Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 46 Betrayal (please follow up)

Except for King Zhou of Shang who spoke Shang Yin dialect, no normal person would use cavalry to attack a city.

Zhang He could only drive two to three thousand prisoners and return to Dong Huang.

Dong Huang, who watched the whole battle, was not disappointed that Zhang He failed to capture the city gate.

Dong Huang actually knew very well that there was only one chance to seize Yecheng, and that was when Zhang Ji was able to capture the city unexpectedly that night.

As a result, Zhang Ji not only failed to break the city, but was also killed by a stray arrow.

Dong Huang could only lament that time is fate.

Zhang Ji in history was killed by a stray arrow. Unexpectedly, Zhang Ji in this world also died by a stray arrow!

"That's the ambush and killing of Zhang Ji's Shenpei Shen Zhengnan, right? The army is encamped and besieging the city! Today, day and night, let the Jizhou prisoners shout to persuade them to surrender, and tomorrow morning we will drive the Jizhou prisoners to attack the city!"

Dong Huang glanced at the scribes at the top of the city from a distance and ordered.

Dong Huang decided to use a heart attack strategy.

This time it was not Jia Xu’s suggestion, but Dong Huang’s own idea.

In the age of cold weapons, the best way to deal with a fortified city is to attack the heart and let the fortress be breached from within! This is the most time-saving and labor-saving way to reduce casualties!

In history, Shen Pei was famous for guarding Ye City. If it weren't for the betrayal by the traitor, Cao Cao might not have been able to capture Ye City!

The situation today is different from that in history.

Today's defense in Yecheng is worse, the army is weaker, and morale is lower. The possibility of instigating more traitors through attack is higher!

People are greedy for life and afraid of death. When it comes to deciding the life and death of themselves and their whole family, how many people would be willing to fight to the end for a so-called lord who escaped alone?

Dong Huang was very confident in his plan to attack people's hearts.

Standing on the tower, Shen Pei had no idea what was waiting for him! At this time, he was about to be pissed off by Liu Pan!

In order to boost the morale of the army, before Liu Pan went to the battle, Shenpei specially invited some powerful figures in Yecheng and the heads of big families to watch the battle, hoping that Liu Pan could really win, thus giving these people a certain degree of confidence!

However, the facts slapped Shen Pei hard in the face.

Seeing the grim expressions of all the powerful people in Ye City, Shen Pei could only reason and express his feelings: "Everyone, Dong Zhongying is cruel and unkind. He brings trouble to the court and oppresses the people. His nephew Dong Baijie is even more cruel, wanton and lustful. Cheng Xing, once you enter Yecheng, you will definitely be devastated! By then, your family may not be able to avoid the fate of men being slaughtered and women becoming playthings!"

The judgment is half a warning and half a statement of facts.

Dong Jiajun's notoriety has spread all over the country, no matter how dark it is!

Seeing the hesitant eyes of these powerful people in Yecheng under his deception, Shen Pei breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that these cowards had listened.

"For the sake of the world, for the people of Yecheng, and for the sake of everyone's wealth and life, we absolutely cannot let Dong Huang's army invade the city! Dong Huang's army has come from afar, and the road back is unstable, and it will not last long! And Liu Jizhou We have already instigated Lu Bu, the general of Dong Zhuo's army, and formed an alliance with Gongsun Zan and others. As long as we stick to the time, reinforcements will come soon!"

"Didn't you hear about Emperor Guangwu's battle in Kunyang?"

Finally, Shen Pei emphasized his tone and deceived while the iron was hot.

Shen Pei didn't know whether Lu Bu had really surrendered, and he wasn't sure whether Gongsun Zan and others would come back, but the matter was at this point, and he could only lie for a day!

The reason why Shen Pei defended the city so hard was not to repay Liu Biao for his kindness. In fact, he and Liu Biao had not met several times. He did this, firstly, for the sake of his full name, secondly, because his butt determines his head, and he dislikes Liangzhou barbarians like the Dong family; thirdly, he wanted to prove his ability, and he wanted to be a person who could support the building from falling. .

In Shen Pei's view, although Liu Pan was defeated with his main force, if he could gather the private soldiers of the aristocratic families in Ye City, it would not be a problem to gather another 20,000 people! By gathering all the private soldiers and using them uniformly, it can not only prevent some aristocratic families with evil intentions from rebelling and surrendering to Dong Zhuo, but also make up for the lack of troops to a certain extent and buy time for Liu Biao to prepare reinforcements.

However, the judge who has not experienced a real battle is still too naive!

When Dong Huangjun drove tens of thousands of prisoners captured in the First Battle of Chaoge to shout at the gates of Yecheng, Yecheng suddenly fell into a huge panic, and any courage that the wealthy family had just inspired by the trial disappeared.

At this time, the defenders of Yecheng finally recalled Dong Huang's reputation!

It’s not a fight of the same level at all!

Some knowledgeable people have also begun to criticize, "Liu Xiu personally participated in the Battle of Kunyang. Where is Liu Biao now?"

People in Yecheng were panicked.

Outside Yecheng, Chao Ge surrendered his troops and desperately promoted Dong Huang's army's policy: within three days, no one would commit any crime in the family of those who surrendered; within three days, if there were no surrenders, all the men would be killed after the city was broken, and all the women would be killed. All of them are acting as military prostitutes!

Dong Huang also made a list of the top families in Yecheng with the help of Zhen Yan, and directly threatened these families!

Of course, Shenpei also realized Dong Huang's sinister intentions, accelerated the pace of integrating the army in the city, and replaced many generals who did not look so reassuring with his own family's generals.

On the first day, under the high pressure of the judges, no one in Yecheng came out to surrender.

In this regard, Dong Huang did not feel disappointed, but drove the prisoners to begin a tentative attack on the city.

In this day's attack, the prisoners suffered thousands of casualties, filled in several trenches, and filled in a wide road on the moat.

Although the city defenders controlled by Shenpei successfully defended the city, the situation was not much better than that of the prisoners who were coerced by Dong Huang. This ragtag group of people who lacked training and had their own thoughts did not take advantage of the city defenders. , but there were deserters.

Although Shenpei managed to defeat the attacking troops with strong suppression, Shenpei also understood that he might not be able to hold on for long!

Shen Pei already regretted his bravery, but when it came to this, he couldn't just accept it, right? He wants to lose face when interrogating someone.

Shen Pei still wants to hold on, but the wealthy people in Yecheng already hate Shen Pei: You are trying to judge someone who wants to be a loyal minister, why should we die!

However, they also have concerns about asking them to surrender at all costs! They were not only afraid that Dong Zhuo would be liquidated in the future if he lost power, but they were also afraid that they would not be able to maintain their position or even be massacred after surrendering.

In short, it is the kind of mentality that wants benefits but is unwilling to take risks.

However, not everyone is hesitant here. There is one person who is very determined to surrender!

This man's name is Shen Rong, and he is the nephew of the city guard general Shen Pei!

Thanks to book friend You Xingshen for the 500-point reward!

Thanks to the book friend Retro Serving for the 200-point reward!

Thanks to the book friend Lazy Pork Ribs and Huangpu Tiancheng for the 100-point reward!

Thank you book friends for your monthly votes!

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