Infinite weird games

Chapter 251: Ghost (VI) No sound and no light

In the room on the right on the second floor, Qiu Xin stood in front of the window like a sculpture, staring at the corpse hanging from the window.

The bloodshot eyes of the corpse were staring at her, as if he wanted to see her from the inside out, and then penetrate her body to peer into the entire room.

"Tick tock, tick tock..."

Thick blood flowed from the broken neck and wrists of the corpse into streams, falling from the edge of the window sill like a waterfall, and pooled on the ground.

A few drops seemed to be blown by the invisible existence of bad taste, and flung on Qiu Xin's toes contrary to common sense of physics, sending a slight coolness through the cloth shoes, sucking on her skin as if it were alive.

There's a situation outside, and I'm afraid I'll be in danger if I go out; but if I don't go out, how can I complete the murder mission?

After that, if she hasn't killed anyone yet, according to the scholar's statement and the requirements of the identity effect, she will die...

Qiu Xin silently weighed the pros and cons and fell into a tangle.

She held her breath, stepped back step by step, took out a scimitar from the tool list, and held it in her right hand.


The sound of fingers rubbing the paper window came from outside the window, soft and delicate, like scratching someone's heart.

Even though he was a little far away and couldn't see clearly what was happening outside the window in the dim light, Qiu Xin could still imagine how the unknown ghost covered the paper window with its body, tentatively groping through it, looking for a point of entry through the broken window. .

The terrifying association triggered a physiological reaction. Qiu Xin felt as if his heart was being tightened by countless vines, being dragged and bumped in all directions, almost as if it was about to jump out of his throat.

She suppressed the discomfort in her heart, maintained an expressionless calm, and held the knife in her hand tighter. The sweat on her palm flowed down the handle of the knife, making the iron surface slippery.

The sound of rubbing the paper window was still making a rustling sound. The lantern held in his left hand seemed to be inspired by the sound and trembled slightly. The flame inside also flickered and went out, like a light bulb with poor contact.

But how could the lantern have poor contact?

If Qiu Xin was aware of it, he looked back at Tang Yu's bedside table.

I saw that the lantern belonging to Tang Yu was also shaking, and because no one was holding it, it was tilting tremblingly to one side, as if there was an invisible person sitting there, deliberately exerting force from one side of the lantern... …

An illusion of flames igniting the sheets flashed before Qiu Xin's eyes, and warnings of danger flashed into her mind. She climbed over Tang Yu's bed in a few steps, and managed to catch the lantern before it fell to the ground.

She pressed directly on Tang Yu, causing the entire bed to make an overwhelming "creep" sound.

Even though the incense had the effect of calming the spirits, in the face of a death crisis and the noise was so loud, Tang Yu had to wake up even if he didn't.

The young man in black slowly opened his sleepy eyes, his pupils moved around idly, and finally settled on Qiu Xin, and suddenly condensed: "You... you are..."

Qiu Xin held Tang Yu's lantern in her mouth, her left hand holding her own, and her right hand holding a knife.

At this moment, she regained her composure and signaled Tang Yu to take the lantern in her mouth.

"Something has happened. Things from outside may be coming in." Qiu Xin's voice was cold and emotionless, "Do you have any props suitable for dealing with ghosts?"


As if to confirm the words of hatred, a hole was poked in the paper window in a second, and long and pointed white bone claws stretched into the room from the hole, scratching around randomly like an animal begging for food.

Tang Yu came to his senses, and without further ado, he took out a long scroll filled with ink characters from the toolbar and placed it in front of him.

[Name: Ink Soul Scroll]

[Type: props (consumables)]

[Effect: Open a door that only spirits can enter for 60 seconds, which seems to lead to an unknown alien space]

[Note: The unknown poet wrote poems with his own soul. He did not know that the creation of exhausting efforts is a ritual, and the work is pollution]

"I hope those ghosts don't have wisdom. This tool of mine can only deal with the unconscious spirits who don't see the way..."

Tang Yu muttered, rushed to the window in a few steps, and stared at the ghost hand that reached into the window as if facing an enemy.

It was a pale, slender hand with distinct fingers, pale skin and many wrinkles, but white stone-like sharp claws protruding from the fingertips, as if it belonged to a tiger!

"They should be ghosts. I think the probability of them being unconscious is a bit low."

Tang Yu rolled the long scroll under his arm and took out the saber from his waist: "They shouldn't come in, right? Didn't the scholar say that it will be fine if you don't open the window?"

"Maybe." Qiu Xinyan said sadly.

She held a lantern and stood behind Tang Yu, gazing quietly at the young man's back.

There is only half an hour left in the ion time, and I am afraid it will be too late to go out and kill people. Should I kill my roommate first as an emergency?

Qiu Xin knew that with the presence of the [Ink Soul Scroll] and the few props in her hand, it was not impossible to escape from the mansion through the window.

Even if he kills someone, he may not be able to escape before the townspeople react.

