Infinite weird games

Chapter 273: The Ghost (Twenty-Eight) Returns to the World in Peace

In the year of his death, Meng Fang made a deal with the god who was in charge of contracts, and the new Yanghua Town was built on the bloody sea and corpse mountain of the old Yanghua Town.

The corpses of the tragic deaths were piled up in the corners of the town, and tens of thousands of scarecrows were thrown into the town for the ghosts of the wronged to possess.

Those scarecrows were in human form and tiger form, and they were divided into different identities according to their colors, such as scholars, civilians, rich families, beggars...

Meng Fang didn't know why such a complicated classification was set up in the scarecrow world, but he didn't dare to question the decision of the gods.

Under the power of the gods, each scarecrow was programmed with new memories. They forgot the past of dying in the war and thought they were following Meng Fang to escape the war.

The wronged souls who regained their bodies became the townspeople of the new Yanghua Town, thinking that this was a paradise that was not disturbed by the war.

They were grateful for Meng Fang's guidance, respected him as the head of the town, and called him "Master Meng".

Meng Fang still remembers what happened before and after his death. His memories become clearer and clearer as time goes by, which also brings more self-blame and pain.

This is the price he paid for praying to the gods. He silently bears it and regards it as a kind of atonement.

During his lifetime, he failed to protect the land. In the end, in order to fight against the enemy, thousands of people died and countless families were separated. After his death, he can finally step out of the responsibility of loyalty to the emperor and focus more on those innocent people.

When he just died, he realized that it was because of his stubborn defense and burning the city that the people were slaughtered. The ideals of managing the world and helping the people conflicted, and he was almost drowned in confusion.

Now, he watched those townspeople who should have died live like living people again, living and working in peace and contentment without worries. The cracks in his mind were gradually healed, and the pain of chewing on memories alone did not seem so unbearable.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. A townsperson who was a scholar gradually found something wrong and united a group of people to get out of Yanghua Town.

Meng Fang clearly remembered that the gods had told him that the townspeople who left Yanghua Town would truly die.

He was scared and tried his best to persuade the scholar and others to give up their idea, but he could not convince them without arousing suspicion.

He had to recite the god's name and pray to him again.

The red-clothed god descended from the sky and smiled bloodthirstyly after listening to Meng Fang's description of the uncontrollable situation: "If you are worried that they will know the truth, just kill all those who notice it."

Meng Fang looked up in astonishment.

The god said indifferently: "Ghosts die as Xiyi, and Xiyi die as Xiyi. Ghosts killed by Xiyi will directly turn into Xiyi, which cannot be seen or heard."

The god told Meng Fang that becoming Xiyi does not mean death, but that they cannot be seen or touched by others. They can still live freely in another space.

The sacrifice of a few people is insignificant compared to the stability of the overall situation. Meng Fang hesitated for a long time and asked the god what he should do.

The god said, "I will send a few ghosts into the town every once in a while. They will deal with those disobedient ghosts. All you need to do is stuff those ghosts into human bodies."

The god once gave Meng Fang the power to mobilize ghosts. That day, Meng Fang used it for the first time and stuffed the souls of the scholar and others into human-shaped straw bundles at night.

Afterwards, a group of outsiders with strange behavior entered Yanghua Town, and the souls of the scholar and others disappeared under their actions.

The god appeared again, followed by a huge tiger made of straw.

He pointed to the west, and the tiger turned into a residual shadow and flew into the bamboo forest on the back mountain west of the town.

He looked at Meng Fang with compassion: "The tiger demon is entrenched outside the town, and the people in the town dare not leave. This is a new deal. I will give you the authority to modify your memory and take back the body I gave you before."

Meng Fang agreed to the deal, and combined the existence of the tiger demon and the outsiders well, and compiled a set of logically self-consistent memories about "mountain gods" and "ghosts" for the townspeople.

Yanghua Town settled down again, but unlike before, six or seven outsiders would enter Yanghua Town every once in a while.

Those outsiders were running around in and out of the town, mostly killing each other, and occasionally coming into contact with the townspeople.

Meng Fang noticed that the townspeople who played the role of the scholar always approached the outsiders on their own initiative, as if they wanted to explore something.

Meng Fang, who had lost his body, lost a lot of humanity and became more negative and indifferent. He no longer hesitated, and repeatedly followed the same method, using outsiders to deal with those restless scholars.

He also tried to directly seal the identity of the scholar, but whenever he had this idea, the power to mobilize ghosts would always disappear briefly.

He gradually realized that the transaction between the gods and him was not salvation and gift, but exploitation and curse.

