Infinite weird games

Chapter 264: Ghosts (XIX) The ghosts are alive

"That's right." Qisi nodded, and the smile on his lips looked ghostly under the light. "Straw is flammable, and so is the wooden building. It only takes one spark and a strong wind to burn down the entire building." Flower town.

"General Meng actually practiced it once, and it turned out to be very effective. Why don't we pay tribute to the style of our predecessors? Those letters that seem to have nothing to do with the theme of the copy are very clear, aren't they?

"Why would the copy tell us that information if we didn't need to set the town on fire?"

Lin Chen listened attentively and thoughtfully.

The dungeon will not provide useless clues. The matter of officers and soldiers setting fire has been repeatedly emphasized, which is likely to extend a feasible route to pass the level.

It is known that this is a team copy. Even if the players are in different camps, there is definitely the possibility of cooperation.

The hostility between "ghosts" and "humans" is based on the player being an enemy of the tiger demon.

As long as Yanghua Town is burned down and the players in the "human" camp and the tiger monsters are on equal terms, there is no need for the "ghost monsters" to hurt the "humans" who are also players.

With luck, players might be able to end the instance with everyone alive.

Tang Yu picked up the Qingming dumplings and held them tightly, raising his eyebrows and looking at Qisi: "In other words, after we confirm that the townspeople are scarecrows, we can actually end the dungeon?

"You only need to give up the main mission and set fire to Yanghua Town so that the main mission is no longer valid. Then you can take the NE route to complete the level?"

He paused and raised doubts: "According to your wishes, everything can be over today. But the dungeon process is not even halfway through, and we haven't even met the core NPC Tiger Demon. It is simply unheard of to clear the dungeon directly.

"I have read many forum posts and have never seen such a precedent. No matter what, I feel that Weird Games will not let us go so easily."

Qisi made a "hmm" sound, the smile on his face not diminishing: "So, I didn't set the fire directly, but told you my idea."

Tang Yu's expression became strange: "In other words, if it weren't for the risks, you would have considered setting the fire without discussing it, right?"

Qisi smiled at him and continued his analysis slowly: "In my opinion, there are three uncertainties in this matter:

“First, we cannot be sure that the motivation of the main mission is in line with public order and good customs, nor can we be sure that protecting the townspeople is the logical starting point of the mission.

“From the beginning to the end, only Meng Fang made it clear that he wanted us to kill the tiger demon. We could not tell whether his request was to protect the interests of the townspeople rather than to avenge his mother.

“Second, we are not sure that all the townspeople are transformed by scarecrows, and we have not yet figured out the reason and mechanism for their identity swaps. There may be huge variables in this, which are enough to push us to a dead end.

"It's hard to recover from overflowing water. Once we can't wipe out all the townspeople overnight, our situation will become difficult. TE clearance and main missions will be in vain, and we will have to trigger the guaranteed death toll mechanism.

“Thirdly, we cannot be sure that we ourselves will not be harmed by the fire as it spreads.

"It is true that I tried yesterday. I exist in the form of a spirit body and cannot touch the flames. But what happened to Teacher Luo and the others is right in front of them. Before clarifying what they experienced last night, the outcome of the arson is completely unknown. "

Lin Chen understood the pros and cons, nodded, and asked: "So Brother Lin, what should we do?"

"What should we do..." Qisi rested his elbows on the table, intertwined the fingers of his hands, and held his chin, "First of all, we need to make it clear that when we are not absolutely sure, we cannot directly abandon the main mission and block the TE. The way through customs.

"Tomorrow's plan remains unchanged. We will first go to the mountain forest behind the residence to meet the so-called 'mountain god' tiger demon to explore its reality. If there is a way to kill it once and for all, it would be best. Even if we can't defeat it, we can still find a way with our reserve of tools. Get out."

Tang Yu nodded in agreement: "What you said makes sense, and that's what I planned. However, I think the three uncertainties you just raised cannot be ignored. It would be best if they can be confirmed, and we can move forward and retreat freely."

"That's the second point I want to make."

Qisi looked down at his left hand and reached out to take off the destiny pocket watch on his wrist: "Meng Fang's motivation is related to the world view. When the copy reaches a later stage, it should appear smoothly.

"As for what happened to Teacher Luo and the others, we will know more about it when we go upstairs and read their messages later.

"The more troublesome thing is how to confirm that all the townspeople are scarecrows, and at the same time clarify the mechanism of their identity exchange. However, I also came up with a verification method."

Lin Chen asked: "What method?"

