Infinite weird games

Chapter 274: The Ghost (Twenty-nine) Suddenly Ends

(I still haven’t finished writing today, the computer crashed,

I reinstalled it according to the prompts.

As a result, all manuscripts, outlines, and software were gone...

The update will definitely have to wait until the computer is repaired.

I still want Quanqin,

So let’s just put some scraps here.

Wait until tomorrow to replace it with the text. )

(Well, the following is a very useless and useless article that I estimate I will never continue to write in this life.

The dark history of the second year of secondary school is thrown here to make up the numbers. I hope the review system will be merciful.)

Smashing your skull with a hard object feels like smashing something else.

It wasn't until the man's head was dented and blood like nutrient solution flowed out from a spring that Wu Qi threw aside the folding bench in his hand.

——Stool legs made of scrap metal from the recycling bin. The quickest killing often only requires the simplest weapon.

The noble in black coat fell in a pool of blood. His head was no harder than that of the common people. As for the difference in brain capacity, it is not clear now.

"You killed someone." Wu Qi heard Lin Rong's voice suppressing his emotions.

"You shouldn't be so impulsive..." The roommate was probably scared, but he still tried his best to stay calm and told him, "The Order Bureau is arresting the rebels these days. If you kill him at this juncture, you will be regarded as a criminal." The rebels were executed.”

Wu Qi stared at the blood on his fingertips in trance. He found that he was not as scared as he imagined. He did not feel nauseated after killing people, but instead felt a sense of pleasure and excitement.

He thought that he was probably crazy. He had been crazy for a long time, but now the madness was aroused.

So, he said in a relaxed and smiling tone: "He deserves to die."

"If I remember correctly, didn't the federal government newly pass the Underground City Resident Protection Act? He broke into the house illegally, and we have the right to defend ourselves."

Lin Rong shook his head and said: "Even if it is self-defense, given his status, you will be executed."

When chatting about academic topics, this nerdy roommate wearing thick glasses can always regain his composure quickly: "And you killed him with excessive defense... Before execution, you may also undergo sensory deprivation and waterboarding." Such torture.”

Wu Qi knew this, and he thought clearly about the consequences within a second of impulsively killing someone. His instinct of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages allowed him to think of evasive methods as well.

"It'll be fine if he doesn't get caught." He looked at Lin Rongxiao, "Isn't there a new processing plant opened in Area F on the 13th? Let's throw him into the raw material pool...Old Lin, after so many years of our friendship, don't you Will you betray me?"

Lin Rong adjusted his flat-rimmed glasses, which was his habitual action when he was serious.

He did not answer directly, but said in a tone of explaining a mathematical problem: "If you want to dump the body, wait another hour and twenty-six minutes. The database of the city system will be updated by then. If there is a loophole, we can take advantage of it - let's first collect the surveillance video Dealt with it.”

Lin Rong said, bent down and took out the laptop hidden under the sofa, opened it, and entered an interface full of characters that Wu Qi could not understand.

His slender fingers tapped on the keyboard, expertly inputting various codes. The crackling sounds were mixed with breathing in the silence, intertwined and sounded like a piece of postmodern music.

Wu Qi sat bored and his eyes gradually moved to the closed bedroom door.

He knew that his sister must still be awake at this moment, and there was no way she could sleep with such a big movement outside. But my sister was very obedient. He told her to go in and stay there and don't open the door, so she wouldn't open the door.

She has always been so obedient, and she will do whatever is asked of her. This is a product that has been edited in genes and cultivated through generations of screening to meet the requirements of the nobles.

She would prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner in advance, although they were all unpalatable nutrient solutions. She would greet Wu Qi after he returned to the container house after working for sixteen hours, and would go to the garbage dump to pick up some seeds of flowers and plants dropped by the underground city to plant. .

Therefore, Wu Qi did not regret killing that noble man at all.

When the man broke into the house and ransacked the room, he actually had no murderous intentions. Anyway, he was a proletarian and all his property was rented from the company.

The company is run by nobles.

Since the "Dungeon Resident Protection Act" was passed, it no longer happens that nobles come to the dungeon to loot and then demand compensation.

At most, it will be more troublesome to clean up.

Those aristocratic men no longer play the "gangster game" for a day or two. They condescend to come to the underground city, pick a lucky area, enter the container house to rob, and then compete to see who can rob the most.

Wu Qi had seen it once when he was a child. That time his nominal mother was chopped into meat paste by a group of nobles with knives. In front of him, it was regarded as the enlightenment of murder in his life.

He's very used to this, really.

But that guy should never want to have sex with her sister, at least not now.

What if we wait another six years? Anyway, my sister is very good-looking and will definitely be sent to the underground city when she becomes an adult.

