Infinite weird games

Chapter 282 April 20

At 2:00 pm on April 20, Qis appeared in Sunset Ruins on time.

The flow of time in the weird game does not occupy real time. Real time corresponds to the concept of space in the weird game.

For example, players who enter Sunset Ruins at 1:59:59 pm in reality will appear in Space A; and those who enter Sunset Ruins between 2:00 pm and 3:59:59 pm will go to Space B.

Players in Space A and Space B cannot see, hear or touch each other even if they are standing in the same position. Only some business stores that spend points to register in the weird game can avoid the isolation between spaces and manage businesses on multiple time tracks at the same time.

In order to avoid things like "predicting the future", there is another implicit timeline in Sunset Ruins that measures time before and after.

No matter at which time point the player enters Sunset Ruins in reality, after entering Sunset Ruins, the time will be calculated from the starting point of the timeline.

Correspondingly, the later the players arrived, the earlier their time point in Sunset Ruins was.

Although he could still see the figures of the players who had entered Sunset Ruins before and interact with them, in theory, those players were not in the same timeline as him.

Just like the light emitted by stars billions of light years away, when people on Earth receive it, the corresponding star may have already turned into dust. What he saw was just a shadow simulated by the weird game.

However, the weird game allows a one-minute error before and after. As long as you get the time right, you can avoid paradoxes to the greatest extent and communicate normally with the target.

Because of the guild exchange conference, at 2 pm on April 20, the world tree in Sunset Ruins was crowded with people.

Qi Si walked away from the crowd, holding the emblem on the way, teleporting back to Frog Hospital, and by the way, through the soul contract, he said: "Lin Chen, come to the guild station first."

In the blink of an eye, the surrounding scene turned into a damp and cramped corridor in the hospital.

Lin Chen stood in the middle of the aisle and asked a little uncomfortably: "Brother Qi, what should I do later?"

"Talk less, listen more. Keep in touch, I will teach you if there is an unexpected situation." Qi Si looked at Lin Chen's face modified with the [Camera Filter] prop, which was four or five points similar to the real face. It was easy to recognize it with suspicion.

He casually peeled off the [Human Skin Mask] from his face and threw it to Lin Chen: "Put it on and change your face."

Lin Chen took the prop and took in the effect at a glance, and was stunned.

In the weird game, props that can change appearance are extremely precious, not to mention props that can change appearance at will according to one's wishes.

This kind of prop that is in short supply, is Qi Si willing to give it to him?

Qi Si said calmly: "I have revealed my true identity to the Weird Investigation Bureau, and I am expected to be entangled by them. I will not be able to use this kind of props for a long time in the future.

"In the future, whenever you appear in the Sunset Ruins as 'Lin Crow', wear this prop and don't take it off. If they recognize you as Lin Chen, I will be in trouble.

"Don't wear a mask when entering the dungeon, use your own face. Since you have broadcast live and set a display nickname, it is difficult not to be known."

Lin Chen: "Oh!"

He stopped hesitating and covered his face with the [Human Skin Mask], controlling the displacement of facial features, skin color and pupil color. In just a few seconds, he pinched out the image of a thin, pale, dark-eyed gloomy young man, which was particularly in line with the name "Lin Crow".

Qi Si nodded with satisfaction and let Lin Chen stand in front of him: "President Lin, it's getting late. Let's go to the venue as soon as possible, don't be late."


The venue of the exchange conference is a large auditorium with a large area. I don't know how many points the leading guilds spent. In just a few seconds, this magnificent building rose from the open ground, as if it had existed since ancient times.

Lin Chen forced a deep face, took the invitation letter to the long table outside the auditorium door to sign in, and took two table cards with identity information written on them and came back.

They were written on them [Unnamed Guild President Lin Wu Ya] and [Unnamed Guild Vice President Si Qi].

Well, they look pretty impressive, but it's a pity that there are only two people in the Unnamed Guild.

Qi Si calmly played the role of a subordinate, took the identity card and went into the venue to take a seat.

Lin Chen followed as leisurely as possible, imitating the image of a big boss commonly seen in film and television dramas.

The two of them were delayed for a while when they returned to the guild headquarters. They arrived a little late and could only sit in the back row.

Qi Si chose a seat near the aisle and put down the nameplate.

Lin Chen sat down with a paralyzed face, looking unfathomable. Only Qi Si could see his nervousness through his trembling soul leaves.

"Brother Qi, Brother Qi, the person sitting next to me seems to be the president of the Fengyu Guild, the one who reached a cooperation with Jiuzhou not long ago..."

"Brother Qi, why are they all looking at me? Did they see that I was wearing a [human skin mask]?"

