Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 93 Barren Land (Third update, please subscribe)

When Yongkai killed Gaoding, Li Qiucheng was not in Yongkai's camp, but had been preparing for the battle in Yanniu.

Although Li Qiucheng also expressed his surrender to Yong Kai afterwards, he never left Yanniu.

For a barbarian leader like Li Qiucheng, Yong Kai had no choice but to coax him first. After all, killing Couture would have already lost the hearts of the people.

Barbarian tribes have their own survival rules. Barbarian warriors generally like to talk about loyalty, disregard life and death, and hate treacherous villains the most.

The reason why Yong Kai took the risk of killing Gaoding was because he didn't want to continue to provide Gaoding with food, and he was covetous of Gaoding's soldiers, so he wanted to kill him and turn his soldiers into his own. This would consume No matter how much food and grass he had, he wouldn't feel bad anymore; secondly, Yong Du had been persuading him to kill Gao Ding. He had been persuading him for half a year, and it had directly softened Yong Kai's ears.

As for why Yongdu had to kill Gao Ding, it was because he vaguely remembered Gao Ding killing Yong Kai in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

In order to prevent the tragedy from happening again, Yongdu must act first.

It is a pity that Yongdu also knows little about the affairs of Nanzhong. He only knows that this world is not the serious world of the Three Kingdoms, and he does not know the rest. In addition, his specialty is farming, so he does not know anything about it until a season of grain is ripe. Reused by Yong Kai. This wastes a lot of time.

When Yongdu could really speak in front of Yongkai, Dong Huang had already occupied Chengdu.

This made Yongdu very anxious!

He knew very well that Dong Huang must be the agent of war.

He knows better that the agent of war will not let Nanzhong go!

In order to protect himself, Yongdu could only persuade Yongkai to kill Gaoding, integrate his forces, and strive to block Dong Huang's army.

Who would have thought that Dong Huang, who had always been unhurried, would send troops within half a month of killing Gao Ding!

"Urge Meng Huo. He should understand this truth! Dong Huang is strong, but he is not familiar with the geography of Nanzhong and is not adapted to the climate of Nanzhong. As long as we use the terrain to resist, we will definitely be able to defeat Dong Huang's army!"

Yongdu said in relief.

"I'm just afraid that Meng Huo won't dare to come!"

Yong Kai glanced at Yong Du, but he did not blame Yong Du.

Yong Du should not be blamed for the death of Couture. Yong Kai only regretted that he did not take action earlier.

However, with the precedent of killing Gao Ding, Meng Huo was of course also afraid of being killed by Yong Kai, so whether he would come or not became a question.

"If Meng Huo doesn't come, we'll retreat to Dingze and see who's in a hurry then!"

Yongdu also became angry.

The approximate location of Dingze is Yanyuan County in Blue Star. It is located on the southeastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It has a small basin terrain. As long as the entrance to the basin is guarded, it is a dangerous place that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

When Yong Kai retreats, Meng Huo will be sitting on the wax.

However, Yongdu's suggestion was not approved by Yongkai. Yongkai gave Yongdu a cold look and asked: "What about our families? What about the soldiers' families?"

Yong Kai's foundation is in Yizhou County, not in the remote Dingze!

"Send someone to tell Meng Huo that if we don't get here within a month, we will surrender to Dong Huang!"

Yong Kai said decisively.

Yong Kai has been operating in Beishui for more than three months. There are 40,000 troops concentrated here. He is confident that he can use the terrain to hold off Dong Huang's army for a month.

Without reinforcements in a month, Yong Kai would really consider retreating.

When Yongkai and Yongdu were discussing how to force Meng Huo to come to help, Li Qiucheng, the commander-in-chief of Sidu in Yanniu County, had already lost his head.

In the original history, Li Qiucheng, a general under Gao Ding, killed the prefect of Yizhou County in the Shu Han Dynasty. In this time and space, Li Qiucheng was also a nationalist. He wanted to resist the heavenly soldiers, but he did not know that he was so powerful that he fought with Dong Huang's army in the field and ordered His heroic general E Huan called the formation to challenge Dong Huang's generals in a duel.

Pioneer officer Pang De was happy when he saw it.

After realizing that these barbarian Yelangs were arrogant and ignorant of the heights of the world, Pound frowned and thought of his plan. He asked his lieutenants Wang Shuang and Ma Dai to set up an ambush in the rear, and then challenged E Huan to a duel.

