Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 92 Yunnan cannot live without an outlet to the sea (Second update, please subscribe)

Dong Huang actually had another advantage when he personally led the troops on the expedition, and that was the characteristics of being close to and controlling barbarians that Dong Huang got from the twin barbarian girls!

These two characteristics can greatly increase Dong Huang's affinity towards the barbarians. When commanding the barbarian units in combat, the combat effectiveness of the barbarian units will increase by 20%.

As for the safety issue that Dong Huang is worried about, is Dian Wei + Xu Chu + Zhao Yun + Hua Tuo + Chen Dao + Fu Wei + the one hundred most powerful doctors in Yizhou + three lieutenants + enough medicinal materials + good hygiene habits enough? ?

Dong Huang even went to great lengths to distill high-strength wine and soaked Artemisia annua and garlic in the high-strength wine.

With Dong Huang's limited knowledge of pharmacology, he didn't know whether he could get artemisinin and allicin in this way, but it was a psychological comfort after all.

Dong Huang has decided that all generals who go on an expedition must wash their hands with warm water before meals and after using the toilet, and do not drink raw water or eat raw food. Grass and other commonly used mosquito repellent methods in ancient times are used to repel mosquitoes.

In addition, officers must sleep under mosquito nets at night, and senior generals drink some spirits soaked in medicine every day. Wherever the forward passes, vegetation that is likely to breed mosquitoes near the road must be cut down and burned, and stagnant puddles must be buried or buried. Sprinkle quicklime inside.

If anyone in the army has fever, diarrhea or other discomfort, they must also be isolated and treated.

In short, the timid Dong Huang has tried every means, even if it is slower and more expensive.

Dong Huang knew very well that the biggest enemy in pacifying the Southern Barbarians was not the enemy, but the climate and environment.

In order to further reduce the impact of the climate environment, Dong Huang delayed sending troops until autumn when the climate was relatively cool and dry.

Compared with the meticulous preparations, Dong Huang's requirements for the selection of generals were much lower.

Except for the generals of the Imperial Guard Huben, Dong Huang almost did not choose other generals who were full of loyalty and had great achievements in battle. Instead, he chose a combination of generals mainly composed of newly discovered talents in Yizhou. Jia Xu and those generals basically They were all left to look after the house.

Just like the prime minister's troops in history divided into three groups to attack Nanzhong, Dong Huang also divided his troops into three groups.

The total strength of the West Route Army is 100,000, including 10,000 imperial guards, 10,000 Wudang flying troops, 10,000 Qingqiang soldiers, 20,000 northern elites and 50,000 Yizhou soldiers.

Dong Huang personally commanded this route. The main generals were Dian Wei, Xu Chu, Zhao Yun, Pang De, Gan Ning, Yan Xing, Hua Tuo, Chen Dao, Fu Xu, Wang Shuang, Niu Jin, Pang Rou, Wu Yi, and Wu Ban. , Pu Hu, Ma Dai, Hu Zun, Shen Mi, Lou Fa, Tao Sheng, Shen Rong, Ma Jun, etc.

The military advisors are Fazheng and Zhuge Xuan.

The goal of this battle is to eliminate the main force of Gaoding in Yueqi County, and then attack Yizhou County to eliminate Yong Kai and Meng Huo's army.

The total strength of the Central Route Army is 20,000, including 5,000 Wudang Feijun and 15,000 Yizhou soldiers; the main generals are Zhang Ren, Zhang Song, Wang Ping, Li Hui, Yang Huai, Gao Pei, Jiang Xu, and Zhao Qu , Han Juzi, Lu Weihuang.

Their campaign goal was to detour from Pingyi County to Yizhou County along a small road, occupy Meng Huo's base area, cut off Meng Huo's retreat route to aid Gaoding's army, and beat the dogs behind closed doors.

The total strength of the East Route Army is 20,000, including 5,000 Wudang Feijun and 15,000 Yizhou soldiers; the main generals are Huang Quan, Wu Lan, Liu Yin, Lei Tong, Lingbao, Deng Xian, Liu Wei, and Ma Zhong , Zhang Yi, Liang Kuan, Fu Qian, Zhao Rui, Sui Yuanjin. The goal of the campaign was to take the easternmost Zoke County, eliminate Zhu Bao's rebels, and pacify the area.