"Brother Qi, that person seems to want to chat with me, what should I do?"

Countless thoughts bombarded around the scarlet soul leaves, and Qi Si silently set a unilateral mute.

A representative of a little-known small guild sitting in the front row turned around and smiled, "President Lin, I have heard of you for a long time. In less than two months, you have permanently closed two copies, which is simply overwhelming Fu Shen."

Lin Chen had seen the outrageous speculations in the forum, so he naturally knew what this person was testing.

He was sweating in his heart, and read the lines with a smile on his face: "This friend's imagination is a bit too rich. There are so many people with the surname Lin in the world. It's not safe to use unrealistic speculation to make a fuss, right?"

"After the record of "The Ghost" appeared, there happened to be an unnamed member in the guild whose ranking rose. This is too coincidental." The man insisted, "It led to the entire guild rising by 2,000 at once. Fu Jue's hidden score is probably not that high, right?"

"I hope that the famous Lin Chen is ours. I don't know if he is willing to join our guild for the sake of being a family." Lin Chen felt that his lines were much smoother, probably because he was in the state.

He gradually relaxed, and his attitude was more calm: "I have been in the game for many years. Although I have climbed to a high position on the list, I have always admired Fu Jue's ability.

"You started with false news in public saying that I surpassed Fu Jue. I don't know what you think, but it doesn't prevent me from not liking your words.

"My tone was a little stiff at first, please forgive me."

The lines were given by Qi Si, but Lin Chen played well and quickly shifted the focus of the conversation to the attitude towards Fu Jue.

The other party's probing and attacking suddenly seemed to be a suspicion of sowing discord, and his intention was to kill him.

The player noticed something and said in a bad tone: "As far as we know, Jiuzhou does not admit that it has any connection with your unnamed guild."

"Fu Jue was forced to withdraw from Jiuzhou by you not long ago, wasn't it?" Lin Chen smiled and asked back, "Is it not okay for me to unilaterally admire Fu Jue as an individual? Even if there is no connection, isn't someone like Fu Jue worthy of respect?"

"Yes, although I am already the president of a guild, I am also a fan of Fu Jue in private." Meng Wenfei, the president of Fengyu Guild, interrupted the conversation at the right time and smoothed things over.

She was wearing a brown-red long skirt and her long hair was tied into a ponytail behind her head. Although she was in her thirties, she looked as young as in her early twenties.

She sat next to Lin Chen. She had been quietly watching the dispute between the two. Now she smiled and said, "Speaking of the surname Lin, the former president of 'Ark', Lin Jue, also had the surname 'Lin'.

"President Xiao Lin looks very young. Is he still in college? Thirty-six years ago, Lin Jue was also a college student."

Speaking of this, Meng Wenfei pointed to the big screen on the rostrum that was playing clips of past conferences.

Those videos were probably played in sequence starting from the first exchange conference. So far, all the faces that have appeared are strangers who have long disappeared in the long river of time.

Some are passionate and give idealistic speeches; others are down-to-earth and pragmatic, reading out data and making plans for the future.

At this moment, standing in the picture is a young man wearing a white T-shirt and glasses. He has a young and tender face. He looks like he has just graduated from high school and is about to enter college.

He clenched his fists and said clearly. The voice resounded throughout the venue:

[We are all human beings, with a shared destiny, shared emotions, and a common position and pursuit. In the fight against the weird, we can only achieve the final victory by working together and helping each other! ]

[One day, we will be able to pass the final dungeon and close the weird game. The dusty past will see the light of day again, contributions and sacrifices will not be buried, memories are still there, souls are immortal, and we will look forward to a future without weirdness together! ]

A very familiar slogan, after Jiuzhou's propaganda, it almost makes people's ears calloused, but the young man in the picture seems to be the initiator.

Meng Wenfei said: "That's Lin Jue."

The player who was stirring up trouble in the front row had already turned his head back.

He is not a fool, knowing that the topic has been firmly pinned on Fu Jue by Lin Chen, and it will only become more and more unclear if he continues to argue.

It is better to swallow this loss than to openly offend Jiuzhou's people in Jiuzhou's venue.

Lin Chen maintained a standard smile, his face a little stiff: "President Meng put me together with such a person, I really don't deserve it. I just look young, but I have been working for many years. "

"Age doesn't matter." Meng Wenfei said, "I'm 37 years old, and I can still run, jump, fight and kill."

Lin Chen: "You look only in your twenties."

"Hahaha, just think of it as President Xiaolin praising me for my youth."

Qis sat quietly beside Lin Chen from beginning to end, looking like he was concentrating on waiting for instructions.

