Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 330 The decisive battle in the wilderness of Guangdu

The two armies collided without any fanfare.

In the middle, the Qin army fell into a disadvantage from the beginning.

The reason is simple. Gao Shun's legion is almost entirely composed of his descendants, the generals and guards of him and his descendants, and the trapped camps trained by them.

Gao Shun's original domain was trapped in the camp. In this world, Gao Shun combined the strengths of the "Blood-Blooded Ally" military formation and the "Armor and Strength" military formation on the basis of the Sun Bird military formation. After the fierce battle in Yingdu , has now been integrated and evolved again on the basis of the "Trapped Camp" military formation to form the "Sun Bird. Ambition to Trap" military formation, which is not only powerful in combat, but also has a special feature - life or death, as long as you are fighting If you don't get killed, you can maintain a strong or even peak combat effectiveness. Your combat effectiveness is not affected by injuries. As long as you can't kill someone, you will kill them.

This is even a more mature military formation than Yue Fei's.

After all, no matter how strong Yue Fei is, he can't compare to Gao Shun, a family of blood relatives who unite their will.

This is the victory of many children and many blessings!

It is worth mentioning that with the blessing of this military formation, Gao Shun, who has not yet reached the second level of mythology, has been able to exert the combat effectiveness of the third level of mythology.

This military formation's blessing to the general has exceeded that of most military formations in Dayu, and is second only to the Sun Bird Military Formation's blessing to Dong Huang.

Such an army, even if it is not as good as the elite soldiers of Qin at present, its future achievements will definitely not stop here. Compared with other elite legions of the Qin State at this stage, it is definitely not weaker, or even more than a little stronger.

Lord Changping's ordinary army elite collided with this army and were suppressed almost instantly.

This is an all-round suppression in terms of fighting will, combat effectiveness, combat skills, military formation strength, armor and defense, and even general abilities and average rank.

Although it cannot reach the level of crushing, the advantages are very obvious.

Moreover, during the battle, the Qin army also exposed a weakness, that is, they generally were not equipped with armor-breaking equipment such as war hammers.

The Qin army prefers to use spears and the like to forcibly pierce through armor, but this move is not very effective when it comes to the trapped camp. The three or even four layers of armor in the trapped camp are not to be boasted, but the Qin army's armor obviously does not. It's so thick. What's even more disgusting is that Yu Jun has no martial ethics.

Everyone bumped into each other and prepared to fight with spears. But one of you took out an ax or a bolas and threw it at the other person's head. After throwing it, you got closer, and then you took out another ax or hammer and continued. Who can bear to be hit on the head?

It would be fine if it was just a small axe, but there were a large number of warriors holding mo knives, long-handled battle axes, and maces in the trapped camp. As long as they were hit, both men and horses would be shattered.

The battle lasted no longer than a stick of incense, and the Qin army could no longer hold on.

The main force of the Qin Army is like this, let alone the auxiliary army.

The auxiliary army cannot be said to be defeated at the first touch, but it is basically unable to break the defense. It's a complete giveaway.

Their joining the battlefield only aggravated the chaos of the Qin army. The two wings with them were quickly defeated by the tens of thousands of troops trapped in the camp. The Qin army's twelve elite regiments of 5,000 men were about to be defeated by the Yu army's superior strength. It was in the shape of a crescent moon formation, surrounded on three sides.

It’s not that the Qin army’s guerrilla cavalry didn’t want to harass, but the army forcibly formed by the cavalry of these war agents could no longer keep up with the version. Even the sixth-level soldiers in the previous world, due to their physical strength, were in this world Under the density of spiritual energy, which is the level of an ordinary farmer, sixth-level war horses are just horses pulling carts in this world. They can't even wear the heavy armor in this world, because the weight of the heavy armor in this world is not what their bodies can handle. For normal wear.

The inability to evolve and improve on its own is the biggest weakness of space soldiers.

Even seventh-level soldiers, to Dayu, are just farming professionals who can be exploited without mercy.

This kind of cavalry wanted to attack the army formation where the aura of the 200,000 trapped camp was connected, but they were directly hit and killed by the aura before they could rush forward.

What's more, the rangers of Dayu Army are not just decorations.

Zhang He, Hua Xiong and other generals were overjoyed.

These are all achievements delivered to the door.

Especially Hua Xiong, after Dong Huang obtained the Chu State's Flying Bear Army formation, it was an epic enhancement for Hua Xiong, a fierce general of the Flying Bear Army in the Three Kingdoms era.

Although Hua Xiong was a cavalry general, he had actually been transferred to the commander of the Flying Bear Army, the first chariot force in Dayu.

