Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 4 Zhen Ji’s Chastity Crisis

The next day.

Chongde front hall.

Dong Zhuo, who had a slightly frivolous step but was extremely energetic, walked up to the hall with swordsmen surrounded by Lu Bu, Dong Huang, Niu Fu, Li Ru and others.

Above the main hall, Queen Mother He, Liu Bian and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty had been waiting for a long time.

Queen Mother He's face was reddish with fear. After seeing Dong Zhuo and Dong Huang's uncle and nephew come in, her face turned pale again.

She knew that the moment had come to decide the fate of mother and son.

She didn't even dare to look at Dong Zhuo, who was famous for his cruelty. She only dared to secretly look at Dong Huang. Her watery peach blossom eyes were full of pity and begging, like a puppy about to be killed for meat.

Dong Huang was heartbroken, opened his mouth slightly, and said on his lips: "Have you brought a pen?"

Queen Mother He seemed to understand Dong Huang's lips, and nodded slightly, shyly and timidly, just like Pan Jinlian who met Ximen Qing for the first time. Her head was lowered, as if Pan Jinlian was trying to pick up the chopsticks, but was pinched by Ximen Qing. .

Compared to Queen Mother He, who had some clues in her heart, the young emperor Liu Bian was even more unbearable.

Liu Bian, who was naturally cowardly, had lowered his head before Dong Zhuo arrived. When Dong Zhuo arrived, he actually started fighting between the two sides, showing no dignity of the emperor at all. No wonder Dong Zhuo looked down on him.

As for the civil and military officials, they were much calmer than the Empress Dowager He, Liu Bian, mother and son.

It is undeniable that many of them had connections and discussed countermeasures, either out of loyalty or ambition, but the scholars had not rebelled for ten years. They were accustomed to intrigues and had no soldiers, so they finally chose Surrendered.

Of course, they will not admit that they are surrendering, they will only say that they have a useful life and are temporarily making peace with the thieves.

As soon as Dong Zhuo arrived, all the civil and military officials became quiet.

As Dong Zhuo announced the dethronement of the emperor, Grand Tutor Yuan Kai took off Liu Bian's seal and presented it to Chenliu King Liu Xie. Then he helped Liu Bian go down to the palace and asked Liu Bian to proclaim his vassalship to Liu Xie in the north.

The whole process was uneventful. Liu Bian was like a marionette. He did whatever Dong Zhuo and Yuan Wei asked him to do without daring to resist. However, Queen Mother He couldn't help crying when she saw her son being deposed.

After today, the one who will sit on the throne will be Liu Xie, who has a grudge against her for killing her mother! The person who listens to politics behind the curtain will also become the evil mother-in-law, Empress Dowager Dong, who has an extremely bad relationship with her!

She is afraid!

The only thing that comforted her was that Liu Bian was still a prince after all, and he was also the King of Hanzhong!

This is very different from Liu Bian's being named King Hongnong in history, and it also made Empress Dowager He and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty think about it.

Liu Bang, the founding emperor of the Han Empire, was the first King of Hanzhong!

This also led to the fact that in the Han Dynasty, the King of Hanzhong had a very special political meaning. Neither the founding emperor Liu Bang nor Liu Xiu of Guangwu Zhongxing had ever enfeoffed the King of Hanzhong.

To be precise, the orthodox emperors of the Han Dynasty never enfeoffed the King of Hanzhong!

The reason why Liu Bian was named King of Hanzhong was the result of Dong Zhuo's consultation with Dong Huang and the opinions of Li Ru and others.

Last night, Dong Zhuo, who was persuaded by Dong Huang, called his younger brother Dong Min and his sons-in-law Niu Fu and Li Ru to discuss the matter together.

Dong Huang's rhetoric about becoming a state pastor and becoming a king naturally impressed Dong Min, Niu Fu, and Li Ru, because they discovered that Dong Zhuo's men were the most likely to become a state pastor or even a king!

Whether it was for their own prosperity or the future of their descendants, the three of them fully supported Dong Huang's suggestions!

As for the risks and disputes of changing dynasties and causing chaos in the world, none of the three cared about it!

For these warriors, as long as they can be crowned kings, it doesn't matter even if the world returns to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period! The butt determines the head, Dong Huang's picture cake is too big, the appetite of these bumpkin has been completely whetted!

Dong Zhuo finally made Liu Bian the King of Hanzhong. First, if Liu Xie got out of control, it would be justifiable to depose or kill Liu Xie and then support another King of Hanzhong to take the throne.

Secondly, in order to build a plank road in secret, Chen Cang used Liu Bian as a cover to capture Hanzhong, march to Yizhou, and take control of Yizhou, the most suitable place for separatist rule, as a retreat.

As for who should be sent to serve as the pastor of Yizhou in the future, there was no fight among the people and they unanimously chose to let Dong Huang go.