Qisi rolled up his sleeves, lowered his eyes and said, "You must have had a similar experience last night. At the moment when the time reaches midnight, no matter whether you are awake or sleepy, you will fall asleep uncontrollably.

"All NPCs firmly believe that they must return to the house before midnight, otherwise they will die at the hands of the ghost. In other words, theoretically, at this point in time, neither the player nor the NPC can see each other.

"This will give you more room for maneuver. I have reason to suspect that something unseen will happen in the future, or there may be some unknown secret hidden there.

"The point where the townspeople exchanged identities was probably at Zi Shi."

"Do you want to go out at midnight tonight and observe the changes in the townspeople?" Tang Yu almost crushed the Qingming dumplings, "This is not right either -

"At that time, we all fell asleep under the influence of the dungeon mechanism. Not to mention whether we could see anything useful, even if we managed to take a glance and then fell asleep on the street where hundreds of ghosts walked at night, we wouldn't survive tomorrow, right? "

Qisi said lightly: "I remember that you have a prop, which opens a door that only spirits can enter. You went in once last night and avoided the harm of ghosts.

"And I guess that the prop should be able to avoid the influence of the copy mechanism. The spirit standing inside the door will not fall into deep sleep even at midnight."

Upon hearing this, Tang Yu took out a long scroll with ink-colored landscape paintings from the toolbar and threw it to Qisi.

[Name: Ink Soul Scroll]

[Type: props]

[Effect: Open a door that only spirits can enter for 60 seconds, suspected to lead to an unknown alien space (cooling time 24 hours)]

[Note: The unknown poet writes poems with his own soul. He does not know that the creation of exhausting efforts is a ritual, and the work is pollution]

He looked at Qisi and said: "This prop of mine can only last for one minute. It's okay to solve a temporary emergency, but it's completely impossible to ensure safety for one night.

"Even if you can activate the effect while unconscious and enter the long scroll, when the time is up, you will either be trapped in it forever and be unable to get out, or you will be exposed to the outside again and be slaughtered by ghosts."

"One minute is enough." Qisi put the [Ink Soul Scroll] on the table, raised the destiny pocket watch and shook it, "My prop can go back to one minute ago. I just need to make sure that I am collecting information. That one minute without interruption is enough.

"When I understand everything I need to know, I will immediately go back in time and return to my residence."

Tang Yu thought for a moment and shook his head: "The premise of this plan is that you can get from the residence to the place where the townspeople gather within one minute, otherwise you can only go back to the street no matter how you go back.

"I remember the road is still a bit far. Plus the time it takes to go downstairs, even if you are the 100-meter champion, you can't run in one minute, right?"

Qisi looked at Lin Chen: "Lin Ya, your [Umbrella Full of Pain] shouldn't be used yet, right?"

Lin Chen had been sitting nearby obediently, listening quietly to the big guys discussing their strategies.

At this moment, he was suddenly noticed. He quickly took out the black umbrella and handed it to Qisi: "Yeah, I haven't used it yet!"

Qisi took the black umbrella, put it on the table, and motioned for Tang Yu to look at it.

Tang Yu touched the umbrella surface with his fingertips and successfully saw the prop prompt that was refreshed.

[Name: The Umbrella Full of Pain]

[Type: props]

[Effects: ① Summon the black shadow ghost "The Man in the Umbrella" for 60 seconds. Each summon must kill one being (cooling time 24 hours);

② Provide shelter from wind and rain (holding an umbrella on a sunny day has a 1% chance of rain);

③If you want, you can poke people with it. 】

[Note: Every time he felt pain, he wrote a curse with a black pen on black paper; on a dark rainy day, he made a black umbrella out of black paper, imagining that it was a parachute, and jumped... …Now, he’s black, too. 】

After being used in the copy of "Frog Hospital", the effect of this prop has been upgraded, and the summoning time has been increased from the original 30 seconds to 60 seconds, which is just enough.

"Summoning props?" Tang Yu couldn't help but look at Lin Chen a few more times.

The number of summoning props in the weird game is very small, and because of its rich effects, it greatly increases the player's strength, attracting many people to flock to it.

Those who can be equipped with summoning items are either extremely lucky or have deep pockets.

Unexpectedly, this wood crow is not showy, but he has a good reserve of props. His silly appearance may be just a disguise, but he may actually be the one who really has the right to speak...

Lin Chen didn't know that he had been labeled "unfathomable" by Tang Yu.

He figured out Qisi's plan in two seconds, and his eyes lit up: "The black shadow ghost moves very fast, and it only takes ten seconds to get from the residence to the center.