This chariot force only has 5,000 troops, and it is far from reaching the level of Qin Ruishi's chariots. At most, it is the standard of ordinary chariots from various countries, but the chariots and soldiers in this world can already completely defeat the same number and the same level. The space cavalry came. Wherever Hua Xiong passed, the Qin army's rangers collapsed.

"Junhou, the warriors must attack!"

Xia Houfa asked for orders.

The strength of the Yu army exceeded Xiahoufa's expectations. Xiahoufa knew that it would be inappropriate to reveal all his cards so quickly, but if the sharp soldiers were not sent out, the Qin army in front would most likely collapse.

Xia Houfa had no choice.

Lord Changping also knew this truth, but he also had no choice.

Originally, they thought that even if the Yu Army had a legion, it would be similar to the elite legion of the Qin Army, but who would have thought that the strength of these people would be so terrifying!

This is equivalent to 200,000 quasi-regiers.

However, Changping Jun, the chariot soldier of the Yu army, didn't notice it.

"I always feel that Yu Jun's central army still has something."

Changping-kun clenched his fists.

It stands to reason that any 20,000 jihadi elephants can be seen by anyone without a fool, but Xi Zhicai's ability is "magic" - his field can hide and disguise troops.

The 20,000 holy war elephants will not disappear, but in the eyes of Lord Changping and others, they are just ordinary cavalry.


Xia Houfa asked for orders again.

Of course he knew there was a problem, but who made Da Qin underestimate the enemy from the beginning!

The middle road retreated step by step, and the Rangers suffered a direct defeat. The Dayu Rangers even had a posture of going back. Xia Houfa estimated that on the battlefield that could not be seen from here, Dayu's cavalry might have begun to circle back, and judging from the eliteness of Dayu's legions, the left and right wings might not be able to count on them either.

Now, the only chance of victory is for Rui to win. As long as the main force in the center wins, then even if the two wings are defeated, the battle is still won.

"Leave it all to the general!"

Lord Changping gave his sword to Xia Houfa.


Xia Houfa took the order and immediately organized his army to go to war.

He had experienced battles for a long time and did not choose to penetrate it head-on, because he was not sure whether he could successfully penetrate Gao Shun's thick heavy armor formation. Even if he could penetrate it, he would probably be defeated.

In fact, Gao Shun's troops not only had heavy armored infantry, but also 30,000 heavy cavalry in the middle. At least half of Gao Shun's troops are qualified to become heavy cavalry, and the rest can also be mounted infantry. However, the number of horses that Dong Huang's army can support the heavy cavalry limits the performance of Gao Shun's army.

Therefore, Xiahou Fa was right not to attack Gao Shunbu head-on.

Xiahou Fa, who liked to attack the enemy with weakness, targeted Hua Xiong's troops.

He wanted Hua Xiong's men to see what real car fighting was.

After defeating Hua Xiong's troops, he could go around to the flank of Yu's army, and with the high morale of his troops, he could rush straight to where Emperor Dayu's carriage was. Even if he couldn't capture Emperor Dayu, he could still force Emperor Dayu's carriage. If you retreat, then the battle will be stable.

Things were pretty much what Xia Houfa imagined.

His 30,000 warriors actually only had 3,000 chariots, which was smaller than Hua Xiong's. But when they launched a surprise attack on Hua Xiong's troops, they felt like a tiger rushing into a flock of sheep. , like the heavy cavalry rushing into the light cavalry formation.

This is not only a difference in the quality of the military formations, but more importantly, the level of tanks and troops on both sides is not on the same level.

[Sure enough, it was Hua Xiong who was beaten! 】

Dong Huang raised his eyebrows slightly.

Before the war, Jia Xu secretly reported the battle plan to Dong Huang. In Jia Xu's plan, Hua Xiong's troops were one of the back-up men used to lure the enemy.

In the real decisive battle, the Qin Army's trump card must be Qin Rui Shi, but in Jia Xu's view, it is unlikely that Qin Rui Shi will directly break through Gao Shun's thick and solid military formation. The Qin Army Rui Shi will definitely choose to attack from the front. Attack Yu Jia's army from the flank in a roundabout way.

It is possible for the Qin army to detour from both flanks, and Jia Xu has also made two preparations, but it is obvious that the Qin army is more likely to attack the vehicle formation head-on. Because compared to the cavalry formation, Dayu's chariot formation is obviously more immature, and in the understanding of this era, the chariot formation is the most elite military formation. Therefore, if the Yu army's chariot formation is defeated head-on, it will have a negative impact on the morale of the Qin army. The improvement is obvious, and according to Qin Jun's values, Yu Jun's morale will definitely drop drastically.

