Infinite weird games

Chapter 265: The Accomplice (Twenty) Not Knowing Where to Go After Death

Luo Haihua's message came to an abrupt end.

From her answer to the first question, it can be judged that she is indeed a player, otherwise she would not know so much about the strange game.

There is no problem with the time she entered the dungeon. She did enter the dungeon with the three people, and she should not be an NPC transformed from a dead player like Li Yao.

As for the answer to the second question...

Qisi gathered the pages on the ground, returned to the room, and put them back on the bedside table.

He removed the paper lampshade of the lantern in his hand and put it into the backpack in the prop column.

The white candle without the lampshade changed color as soon as it came into contact with the air, and the green flame flew high, and the distance from the outer flame to the flame core almost exceeded the length of the candle itself.

Qisi leaned over slightly, lifted a corner of the bed sheet with his left hand, held the candle in his right hand and moved closer, carefully and carefully using the candle flame to burn the bed sheet.

Tang Yu and Lin Chen followed him back to the house.

Tang Yu looked at his behavior and his face became strange: "Lin Wen, you don't want to try to set the room on fire again?"

"Anyway, there are many rooms, it's not a loss to try. The door is not locked yet, just run out if the fire gets bigger."

Qis said indifferently, the candle in his hand burned more and more vigorously, and finally a small cluster of flames appeared on the corner of the bed sheet.

Unlike the green of the candle flame, this newly lit flame is orange-red, and it slowly and steadily spreads along the outline of the bed sheet, burning from the outside to the inside, and soon a bright bonfire is lit in the room with a small half of the bed sheet as fuel.

Qis turned his head to look at the two people behind him: "Do you have water?"

Old players usually carry some necessities of life, including food, drinking water and change of clothes, in case of emergency.

Tang Yu blinked twice, took out a cloth bundle from the prop column, grabbed a bottle of water from it, and threw it to Qisi.

Qi Si raised his hand to take it, unscrewed the lid, tilted the bottle, poured a circle of water on the ground, and surrounded the fire in the middle.

The flames in the water circle were burning, and the colors at the edges were twisting and shaking, stretching and shrinking. The bright yellow outline glazed the vision, and some angles reflected the passing shadowy figures.

Those figures started from the vicinity of the flames, like ink thrown into clear water, spreading in all directions, floating on the ceiling and overlooking the players below.

Qi Si felt a familiar sense of fear, coming from those loose figures.

He lowered his eyes to avoid looking directly, and at the same time confirmed: there is Xi Yi in this room, Xi Yi who can be reflected by the firelight.

"So... if you light a fire, you can see another space in this copy?" Tang Yu looked at the fire on the bed sheet with interest, "These faces look like the same category as the one in the mirror in Meng's house, are they all Xiyi?"

The faces in the flames trembled with the refraction of the air. There were no exact details, and only the outline of the human figure could be vaguely seen, but the specific face could not be seen clearly.

Therefore, the players did not know whether Luo Haihua and his wife were among this group of Xiyi.

Lin Chen thought for a moment and said, "I have heard of a saying. The air around the flame expands due to heat, and the refractive index changes, making the surrounding scene appear to be in a state of swimming in the naked eye, and at first glance it looks like another space has been opened.

"The ancients did not know the scientific principles, so they agreed to use fire as a channel to communicate with the gods. Whether it was ancient sacrifices or modern temple fairs, fire was used. Bonfires and incense came from this.

"This copy should have followed these settings, so fire was used as the key to open another space."

After analyzing the clues, it can be basically determined that Luo Haihua and his wife are not dead for the time being.

A whole day passed, and apart from the hatred of leaving the team voluntarily, the player group did not lose any more members, which was really gratifying.

Tang Yu patted Qi Si's shoulder and asked, "In other words, we can always meet up with Teacher Luo and the others by lighting a fire?"

"Not necessarily." Qi Si put the candle back into the paper lantern and shook his head gently, "From the time we lit the fire to now, we can only see some Xi Yi's phantoms at best, but not more scenes belonging to another space. From this point of view, just lighting the sheets is not enough.

"The key to Teacher Luo's going to another space is to 'overturn the lantern'. I guess the paper shell of the lantern is an indispensable fuel. The premise of getting the opportunity to go to another space is to destroy the lantern. Do you dare to bet?

"Even if you dare, what's the use if you can't come back?"

As if to confirm Qi Si's words, the bonfire that was originally burning vigorously burned all the sheets in a few seconds, and extinguished it hesitantly, leaving a pile of extinguished ashes, flickering scattered sparks.