The hidden danger of discovering the truth is hidden in the body made of straw, and the memory will accumulate from generation to generation. Even if it is modified from time to time, it is just a poison to quench thirst.

While the god was tasting his pain of running around and being overwhelmed, he turned Yanghua Town into a place with a special purpose for those outsiders to run around.

And he had no choice but to accept it.

As the days passed, more and more Xiyi appeared in Yanghua Town, and occasionally their outlines appeared in the mirror or in the light and shadow, disturbing the remaining townspeople.

More and more townspeople became suspicious, and Meng Fang had to make a third deal with the god.

The god divided Yanghua Town into two parts, the east part of the town and the west part of the town. The east part of the town was virtual, and the west part of the town was real, divided by the mirror.

Xiyi was placed in the east part of the town, and the townspeople were placed in the west part of the town.

Because the living space was cut in half, the townspeople had to alternate between day and night activities, and the rest of the time they were trapped in rotting bodies.

——Just like now.

The price Meng Fang paid for this transaction was to become a "魙" who could not see the light of day and lived in a house with mirror walls.

When the god was about to leave, Meng Fang asked: "I feel pain, I don't know when I can really die?"

The god lowered his scarlet eyes and said almost alms: "After killing the tiger demon, you will be free. Everything will go back to the beginning, when I made the first deal with you."

After a person has a future, death becomes the last choice.

Meng Fang asked: "I can't leave Yanghua Town, how can I kill the tiger demon?"

The god raised his right hand, and a crow with scarlet eyes appeared out of thin air and landed on Meng Fang's shoulder.

God said: "Every seven days, seven outsiders will come to this world. Write letters and invite them with reasons that match their status."

Meng Fang wrote letters with hope, inviting outsiders to Yanghua Town one by one. In the endless waiting, he finally waited for the news that the tiger demon was eliminated.

Even though his emotions had been worn away by the long years, he still felt happy.

Everything went back to the beginning, and he still had the opportunity to run Yanghua Town from scratch...

Xi Yi will be resurrected as a townsman. This time, the gods let him go free. He will build Yanghua Town into a real paradise without interference...

The mistakes he made will eventually be redeemed, and he will definitely be able to atone for his past sins...

But he didn't expect that someone would set a fire.


After setting a fire, Qi Si took out the [pass specially approved by the dean] from the prop column and hid it in the wide sleeve of his left hand.

Although I don't know how wide the effect of "entering and exiting the frog hospital at any time" is, the survival pressure in the later stages of the puzzle dungeon is mostly not too great, and there is no need to worry about NPCs suddenly going berserk and fighting a boss.

Well, the experience comes from the "Grand Performance" dungeon.

Time passes by, the fuel burns out, and the flames gradually die out.

Almost all the ghosts visible to the naked eye have thrown themselves into the sea of ​​fire, and the streets are much emptier and cleaner.

Qi Si looked at Meng Fang not far away, smiling with sarcasm: "You were an accomplice of the princes and nobles when you were alive, and you have a piece of land to play role-playing after you die. Are you doing an anthropological experiment?"

He commented seriously: "I have considered locking hundreds or thousands of people together before, setting up various game theory problems, and calculating the probability of humans making various choices. If you have the ability to delete and modify memories like you, it will be much more convenient."

Meng Fang had already calmed down and shook his head: "I caused their family to be destroyed, and now I just want to give them a period of peace and health. I have a clear conscience."

"Really?" Qi Si smiled, "As a Xi, looking at Xiyi in the mirror every day, it should be scared to death, unless - those Xiyi died at your hands. If I guessed right. You were also responsible for the death of the scholar last night, right? "

"I have no choice." Meng Fang smiled bitterly. "When the enemy invaded during my lifetime, any man of blood should not give up an inch of land. The opportunity to be resurrected after death is hard to come by. I can't let a few people disturb the peace of others."

"But why?" Qi Si smiled and looked at Meng Fang, as if he wanted to get an answer. "The country has never belonged to the common people, but to the upper class. The common people never enjoyed the bells and drums in their lifetime, but they had to lose their lives for the rule of meat eaters. After death, they could have entered the reincarnation peacefully, but became Xiyi for inexplicable reasons - what's the reason?

"They never had the right to choose. In your eyes, they are probably not even human beings, so they are arbitrarily flattened and rounded. You always say "no guilt", do you really think you have a noble character? "

He did not wait for Meng Fang to answer, and changed his tone to a solemn one, and continued to talk: "Killing tens of millions of people and burning thousands of houses is unkind; seeking the skin of a tiger, but breaking the contract and oath is unrighteous; defending the city without reward is unrighteous; killing people with a borrowed knife and deceiving us to take risks and subdue the tiger is immoral.

