Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 5 Nothing to do today, why listen to music at home?

He Mansion.

The great general's mansion, which used to be a place of great splendor, filled with chatter and laughter, where the powerful came and went, has completely declined. The purple door has long been dilapidated, and traces of weapons can be faintly seen on it.

After He Jin was killed during the Shi Changshi Rebellion, He's mansion suffered an attack, and all of He Jin's sons died tragically.

He Jin's general Wu Kuang firmly believed that the death of He Jin and He Jin's son were inseparable from He Jin's half-brother He Miao.

After protecting the women and children of He Jin's family, Wu Kuang, together with Yuan Shao, Cao Cao and others, led troops to attack and kill the chariot general He Miao.

After that, Dong Zhuo controlled all the military power in Luoyang. The Liangzhou soldiers, with Dong Zhuo's deliberate connivance, wreaked havoc, not only causing great harm to ordinary people, but also almost humiliating the women and children of He Jin's family.

Today, among the powerful Empress Dowager He's father's family, half-general He Jin, half-mother Chariot General He Miao, and their direct blood relatives have been wiped out. A group of women and children who looked like frightened birds.

Among these frightened birds, of course, was He Jin's daughter-in-law, Mrs. Yin, who was famous for her beauty.

Whether in history or in novels, Mrs. Yin should be robbed by He Jin's former subordinate Cao Cao. Also robbed was He Yan, the grandson of He Jin who was born by Mrs. Yin.

In this world, Thief Cao has of course fallen in love with his boss's daughter-in-law early on, but he just kept tossing and turning because he had no chance.

Seeing that his old boss's family was in trouble, Cao Cao realized that the opportunity had come, and he couldn't wait to send warmth to his boss's son. He was afraid that his boss's son would be frozen in the underworld, so he decided to give his boss's son a warm hat full of vitality. hat.

It was just a coincidence that on the night when Cao Cao came to rob Mrs. Yin, Dong Huang's troops also happened to arrive at He Mansion.

Facing the wolves and tigers of the Liangzhou soldiers, Cao Cao's beauty did not dare to give in. She immediately climbed over the wall and ran away. When she climbed over the wall, she was shot in the buttocks by the Liangzhou soldiers. Thanks to Cao Hong and others who were loyal enough to save their lives, otherwise that would have been the case. Cao Cao will explain it later.

However, Cao Hong was not so lucky and was captured and imprisoned by Dong Huang.

After the incident involving the Cao thief, Mrs. Yin and others were naturally taken under Dong Huang's protection.

It's just that at that time, Dong Huang was busy getting familiar with the army and winning people's hearts, and he also had to deal with Zhen Jiang, who was new to the world. He also had to fulfill his duties as a minister and take care of the widow of Han Ling Emperor. He was exhausted every day and had no time left. Soothe the loneliness deep in the hearts of Mrs. Yin and others.

Dong Huang's ignorance directly led to the difficult life of He's family.

He Jin and his sons died one after another, and the He family suffered many military disasters. All the men in the He family were killed or injured. Even Mrs. Yin's one-month-old son He Yan died of a convulsion.

In the He Mansion that used to be bustling with people, now only a few old and weak women and children are left to join the group to keep warm, waiting hard for someone to come and bring warmth.

However, because Dong Huang didn't care much about Mrs. Yin, and just had the attitude of "if you have time, just check in and check in, if you don't have time, forget it", so not only did the survivors of the He family not wait for anyone to send warmth, they even Even the supply of food is not sufficient.

From being well-dressed and well-fed to being hungry for nine meals in three days, the difference is incomprehensible to outsiders.

At this time, He Mansion was like a huge prison to these survivors.

You can't see the future at all, you have no support at all. Not only may you starve to death, but you may also be killed, and you may even be bullied by the Liangzhou soldiers with green eyes and even become a military prostitute and receive military honors!

Under this situation, the surviving family members of the He family were almost unable to hold on any longer, and they wished that someone who could provide them with good clothing and food would come to them as soon as possible to provide them with warmth.

Of course Mrs. Yin could hardly hold on any longer.

At the very beginning, Mrs. Yin, who had extraordinary confidence in her appearance, firmly believed that as long as Dong Huang could see her beauty, everything would be possible.

