At this moment, Liu Pan seemed to have completely ignored the generals under Dong Huang's army who were killing everyone in Suanzao. He also ignored that not long ago, he was chased by Dong Huang's army and was as panic-stricken as a lost dog.

Wen Wu is the best and Wu Wu is not the second. Liu Pan feels that the generals such as Yan Liang and Wen Chou were killed in the Battle of Jujube because they were not strong enough and not as brave as him. As for Chaoge's defeat, it was not his fault, after all. He was not the commander-in-chief, and Liu Biao did not listen to him.

After all, until now, he has never had a real fight with Dong Huangjun.

He is not convinced!

Also dissatisfied was Shen Pei.

Shen Pei has been in Yecheng. He did not participate in the Battle of Suanzao, the Battle of Luoyang, and the Battle of Chaoge. The only battle he had with Dong Huangjun was a great victory. He ambushed and killed Zhang Ji, the general of Dong Huangjun!

In his opinion, Dong Huangjun was nothing more than that, and the previous defeat was purely due to his failure to participate.

After all, all the other counselors under the princes are useless!

In this way, of the two generals Liu Biao left in Yecheng, one believed that the other generals under the princes were useless, and the other believed that the other counselors under the princes were useless. The two hit it off and decided that Liu Pan would take the initiative with 5,000 men. They went out to attack, while Shen Pei stayed at the city wall to beat drums and cheer.

So a fierce collision happened under Yecheng!

Liu Pan, who had never fought a cavalry head-on, experienced the power of a heavy cavalry group charge for the first time.

Zhang He, who was eager to make a contribution, personally led the cavalry to attack Liu Pan's troops who had not yet completed their formation.

Facing the overwhelming cavalry, Liu Pan's troops, who were already panicked and had poor morale, suddenly went into chaos. Some people even dropped their weapons and prepared to escape.

"Death to those who run away!"

Liu Pan asked his own soldiers to act as supervisors and killed more than a dozen people in a row. Only then did he stop his tendency to flee without fighting.

"Pikemen, quick!"

Liu Pan, who finally reorganized his army, shouted.

Although the spearmen are not really able to defeat the cavalry, the spear array still has a certain deterrent effect on the cavalry - of course, if the cavalry foolishly rushes forward.

However, Zhang He, who was known for his clever tactics, was obviously no fool.

Zhang He, who used the cavalry like a finger, split the command post into two, avoided the frontal spear formation, and rushed to both sides of Liu Pan's army. At the same time, a small number of two hundred cavalrymen drew out their short spears and threw them at Liu Pan's weak point.

These spear-throwing heavy cavalry were Zhang He's special unit, the Euphorbia cavalry. Although they were small in number, they were rare elites. A heavy spear attack immediately opened a gap in the weak spot of Liu Pan's army's flanking gun array.

Immediately, these elite iron riders armed with long halberds poured in from the gap and tore a big hole in Liu Pan's army formation! More cavalry poured in through this gap, quickly disrupting Liu Pan's army's formation.

"General, we can't go on like this!"

Wang Kai, Liu Biao's prospective son-in-law, urged anxiously.

Although Liu Panjun's casualties so far have only been a few hundred, the momentum and morale of Dong Zhuojun have been lost to Dong Zhuojun. Coupled with the natural psychological pressure of Wu Ma when facing Arima, Liu Panjun has obviously fallen into a huge disadvantage.

However, although Wang Kai tried to persuade him, it was in vain to ask him for advice, because he himself was not a person who was good at military strategy!

In fact, not only his military strategy, but also his literary talent was far inferior to that of his younger brother Wang Can. It is not an exaggeration to say that he was not as good at literature as he was at martial arts. Being able to become Liu Biao's son-in-law all depended on a good skin!

"I know!"

Liu Pan pondered for a moment.

Of course he understood that the situation was critical now, and he had no idea that his soldiers were so weak.

The matter has come to this, and there is no use regretting it. Liu Pan gritted his teeth and made up his mind: "You take command here in my place and watch me kill the enemy general!"

After saying that, Liu Pan shouted: "Shanyang Liu Pan is here, will the thief general dare to fight me to the death?"

With this loud shout, Liu Pan rushed towards Zhang He with only 300 cavalry under his command. Obviously, he wanted to kill Zhang He and win this battle!

"The thief is so brave!"

Seeing that the enemy general took the initiative to challenge him, Zhang He was not surprised but overjoyed.

In the past few days, Zhang He was anxious when he saw that the generals under Dong Huang's command had made great achievements one by one. He didn't want to let go of this achievement!


Zhang He waved his hand.

The generals, guards and the Euphorbia cavalry under their command simultaneously reached for the short spears behind them, and then used the inertia of the cavalry to throw them out.

With the blessing of speed, the short spear showed strong inertia and impact. The armor of Liu Pan's cavalry could not resist it. In just one wave, more than fifty cavalry fell off their horses, and the formation was instantly in chaos.

Immediately afterwards, the cavalry from both sides charged together.

This is another battle with huge disparity. Zhang He's Euphorbia cavalry are heavy cavalry with tall horses and rich fighting experience. However, Liu Pan's troops are far inferior to the Euphorbia cavalry in terms of horses, cavalry morale, weapons, and armor. After a collision, Liu Pan lost another Hundreds of people were killed, while Zhang He only lost a dozen people.

What shocked Liu Pan even more was that after a brief fight with Zhang He, he found that he was not as good as Zhang He in terms of martial arts and strength.

This made Liu Pan couldn't help but want to quit.

However, how could Zhang He let him go?

Zhang He turned his horse again and charged towards Liu Pan, but this time there were more cavalry around him!

"So strong! So fast!"

Liu Pan, who was completely suppressed, found that the situation was not good!

He didn't expect that Dong Huang's cavalry was so much stronger than his personal guards! In the blink of an eye, he was about to be surrounded.

This is no fun!

Liu Pan was helpless, but he couldn't bear to abandon all his men and run away, so he could only bite the bullet and rush towards Zhang He!

But this time, his luck was not very good. Faced with another spear thrown by the Euphorbia cavalry, Liu Pan was unable to escape. A spear penetrated his lower abdomen, and was immediately pierced by Zhang He who was flying towards him. throat!

Liu Pan died like this, which was very painful for Wang Kai, who was still commanding the infantry!

Wang Kai's tribe was already on the verge of collapse under the impact of the cavalry. When Zhang He killed Liu Pan and blossomed in the center of Wang Kai's tribe, the collapse of Wang Kai's tribe was inevitable. They fled frantically towards Yecheng.

Zhang He did not rush to annihilate these deserters, but kept driving them behind, hoping to take the opportunity to break through the city gate.

"As long as you occupy the city gate! The first victory will be mine!"

Zhang He, who was driving Wang Kai away, had a smile on his face!

However, the smile on Zhang He's face quickly solidified! Because he saw the city gate of Yecheng close at hand being closed, hundreds of sharp arrows were suddenly shot from the city tower, not only killing many of Liu Biao's troops who were attacking the city gate, but also killing several who were chasing after them too hastily. Dong Huang's cavalry.

"Damn it!"

Zhang He cursed secretly and glanced bitterly at the scribes who appeared at the top of the city. Under the threat of the second wave of arrows, he had no choice but to withdraw his troops.

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