"You use the name of the tiger demon to exclude dissidents and maintain the stability of your rule in Yanghua Town. In essence, you are just a lackey of that ridiculous set of benevolence and morality. You are moved by the illusory slogans. You forced the people to die with you in the city during your lifetime, and you held their souls after death--

"Then I might as well ask you a question based on the morality you believe in: What is the guilt of the people? ”

[The main quest has been completed. Please follow the guidance of the green lantern to leave the dungeon]

[Note: Each green lantern can only open one exit and guide one person through]

Two lines of silver-white text hang high on the system interface, and the dungeon has come to an end.

Qis was not in a hurry to leave, and he leisurely observed Meng Fang's expression.

After waiting for an answer for a long time, he sighed in boredom: "Look, you have studied this logic for so many years, and you can't explain it clearly, so I hate it most when you talk about morality all the time.

"People are ultimately selfish. In order to ensure that their quality of life is not affected, civilians will naturally fight against foreign enemies considering that they are not of my race and their hearts must be different; and if they are already living in dire straits, how can they die for the country?

"You have been tossing around for thousands of years, and in the final analysis, it is also out of selfish considerations, but it is more obscure. What you seek is not real benefits, but false reputation. Maybe there is also a little pleasure brought by the power of life and death? "

Qisi laughed as if he had thought of some new joke.

Meng Fang's face was extremely ugly, but he never made any move.

He had worn the mask of benevolence and morality for too long and could not take it off in a short time. It was difficult for him to take the initiative to kill people, and he had no way to deal with Qi Si, who was also a "魙".

Qi Si knew this clearly, and walked straight to the east of the town past Meng Fang who was stunned.

Qiu Xin didn't know why, but he still followed him silently, and at the same time, he did not forget to stuff the empty wine jar in his hand into Meng Fang's arms and return it to its original owner.

Meng Fang: ...Don't bully like this.

The two players quickly arrived at the mansion in the east of the town and climbed up the stairs.

On the second floor of the mansion, the image of Luo Haihua and his wife lay quietly on the bed, as if dead.

The candle in his hand was still burning diligently, jumping with a weak flame.

Qi Si tilted the candle directly and lit the corner of "Luo Haihua's" clothes.

The flames climbed up quickly along the clothes, engulfing the whole person in just a few seconds.

In the firelight, you can vaguely see the burnt yellow branches, which clearly belong to the scarecrow.

"It's fake." Qi Si smiled, "Zhendong was established to accommodate Xiyi and prevent other townspeople from seeing them. How could they allow two living people to lie there so openly?"

Qiu Xin witnessed Qi Si's operation of burning people, and was horrified for a second before she understood the situation.

She thought for a moment and asked, "Putting a fake person in Zhendong to deceive players, what is this mechanism?"

"That's not important." Qi Si walked to the bedside table, picked up the paper with words on it, and handed it to Qiu Xin, "The important thing is why Teacher Luo and the others conspired with the ghosts to deceive us."

On the paper, there was a description of past experiences written in Luo Haihua's handwriting. From the known clues and Meng Fang's narration, it can be seen that it was completely nonsense.

What about traveling through time and space and reaching the future? It is obvious that people who don't know the true world view of the copy are making up nonsense to confuse the water.

Qiu Xin pointed at one of the lines and asked, "Why is there a place for Tang Yu?"

"As a teacher, Luo Haihua is naturally sensitive to handwriting. Tang Yu was once an important member of the Jiuzhou Guild. As members of the Jiuzhou Guild, Luo Haihua and his wife know his handwriting, and it is not impossible to imitate it in the copy."


Qisi stopped talking, turned and walked to the second-floor platform, holding the railing, looking at the trembling fire from afar.

The flame became smaller and smaller, and after twisting dozens of times, it was completely extinguished, without even a spark left.

At the same time, the candle in Qisi's hand went out without warning, as if following the fire.

[Number of remaining guiding green lanterns: 4]

It seems that the guiding green lanterns that have been lit will be useless.

I just don't know if it will be in time to find the exit before the flame goes out. It's almost an hour, and running faster should be enough to get out of the town, right?

Of course, Qisi didn't intend to experiment with his own death.

He sank his consciousness into his mind, touched the red soul leaf, and said: "Lin Chen, come to the second floor of Zhendong Residence." (End of this chapter)

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