Therefore, the possibility of the Qin army's elite attacking the Yu army's chariots and soldiers is extremely high.

Of course, there is another metaphysical consideration that Jia Xu did not mention, that is, as long as there is Hua Xiong in the team, Hua Xiong will always be easily attacked, and then injured in various ways, and then save the day in various ways, and after sacrificing Hua Xiong , Yu Jun will always usher in a big victory.

The fact was just as Jia Xu guessed, the Qin army's elite soldiers launched an attack on Hua Xiong's chariots.

Hua Xiong's chariot was knocked apart during the collision with Xia Houfa's chariot. Hua Xiong screamed and flew into the air, then fell heavily. By coincidence, he fell into Han De's arms...

After a round of collision, the soldiers of the Qin army called them chickens and dogs.

That scene was like a Tiger tank meeting a Sherman tank. It was so beautiful that I couldn't bear to look at it.

Even Dong Huang and Jia Xu had their mouths twitching.

They knew that Dayu's chariot manufacturing technology was not up to par. The main reason was that the chariot's runes, wood, and metal structures were all specially made precision high-tech products, especially the runes, which were not simply copied from Chu's runes. That's it, they must be able to conform to the totem of Dayu's military formation, otherwise they will conflict with each other.

The issue of runes is also a technical problem that the Dayu Army urgently needs to overcome. This is not only related to chariots, but also the Zhuge Liannu produced in space. It is conceivable that in the future, weapons, armor, etc. will also need runes. Text blessing!

Runes can be seen as totem marks on equipment.

But I know that it is still a headache to be so tragic.

Fortunately, when the Qin army completed a frontal penetration, Dong Huangjun's trump card also reached the designated position.

Twenty thousand jihadist elephants suddenly revealed their true form.

After the Wujue was upgraded, Wu Tu Gu, who had reached ten meters, rode on a jihadist elephant that was more than ten meters high and led the jihadist elephant army to launch a charge.

If it was just an army that suddenly appeared, Qin Ruishi would not be too panicked, because some strange people or strange military formations could achieve this effect. The Qin army likes to defeat ten groups with one force, and the morale of the Qin army's elite formations is extremely stable.

However, what suddenly appeared was the alien Jihad Elephant.

Dong Huang's Holy War Elephant Legion, in addition to generals training soldiers Jihad Elephants, there are also a large number of natural human legions. These are veterans and old elephants who grew up from the world of the Three Kingdoms, Song, Liao, Jin and Xia. Because of the non-aging buff, their strength is It is constantly growing and has already become one with humans and elephants.

After coming to this world, many alien giant elephants and native barbarian elephant soldiers were introduced. After forming a military formation, their combat effectiveness was further improved.

Any one that can be pulled out is larger than the Qin Army's military chariot. With Dong Huang's personal presence, the tonnage of his own military formation and war elephants, and the bonus of the fanatical warriors on the elephants, the power of the Holy War Elephant Army Formation is no less than the top Qin Army's Ruishi Chariot. Array.

Not only that, the war elephants are also equipped with 20,000 Zhuge Company crossbowmen and 20,000 Divine Arm heavy crossbowmen. With the addition of the military formation, these heavy crossbows can completely break the defenses of the Qin Army's elite soldiers. .

Even though the defense of the Qin army's chariots was stronger due to the bonus of the chariots, the sharp soldiers who were not chariots suffered heavy casualties in an instant.

In the following head-on confrontation, after offsetting the bonus of the military formation, the terror of the holy war elephants can be more clearly demonstrated. The chariot soldiers were still defending against the attacks of the crossbowmen on the war elephants or preparing for collisions. As a result, their horses were directly hit by the trunks of the elephants. As soon as the choke was pulled, the car suddenly turned upside down, and then the war elephant trampled mercilessly.

Of course, there are some outstanding warriors in the Qin army, especially the veterans among the thousands of warriors. The driver can often combine the man and the carriage to create a drifting effect on the donkey carriage. The crossbowmen can also often launch fatal attacks on the shooters on the war elephants, and even It can shoot the war elephant in the eye, causing the war elephant to go crazy, but that's all.

The Qin army has elites, and everyone in the Holy War Elephant Corps is an elite, especially the more than a thousand people who can ride an elephant alone. These people are either members of the tribe with stubborn bones, or geniuses who have successfully returned to their ancestors and become witches after practicing witchcraft. , the average height of each person is eight meters, the average height of each person and elephant is three inches of heavy armor, and the thirty-meter-long Mo Dao, with one strike, all people, vehicles and horses will be shattered.

