Infinite weird games

Chapter 252: The Ghost (VII) The Karma Fire Last Night

At dawn in the east, everything comes to life.

The milky morning light shines obliquely from the east into the house, dispelling the ignorance and darkness in the house, and covering the flying dust and bloodstains with a faint glow.

Qi Si woke up and looked at the time displayed on the fate pocket watch. It was exactly six o'clock in the morning.

He yawned languidly and stared at the ceiling in a trance.

He found that he could never sleep in in the dungeon. No matter how good his sleep quality was on weekdays, no matter how sleepy and tired he was after a busy night, he would always wake up uncontrollably like other players at about the same time.

For example, last night, after realizing that there was an invisible force that would overturn the lantern, he sat on the bed with the lantern in his hand, intending to stay awake all night.

——Although I don't know what the lantern is specifically used for, it's always a good idea not to let the ghosts get what they want easily.

Unfortunately, he fell asleep in a daze, and didn't even know when he put the lantern back on the bedside table. It should be that a mechanism in the dungeon that ensures that players get enough rest has taken effect.

His last memory was a loud night watchman's voice, and he read hoarsely, "Zi Shi San Ge, peace and nothing will happen", as if it was a prophecy read by an ancient witch.

Qi Si remembered that Zi Shi was the time period between 23:00 and 1:00 in the morning. He woke up now, and he had only slept for six hours.

Well, in order to avoid players having insufficient time to explore the dungeon and complete tasks, the weird game has always been very active in waking up players.

"Brother Qi, why is the window dark, and there are so many holes?" Lin Chen sat up from the bed and saw the abnormality of the window at a glance.

The originally flat and clean paper window became tattered after a night of destruction, and the surface was covered with large and small holes.

The side facing the outside seemed to be covered with a layer of dust, looking dirty, like a rag buried in the soil.

Lin Chen went to bed early last night. He was full of energy at the moment. He climbed out of bed, walked to the bedside, and stretched out his fingers to touch the holes on the window.

"These holes seem to be pierced from the outside by sharp objects. The black powder covering the outside of the window should be coagulated blood..."

Lin Chen made a judgment based on common sense. After two seconds of hesitation, he looked at Qi Si and said the same line as after the first night of "Rose Manor": "Did something happen last night?"

He fell asleep in a daze at Qi Si's urging last night. Although he knew that Qi Si would not harm him, he still felt that it was weird when he thought about it now.

——What does it have to do with Qi Si whether he sleeps or not?

After he fell asleep, Qi Si should not have fallen asleep immediately. He must know more about what happened during that period than him. It's always right to ask for clarification.

Qi Si heard Lin Chen's doubts, and said "um" to express his affirmation. He stopped hesitating and sat up from the bed.

He picked up the lantern on the bedside table and described what happened last night in a concise way, naturally omitting the part where the fate pocket watch went back one minute.

"At present, we can confirm the following points: First, the information that the scholar told us yesterday, 'the ghosts will only appear after midnight', is wrong, at least for us outsiders.

"Basically, after the second update, the ghosts in the corpse pit will start to attack the mansion, and there is a certain probability of causing death points. Players have no countermeasures for the time being.

"Second, the lantern in our hands may be a key prop. I found that the candle in the lantern will turn green after contacting the outside air, which is consistent with the record of ghost fire in the "Record of the Netherworld".

"Most of the ghosts outside the mansion will be attracted by the candles. At the same time, invisible beings will try to push down the lanterns and cause fires.

"Third, after the night watch of 'midnight, safe and sound' sounds, all strange signs in the mansion will disappear. Players who have not fallen asleep yet will automatically fall asleep under the influence of the dungeon mechanism."

Qis's face looked a little pale due to lack of sleep, and his voice was weak, as if he would fall asleep at any time.

Lin Chen guessed for no reason that he might have done something big last night...

Then he heard the young man say in a matter-of-fact tone: "I stayed up until midnight last night, and I probably can't stand it tonight. I'm afraid you have to keep watch. I hope you rested well last night."

"Ah?...Oh!" Lin Chen agreed without knowing why.

It was mentioned in the forum that some players would take advantage of their roommates sleeping, or explore alone, not download important information, or secretly arrange and harm others.

Qis took the initiative to share his discoveries and proposed to take turns keeping watch, which should not belong to these two situations.

Moreover, he knew that if the leader of a small guild like the Unnamed Guild, which had less than ten people, died, it would be disbanded directly - there was no reason for Qi Si to harm him.

So, Qi Si asked him to sleep last night. Did he plan to take turns to keep watch?