The steaming hot air quickly cooled down, and the figure of Xiyi floating in the air gradually faded, and the vision soon returned to the calm and clearness before the bonfire was lit.

"Is that so? Then our division of labor can be clear." Tang Yu collected his thoughts and said in a joking tone, "Teacher Luo and his team are responsible for collecting clues to the space belonging to Xiyi. We are responsible for exploring during the day, and Qiu Xin is responsible for exploring at night.

"Now we just need to figure out what the situation is in Zhendong, and what happened to Teacher Luo and his team that we saw in Zhendong-that's it."

As he spoke, he picked up a ballpoint pen and wrote lines of text on the paper, briefly describing what the three people found during the day.

Including that the townspeople are scarecrows, killing the tiger monster is the real main mission, and... there may be a clearance plan to directly destroy Yanghua Town and bypass the main mission.

Finally, he also made a request, hoping that Luo Haihua and his wife could find out the situation in Zhendong. It would be best to use Xiyi's invisible and intangible advantage to go to the bamboo forest outside the town to see the reality of the tiger demon.

No matter where Luo Haihua and his wife are at the moment, as long as they are old players, they will definitely remember to come back and take a look, and they will always see the messages on the paper.

"I have some speculations about the situation in Zhendong." Qisi took the pen from Tang Yu and played with it, "From the perspective of Teacher Luo and the others, Zhenxi is the ruins left after being burned by fire, and Zhendong is the ruins left after being burned by fire. It is a mirror image of Zhenxi, but it is intact.

"According to clues such as letters, it is known that Yanghua Town has been burned down by officers and soldiers. In other words, it is very likely that the dark west town is the real boundary, and the prosperous and bright east town is just an illusion created based on mirror images.

"All dead beings live in Zhendong, including players and NPCs. There may be a peach blossom garden specially designed to appease the souls of the dead, allowing Xiyi to disappear in unconscious happiness.

"Well, there may be another benefit by the way. Xiyi can be reflected in a mirror, and Mengzhai happens to have a mirror that can reflect the scene in Zhendong. It's good for scaring people."

Qisi's last words were in a joking tone. Lin Chen just thought it was his usual bad taste and laughed.

Tang Yu thought for a moment and then asked: "Since the base camp of those Xiyi is in the east of the town, why do they come all the way to the west of the town to push our lanterns?"

"Who knows? Based on the diffusion of responsibility effect, maybe I have become Xiyi and want to drag others into the trap..."

Tang Yu: "...Okay."

Lin Chen pondered for a moment and then started thinking: "By the way, I remember when we first entered Yanghua Town, a town citizen said in front of us that here we have no worries about food and clothing, and there is nothing better than the Peach Blossom Land." '.

"Meng Fang and the townspeople settled in Yanghua Town in order to avoid military disasters and live and work in peace and contentment for a long time without illness or disaster. Do you think the meaning of Yanghua Town's existence is to create a paradise for all kinds of spirits? ?”

Qisi looked at Lin Chen's cute expression of "believing in fairy tales" and sighed: "If you are unlucky enough to die in this dungeon, living peacefully in Zhendong may be a good choice. But now, I I think you need to go to bed."


The clues are almost exchanged, and it's getting late.

Tang Yu pulled Lin Chen out of the door, leaving Qisi alone in the room of Luo Haihua and his wife.

The bed next to the window has been filled with newly burned ashes, but thanks to the barrier of the water circle, the bed next to the door is still intact.

Qisi closed the door smoothly, sat down on the intact wooden bed, and wrote on the page with a pen:

[Teacher Luo, as far as I know, many props are not affected by the copy mechanism. Can you try sending the "photographic negatives" over? I may need this prop for my exploration tonight. 】

According to Luo Haihua's description, "photographic negatives" are simply props specially prepared for collecting clues.

If it can be sent over, it will be the icing on the cake, even better; if it cannot be sent over, it will not have much impact on the next plan.

There was no movement on the page, and it was unknown where Luo Haihua and his wife were.

There was still some time before the ion hour, so Zis put down his pen, walked to the window with a lantern in hand, and pushed the window open.

The rich darkness almost invaded the room, and the bloody smell brought by the dead bodies lingered on the tip of the nose. Perhaps because of the psychological effect, the bloody smell was also mixed with a hint of the burnt smell of barbecue, making people salivate and feel nauseated at the same time.

Qisi stretched the lantern out of the window and shined it down. The highly decomposed corpses were piled up densely like a mountain, with the top almost reaching the second floor of the residence.

There were six body parts on top, which seemed to belong to the old man and little old lady who had been hacked to death by Tang Yu. But if you look closely, you will see that it is different from the first night.