"Who dares to fight to the death with me?"

Wu Tu Gu, the leader, swept all the way, and there was no enemy in his path. In a short time, he had already penetrated the Qin army's formation.

"For Your Majesty!"

Seeing that there was no opponent in front of him, Wu Tu Gu roared and led his army straight towards the Qin army's central formation.

The Qin Army's Central Military Headquarters was suddenly shaken across the board.

There is only the last straw left before total collapse.

Xiahou Fa, who barely managed to kill Wu Tu Gu's men, felt sad when he looked at the few hundred chariots left under his command.

He knew very well that even if he counterattacked Wu Tu Gu's troops, it would be of no avail. At this time, there was only one chance of victory, and that was to charge directly at Dong Huang's chariot.

A general is brave, and a king is even more so.

Once Dong Huang's chariot moves, someone in the Yu army will inevitably rescue the chariot or be interested in the battle, causing problems in the battle formation, and there may even be a large-scale retreat.

Theoretically, even if it could only make Emperor Dayu's chariot move one step, it would be possible to turn the tide of the war.

For the sake of victory and the glory of the Qin Dynasty, Xia Houfa decided to make a desperate move.

"For Great Qin!"

Xiahoufa took the lead.

More than a hundred chariots under his command followed Xia Houfa and rushed towards Dong Huang with a desperate determination.

"Capture him alive!"

Dong Huang, who was watching six directions, said to the tiger idiot beside him.

"Got the order!"

Xu Chu laughed and led a group of Tiger and Ben troops towards Xiahou Fa.

When the Qin Army's central army encountered a major setback, the Qin Army's two wings could no longer hold on.

Zhang Liao and Wei Yan are both generals, and Wang Shuang is also a first-class brave general. The Qin army generals opposite them are not weak, but there is still a certain gap compared with them. In terms of legion formation, Zhang Liao and Wei Yan's troops are also stronger. Even better, especially Zhang Liao's 800 Xiaoyaojin dead soldiers, all ninth-level legion troops, following Zhang Liao invincibly. With all-round advantages in generals, military formations, and numbers, they didn't know how to lose.

Zhang Liao used frontal containment, flank and even rear cavalry attacks. After several pulls, he quickly found a fighter plane and split and defeated the Qin army on the opposite side in one fell swoop.

Not to mention the troops of Yue Fei and Pang De.

The Qin army on the opposite side had no resistance at all.

Even the rangers deployed by Lord Changping to disturb the enemy and pursue them were defeated by Dong Yue, Niu Jin and other troops.

When the 30,000 Qin Rui soldiers were defeated head-on by the 20,000 holy war elephant troops, the left and right wings of the Dayu Army basically defeated the Qin Army, and together with the rangers, encircled the Qin Army in the middle.

However, the two Yu armies on the left and right have not arrived yet. The elite Qin army, which was struggling to support the front, saw the sharp defeat, faced the powerful attack and defense power of the trapped camp, and was about to be surrounded by the trapped camp from both sides. Finally I couldn't hold on any longer.

The Qin army was defeated across the board.

Changping Jun wanted to draw his sword and kill himself. When his hand reached his waist, he realized that the sword had been given to Xiahou Fa. So he had a reason not to die and ran for his life with the remaining soldiers.

Chasing death and chasing north.

The huge number of space cavalry of the Yu army was finally put to use. Even Xu Chu, who was eager to try, and Hua Xiong, who came to ask for a fight without any serious problems, were sent out.

A chase involving hundreds of thousands of people was staged in the vast countryside of Miyako.

In this battle, the Yu army and navy didn't even have time to enter. The Qin army's 30,000 warriors and 150,000 elites were almost completely wiped out. Lord Changping only had more than a hundred retainers to guard him and auxiliary troops provided by some war agents. The cavalry escaped and ascended to heaven.

After the victory, Yu Jun's losses were completely within the acceptable range, and even Hua Xiong was not injured.

In terms of treatment, Hua Tuo's own field is related to the first aid of the army. Dong Huang also has a copy of the "Qing Sang Jing" sent by Hua Tuo, which also has therapeutic effects; Zhang Zhongjing also has healing abilities; Dong Huangjun also has a large number of military doctors; Dong Huangjun even has a veterinarian headed by Huangfu Duan who specializes in treating the riding animals.

After treating his own people, the Yu army even had enough energy to treat the Qin army's wounded, and asked the Qin army, who had been captured since the Battle of Yingdu, to come forward and speak out to further reduce the resistance of the Qin army prisoners and win over the Qin army's morale.

