Infinite weird games

Chapter 250: Ghosts (V) Watching the Ghosts Under the Lamp

Legend has it that people walk on the road of humanity and ghosts walk on the road of ghosts.

During the day, human beings walk among the heaven, earth, mountains and rivers. Under the sun, all evil spirits recede.

At night, after sunset, the gloom becomes heavier, strangers retreat, and all ghosts come out.

If you want to compete with ghosts and monsters at night, you might as well light a lantern.

With light, people, objects and roads can be seen clearly.

People carry lanterns for illumination; ghosts also carry lanterns for guidance.

The lonely ghosts who have died in a foreign land have to follow the call of their relatives and friends to return home; the souls who have died in vain wandering around the world have to be locked into the netherworld by ghosts.

Some want to be reincarnated, and some want to return to their souls. They come and go on the ghost road, jostling and bumping into each other. They need to light a green lantern in front to guide them so they don't go wrong.

The green lantern that leads the way is what people often call will-o'-the-wisp, floating in the dark night and going with the wind.

Travelers on the road at night must ask ghosts for help, and be careful not to bump into the ghosts on their way, otherwise they will unknowingly go astray and get lost.

A light that is too bright is a kind of "collision". If the light is brighter than the will-o'-the-wisp that leads the way, the confused ghosts will not be able to see the will-o'-the-wisp and will only see the lamp lit by the person.

They follow the light and don't know where they are going. When they find out that they are going the wrong way, they will completely turn into evil ghosts that the world will not accept.

Therefore, travelers who carry lanterns should not light the lantern too brightly, and should also pay attention to the color of the candlelight at all times.

If the flame suddenly turns green, it means that the ghost is following.

That lamp is no longer a lamp in the world of the sun, but has become a green lamp that guides ghosts.

The lantern holder must send the ghost to its destination in time, otherwise he will be haunted by the ghost for a lifetime.

Qisi was leaning on the bed, flipping through the tattered "Netherworld Record" that he had torn to pieces.

Lin Chen sat next to him, wrapped in a quilt, and stretched his head to look at the records on it curiously.

"No wonder the lanterns in our hands are so dark at night. Is it because we are afraid that we will bump into ghosts?"

He made a guess and then rejected it himself: "No, I remember that the brightness of the lantern is normal in the mountains and forests outside the town, and I can still see the text clearly through the light.

"It was only after entering Yanghua Town that it became so dark that I couldn't even illuminate the words clearly..."

After the player loads the dungeon, he appears in the mountain forest outside Yanghua Town. It is late at night; after entering the town, the time changes to daytime, and then quickly darkens in just a few hours.

Most humans need the help of contrast to have a concept of light and dark. In the case of continuous changes in natural light, it is difficult for ordinary people to judge the changes in the brightness of the lantern.

No one knows exactly when the light of the lantern dimmed. At most, they know that the characters can be read clearly outside the town by the light of the lantern, but not inside the town.

Qisi lowered his eyes and looked at the book in his hand, and said calmly: "If I feel correctly, the lantern in my hand seemed to become lighter the moment I entered the town. I wonder if you have similar feelings."

Lin Chen subconsciously began to recall the scene when he entered the town.

He didn't notice it at the time, and now that he thought about it, he only had a vague impression, but he couldn't be sure whether the lantern had become lighter or not.

But since Zisdu said that, it must be right, right?

Lin Chen looked at the lamp on the bedside table and said uncertainly: "I did have a strange feeling at the time, but I couldn't remember the specifics. This lantern... does seem to be a little different."

Qisi nodded to express his understanding, his expression was solemn and non-committal.

Lin Chen moved his eyes away from the lantern and landed on the window.

When his thoughts touched a certain point, he became uneasy: "Brother Qi, do you think the citizens of Yanghua Town have turned into ghosts long ago? Are those outside... could they be their corpses?"

"Maybe." Qisi turned his back to Lin Chen, "I'll ask the townspeople tomorrow morning, maybe I can get some information."

"Yeah! But...what if they won't tell us?"

"So what? The core of our mission is the tiger known as the 'Mountain God'. It has nothing to do with the lantern, right?"

Qisi's voice was vague and erratic, as if it was coming from a dream.

Lin Chen saw him suddenly sitting upright, with his back to the wooden door in a weird posture, and facing the window. His face and expression were invisible, and he could only see a back figure in red clothes.

The young man picked up the lantern from the bedside table and held it in his arms. He heard the sound of removing the outermost paper lampshade so that he could take out the candle inside.

He was thin and his waist was narrow. Fortunately, his robe was wide and loose, just enough to block Lin Chen's sight.