Although Wu Qi has poor grades and is nicknamed "illiterate", he still has common sense and knows that having sex too early will damage the body.

So he told the man as calmly as possible: "My sister is only twelve years old."

The man smiled sarcastically: "It's fun when you're young."

Wu Qi was very unhappy, and he didn't know whether it was out of defense for his sister, or because of the man's contempt for cats and dogs in his tone.

Lin Rong was there at the time, and it could be seen that he was also unhappy. His lips were pursed into a thin line, biting them until they turned white.

Despite this, Wu Qi still smiled politely, even lowered his head and said to the man: "We can discuss it again."

Then he looked at his sister who was standing by the door holding a broken doll and said: "Go back to the bedroom first and close the door. Brother wants to talk to the guests."

It is difficult for people to keep their words clear when they are angry, but Wu Qi did it. He maintained peace until his sister closed the door.

"Let me sleep with your sister once, and I can give you 10,000 survival points."

-Survival points can be exchanged for various materials and are the most authoritative currency in the dungeon.

After the man finished speaking, he looked at Wu Qi leisurely. These nobles always think that money can buy everything, and they love to watch the poor abandon their conscience for money.

Wu Qi used his not-so-good math to make a calculation. 10,000 points is equivalent to his salary for 20 months.

The price is too low.

He stared at the folding chair beside him and thought so, with a smile on his face.

The man asked in a literary way: "What do you think?" He seemed to be sure that Wu Qi would not refuse.

The people in the underground city are poor, have no morals, and have no blood relationship... Theoretically, they should not be rejected.

Wu Qi analyzed the man's psychology and suddenly remembered that the material of the folding chair was probably iron, which was very hard and suitable for killing people.

His limbs immediately reacted after receiving scattered thoughts. Like a natural killer, he picked up the folding chair and smashed it on the man's head with a smile.

Once, once...

When Lin Rong challenged the city's surveillance system, Wu Qi almost regained his composure.

He naturally knew what he should do. His brain automatically made a complete plan. Lin Rong was one part, and he would complete the other part.

If the situation was ideal, he might not be caught and escape the investigation of the Order Maintenance Bureau.

The disappearance of a nobleman thus became an unsolved case. The bigwigs above would be angry and think that this was a provocation to their authority, and then they would launch a large-scale purge in this area of ​​​​G District.

But every time they purge, they can't kill everyone. Two adults can escape by luck. Wu Qi believes that he, his sister and Lin Rong may not be able to be one of the survivors.

As for those neighbors who were unlucky enough to be accidentally injured, it would not be bad to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Wu Qi's breathing was a little rapid. He had not been able to regulate his physiological reactions well after killing people.

For the first time, it was good that he did not vomit.

He stood up with his elbows on the sofa and walked to the pile of debris to search.

The scrap metal picked up from the recycling station made a ping-pong sound, which made the quiet night seem a little lively.

The feeling of being at a loss further decreased, and Wu Qi smiled brightly.

"You speak softly." Lin Rong said, and he could feel the stiffness of his teeth from his vague speech.

The bystanders were more frightened than the murderer, but they did not give up the action.

He frowned and tapped the keyboard, with dense beads of sweat oozing from his forehead, and his eyes behind the lenses stared at one place.

——The program designed by the elites of the ground city obviously caused him a lot of trouble.

Wu Qi could not help.

Unlike Lin Rong, who has been an excellent student since childhood, he is a complete poor student, the kind who has learned nothing and wasted his compulsory education. He can't even read a few English letters, let alone understand more sophisticated programs.

Like many ordinary people, he can see the end of his life at a glance. He will be rated "E grade" in the final assessment, get simple physical work and the obligation to raise the next generation, and be squeezed out of all his labor value at the age of 28 and thrown into the processing plant to become canned meat.

Wu Qi accepted this fate calmly. After all, it was a miracle to live so long in this fucked up world. If it weren't for his sister's entanglement, he would have wished to die early and be reborn early, praying to be reborn in the ground city in the next life.

And Lin Rong is obviously a model of not accepting fate. He always thought that he could get an "S" grade in the final assessment and be promoted to the ground city. Unfortunately, judging from several mock exams, he still lacked the final touch. Wu Qi always felt that he had learned in vain, just like himself.

But now it seems that what this roommate learned is not completely useless. At least he can use information technology to destroy the evidence.

Thinking of this, Wu Qi picked up a piece of "L"-shaped scrap metal, and a single move affected the whole body.

The whole pile of garbage in the corner collapsed like a landslide, making a loud "clatter".

Lin Rong raised the volume behind him: "Quiet!"

His voice was cracked, and he sounded very angry, more irritated and confused.