But I always feel that the logic is not right. There was no sign at that time. How could he predict that there would be danger later?

Qi Si glanced at Lin Chen who was confused, and continued: "Let's go to the town later to see if we can ask the townspeople to borrow some materials to repair the window.

"The tangible ghosts are unlikely to enter the room without the player actively opening the window. The focus should be on the invisible existence that will overturn the lantern - just guard the lantern at night."

Lin Chen subconsciously forgot to worry about the problem that Qi Si asked him to go to bed early last night.

A lot of bloody short ghost stories popped up in his mind, and he opened his mind: "Brother Qi, do you think there is a possibility that those ghosts are trapped in the town, and they need to be led by green lanterns to find the way to reincarnation, so that's why Want to steal our lantern?"

Zis raised his eyelids and looked at him: "This possibility exists, but there is no concrete evidence. Don't take the puzzles in the copy for granted, otherwise the answers will be preset and affect your judgment."

Lin Chen touched his nose in embarrassment and thought from a different angle: "It can be seen from the haunting time that the ghosts outside the mansion are not the same group as the ghosts hidden among the townspeople.

"At midnight, we will fall asleep uncontrollably, and the weirdness outside the residence will recede. Does this mean that the copy intentionally staggers the time between us and certain entities?

"Brother Qi, do you think there will be some big events that we cannot know about in the future?"

"It makes sense." Qisi didn't deny it. He bent down and picked up the writing paper under the bedside table.

Lin Chen found this piece of paper last night. The light was too dark and he couldn't see the words clearly, so Lin Chen put it back.

A lot of things happened last night. They started reviewing the information as soon as they woke up in the morning, and both of them almost forgot about this piece of paper.

Qisi walked to the window, stuffed the paper into Lin Chen's hand, and raised his hand to push the window open.

The towering pile of corpses lay quietly in the sun, with the withered white bones reflecting the thin morning light.

The two identical corpses of the old man were lying peacefully on the top. They were exactly the same as the ones seen before the first watch last night. They had not moved at all.

Everything that happened last night seemed to be just a horrific nightmare, a hallucination like mass hysteria.

Lin Chen was startled by Qisi's sudden movement and took a step back reflexively.

Fortunately, the pile of corpses outside the window is particularly well-behaved during the day. There is nothing abnormal except for the smell and ugly appearance.

A large swath of white sunlight fell from the wide open window, illuminating the writing paper in Lin Chen's hand, adding a layer of exposure to each word.

Lin Chen subconsciously read the words above:

[...Since ancient times, it has been prosperous, with celebrities gathered together, the city is solid and the army is strong, and there are wealthy people coming and going. It is a must-win place for military strategists. If we work together and hold on to one side, we may be able to avoid disaster...

[The Baiyang River has been lost, and soldiers and civilians from all sides are staggering around. Maybe they can stay in this city and try to gain momentum again...

【Non-my family, its heart must be different. Ruying hair and drinking blood, the journey of the jackal must not be surrendered...]

This is a letter with many parts missing, and only a rough outline of the events can be pieced together.

Lin Chen concluded: "This should be a letter exchanged between the military. After the alien invasion, various places were frequently lost, and soldiers and civilians fled in all directions. Some people proposed to hold on to this town and then seek to regain the lost territory."

He put down the letter and looked up at Qisi: "Brother Qi, what does this have to do with the 'ghost'? Along the way yesterday, Yanghua Town didn't look like it was in wartime..."

"Maybe the war has long since passed, and this letter is just a slice of Yanghua Town's history - who knows?" Qiss smiled noncommittally, "Well, this copy has become interesting."

Lin Chen didn't find it interesting at all.

The name of the dungeon is "Ghost". At present, the mechanism of "Ghost" action is not yet clear, and another war hidden in history has emerged.

The background of this dungeon may be more complicated than imagined, and it may even be a multi-layered nested world view, almost catching up with some puzzle dungeons.

I hope... I can pass the level safely.

Qisi picked up the letter that Lin Chen had placed on the window sill, folded it and put it into his sleeve. He stopped paying attention to his worried teammates, turned around and walked to the wooden door to stand.

He reached out and pushed the wooden door twice, without pushing.

The iron lock outside the door has not yet been opened. I wonder when the old man who manages the mansion will be able to go upstairs and release the players from the room.

Zeiss sat down on the edge of the bed and stared boredly at the open window.

He suddenly thought that because of the pile of corpses, the distance from the second floor to the ground was not too far.