Lin Chen sat on the bed near the door, staring at his back for no apparent reason. He couldn't figure out the reason from the beginning to the end.

In the room on the right side of the second floor, Qiu Xin and Tang Yu exchanged half-hearted words, both of them silent like gourds with sawed mouths.

After the two of them searched the room and observed the environment, they went to bed and placed the lantern on the bedside table.

The light of the lantern maintains the brightness of the twilight, casting a dark yellow filter on the entire room, flickering with changing light shadows.

Not only did it fail to dispel the darkness that easily brought fear, but it instead gave rise to strange associations.

Qiu Xin opened the lantern cover and took out the milky white candle inside.

The orange-yellow candlelight outside was exposed in the air, suddenly turned green, and jumped tremblingly, like a legendary will-o'-the-wisp, a guiding candle in the underworld.

"This lamp is weird, be careful." Tang Yu glanced at the green candle flame and came to the obvious conclusion.

Qiu Xin ignored him and blew on the candle.

The candle flame trembled twice, but there was no sign of it going out. When it stabilized, it burned higher than before.

Qiu Xin reached out to fan the air again.

This time, the flame did not even tilt, but stood firm in a unique way, as if it was in two dimensions with the players, unable to be disturbed or touched.

"Hey, don't move this lantern!" Tang Yu saw Qiu Xin was about to press his hand on the candle wick, and hurriedly stopped him.

"We entered the town with a lantern. For safety reasons, we should keep this lantern. Who knows if there is a rule that 'if the lantern is extinguished, you can never leave'."

Qiu Xin glanced at him and said coldly: "The light is too bright, I can't sleep."

"My aunt, where did you get this big lady temper?" Tang Yu was almost laughed out of anger, "We have entered a weird game, so just sleep or not, why do you still care about this and that?"

Qiu Xin was scolded for a while, but she was not angry.

She nodded slightly, and finally let go of the candle, and put the paper lampshade back on the candle.

As soon as the green candle flame entered the lampshade, it returned to orange-yellow. I don’t know if it was the problem of the candle itself or the visual effect caused by the lampshade.

There were two beds placed horizontally in the room, one by the door and the other by the window.

Qiu Xin sat on the bed by the window, with her back to Tang Yu, her purple skirt and long hair covering her movements and expressions.

Outside the window was a towering pile of white bones, the highest point of which could be reached by hand.

After entering the room, the two observed it and knew the situation outside.

Tang Yu was embarrassed to let a girl sleep too close to a dangerous place, so he planned to volunteer to sleep by the window.

Who knew that Qiu Xin insisted that the position close to the door was too noisy, so he sat on the bed by the window and refused to leave.

Tang Yu was not familiar with the person, so he didn’t say much and chose the bed by the door.

Amid the "bang bang" sound of the night watch, Qiu Xin lay down.

Tang Yu also lay down on the bed, turned over, turned his back to Qiu Xin, faced the wooden door, and covered himself with a quilt.

After a day of tossing and turning, killing two NPCs, he was exhausted. As soon as he touched the bed, he closed his eyes and his consciousness quickly fell into a coma.

Qiu Xin held her breath and listened to Tang Yu's breathing behind her return to normal, then slowly opened her eyes.

In the upper right corner of her system interface, there was a small card with a skull in blood-stained clothes.

[Your identity: ghost]

[Identity effect: ① When you are in the same room with a single person and the distance is no more than three meters, you can choose to kill him;

② At any place, you can kill someone by directly touching his shoulder;

③ You must kill one person every day, and there must be a day between two kills. ]

After listening to all the rules of the game and studying the structure of the room, Qiu Xin has figured out a way to break the game.

Although the door of the mansion was locked, the window could be easily opened. She could climb out of the window and kill an unlucky town resident.

According to the scholar, other ghosts would not appear until midnight.

The townspeople should not be so vigilant before midnight, and many of them might still be wandering outside.

As long as she seizes this window of opportunity and takes action quickly, the crisis will be solved.

Of course, Qiu Xin will not tell anyone these details.

The larger the dungeon, the more important it is to take advantage of the situation. Yanghua Town has a large enough area and enough NPCs, which meets the basic conditions for taking advantage of the situation.

If a player reveals her identity to the townspeople and uses them to get rid of her, things will be bad.

You should not have the intention to harm others, but you must be on guard against others.

Qiu Xin would rather take the risk of going out at night than hurt other players; but she would never trust anyone and easily expose her identity.

"Tick, tick..."

The sound of the clepsydra sounded softly in her ears, marking the passage of time.

Qiu Xin took out an incense burner from the prop column and placed it silently beside her.