After a few battles, Pang De pretended to be defeated, and E Huan pursued bravely.

Li Qiucheng was overjoyed and raised his whip: "The Han people are just showing off, you guys, kill me!"

After that, he immediately led the men to pursue him, and of course he fell into Pang De's ambush circle.

Pang De used the sword-drag trick and was merciless. He knocked the brave E Huan off his horse with the back of the sword, then bent his bow and arrow, and shot the shocked Li Qiucheng to death with one arrow.

The barbarians were defeated and surrendered one after another. Pang De easily captured Yan Niu.

Dong Huang implemented extensive benevolent policies in dealing with captives and barbarians.

Dong Huang did not beat or scold the captured barbarian soldiers. Those who were willing to surrender would enjoy the same treatment as Han soldiers. For meritorious service, they could be promoted to Han people, be given land, and change their surnames to Han people. Those who were unwilling to surrender would be given travel expenses and allowed to leave. The same conditions apply. It was the barbarian Zhiren and Qingqiang who showed up to speak out. For a while, most of the barbarian soldiers were willing to surrender!

The barbarian leaders were treated like ice and fire. Those who were willing to surrender could not only become Han citizens, but if they were willing to join the army, they could also be given official positions depending on how many troops they sent, and their descendants could be hereditary and serve as local officials. Not only that, Dong Huang also sent troops with them to attack the tribes that refused to surrender, and the wealth gained from the population was divided 50-50, and all the territory was given to the surrendered barbarian leaders.

At the same time, Dong Huang also publicly stated that as long as he rules Yizhou for one day, he will treat the barbarians equally and will never increase taxes or apportion them randomly.

Under such preferential treatment policies and strong military strength, most of the barbarians chose to submit wherever Dong Huang's army passed. Not only was the vassal state of Shu County where Yanniu was located basically pacified,

The barbarians in Yuexi County also took action after hearing the news.

When Dong Huang's main force approached Beishui, he actually had 20,000 more barbarians under his command.

And I don’t know whether it is the influence of Dong Huang’s nature of being close to barbarians and controlling barbarians, or the fact that Dong Huang has Pu Wan and Pu Yue, the twin sisters, and Ina, the barbarian girl in the former Six-Nation Alliance Army, to serve in daily life. Because of this, the barbarian's favorability towards Dong Huang unexpectedly skyrocketed again.

——The King of Chengdu really doesn’t discriminate against us. He even takes our barbarian women with him as concubines. He doesn’t think they are short, dark, barbaric, or uncultured. The King of Chengdu is such a good man!

The barbarian leaders wanted to give their wives to Dong Huang to show their gratitude, while the female tribesmen wanted Dong Huang to go from house to house to marry him and leave a family.

The barbarians have been discriminated against for too long. When they face the Han people, they will feel inferior and inferior. Now when they meet a wise master like Dong Huang, how can they not be moved?

In order not to dampen their enthusiasm, Dong Huang reluctantly accepted a hundred healthy and energetic barbarians into the camp.

Of course, Dong Huang's main purpose was not to do bad things, but because the female guards of the three lieutenants had many illnesses. Even Huang Wudie and Ma Yunlu, who had always been full of energy, were sick.

The reason why Dong Huang brought the twin sisters Pu Wan and Pu Yue as well as the unfavored Ina was because their status was more suitable for this climate and they could better serve his food, clothing and daily life.

He, Mr. Dong, has conquered the barren land himself, so what’s wrong with having a few young ladies around to take care of food, clothing, and daily life?

As for the issue of the bad influence of women in the military camp, no one has ever dissuaded him, because Dong has always been surrounded by women since his debut, but when did he not win a battle?

He Dong's secret to winning the battle is to leave professional matters to dedicated people, never point fingers and micro-manage, and wait obediently in the big tent for news of victory.

But this time, Dong Huang took the liberty of accepting a maid.

He underestimated the enthusiasm of the barbarian girls. They looked at him as if they wanted to eat him. They tried their best to get into his arms, which made Dong Huang's back hurt.

The key is that many of these girls are in barren land. It's hard enough for him to go deep into the barren land of the Southern Barbarians. It's terrible to have to go deep into the barren land at night!

I heard that there is a brother who likes to go deep into the barren land?

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