The reason is that Li Ru has no military power and is Dong Zhuo's core plotter, so he can't leave at all; Dong Min has fallen in love with the colorful world of Luoyang and hasn't enjoyed it enough, and he prefers to go to Jizhou than to the remote and hot Yizhou. He was the local emperor in big states like Xuzhou, Xuzhou, and Yuzhou; Niu Fu was worried about his son-in-law's identity and did not dare to speak out without his wife's consent; Dong Huang himself had the intention of separatizing Yizhou and trying to survive!

But then again, whether it is the state pastor or the king, it is still just a backroom conspiracy. Whether it is Dong Zhuo, Li Ru and others, they all know that if they want to turn all this into reality, they have to wait for Dong Zhuo's authority. Only after it is stable.

Now that the abolition has been carried out, the opposition forces in the world will probably react soon!

Dong Zhuo and others didn't know how big the backlash was, but Dong Huang knew very well that in the near future, more than a dozen princes would come to attack Dong Zhuo!

If other war agents are included to make trouble from Zhongxingfeng, I am afraid there will be even more rebel princes!

This is a battle that is bound to happen, and at the same time, countless variables will inevitably arise due to the emergence of war agents.

It's not that Dong Huang doesn't want to strike first and get rid of several future main force seeking Dong in advance, but it's a pity that he doesn't have much room for maneuver.

Originally, Cao Cao, who should have been in Luoyang at this time in history, was persuaded by his war agent, or was afraid of Dong Huang during the fight for Mrs. Yin. He neither offered his sword like in the novel, nor quietly Waiting for the opportunity, he left the family behind and ran away ahead of time.

Yuan Shu didn't run away, but the living Yuan Shu was obviously more useful than the dead Yuan Shu. Dong Huang not only couldn't hurt him, but also protected him as much as possible! He even persuaded Dong Zhuo to make him a queen general.

As for Yuan Shao, he had been running for several days, but at that time Dong Zhuo had not completely controlled the army in Luoyang, and he needed the support of the Grand Tutor Yuan Wei, so he was strictly prohibited from attacking his opponent. When Dong Zhuo had the ability, he was beyond his reach.

Dong Huang secretly sent a group of cavalry to chase Yuan Shao, but Yuan Shao was prepared and brought many dead soldiers to cover him. In the end, Dong Huang missed a move and allowed Yuan Shao to cross Mengjin and escape to Jizhou.

The most annoying thing is that Yuan Shao's two older sons also fled to Jizhou, which directly caused Zhen Ji's chastity crisis.

It must be emphasized that Dong Huang is really not a wife lover, nor is he a maniac about giving away women. If there is even a chance that a goddess like Zhen Ji who has left a name in history, Dong Huang would still want the original one.

But the problem now is that even Cai Zhaoji, who lives in Luoyang, doesn't even have a horoscope, let alone Zhen Ji!

All Dong Huang could do was to make up for the situation by taking Zhen Ji's brother Zhen Yan, who was still in Luoyang, as his concubine. By the way, Zhen Ji's eldest sister Zhen Jiang, who stayed in Luoyang, was taken as his concubine.

As for Zhen Jiang, a girl, why did she not stay in her hometown of Wuji instead of coming to Luoyang? It was because Zhen Yan felt that Zhen Jiang was extremely beautiful and would captivate the country, and wanted to give her to a real dignitary. Use it as a foundation for advancement!

The Wuji Zhen family is a noble family with an official rank of two thousand shi. They are the kind of scholars who are neither above nor below. As Zhen Yan's father, who was the county magistrate, died young and his eldest brother died young, the Wuji Zhen family became more and more in decline.

Of course, the decline here refers to the decline of the officialdom. In Wuji, they were still the Tu Emperor, and they were also the Tu Emperor who was extremely wealthy. They were far more arrogant and arrogant than the Mi clan in Xuzhou.

After all, the Mi family was just rich businessmen and powerful people for generations and could not be considered a ruling class of scholars, but the Zhen family had only two thousand stones for hundreds of years, so there was no comparison at all.

But for a lower-middle-class noble family like the Zhen family, if they cannot get an official position in one or two generations, they may soon be reduced to a powerful man with almost no possibility of becoming an official.

So, as soon as the filial piety was over, Zhen Yan rushed to Luoyang with a huge sum of money and his sister to look for opportunities.

He finally found a way to become General He Jin's general, and he wanted to rely on this platform to get to know powerful people, increase his connections, send his sister out, and become a successful person!

As a result, He Jin was clicked before his sister was sent out!

Afterwards, Luoyang was in chaos, and Zhen Yan became a rootless duckweed.

When Dong Huang came to the door in person with hundreds of ferocious Liangzhou warriors, on the condition that he could save his life today and at least become a high-ranking official of Jiuqing in the future, he easily persuaded Zhen Yan to become his chief secretary.

Forced by the sword, Zhen Yan also happily presented his eldest sister Zhen Jiang and the huge dowry that she had prepared long ago.

As a result, Zhen Jiang became the first woman in the world to be hit by Dong Huang with a bloody head, and she was also Dong Huang's first attendant!

One thing to say, it’s really smooth!

