more. Even witches and humans are two different lives.

Closer to home, Dong Huang didn’t know whether the turtle-jade-shaped artifact was from Hetu Luoshu, but the word turtle-jade itself did refer to an important weapon of the country, and later generations also used it to refer to the destiny of the country.

This is very interesting.

[By the way, why didn’t I dig into Sanxingdui in those two worlds? He must be too busy with state affairs...]

Dong Huang silently praised his diligence.

"Yu Yuan also has to go and have a look."

Dong Huang was a little ready to make a move.

He was very curious about what Emperor Shun's gift was, and intuitively told Dong Huang that people like Yu Shun and Emperor Yu would not have any malicious intentions.

But when he thought about the difficulty of the previous missions, Dong Huang restrained his thoughts.

There is no malice, but any test by those ancient characters can cost lives.

"His Majesty……"

Concubine Yan couldn't help but hold Dong Huang's hand with her backhand. She wanted to remonstrate, but she didn't dare to let Dong Huang take risks.

Although Concubine Yan has more advanced techniques to practice due to the upgrade of Zhurong Temple, but due to the level of spiritual energy in this world, the more advanced the techniques are, the better. Unless you practice in the Haojing Dragon Vein, the density of spiritual energy in other places is almost not enough to support higher-level techniques.

This also resulted in Concubine Yan's strength being unable to break through the limit of the third level of mythology.

If she weren't worried about Dong Huang's safety, Concubine Yan would have wanted to go to Haojing to practice like Hou Xin.

"Don't worry, I won't take any chances."

Dong Huang gave Concubine Yan and everyone a reassurance.

But immediately, Dong Huang had a new question: "In mythology, Zhuanxu is the ancestor of the Zhu Rong family, right? Zhu Rong seems to be not only the god of fire, but also the god of the sea? Could it be that the decisive battle between Zhu Rong and Gonggong was because of Zhu Rong's position as the god of the sea? Is it a violation of Gonggong’s rights?”

"In some legends, Gonggong is the son of Zhu Rong, and the surname Gong is the descendant of Gonggong; in some legends, 'Gonggong competed with Zhuanxu to be emperor, and in anger he touched the mountains of Buzhou, causing the pillars of heaven to break and the earth to stand still. The sky fell. To the northwest, the sun, moon and stars move away; the earth is not satisfied with the southeast, so the water and dust return. In short, there are quite a lot of legends."

Jia Xu added.

"It doesn't make sense. I don't know what term for space, but is Zhu Rong really dead?"

Dong Huang couldn't help but ask.

"In this world, there is Zhurong Hall in Hengshan, which is said to be the burial place of Zhurong. In addition, since Zhurong is Huozheng, the god of the south, and the god of the sea, I guess that maybe the Zhurong clan of the Southern Barbarians is really used by Zhurong to guard the south and the South China Sea. Where are the descendants?”

Jia Xu also made a bold guess.

"After we win this battle, let's go and have a look."

Dong Huang made arrangements with his golden words.

Dong Huang felt that this world might be closely related to the world of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas". Of course, it could also be matched with some of the history of Blue Star that Dong Huang knew. For example, when King Wu conquered Zhou, why were there so many Bashu people? The princes participated, and the Ba people, Shu people and even the Bo people sent troops and performed meritorious services. What did they want to do by crossing the long road to Shu?

But if Hou Ji was buried in Bashu, it would explain the problem. This shows that at least in the early Xia Dynasty, the Bashu region had close relations with the Zhou people and had communication with each other. The relationship between them may have been weakened by the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, but before that, the relationship was by no means ordinary.

However, the above speculations and legends actually have little to do with the current situation. The most important thing now is to win this decisive battle.

This was also the first real decisive battle between Da Yu and Da Qin on the battlefield.

Both sides lined up on a vast plain a hundred miles south of Duguang City.

Before the war, Lord Changping had sent people to block the waterway, thereby eliminating the possibility of the Yu army using the waterway to maneuver around.

Without the threat of the navy, Lord Changping can safely fight a decisive battle.

In terms of military deployment, Lord Changping personally led a 120,000-strong army including 30,000 elites, 60,000 elites, and 30,000 auxiliary troops as the central army, with 30,000 elite corps and 30,000 auxiliary troops as flanks on the left and right wings. Changpingjun also selected 50,000 auxiliary cavalry, which were deployed between the center army and the two wings and further to the left of the left wing as a maneuver.