Meng Wenfei greeted Lin Chen and looked at him: "This guy is Siqi, right? I've heard of you. You are the only player who has escaped the control of the puppeteer. How did you do it?"

Qis smiled: "Thanks to our president for saving me. "

Lin Chen's heart, which had finally been put down, was lifted up again when he heard this.

Big brother, listen to what you are saying? Do you want to put me on such a high pedestal?

Meng Wenfei looked at Lin Chen with an inquiring look.

Lin Chen had no expression on his face, and felt that his already stiff face became even stiffer.

Fortunately, as the image on the big screen was replaced by the "36th Weird Game Guild Joint Exchange Conference" PPT with red background and gold letters, the exchange conference officially began.

The voices of gossip in the venue were silenced again and again, leaving only the whispers between acquaintances.

A young man with half-long hair and a suit and tie walked up to the podium and said to the microphone: "Good afternoon, friends! Let me introduce myself first. I am Yu Jinsheng, the vice president and acting president of the Tingfeng Guild. I am honored to host this exchange conference. "

His appearance lacks characteristics, and his voice is neutral. If you turn around and recall his appearance after a while, you can only remember his clothes and hairstyle at most.

The players' attention is not on his appearance. At this moment, they are whispering to each other:

"Why is it that the person who listened to the wind is the host? Is he reliable? Shouldn't he be the host of the guild ranked first?"

"I heard that something happened inside Jiuzhou. Many people were purged. I guess they are fighting internally and can't find anyone who can host."

"This happened at this critical moment. Fu Jue is gone. Will the guild ranking change again?"

"It's time. The original Ark Guild only existed for fourteen years before it fell apart. Jiuzhou Guild has been around for twenty-two years."

Qis moved his eyes to observe the surroundings. As expected, he didn't see Fu Jue at a glance.

Wow, did he really not come, or is he hiding in a corner?

Yu Jinsheng on the rostrum seemed to have not heard the discussion below, and continued to talk on his own: "Everyone's time is precious, so I won't waste my time here, just make it short.

"First, according to the joint prediction of our guild and Jiuzhou, the final dungeon will definitely be opened this year. The form may not be a specific randomly generated dungeon as you think, and it is very likely to be related to the black tower in the Ruins of Sunset.

"I think everyone has played the game of climbing the tower to pass the level, right? I won't go into details. I will announce the basis for the speculation and related data in the forum later, so I won't take up time here.

"Of course, the above information is not 100% certain, and I will not be responsible if I guess wrong."

There was an uproar below. Whether it was the prediction of the opening time of the final dungeon or the judgment of its form, any one of them was explosive news.

Yu Jinsheng continued: "Second, the identity card mechanism is indeed related to the authority of the gods as you guessed, but it is not a selection, but a self-rescue. I can't say the details.

"People who bind their ID cards are eligible to open the final dungeon, and friends who don't have ID cards don't have to worry. There are several small cards under each main card. Temporary binding of small cards and entering the final dungeon for sightseeing with the main card holder is also allowed by the rules.

"Still add a disclaimer, it's just speculation, not certain. By the way, also help Jiuzhou clarify that they have never forced anyone to give up their ID cards."

Yu Jinsheng paused for a moment and said, "I believe there must be ID card holders among you. It's not realistic to ask you to reveal your identity in public. But I still give you a suggestion here:

"While there is still time, find a few trustworthy people to form a team, go through a few dungeons to get used to each other, just as preparation for the final dungeon. Ask Jiuzhou for team props."

The players looked at each other.

Asking Jiuzhou Guild for team props is equivalent to walking into a trap, isn't it?

It doesn't sound good!

Yu Jinsheng's expression remained unchanged as he turned the page of the manuscript in his hand: "Third, the strange invasion does exist. We have been fighting against the strange pollution in the secret front in reality for many years. In this process, thousands of people have sacrificed silently.

"The reason why we blocked the news before was that we didn't want to cause too much panic. But now we all agree that it is better to die clearly than to live in confusion.

"I might as well tell you that many copies we have experienced were once normal worlds, but they were polluted by strange tentacles and became rampant with evil spirits. If you don't want our world to become like that, try your best to pass the final copy."

He put down the manuscript, turned around and walked down the rostrum. Halfway through, he suddenly turned back: "Oh, I just remembered one more thing.

"Recently, many potential newcomers have emerged. Those who are willing to enter the final copy and contribute but don't have an identity card can go on stage to introduce themselves.

"Those with ID cards should also take a look at those people. You can consider recruiting a few of them to form a team."

After saying the last sentence, Yu Jinsheng did not stop and walked straight into the backstage.

Qi Si watched his hurriedly leaving back and narrowed his eyes. (End of this chapter)

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