Infinite weird games

Chapter 266: Ghost (Twenty-one) A thought of looking up and down

It's the second watch, and the next watch will be midnight.

Qiu Xin listened to the shouts of the night watchman and carefully identified the direction.

She hasn't killed anyone today, but it's not too late to kill now.

Based on the experience of the first night, the identity of the night watchman is most likely the old man who manages the residence, and is also the "living person" chosen by the townspeople to sacrifice, and the shadow behind him is in human form.

Although I don't understand how the "living person" was chosen when almost all the townspeople are ghosts;

I don't understand how the people who were killed by the players were counted as the townspeople and the mountain god's agreement;

But this did not prevent Qiu Xin from seizing the opportunity and completing the daily killing task that the ghost camp must do.

"Bang, bang--"

The sound of the bangzi is getting closer and closer, dragging the chaotic footsteps deep into the alley.

Qiu Xin held the lantern in his mouth, turned over and jumped off the roof, gently landed in the haystack behind the house, and looked in the direction of the night watch through the gap between the haystacks.

In the darkness, the shadow behind the person could not be seen clearly. Only by the faint light from nowhere, she could see clearly that it was a hunchbacked old lady wearing a bamboo hat and a straw raincoat, holding a walking stick under her armpit and holding a gong in her hand, which she was beating diligently.

Just tap her shoulder to kill her, and today's mission would be completed...

Qiu Xin pushed aside the haystack, suppressed the sound of footsteps, and walked forward step by step.

As her vision widened, she saw an orange halo on the ground behind the old lady, splashing brightly and moving forward as she walked.

That was the light of the lantern.

Qiu Xin looked at the light source and saw a figure in red holding a white paper lantern, following the old lady silently, always two steps away from her.

The evening breeze blew up the sleeves and long skirts of the clothes, and the blood-colored cloth fluttered silently in the air, like blood dripping into clear water, and the edges were blurred like a ghost walking at night.

It was Lin Wen!

Why did Lin Wen follow the night watchman? Did he find something, or... did he also want to attack the night watchman?

Yes, Lin Wen could come out at night without being attacked by ghosts, which was enough to show that he was also a ghost.

If he was a ghost, he had to kill people, and the night watchman who was clearly alive was undoubtedly the best target.

There was only one night watchman, whoever grabbed it first would own it.

Qiu Xin no longer hesitated, grabbed a handful of fine sand from the prop column, and threw it at the red-clothed man behind the little old lady.

The red-clothed man reacted very quickly and stepped back. Qiu Xin took the opportunity to step forward, rushed behind the little old lady in a few steps, and slapped her heavily on the right shoulder.


The night watchman fell to the ground, and the little old lady fell forward.

[You have used the identity effect once today and killed one person]

[Please kill the next person within twelve hours]

Except that the deceased has changed, everything is exactly the same as the first night.

Qiu Xin succeeded in one strike, and had no intention of entanglement. She turned around and ran wildly along the way she came.

After running a few steps, she felt a chill on her right ankle, as if something had caught her.

Unable to move her feet, her upper body leaned forward under the action of inertia, and she staggered and fell into the soft haystack.

Then a clear voice sounded from behind: "I knew that I could find you by following the night watchman, Qiu Xin. Now, as teammates in the same camp, let's have a good chat."


Qis sat in the room for a while, and guessed that the two people next door were asleep, so he pushed the door open and went down the stairs to the first floor of the mansion.

At this point in the dungeon, the clues and information have been collected. He has a general idea of ​​how to pass this dungeon, but the details still need to be designed.

For example, how to tell other players the information that only the ghosts know without arousing suspicion.

Another example is how to complete the task of "eliminating all humans among the players" without bloodshed.

On the first night, Qi Si easily killed an unlucky player while other players were away. He thought that he only needed to identify who was a ghost and who was a human, and then do the same to the human.

Unexpectedly, after just one night of waiting, the identity camp was figured out, but the opportunity was completely missed.

The players only thought that Luo Haihua and his wife became Xiyi to go to another space to collect clues.

But Qi Si knew clearly that it was a rope used to tie up the players in the ghost camp.

Xiyi was invisible and intangible, and could not be killed directly by touching the shoulder; Luo Haihua and his wife were inseparable, and they were not subject to the clause of "being alone in the same room"; theoretically, the ghosts could not kill them, and they could only be "eliminated" by a special method.

And the basis for that special method was trust.