However, as the time in captivity grew longer and longer, Mrs. Yin became more and more anxious and frightened!

Her self-confidence was based on the fact that Dong Huang was a lustful man who could take a fancy to her and take her as his concubine. But now that she couldn't even see Dong Huang in person, what could she do?

No matter how beautiful Wang Zhaojun was, he could only go out to the fortress and get married if he could not see Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty. He was succeeded by a barbarian father and his son after his death and had children!

Mrs. Yin is really scared!

At this time, Mrs. Yin and others are like frightened eagles, they just want to wag their tails at their master and beg for mercy!

Sometimes she even thinks that it would be good even if she was snatched away by those Liangzhou soldiers at this time, at least she no longer has to endure the mental torture!

However, this suffering has lasted for less than half a month and has not ended.

If the desire to survive alone had not occupied Mrs. Yin's heart and she did not have the courage to commit suicide, another death might have happened in He Mansion.

Fortunately, everything seems to be coming to fruition today!

Not long ago, news came from the Liangzhou soldiers responsible for guarding: the deposed young emperor Liu Bian and the Queen Mother He will temporarily reside in He Mansion under the escort of the guard Dong Huang! General Dong ordered Mrs. Yin and the surviving family members of the He family to prepare to welcome the Queen Mother He!

"The emperor has been deposed?"

"Where is Dong Huang going to escort the deposed emperor and the Queen Mother?"

"Then what will we do in the future? Where will we live? Are we going to be maids serving the deposed emperor and deposed empress?"

"It is said that Queen Mother He is a cruel and cruel guy!"

In the lobby of the backyard, the surviving members of the He family gathered together, chattering like ducks about to be slaughtered in a meeting.

This news is really shocking.

That is the deposed emperor!

What worries them more than the news of the deposed emperor is where they will go next!

His own home was occupied by the deposed emperor and the Queen Mother He. Could they be driven away? Or will they be divided up by the Liangzhou soldiers on the spot, with the pretty ones turned into camp prostitutes, those of suitable age serving as slaves, and the useless ones beheaded as military merit?

"For the current plan, we can only find a way to see General Dong and convince General Dong!"

Mrs. Yin, who still had some sense, gritted her teeth and said: "Since General Dong protected us, it means that he still has thoughts about us! Whether he has forgotten us or has other thoughts, we must take the initiative and attack Try to please General Dong as much as possible, otherwise..."

"How about otherwise?"

Mrs. Yin's sister-in-law He Yan asked frightenedly.

"Anyway, he won't die easily. At most, he will become the plaything of those Liangzhou soldiers. What can we do?" Mrs. Yin sighed with a wry smile.

Although I don't want to admit it, under this situation, it is the best result to get Dong Huang's favor.

So, when Dong Huang came to He Mansion, Mrs. Yin brought her a surprise.

"My concubine Yin Qing and the guilty daughter of He family have met the general!"

The graceful and graceful Mrs. Yin, wearing a pretty mourning dress, knelt at Dong Huang's feet, her watery eyes seemed to be filled with thousands of emotions.

Behind her, the most capable woman in the He family had already been dressed up carefully, wearing thoughtful and gorgeous clothes. She knelt down after Mrs. Yin, each of her graceful curves showing off her charm.

But at this moment, Dong Huang only had Mrs. Yin in his eyes.

The look in her eyes confirmed that she is a woman who can become an attendant!

In order to get one more attendant, Dong Huang had no choice but to sacrifice his male sex!

Of course, Dong Huang will not suffer a lot, after all, Mrs. Yin is indeed a very fascinating woman.

She was eighteen years old, which was the most beautiful time for a girl. Although she was married and had children because of this era, this did not damage her charm. On the contrary, it gave her a maturity in her youthful vitality at the age of a girl. Touching charm.

The combination of girlish charm and young womanly charm creates a unique charm. No wonder even Cao Cao is itchy and Dong Dong is moved by it!

What's even better is that she is wearing a simple and sincere short-sleeved mourning dress, which makes her look particularly dazzling among all the flowers!

If a girl wants to be pretty, she must be filial!

The ancients never deceived me!

Dong Huang counted with his fingers, he had nothing to do today, so he just ticked the bar... Bah, why listen to music in his house.

Listen to a daylight song first!

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