What's more, there are a lot of ghosts among the townspeople. Maybe we can break through their confusion and take advantage of the situation...

In the middle room on the second floor, Lin Chen finally fell asleep under Qis' urging and threats.

Qisi held the lantern, sat beside the bed, and continued to read the "Netherworld Record" in his hand.

Not long after this book came into his hands, the traditional vertical layout was extremely difficult to read, and he hadn't even had time to read it through.

Some of the records I have read so far are very mixed, including legends about ghosts, folk taboos about walking at night with lanterns, and many ghost stories that are unknown whether they are true or false.

What Qi Si is more concerned about is that the book only records the following eight words about [people become ghosts after death, ghosts become 魙], but there are a lot of notes and annotations written with a brush next to it.

Including the last two sentences of the pre-prompt [筙死为愿,愿死为愿], and a line of quotes from somewhere [seeing it is called Yi, hearing it is called Xi] [colorless is called Yi, soundless is called Xi].

These text messages have not been refreshed on the system interface until now, whether because of the huge amount of information or because the strange game intentionally increases the reading difficulty for players.

In the "Double Happiness Town" copy, Qi Si has suffered a loss once because of his credulity in the so-called "black and white", so he is skeptical of all text messages that have not appeared on the system interface.

But it seems that not believing this information is not a solution. Mobile phones and other tools cannot be brought into the copy, and he has no way to obtain more information.

So...what is the relationship between the division of "people", "ghosts", "魙", "西" and "伊" and this copy?

In the silence, the rustling sound of fingernails scratching the window sounded again, and it became harder and harder to ignore as time went by, like some kind of domesticated small animal, deliberately making a sound to attract the attention of the people in the house.

Qi Si pretended not to hear it and continued to turn the pages of the book.

The sound continued for a while, and it seemed that it found that it could not alarm the people in the house, so it changed its strategy and began to knock on the wooden frame supporting the paper window.

"Dong, Dong, Dong..."

The knocking sound was tireless, one after another, maintaining the same interval, like telling time, or just beating the beat.

Qi Si finally lifted his eyelids and looked up at the noisy window.

Through the hole in the paper window, you can see the green shadow that appears and disappears from time to time, flashing intermittently in the sparsely covered area.

Maybe it's an eye, or maybe it's a scale, it's hard to see clearly.

Perhaps only by opening the window can you get a glimpse of the full picture of the things that are causing trouble outside, but correspondingly, it may also cause the risk of ghosts entering the house.

After all, the scholar said that if you open the window at night, the ghost will come in.

But is the thing outside really a ghost? Could it be something else?

The pre-prompt cannot be completely useless. Until now, there has been no sign of "魙", "西" and "伊". Could it be that it has to wait until now to appear?

If the "祼鬼" dies and becomes "魙", is it still the original "饼鬼"? Will the characteristics be different?

Qi Si touched his chin with interest, turned the "Netherworld Record" to the page that recorded "ghost fire", and his fingertips ran over a line of text in it——

[People hold lanterns, ghosts light candles. Walking in the mountains at night, you can see the shadow of the lantern from a distance, and it looks green, which is the ghost fire. 】

The ghost fire cannot be found for the time being, but Qi Si has the green flame.

He once again removed the paper lampshade outside the lantern, and the milky white candle inside was revealed, which looked like human bones in the gloomy atmosphere.

The originally warm orange flames shot up more than an inch when they met the air, and from the outer flame to the flame core, they all turned into a strange green in an instant, and were so cold that they were creepy.

As if a switch was turned on, the temperature around him suddenly became several degrees colder, and a feeling of suffocation and oppression followed one after another, as if the underground, which had not seen the sun for a long time, was surrounded by countless invisible corpses.

Qi Si took off the [Fate Pocket Watch] and held it in his hand, while paying attention to the pointer on the surface and calculating the time; he stood up and walked to the window.

The paper window, which was originally transparent enough to vaguely see the shadows outside, was now dark and dense with shadowy ghosts, as if it was covered by a large mass of mud and dyed into a dirty ink color.

Qi Si reached out to push the window, and as expected, he encountered a lot of resistance, as if there was a vast ocean outside, and he was a person trapped in a sinking ship, pushing the hatch in vain.

Fortunately, with the blessing of [Cursed Pendulum], Qi Si's current strength level is much higher than the average of normal adult men.

He used his elbow to touch the window, leaned forward, concentrated all his strength on the joints, and finally pushed the window open a little.

The cold and biting wind blew into the room like a knife, accompanied by invisible black shadows, flowing into the house from the gap like sea water, and flowing to every corner.

In just a few seconds, the whole room was filled with black shadows, and fell into a dark darkness. Only a green candle was lit in Qi Si's hand, trembling and swaying.

Qi Si couldn't see the time on the [Destiny Pocket Watch], so he could only feel his pulse and count the seconds silently.