Put yourself in his shoes. The impulsive roommate killed a big shot, and he became an accomplice inexplicably, and had to force himself to stay calm and clean up the mess. He did have reason to be irritated.

Fortunately, Wu Qi didn't have to make noise anymore.

He found his target under the collapsed scrap metal - a black snakeskin bag.

He turned back to the sofa, folded the body of the man in the pool of blood in half, and stuffed it in.

The snakeskin bag was just a small, deflated ball when crumpled, but it was enough to hold the body of an adult man when stretched out. Snakes can always swallow prey that is larger than themselves. I wonder if their name has this origin.

Wu Qi kicked the bag containing the corpse aside, sat down on the armrest of the sofa, and was distracted again, but only for a moment.

Lin Rong closed the computer with a "snap", announcing that the processing of the surveillance was completed.

His expression was stiff, and he slowly lowered his eyes to look at the pool of blood on the ground. His shoulders trembled slightly, and he raised his hand to press his temple as if he was fainting from blood.

The fear that was suppressed by force was overwhelming. Wu Qi was infected by such emotions, but found that he was much calmer.

He smiled shamelessly, like a dead pig that was not afraid of boiling water. A second later, he lowered his head and tied a symmetrical and pretty bow on the mouth of the snakeskin bag.

——Since he had a younger sister at home, he was very good at this trick to coax girls.

"There are still fifty-one minutes." Lin Rong said with a dry throat.

That was the time for the city system database to be updated. They needed to take advantage of this loophole, transport the man's body out, throw it to the processing plant No. 13 in District F, and then press the switch to turn this so-called noble and a group of civilians into canned meat.

Yes, the processing plant No. 13 in District F was newly opened, so the security would definitely be worse than other processing plants; in order to boost performance, they would not carefully investigate the source of each body.

Wu Qi was surprised that he knew this information clearly, as if killing and disposing of bodies had been planned a thousand times in his mind.

But this was impossible. Before that, he had no idea that the noble man would break into the room.

Maybe this was a kind of talent? Although he was not good at studying, he was used to thinking and could easily dig out various details that were usually overlooked from the bottom of his mind.

"Forty-seven minutes." Lin Rong reported the time again, perhaps hoping to relieve the tension, but it seemed to be of no use.

His face was still pale, and the calm mask he forced himself to wear was full of cracks. He looked like he was about to faint.

Wu Qi thought that these top students were all soft eggs and cowards who could not stand a little bit.

But he turned to think that today's incident seemed to have nothing to do with Lin Rong. It was because of his own drag that this law-abiding good citizen broke the law for the first time...

He smiled and touched his nose, and his confidence suddenly became insufficient.

In the silence, one could almost hear the breathing of the two people, and if he listened carefully, he could hear his sister sobbing through the door.

Wu Qi stood up from the sofa again and walked straight into the cleaning room.

The iron-wrapped space, which was barely big enough for one person to stand, was simply furnished. A plastic basin and six rags or towels were all the property.

Wu Qi picked up the plastic basin, filled it with 0.2 points of water, threw in a rag, and carried it out.

The 20-square-meter container house was divided into five areas, and every corner was used to store items. The living room was already cramped and small.

Not to mention that there were two living men and a man's corpse squeezed in now. In order to prevent the blood from staining the outer skin of the snakeskin bag, the corpse and the pool of blood each occupied a space.

Wu Qi held the basin and looked for a place to stay in the crowded living room. He squatted down and clumsily picked up the rag to wipe the blood from the edge.

Lin Rong said: "It's useless. Even if you wipe the floor a hundred times, it will develop as long as you drop luminol reagent on it."

Wu Qi, who only tried to throw sodium into the sewer in chemistry class, had no intention of understanding such profound knowledge. He subconsciously nodded in agreement, just like when Lin Rong put forward academic opinions in the past.

Two seconds later, he expressed his opinion: "Leaving blood on the floor will scare Ayuan, and we have nothing else to do now."

Ayuan, Wuyuan, the name of Wu Qi's sister, it must be said that their parents who turned into canned meat early had a good naming level, which was above the passing line of the dungeon.

Lin Rong lowered his head and thought for a moment, and was convinced, so he also went to the cleaning room to get a rag, soaked it in water, and knelt on the ground to wipe it.

Even if it is not for psychological needs, just to prevent neighbors from discovering the murder scene in advance and reporting it, you have to clean up the house.

The bright red blood was diluted into a light pink color by the wet rag, covering the ground with a thin layer, and was absorbed by the wet rag inch by inch until there was no trace of it.

Lin Rong panted, put the rag back into the basin, looked at the electronic watch, and said, "Thirty-nine minutes."

"There's still time." Wu Qi threw away the rag, raised his head and looked at the ceiling, "Let's go and hack a car." (End of this chapter)

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