Even if these Qin troops cannot become Dayu's strength for a while, they will still be excellent for attacking people's hearts in the future.

As long as the Qin State knew that Dayu was a benevolent and righteous man who would not kill or mistreat prisoners, the Qin army would be less determined to fight to the death when facing Yu's army in the future.

The reason why Zhao State was able to fight to the death and burst out with strong combat effectiveness when facing Qin State was not because the Qin army trapped and killed Zhao State's 400,000 surrendered troops.

In this world, auxiliary soldiers are not considered soldiers. Those worthy of being killed by Bai Qi are definitely the elites of the legion, and a large part of them should be the Zhao Guozhenguo Legion.

With such a large-scale killing of prisoners, the whole Zhao Kingdom could only fight to the death.

His Majesty Emperor Dayu, who had won an epic victory and could win people's hearts with rewards based on merit, was just waiting for the army to march into Chengdu, which was loyal to him. However, as the defeated general, Changping Jun could only panic like a lost dog.

Changpingjun passed through Chengdu in a hurry and did not dare to enter. He fled all the way to Mianzhu Pass under the pursuit of the Yu army.

Facing the pursuing Yu army, Chengdu, which was outnumbered, surrendered to Dong Huang's army.

"Congratulations to Your Majesty by capturing Mianzhu Pass and the entire Shu region!"

Xu Chu, Hua Xiong and others who were in hot pursuit laughed and continued their pursuit.

Sure enough, Yu Jun easily captured Mianzhu Pass, and then Mianzhu City with its door open.

In this era, Mianzhu Pass and Mianzhu County were not actually one. Mianzhu Pass was located to the south of Mianzhu County and was the last pass to resist enemies from the Jinniu Road in the north entering Chengdu.

Mianzhu City is just a small town with no danger to defend.

As long as Mianzhu City is captured, the next big cities are Fu County and Zitong.

Further north from Zitong is Jiange and Jinniu Road, and nearby is Jiameng Pass, which has long been occupied by Yu Jun Huo Jun and Fan Mu.

This also means that once Zitong is captured and the Qin army is pursued all the way out of Jinniu Road, Dayu can directly attack Wudu and Hanzhong, which are empty of troops.

After taking Hanzhong, the heart of Da Qin will face the threat of the Yu army.

If this idea can be realized, it will undoubtedly be a huge achievement.

Dayu's army didn't even think about it, and immersed itself in the pursuit, rushing into Mianzhu City.

However, as the vanguard, Hua Xiong's troops had just moved in halfway, the gate of Mianzhu City suddenly closed, and many Qin troops appeared on the city wall, holding bows and crossbows, and started shooting.

The Yu army that entered the city immediately suffered heavy losses.

"There's an ambush!"

Hua Xiong was shocked.

As soon as he finished speaking, he was turned into a hedgehog by being focused on.


Hua Xiong's guards were shocked.

"It's okay, I'm wearing five layers of armor!"

Hua Xiong actually stood up from his dead horse with a roar, then raised his horse as a shield and retreated to attack the city gate.

"There won't be too many enemy troops. Let's storm the city wall and capture the city gate first! Our reinforcements are just outside the city!"

Hua Xiong shouted.

Hua Xiong had experienced so many narrow escapes from death that he had already become the well-deserved number one general of Dong Huang's army. He had never seen any big storms and waves, and he could judge the enemy's situation very keenly.

At the same time, the Yu army outside the city immediately realized that the situation had changed. Unfortunately, there was no engineering equipment. There was no way to do anything about the city gate for a while, and because of the lack of shields, even close to the city wall would cause heavy losses.

"Hu Benjun, follow me!"

At the critical moment, Xu Chu couldn't hold it in any longer.

Xu Chu got naked, holding a shield in one hand and a tiger sword in the other. With only his generals and guards, he fought under the rain of arrows to the city gate.

"Open it for me!"

Xu Chu yelled.

The angry sword, combined with the military formation and naked clothes, actually smashed the Mianzhu city gate into pieces.

"The general is mighty!"

The morale of the Yu army increased greatly.

"General Wang?"

Seeing the elite Yu troops filing in, the frightened Lord Changping couldn't help but look at Wang Jian beside him. Wang Jian was supposed to confront Xiang Yan in Bajun!

The other Qin people who escaped could not help but look at Wang Jian, whom they regarded as their savior.

Wang Jian looked at Mianzhu Pass in the distance, across the water from Mianzhu City.

There, there is one of his surprise troops.

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