Once Luo Haihua and his wife witnessed him killing other players, it would be difficult to deceive them into following his plan.

Therefore, he had to use some more complicated means to mobilize more chess pieces to interpret the plan.

Qiu Xin was one of the chess pieces to be used.

Qi Si took the initiative to go out to explore at night, with a hidden purpose of finding Qiu Xin.

He believed that people have inertia of thinking, and Qiu Xin would most likely continue to choose to attack the night watchman on the second night after the success of the first night.

On this basis, it was very simple for him to find Qiu Xin.

Qi Si carried a lantern, went out of the gate of the mansion, followed the sound of the night watchman that enveloped the entire Yanghua Town, and finally found the figure of the little old lady who was in charge of the night watchman tonight after crossing three streets and alleys.

He quietly followed the little old lady and walked for another quarter of an hour, and fortunately met Qiu Xin who had left the team for a long time.

At this moment, the scarlet cursed pendulum was wrapped around Qiu Xin's ankle. From a distance, it looked like a hideous trace of blood.

Qisi stood in front of Qiu Xin, bending slightly and showing his white teeth: "First of all, I hope you won't act rashly. Although the prop wrapped around your feet is not fatal, if it is scratched, it will randomly cause amnesia, One of the three debuffs: Hallucination and High Fever.

"The other two are fine, but it will be troublesome if you lose your memory. You may be drooling like an Alzheimer's patient, unable to recognize people, and you may treat yourself as an NPC and stay forever."

Qiu Xin suddenly raised his eyes with a gloomy look: "Are you threatening me?"

Qisi looked into her eyes and sighed: "This is the second point I want to make. I have a good-will attitude toward you and seek cooperation. In my opinion, you don't have to be so vulnerable. .

"This is a team copy. You and I are in the same camp, and our positions are completely consistent. Only by cooperation can we achieve the greatest benefits. What's more, the fourth item of the identity effect says that after killing the player who is also a demon, I will also will be obliterated.

"Although I am not a person who cherishes my life, if I exchange the value of your life for mine, with all due respect, I will feel that I have suffered a big loss."

The words don't sound nice, but the truth is correct.

Qiu Xin was silent for two seconds and asked quietly: "I don't think this is a team copy in the traditional sense. The number of living people you can meet every day is limited, and even within the camp, there is competition."

"This brings us to the third point." Qisi smiled and raised his index finger between his lips. "Today I followed them to the east and west of the town and found many key clues, pointing to completely different developments. , do you want to hear it?”

"You'll tell me?"

"I just need you to promise me that you will never reveal my identity and will not harm me, and I will tell you."


[The soul contract has been signed. This contract is guaranteed by the rules of the world and cannot be violated by any existence]

Silver-white writing was refreshed on the system interface of the two people at the same time. Qiu Xin looked up at the sky, then looked down at the pendulum hanging on his ankle, and a strange color flashed in his eyes: "Contract skills? Red pendulum ?”

Zistan nodded his head magnanimously: "Well, the 'Cheng An' who was posted on the forum not long ago is also me."

Qiuxin: "..."

The contract is completed, and the clause of "never revealing identity" covers a wide range of things. It can be the identity of "Ghost", or the identity of "Cheng An", or even more.

Zeiss was not worried about his hatred hindering his plans after knowing certain information.

He looked at the expressionless hatred and continued: "In the morning, we followed the mourners to the bamboo forest in the east of the town, and saw that the corpse they had inserted vertically into the soil had turned into a scarecrow.

“Through some experiments, we determined that most of the townspeople are ghosts possessing the Scarecrow, and their shadows are actually the Scarecrow’s shadows.

"In other words, the scarecrow they possess is in the shape of a tiger, and the shadow is in the shape of a tiger; the scarecrow they possess is in the shape of a human, and the shadow is in the shape of a human."

Qiu Xin understood the meaning of the words and asked: "There is no distinction between living people and ghosts in the townspeople, they are all ghosts. If we just tap on the shoulder of anyone, we can complete the daily tasks, is that right?

"Why is the copy designed like this? How can I be sure that you are telling the truth?"

"Just find a town citizen and try it. You can try it yourself, or you can let me try it." Qisi stepped back a few steps, bent down to pick up the watch gong that fell on the ground, and looked sideways at Chou Xin. beside.

It was a dilapidated wooden house, and there were constant cries coming from inside. It was obvious that someone lived there.

"I'll try it myself." Qiu Xin said.