Although Dong Huang did not send out his precious generals who are famous all over the world, this combination of famous ministers and generals is already far better than when Zhuge Liang defeated the Southern Barbarians.

In terms of counselors, Fazheng is already good at military strategy. There is also Zhuge Xuan, a mascot with good abilities who has the "Zhuge" buff. Huang Quan and Zhang Song are also quite wise.

In terms of generals, Dian Wei and other fierce generals can suppress any southern barbarian generals in single combat. Zhang Ren, Wang Ping, Li Hui, Ma Zhong and others are also the first echelon talents in Shu.

As for the military strength, it is far superior to the military strength of Zhuge Liang's Southern Expedition in history. Of course, it is far behind the 500,000-strong army in the novel. But the real situation is that based on the logistics situation and the number of rebels in Nanzhong, If you really want to send an army of 500,000 people, you are seeking death.

Dong Huang felt that even these 140,000 people were a bit too much.

Before the official march, Dong Huang, who was cautious, took Jia Xu and Fa Zheng to review the possible situations they might encounter, such as how to deal with the emergence of vine armor soldiers, elephant soldiers, animal taming soldiers, poison springs, etc. For example, how to appease the barbarians.

Finally, Dong Huang also took out a special map and sand table.

Before becoming a war agent, Dong Huang had been attracted by the war in northern Myanmar and had specifically seen the topographic maps of Myanmar, Indochina and India.

With this map and sand table, maybe it will really end the history of Yunnan not having an outlet to the sea!

Giving Yunnan an outlet to the sea can be regarded as opening up territory. Then the overall evaluation will be higher, right?

"Dong Huang'er finally sent out troops?"

In Daying, Beishui County, Yong Kai, who was waiting for Dong Huang and others to wait for the flowers to wither, suddenly jumped up.

I don’t blame Yong Kai for being emotional, it’s just that he waited too long.

Before Gaoding sent troops to support Liu Yan, Yong Kai's army had already arrived at Beishui to camp. After Gaoding was defeated by Taishi Ci, Yong Kai thought that Dong Huang wanted an army to come, so he joined forces with Gaoding and pieced together 50,000 to 60,000 soldiers. People and horses set up many defensive camps in Yanniu, Dingze, Beishui and other places, ready to wait for work.

As a result, this wait will last three months.

The barbarian soldiers were not a standing army, but were improvised by ordinary barbarians. Although they were brave and fierce, their military discipline could only be said to be haha. At the beginning, Yong Kai and Gaoding were still able to control it. As a result, there was no fighting for three months. One or two of them had already slipped, and they no longer took their sentry seriously. They spent the whole day either basking in the sun or going fishing to escape the heat.

Coupled with the fact that the logistics accumulation was decades less than that of historical rebellions, resulting in a shortage of food and grass, some officers asked their barbarians to hunt and gather to make up for the lack of military food, so the army was already in chaos.

Yong Kai was almost driven crazy by them.

If Dong Huangjun doesn't come again, Yong Kai will consider whether to let some of his people go back to farm.

"How many people are there in the main force of Dong Huang's army? Which direction is the target? Are we here, or are we in Yanniu?"

Yong Kai asked his confidant Yong Du.

Yongdu was Yongkai's war agent, Yongkai's first confidant, and an agriculturist. With Yongdu's help, crop yields in the areas controlled by Yongkai increased by 50%. , this was regarded as a miracle by the barbarians, and Yongdu gained the real attention of Yongkai because of this.

"It is said that there are 200,000 people, and the main force has passed Lingguan Road, so they will definitely attack Yanniu first!"

Yongdu replied.

Yanniu belongs to the vassal state of Shu County and is geographically close to Lingguan Road. If Dong Huang's army does not capture Yanniu and marches towards Beishui, it is very likely that the enemies of Yanniu will cut off their retreat.

"I'm just afraid that the defenders of Yanniu won't try their best!"

Yong Kai frowned.

There is a reason for Yong Kai's words.

The defender of Yanniu was Li Qiucheng, the senior commander of Gaoding's former capital.

And just half a month before Dong Huang sent troops, Yong Kai had just killed Gaoding, the king of Yi.

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