In fact, Lord Changping did not have high hopes for these auxiliary troops. They could not form a legion, and many of them were only seventh-level or even sixth-level auxiliary troops. Their combat effectiveness was quite weak; but these people were used to support the situation and fight against the wind. It is still possible to fight, especially the cavalry, which can be used to harass and bluff people.

At least Mr. Changping thinks it’s okay.

Although there are only 150,000 combatable soldiers, the total strength is nearly 300,000! This was the first time in many years for the Qin army to engage in such an upright battle!

Dong Huang directly used Gao Shun's 200,000 men, 20,000 holy war elephants and 50,000 tiger soldiers as the central army.

Among them, Gao Shun is the forward of the Chinese army, Wutugu's 20,000 holy war elephants are the weapon, 50,000 Tiger and Ben army cavalry under Dong Huang's command are the backbone, and there are 100,000 eighth-level space soldiers as auxiliary troops.

The left wing of Dayu's army was led by Zhang Liao, Wei Yan, and Wang Shuang, with a total of 50,000 elite legions and 50,000 elite space troops;

The right wing of Dayu's army was led by Yue Fei and Pang De. They also had 50,000 elite legions and 50,000 elite space troops.

In addition, Dong Yue (Xia Houyuan template), Zhang He, Hua Xiong, Niu Jin and other troops commanded the rangers and barbarians as maneuvers; the naval divisions of Zhou Tai and Gan Ning were also trying to clear the obstacles in the water.

In this battle, Dayu's army, not counting the navy, invested 440,000 elite legions, and the number of combatable troops was nearly three times that of Qin's army.

The total number of troops invested by both sides exceeded one million!

This is a truly massive battle involving millions of people!

In addition, it must be noted that the reason why both sides sent a large number of guerrilla troops is mainly because it is impossible to command all aspects of such a large-scale battle. They can only provide strategic guidance. There are many scattered battlefields. The situation depends on the performance of the soldiers in battle.

Both sides knew each other's strength, and both wanted to fight openly and openly, so they did not conduct too many tests, and the army directly launched a field battle on the vast plains.

At the beginning of the war, there were no generals in front of the battle lines that are common in novels. Both sides took the group battle to the extreme, starting with a volley of arrows and crossbows.

However, the continuous volleys of crossbows shocked both sides.

Even if the Qin army is an elite legion other than the sharp soldiers, the large legion formation formed by it can well resist the damage of long-range bows and crossbows when equipped with heavy armor and giant shields.

Gao Shun's trapped camp was even more terrifying. The unity of two hundred thousand people, the blessing of blood and the firm belief made the formation of these super-heavy armored warriors smeared with the light of the black-gold sun bird.

The Qin army's strong bows and crossbows were often unable to penetrate the large shield even if they broke through the defense of the military formation.

The rain of arrows from both sides suddenly seemed like a game of exchanging bows and arrows.

"For Your Majesty!"

Gao Shun in the army shouted.

Immediately afterwards, two hundred thousand soldiers roared in unison: For Your Majesty!

Then, more Dayu soldiers roared to the sky: For Your Majesty!

The will of hundreds of thousands of people reached unity at this moment. On top of Dong Huang's chariot, a huge sun bird was growing and solidifying.

"Army formation to protect the country? The emperor of Yu State actually marched in person!"

At this moment, Lord Changping was still reluctant to believe that the legendary Emperor Dayu, who was lewd, lewd, and did not do his job properly, really had such courage, and the uneasiness in his heart could not help but rise again.

As we all know, the combat effectiveness of military formations led by spiritual leaders and military formations without spiritual leaders are not at the same level. If the former can exert 120% of its combat effectiveness, the latter can often exert at most 90%, or even only 120%.

But of course, Lord Changping cannot show weakness at this time.

He drew his sword, pointed to the sky and roared: "For the great king, for the great Qin! Wind! Wind! Wind!"

"For the king!"

"For Great Qin!"

"Wind! Wind! Wind!"

"Wind! Wind! Wind!"

The Qin army roared at the same time.

A dark golden dragon shadow condensed in the sky above the Da Qin military formation. Although it was not as magnificent, broad, and solid as the Da Yu military formation, it finally offset the sense of oppression brought by the Da Yu military formation.

However, perhaps even Lord Changping himself did not notice that the direction facing the phantom of the dragon was not him, but Qin Army General Xia Houfa.

Chang Pingjun just felt a little uncomfortable, but with the enemy in front of him, he couldn't care less.

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