As long as you can overcome your fear of corpses and use the pile of corpses as a stepping stone, you can easily climb out of the mansion through the window...

How about trying it during the day?

Zeiss fell into thought.

In the room on the right on the second floor, Tang Yu opened his eyes on the bed and looked to the right, but did not see Qiu Xin.

The memory of the second half of last night came to mind, and he vaguely remembered that Qi Xin opened the window while he was not paying attention and climbed out of the window.

Although Qiu Xin turned out and closed the window, several ghosts still poured in through the gap.

Tang Yu parried for a while, but gradually became unable to defeat him. He opened the [Ink Soul Scroll] in a hurry and let the ink characters float into the air, drawing the shape of the door in the void.

As expected, the ghosts who entered the house were still somewhat intelligent, but they did not get into the door made of long scrolls.

Tang Yu struggled awkwardly for a while. In desperation, he tripped and fell straight into the scroll.

When he came out of the long scroll again, he heard the sound of the third watch coming from outside the window.

He somehow fell asleep and lost consciousness.

"The heart of hatred is a 'ghost', and she has to kill people every day. If she is trapped in the mansion, she will definitely be exposed and the townspeople will attack her. So she left through the window.

"The scholar said that ghosts were haunting before midnight. She could just send a message to deal with the lone human townspeople before midnight... But how could she identify those townspeople when no shadows could be seen at night? He's a human, not a ghost?"

Tang Yu calmly reviewed the details of what happened.

Strangely enough, after this incident, he didn't have much resentment towards his enemies.

He was innocently assigned the identity of a hated person by the weird game, and he was isolated and helpless, so it was understandable that he had a bad temper.

Last night, when he was not sure whether he could find a human town resident to kill, he didn't choose to kill him directly in the same room. He had done his best.

Tang Yu shook his head and unfolded the [Mohun Long Scroll] that he had used once.

The flowing running script like flowing clouds poured down like a waterfall, and there were simple portraits printed in the corners, all of whom were passers-by who had entered the long scroll.

This prop is worth 500,000 points on the market, but it is actually out of stock. Tang Yu exchanged it from the internal mall of Jiuzhou Guild before leaving.

These days, many people in Jiuzhou were expelled from the guild on the surface, but in fact they were preparing for a plan of the top leaders. Tang Yu was one of them.

They were required to act recklessly, even at the cost of self-defilement, to show the characteristics of some massacre players in order to achieve a confusing effect.

Not everyone is as famous as Fu Jue. Most of the players who are a little famous and are expelled by Jiuzhou for various reasons will be criticized to varying degrees.

Therefore, Jiuzhou allows each player to take away a powerful item before leaving as compensation and for self-protection.

"Why can I enter the long scroll? I tried the previous copies, but I couldn't enter. Only this copy can..."

Tang Yu's eyes fell on the statement [Only spirits can enter], and then he looked down at his feet.

In the morning light as bright as gauze, his feet were clean and there was no shadow.

"The players are all spirits, that is, ghosts... Then what about the townspeople?"

Tang Yu's peripheral vision caught a glimpse of white under the bedside table. It seemed to be a piece of paper.

He walked over, picked it up, and read the traditional Chinese characters on it that were missing a large section of records:

[I have been sick of the world's geographical records being empty, climbing mountains and wading through rivers, trying to record it. When I arrived at Yangzhou City, I wandered in the mountains and forests in a daze, not knowing east or west.

【Then the willows were dark and the flowers were bright. I saw the town in all directions. The people were content and the houses were neat and tidy...

【...Piao Piao suddenly woke up and realized that it was his soul that had left his body and was wandering in the void. 】


In an alley in Yanghua Town, the morning sun cast a white light path and fell on Qiu Xin's beautiful face.

Qiu Xin woke up with sleepy eyes, and after seeing the surrounding environment, she immediately lost all sleepiness.

After killing the old man last night, she heard the sound of the night watchman and fell asleep unknowingly.

She slept in the open air without any protection in the dungeon. Now she only felt scared and thrilling when she thought about it.

"Fortunately, the ghosts in this dungeon will not harm their own kind, so I don't have to worry about weird threats for the time being.

"At present, I only need to deal with the main quest, human townspeople and other players. "

Qiu Xin walked out of the alley and looked in the direction of the mansion.

Even if she didn't want to hurt anyone, she could no longer go back.

The grudges in the players' hearts will eventually become the seeds of hostility, taking root and sprouting under the high pressure of the crisis.

There is great terror between life and death. No one can afford to gamble with the so-called trust, bottom line and human nature. (End of this chapter)

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