"As long as the black shadow ghost carries the ink soul scroll and flies over the town, Brother Lin can sit behind the door created by the scroll and see the whole of Yanghua Town."

This solution seems feasible in theory, and it is not complicated. It only requires each player to produce a prop.

Tang Yu put down the Qingming dumplings and wiped his hands on his sleeves: "Lin Wen, what do you mean, do you plan to go into battle personally and implement the plan you mentioned tonight?

"Do you know that no one can tell what will happen at night? If you don't have Fu Jue's strength, you are risking your own life."

Chiss smiled: "I know, but there are always things that someone has to do. Otherwise, whether it is the main mission or the NE clearance route, we will not be able to progress."

Tang Yu's eyes narrowed slightly and he opened his mouth to say something. Then he heard Qisi say in a matter-of-fact tone: "No matter from any angle, the props of Lin Ya and I are more valuable than yours. I can't trust them." Put it in your hands."

Tang Yu: Bai is touched, thank you.

Lin Chen hesitated for a while, and then said to Chiss through the soul blade: "Brother Qi, if it's really that dangerous, can you replace me? You are better than me. If something happens to you, what will happen to the subsequent puzzle solving?"

"It will be fine." Qisi said bleakly, "If I go, there is a high probability that no one will die; if you go, you will really die."

Lin Chen listened to Qisi's tone of voice that was obviously impatient to explain to him in detail. Although he was confused, he still kept his mouth shut knowingly.

The hour hand of the fate pocket watch slowly passed the Roman numeral eight, and it was eight o'clock in the evening.

Qi Si put the pocket watch back on his wrist, and without hesitation, he put the [Ink Painting Scroll] and [Umbrella Full of Pain] into the prop column.

After determining the candidates for going out to explore at night, there was no objection to the division of the rooms.

Qi Si had a single room, and Tang Yu and Lin Chen had a room. They did not interfere with each other, and even if something happened, the losses could be minimized.

However, before returning to their respective rooms, there was one more thing to do.

The three of them went up to the second floor and gathered in the room of Luo Haihua and his wife.

The paper on the bedside table was densely filled with answers to the questions raised by Qi Si.

[1. Tell us the name and specific date of the copy you cleared in the official pool of the weird game (it would be best if you are willing to disclose the prop reserves), and we may be able to formulate a plan for everyone to survive. ]

Luo Haihua: [Lao Luo and I have only recently started to form a team. The dungeons we have previously cleared include "Liuyin Village", "Land of Eternal Life", "Soul Container", "Curse of Eris"... The specific dates are March 19, March 26, April 2, April 9, 2035, and this time it is April 16.

[We have an item called "Abyss Ring". If the gem on it turns black, it means that our choice will lead to a deadly situation; red means there will be danger and opportunities next, and blue means there will be no danger and no important clues.

[We also have a few "photographic negatives" brought out from the previous dungeon, which can record some scenes and sometimes show things that are invisible to the naked eye. ]

[2. Reviewing your experience last night may help us understand the cause of the formation of "Xiyi". ]

Luo Haihua: [My lantern was pushed down by an invisible thing last night, and the flame inside ran out and burned the sheets. I was shocked at first, but after seeing the "Abyss Ring" on my hand turn red, I thought things might not be that bad.

【At that time, I seemed to be at the seam of two spaces. I could see Lao Luo with my left eye, and I saw a lot of messy things with my right eye. I talked to Lao Luo, but he couldn't hear me at that time, and the connection of the team ring was also cut off.

【A voice told me that I could choose to enter Xiyi's world. I realized that there might be important clues there, so I agreed. Unexpectedly, Lao Luo saw me disappear in front of him later, and he also overturned his own lantern and came to find me. 】

【3. Describe the world in your eyes. We suspect that there may be key clues in it. 】

【Most of the places in the west of the town are black, with only a few bedside tables and some tattered wooden boards floating in the darkness. It looks like a half-loaded and stuck game. There are traces of burns on the bedside tables and wooden boards, as if they had experienced a fire.

【Later, Lao Luo and I tried to walk a distance to the east and passed through a huge mirror. The surroundings were finally no longer dark. Behind the mirror is also a Yanghua Town, which is the opposite and symmetrical to the Yanghua Town we saw first. There is also a mansion on the easternmost side. We went up to the second floor of the mansion and saw that it is exactly the same as the mansion on the west side of the town!

[And there are many people in this Yanghua Town, not only dead townspeople, but also players who died in this dungeon before. They all have memories of their previous lives and live their own lives. Except for the lack of physical bodies, they are completely alive...] (End of this chapter)

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