She walked to the door of the wooden house, raised her hand and knocked on the door twice. After knocking, she remembered that Yanghua Town had repeatedly issued orders not to allow the townspeople to open the door at night...

She took out a medicine hammer from the toolbar and was about to break the door lock, but she heard the sound of "ta-ta-da" footsteps coming from the door.

"An'an, are you back?" The old lady who lost her grandson pushed open the wooden door blankly with red and swollen eyes and looked outside.

Qiu Xin reached out and patted her left shoulder.


The old lady fell to the ground as if her soul had been taken away.

[You have used identity effects twice today, killing two people]

[Please kill the next person within twelve hours]

Qiu Xin heard the system announcement and remained silent.

All the townspeople are targets for the ghost to kill, but why use a scarecrow to distinguish the shadow of a human from the shadow of a tiger among them?

Qisi lowered his eyes and looked at the photographic film in his hand, which reflected the scene of the moment when Hateful Heart made a move.

The scarecrow in tattered gray clothes was shrouded in a gray-black shadow. When his shoulder was touched, his attention suddenly disappeared in all directions, like throwing stones into a pond, as if he had been greatly frightened...

Ghosts are afraid of demons and can easily be scared out of their wits; and the player who is a ghost happens to be a demon.

Normally, the townspeople thought they were humans and were not afraid of the devil; but when they found out they were ghosts, they were extremely afraid of the devil.

This is how the player's ghost can easily kill townspeople with a touch on the shoulder.

Qisi put the imaged film into his sleeve and walked a little way towards the alley. He looked back at Qiu Xin who was stunned on the spot: "Are you interested in going somewhere with me?"

Qiu Xin said nothing, holding the flickering light, and slowly followed Qisi.

After crossing a few more streets, the sound of "bang bang" sounded in my ears again.

Hoarse shouts echoed in the silent night, chanting vague words:

"My wife died from a tiger, and my son also died. Why not go? There is a military disaster in another country..."

Qisi walked over following the shouts, and through the light and shadow of the lantern spreading around, he saw a scholar dressed in black with white beard and hair.

After changing his identity, the scholar who possesses the shadow of the person also gains the responsibility of watching the clock, and may die at night like the little old lady in charge of the residence, as a sacrifice to provide for the tiger demon.

Qiu Xin murmured: "The villagers themselves are all spirits, and their identities are determined by the scarecrow they possess, which changes every day.

"It's like reincarnation. Some people are rich and powerful, some are as poor as dirt, and some people... are destined to die at the hands of ghosts at night because they are possessed by human-shaped scarecrows."

"Clever." Zisi smiled and said, "The current situation is that the scholar comrade who received us yesterday unfortunately possessed the human-shaped scarecrow.

"I just don't know if this possession is random or if someone is controlling it. Is it a random ghost selected and offered to the tiger, or is this a good opportunity to get rid of a specific individual."

Qiu Xin thought for a while and asked, "Do you have a way to verify it?"

"I want to try if we don't kill him according to the rules, can he see the sun tomorrow?"

After Qisi finished speaking, he controlled the cursed pendulum to fly back to his hand, turned around and turned into an alley.

He held the lantern high and looked through the windows one after another. It didn't take long before he found a tattered, old and disrepaired paper window.

He didn't knock on the door, and directly threw the cursed pendulum towards the paper window, breaking through the thin layer of obstruction.

A middle-aged couple lay on the kang in the room, huddled in each other's arms after the window was broken, and stared at Qis standing outside the window with pale faces.

Qiss was not in a hurry to enter the door. He controlled the cursed pendulum to fly into the house and picked off the latch of the door.

The door opened.

Qisi strolled in through the door and patted the couple on each shoulder.

[You have used your identity effect once today and killed one person]

[Please kill the next person within twelve hours]

[You have used identity effects twice today, killing two people]

[Please kill the next person within twelve hours]

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Three more gongs sounded in the distance, and the gong in the hand resonated with mournful cries.

Qisi took out [Ink Soul Scroll] and [Umbrella Full of Pain] from the item list, and activated their effects at the same time.

The ink evaporates from the long scrolls of the landscape, floating in the air like clouds and mist, and scattered bits of golden light outline the outline of the door.

Qisi stepped into the door, traced a freehand landscape with his fingers, and looked back at the ground gradually fading away.

But I heard someone shouting at the top of their lungs:

"It's three o'clock in the morning, everything is safe!" (End of this chapter)

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