However, relying on this relationship alone, it is tantamount to wishful thinking to ask the Zhen family to abandon their centuries-old foundation and invest in it. Even wanting Zhen Yan's younger brother and four other sisters to come over would be a fool's errand. Absolutely impossible.

No wealthy family would put their eggs in one basket, let alone the Dong family’s broken basket!

Therefore, Dong Huang could only put aside his plan to develop Luo Shen and concentrate on dealing with the current situation.

The top priority now is to increase strength and deal with the crisis when the princes challenge Dong.

After all, with so many war agents participating, no one can guarantee that this time the feudal princes will fail!

Dong Huang must prepare for the worst and be fully prepared!

The first step is to further gather the troops in Jingzhao and eliminate the surrounding threats.

Since Dong Zhuo incorporated the Central Army and annexed Ding Yuan's army, there is no military force near Luoyang that can threaten Dong Zhuo. The eight passes of Luoyang that defend Luoyang are also in the hands of Dong Zhuo's henchmen, but near Luoyang, there are still There are threats from Jingzhao Yin Gaixun, Baibo Thief and Huangfu Song.

Although Yin Gaixun in Jingzhao does not have many troops, he still has seven or eight thousand men. He is stationed in Jingzhao, which is completely on the side of the couch. Huangfu Song, who is stationed in Fufeng County, has more than 30,000 men, and a large part of them are Sanhe Knights with rich combat experience. and veterans who had conquered the Yellow Turban Army and the Qiang people.

If the two of them raise troops from within when the princes are attacking Dong, it will be troublesome.

As for the Baibo thieves, they are a remnant of the Yellow Turbans who rebelled in the Baibo Valley. Their leader is named Guo Tai, and his troops are said to be one hundred thousand. Excluding the old, weak, women and children, the number of combatable soldiers is probably 20,000 to 30,000, although it is not a huge number. How powerful, but also a threat.

Dong Huang's suggestion was to ascend the throne openly and surrender secretly, first with courtesy and then with troops, summon Huangfu Song and Gai Xun to serve as high-ranking officials in the court, separate them from the army, and then send people to recruit his army.

On the Baibo bandit side, Lu Bu was asked to lead his own troops to attack. On the one hand, Lu Bu's troops and horses were consumed, and on the other hand, Lu Bu took advantage of Lu Bu's absence to complete the real integration of the remaining Bingzhou soldiers.

Dong Zhuo fully accepted Dong Huang's suggestions and arranged for Dong Huang to recruit Huangfu Song and Gai Xun's troops. At the same time, he also hinted to Dong Huang that these people and the troops under Dong Huang's current control would be the backbone of his entry into Shu. Dong Huang can go to Hanzhong first in the name of escorting Liu Bian, the king of Hanzhong, to return to the country. When he can take the opportunity to enter Shu, he can directly enter Shu to capture Yizhou.

Dong Zhuo's promise made Dong Huang overjoyed!

In this troubled world, soldiers are the only kings! Although these people under Huangfu Song and Gai Xun are not as good as the elites from He Jin's army, the Eighth School of Xiyuan, and the Bingzhou Army, these 40,000 people are not qualified to divide the above armies. The power cannot be underestimated.

With these people as the backbone, if we can really take the opportunity to enter Shu, relying on the special position of the Kingdom of Abundance, we will definitely be able to survive for three years!

Dong Huang could not wait to send Queen Mother He and Liu Bian to Hanzhong now.

However, the strategy has just been decided now, and all he can do is to send Queen Mother He, Liu Bian, and his favorite maids, concubines, and palace treasures out of the palace first.

After all, the palace was to be moved out to the young emperor Liu Xie.

As for where the Empress Dowager He and others who had been moved out would live temporarily, Dong Huang thought about it and decided to send them to the mansion of the late General He Jin.

Is it reasonable to send your sister to your late brother's mansion to receive his late brother's inheritance?

On the way to He Jinfu, in order to fulfill his duty as a courtier and comfort the Queen Mother He who was frightened by being deposed, Dong Huang reluctantly got into the carriage of the Queen Mother He.

Seeing Dong Huang come in, Queen Mother He, who had not yet taken off her uniform, quickly put on a flattering smile and asked, "General, are you here to check whether I have a pen with me?"

"Then did you bring it?"

Dong Huang raised Queen Mother He's smooth chin.

Originally, he was about to forget about this matter. Since Queen Mother He took the initiative to advance, there must be some surprises.

"I have no repayment for the general's kindness in saving my life. I will always keep the general's orders in mind!"

Queen Mother He knelt in front of Dong Huang and carefully took out the writing brush.

"The Queen Mother, you are so good!"

Dong Huang pinched Queen Mother He's cheek with satisfaction, and then opened the curtain of the carriage a crack.

"Queen Mother, please appreciate the prosperity of Luoyang more. It will be difficult to see it in the future!"

Dong Huang asked Queen Mother He to expose her head from the crack in the curtain.

Admiring the prosperity of the human world that she had never seen since entering the palace, Queen Mother He knew that her life was saved. She completely relaxed physically and mentally, and her face gradually became rosy.

Please read it!

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