In the darkness, his five senses became extremely sensitive, and he smelled the bloody smell that suddenly exploded nearby, coming from Lin Chen's bed.

It seems that after entering the room, those ghosts rushed to a wave of performance and killed innocent humans in their sleep.

The shadow surrounded Qi Si, who was holding a white candle, and approached the green candle flame with greed, wishing to stick to it.

Qi Si seemed to hear the sound of inhaling and swallowing saliva in a trance, which brought a sense of desire and intoxication.

11 seconds, 12 seconds...

The window lost the push of the ghost and swung open lightly, making a "squeaky" string sound.

Qi Si threw the candle in his hand out of the window directly.

The green flame like a ghost moved rapidly in the darkness and fell into the distance in a smooth arc.

The shadow chased the flame with a whistle, passed the window like a receding tide, and left the room with a dark shadow, leaving a bloody mess on the ground.

It was called a mess, but in fact, only one person died.

At first glance, all the objects and furnishings have not obviously moved. Even the wrinkles of the sheets and quilts are exactly the same as before the window was opened.

Only Lin Chen lay motionless on the bed, with blood overflowing from his mouth and nose, and he had made no sound.

25 seconds, 26 seconds...

Qisi remained calm, walked to Lin Chen's body, and checked him from beginning to end to make sure that there was no trace of his soul and that he could no longer be dead.

Unexpectedly, ghosts are far more ruthless than tigers, and the dead don't even have a chance to be their colleagues - tigers bite people to death, and they also know how to leave their souls as ghosts.

Zeiss laughed at his inappropriate sense of humor.

With a weird smile on his face, he stepped back to the wall, taking in a panoramic view of the entire room's layout.

43 seconds, 44 seconds...


The lantern on the bedside table trembled as if being blown by the wind, and looked like it might tip over at any moment.

The image of a raging fire igniting the sheets and rushing up to the rafters flashed before my eyes, probably the result of the actual lantern overturning.

Qisi estimated the distance and felt it was a bit far.

He was too lazy to run over and hold the lantern, and simply turned the gears of his destiny pocket watch.

[The "Time Backward One Minute" effect has been activated, and this effect cannot be activated again in this copy]

The black shadow outside the window suddenly went back into the room, and then receded like a tide, closing the open window with it.

The overflowing blood flowed back to the body without leaving any trace; the skin and flesh of the dead body regained its temperature, and the warm breath returned to the mouth and nose.

The candle thrown out of the window flew back into the hand, not even a wisp of wax dropped.

Back in time before the window opened, no one except Zeiss himself had the memory of that minute.

Lin Chen was lying on the bed peacefully, breathing evenly and long, and seemed to be sleeping soundly.

The paper lantern is also placed neatly on the bedside table. It is in a position that will not easily fall to the ground no matter how it is tipped. It is slightly offset from where it is in memory.

"It's basically certain that the candle in the lantern is the so-called 'guiding lantern'. The ghosts outside the window are attracted to it, and they may be able to use it in the future.

"Those ghosts have bodies, and there are sounds in their movements. They should not be 'Xi' or 'Yi', but just ordinary 'ghosts'.

"They are also ghosts. Those who hide among the townspeople are no different from ordinary people, but these ghosts can only live in corpse pits and attack the houses at night.

"You clearly covet the lantern, but there is an invisible force that wants to knock it over and even cause a fire... It's really hard to worry about."

Qisi raised his index finger and tapped his chin repeatedly, narrowing his eyes.

Outside the residence, Qiu Xin was wearing a black cloak and walking quickly on a sparsely populated road.

When it was almost midnight, the townspeople who were still wandering outside hurriedly dispersed into the winding and narrow alleys, rushing towards home.

There was no moon overhead, there were no lanterns up and down the town, and there was no glimmer of light as far as the eye could see.

However, none of the townspeople had lanterns. They seemed to be accustomed to living and walking in the dark. Their movements were natural and smooth, and they were not hindered by any night.

In comparison, Hatred holding a lantern seems out of place.

But she didn't care.

Qiu Xin had a clear goal and calmly observed the crowd around him, and finally saw a rickety figure among the crowd.

It’s hard to tell whether the other townspeople are humans or ghosts, but one of the townspeople is actually a human. This is something the players have long reached a consensus on.

Qiu Xin walked towards that figure, approached silently, and reached out to pat the man's shoulder.


The gong in the man's hand fell to the ground.


The man fell straight forward.

[You have used your identity effect once today and killed one person]

[Left to the next killing: twelve hours]

Two lines of system prompts refreshed, marking the completion of the task.

Qiu Xin lowered his head, raised his hand and pressed down on the brim of his hat, turned around and walked away quickly.

Behind you, the sound of the watch——

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Qiu Xin suddenly turned around.

The corpse was still lying in good condition, and the sound came spontaneously from the watch gong.

After the gong was struck three times, a hoarse human voice came out:

"It's three o'clock in the morning, everything is safe!" (End of this chapter)

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