There was no trace of blood left at the broken edges of the corpse, and the limbs and body were scrawled and thin. Looking closer, it was clearly a chopped straw bale, and it obviously did not belong to a human being.

After discovering the truth of the world, all the previously difficult-to-break-through obstacles dissipated, and the ferociousness underneath revealed its true appearance before our eyes, which was absurd, bizarre, and comical.

Qisi held on to the window sill and leaned his upper body out of the window. He was only half a meter away from the pile of corpses. Any corpse sitting up could touch him.

But time passed by, and the piles of corpses outside the window remained calm, as if they were just ordinary dead people, completely unrelated to those who pretended to be corpses on the first day.

The night-walking ghosts in Yanghua Town will not harm players whose camp is "Ghost". This is the basis for Qisi's courage to explore Yanghua Town at night.

Yes, he had no intention of using the [Destiny Pocket Watch] from the beginning.

After all, each copy of this prop can only be used once, and the only number of times was consumed yesterday. It is used to confirm information such as "ghosts will not hurt ghosts", "ghosts flock to lanterns", "there are invisible beings who want to overthrow the lanterns", etc. .

Based on this, it must be Qis, and only Qis, who goes out to explore.

Without the [Pocket Watch of Destiny] link, other players will definitely not be able to return to their residence in time, and will most likely die on the street.

As for Qisi, even if he slept on the street after midnight, he would not suffer any harm other than catching a cold.

There was a rustling sound behind him, as if something was being dropped from mid-air.

Chiss turned around and walked towards the direction of the sound.

I saw a few more dark plastic sheets on the bedside table, above the communication pages, with a row of neat holes punched in the edges on both sides.

Zeiss picked up one of them.

[Name: Photographic film]

[Type: props]

[Effect: Recording the screen may reveal things invisible to the naked eye]

[Note: Two paranormal enthusiasts disappeared in an abandoned building, and rescuers only found their belongings. The unimaged film lay quietly in the backpack, only reflecting frightened faces at certain times of the night. 】

Luo Haihua and his wife sent over the photographic plates.

All the useful props have been gathered, and the planned plan can be implemented when the time comes.

Qisi sat on the wooden bed, looking down at the hands of the destiny pocket watch moving one by one.

Just wait for a while.

"It's just a matter of time."

Qiu Xin lay on the roof, put the lantern beside him, and looked at the night sky boredly.

During the day, she and the child chatted for a few words before scaring him to death. It took her half a day to dispose of the body without anyone noticing the flaw.

She returned to the alley where she met the child, and saw the child's grandmother limping on crutches looking for her grandson, calling: "An'an, my good grandson, the sun has gone down. ,Where are you?"

He was clearly an NPC, but he acted like a real person. Big tears rolled down from the corners of his wrinkled eyes. Like all the old people who depended on their grandchildren, he was anxious and sad about the disappearance of the child.

Even if the hatred was not for the Holy Mother, I couldn't help but feel sad when I saw the horrified look on that white-haired old lady. I wished I could give her a knife and send her to be reunited with her grandson.

Yes, Qiu Xin is a person with overflowing sympathy. When I was an intern in the hospital, when I saw the families of patients crying and crying, I would always empathize with them and share their sorrow and pain.

As time passed, she thought, life is so painful, why not die?

Anyway, there are ghosts in the world. If they all die, can't they live happily together in another world?

She knew this was wrong, so she began to consciously take medication to control it, and after a certain overdose, she entered a strange game.

The scary copy of the weird game helped her release her stress very well. She felt that she was much more normal. Only when she witnessed the drama of life and death with her loved ones would she be stimulated to the deepest impulse in her heart.


Under the eaves, the old lady who couldn't find her grandson was crying.

Qiu Xin felt irritated when he heard this. He raised his hands to cover his ears and began to comb through the known clues one by one.

"I am a ghost from the perspective of that kid, and the kid himself is also a ghost. According to the pre-prompt, the ghost in the ghost's eyes is a '魙'. Ghosts are afraid of 魙 and will be scared to death after seeing it."

"As a ghost, my nature is 'Xi'. By analogy, 'Xi' is afraid of 'Xi Yi'. A ghost will be scared to death when he sees a mirror, which means there is a Xi Yi in the mirror..."

"I will fall asleep on time at midnight. This is a mandatory mechanism of the dungeon. I'm afraid something will happen at that time. It would be nice if I could stay awake for a few more seconds..."

"Bang, bang!"

There was a sound of bangs, a gust of wind passed by, and the sound of watch in the distant neighborhood was heard——

"Second watch of Haishi, close the doors and windows to guard against people and ghosts!" (End of this chapter)

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