[Name: Calming Incense]

[Type: Prop]

[Effect: Within the range of the fragrance, players will not be easily awakened after falling asleep, except when encountering important plot nodes or death crises. ]

[Note: Light a burner of incense and have a dream. Only after a good rest can you have the strength to do tasks~]

This is one of the daily necessities strongly recommended on the second page of the mall. It is mainly used to help players with poor psychological quality maintain a good sleep in the dungeon, and can also cope with novice dungeons such as "Rose Manor" that require nighttime sleep to a certain extent.

Qiu Xin thinks that his psychological quality is good, and he doesn't plan to enter the novice dungeon to fry fish, but he still bought this prop.

The large-scale calming effect can be used to help randomly matched teammates fall asleep, which can save a lot of trouble.

Qiu Xin forced her eyelids and counted the seconds in her heart.

When she estimated that Tang Yu was asleep, she sat up quietly and got out of bed.

She picked up the lantern, walked to the window, and stretched out her hand to push the paper window.

"Tick, tick..."

The sound of the night watch was still ringing endlessly.

Qiu Xin smelled a strong smell of blood, and her feet slipped again and again without knowing what she stepped on.

She lowered her head and used the lantern to shine on her feet.

There seemed to be a pool of liquid on the wooden floor, which was sticky and looked like half-coagulated blood mixed with grease and meat.

Qiu Xin thought of a rotting corpse and suddenly felt like vomiting.

She covered her mouth and traced the source of the liquid upwards.

There was a hole on the top edge of the window, and sticky blood beads flowed in from outside, falling drop by drop on the windowsill.

A pool of blood filled the window sill and slid down the wall, pooling on the floor and making a gurgling sound.

"Tick tock, tick tock..."

The sound of dripping water did not belong to leakage, but to the blood dripping in from the window.

Qiu Xin picked up the lantern and shined it towards the window.

A blood-red eye was stuck in the hole in the window, peering into the room.

Half of the corpse was hanging upside down on the window, with white skeletal claws clawing at the window frame, as if the window would break through at any time...

"There is actually another saying about not lighting too bright a lantern at night..."

In the middle room on the second floor, Qisi turned another page of the "Netherworld Record" in his hand, read the records on it, and talked about it.

It is often said that "beauty can be seen under the lamp", because in dim light at night, under the dim shadow of the lamp, it is often not easy to see the flaws on the face, so everyone is beautiful.

The same goes for "watching demons and ghosts under the lamp".

Hundreds of ghosts appear and disappear at night, people and ghosts mix with each other, and there are many shadows in the dimly lit place. It is unknown how many strangers there are.

It is common to look around and catch a glimpse of a human face in a glass bead, a phantom in a mirror, or a ghost under the moon.

If you hold a dim lantern to illuminate, you can't see clearly the details on the faces of the people passing by, and naturally you can't see the flaws in the disguise.

You talk to them, and they treat you as one of them, and the confusion passes.

If the lantern is too bright, you will see clearly that certain beings are not human beings, and they will also see clearly that you are not a ghost.

If you are frightened, it will be a big deal. If you disturb the ghosts and get entangled by them, things will become troublesome.

Qisi closed the book, looked at Lin Chen and smiled: "I have read a story before. A scholar married a beautiful woman. The beautiful woman had a weird habit. She would not sleep until the lights were turned off at night, and the scholar was not allowed to light the lamp in the middle of the night.

"The scholar wanted to play a trick on his wife one day, so he lit the candle beside the bed when he got up at night, and saw that his wife lying on the bed had transformed into a green-faced fang. Seeing that his identity was exposed, the wife had no choice but to eat the scholar and rush away Defraud the next scholar in the next city."

Qisi's face flickered under the shadow of the lamp, half of his face was covered by his long hair, and his outline was soft and illusory.

Lin Chen listened to the ghost story for a while, and his whole body felt a little stiff.

He swallowed and asked tentatively: "So...this lantern is so dark to protect us from seeing things we shouldn't see?"

"I was just chatting with you, as long as you listened." Qiss chuckled, his laughter appearing sinister in the current atmosphere, "I don't know if the light and dark of this lantern has anything to do with the copy. There may be natural changes..."

As he spoke, he looked down at his pocket watch, and when he raised his head again, his eyebrows relaxed: "Lin Chen, it's almost time, it's time to go to sleep."

Lin Chen looked at the young man in front of him without knowing why, and felt that his expression was full of ill intentions.

The next second, Qisi clicked the button of the bracelet and turned out a small awl. The smile on his face was very sincere: "If you can't sleep, maybe I can help you." (End of Chapter)

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